The Gift of Prophecy
/Dearest One,
My subject today is the gift of prophecy. There have been many godly people, both men and women, throughout history who have been close enough to me and sensitive to my Spirit to hear my voice when I speak to them through the avenue of the mind. These I have rewarded by drawing them close to my heart and revealing things that could not be known otherwise, and are important for all my followers who desire to know me and obey my will. In revealing the things that are on my heart, I am drawing nigh to enlighten, inspire and give direction, inspiration, and encouragement. Blessed are those who hear my voice and heed my instructions.
Throughout history I have guided my people by the inspiration I send to help them know my requirements for their time in the world's history. But not all who hear my voice and receive messages are prophets. There are various gradations of the prophetic gift. The canon of Scripture contains prophets of the highest degree who were born to receive the prophetic call and chosen and formed in the womb to be my servants. Others were highly gifted with spiritual acuity and ability to hear the inspirations of my Holy Spirit. These I have used to be spiritual leaders of my people. Would that all the spiritual leaders and teachers of my people would fall under that category.
There are also specifically chosen people who are called and gifted to hear my voice and counsel my people in a time of great importance for my church. Ellen White was the greatest of these in modern times. Her life was a life of continual service and self-sacrifice, and she prevailed through seemingly insurmountable odds to provide the light needed to take my people home. Her reward will be great in the kingdom of heaven.
Now, the reason I am writing this message to you is to encourage you to take up the cross where she laid it down and persevere to the end for me and my truth. You are blessed by having messages from me at times when I see that you need encouragement and additional light and understanding about the final cleansing and finishing the perfecting of my people. It is all in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, but there are times when I see that you need specific insights to clarify a point to help you continue to move forward. I am pleased with each of you and your determination to carry the torch of truth to the end regardless of the sacrifices you must make to persevere. You are standing in time where all the prophets and righteous men and women of the past would love to be.
So carry the torch of truth bravely to the end, for I am with you to support and strengthen you until the battle is over and the victory is won. It will not be long, little flock, until you are safe in my kingdom with crowns upon your brow and palm branches in your hands. In the meantime, follow me faithfully every day and listen to my instructions, and you will finish the work of all the prophets and righteous men and women who have gone before you and together you will stand on the sea of glass before my throne. Lovingly, Jesus.