A Pathway Through the Storm
/Dearest Ones,
Fearful things are about to come upon the world and its inhabitants–yea, they have already begun. But I have a plan of escape for each person who loves and serves me to the best of their ability, and that includes you and your family, just as I preserved Noah and his family in the ark.
So I will preserve my beloved ones at the end of time, which is already upon us. But fear not, for I will never leave you nor forsake you until I come in the clouds of heaven to rescue my faithful ones from the madness that Satan has caused by his rebellion. I have not caused this state of things in the earth and society, but I will bring it to a close as you shall soon see. Time will not last much longer, because there is no point to extending the insanity that is going on now. Very few have not already made their decisions for or against me and my truth and my people. Only a comparatively few are in the valley of decision. These I will bring in under the latter rain and the power and light that I will pour out at that time–yea, it has already begun in the preaching of the sanctuary and especially the cleansing of the second apartment work that I am doing now. Some hearts are open to this truth around the world, and I will guide you to them and them to you in due time. Some you will never know until you get to heaven and there you will reap the joy of the redeemed who will inherit my kingdom.
Look up, faithful ones, for your redemption draws nigh! Do not fear what lies ahead, for I have a pathway for you through the storm. You will be hated by the world and derided by former brethren, but you will stand firm, knowing that I have chosen you to carry the last warning message to the world. And you will be successful–not in your own eyes, but in my eyes, and the eyes of my Father who loves you and highly prizes your devotion and labors for our cause in the earth. By the message you carry you will seal the inhabitants of earth, either for salvation and redemption, or to be among the lost who will reject your message and revile you for preaching it. So it has always been with my true followers–my little remnant of every age down through the ages who would rather die than deviate an inch from my truth to please those whose unregenerate heart’s desire smooth things and easy pathways to heaven. So will they lie down in torment when they find out that by fighting your message of truth they were fighting against me and the principles of my kingdom. Prideful hearts always desire messages that agree with them and make them feel that their ways are righteous and holy before God. How disappointed they will be in the day of their judgment when they discover that their ways were the ways of Satan, and their end will be the same as his.
But my beloved ones who were scoffed at and spit upon just as I was will inherit all things and sit with me on my throne forever, and bask in the light and love that emanates from me and my Father for all who have accepted me and lived out my principles in their lives, regardless of the consequences to themselves. I will call them forth from their dusty beds and they will join my living saints who have been faithful to me through the end of time. And so the travail of my soul will be satisfied, and the love I have for each of you will be requited, for I will have you by my side and enjoying my kingdom forever. May that be the hope that sees you through the days ahead!
Lovingly, Jesus.