Do Not Fear the Time of Trouble

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased to tell you that you are chosen to lead the people on earth who understand the judgment of the living and how to go through it and live to see my coming in the clouds of heaven. No one else has received so clear an understanding until now. This has delayed my coming for several generations, for I cannot have a people to be cleansed and alive until I have full cooperation and an intelligent understanding of what it takes to go through the cleansing process. Keep up the good work and keep close to me as we go through the end, because it will only be by my strength and grace that anyone will survive through the time of trouble. But survive you will, for angels that excel in strength will surround you and guide you through every challenge and hardship. You will often be perplexed, but not cast down. You need never fear that I will forsake you or leave you to suffer hunger or distress beyond your ability to endure.

This is not a time for distress upon my people as it was during the Dark Ages, but it will be a time of distress and anguish for the wicked who have spurned my love and grace and will reap what they have sown.

Now go to the rest you deserve, but tell all my people to not be afraid of the troublous times that are ahead, but keep looking to me for guidance, encouragement and love, and I will guide you safely through the storm that is even now rising from the ends of the earth. Hide yourselves under my wings and you will only see what will happen to the wicked. The time of trouble will soon pass away and eternal day will dawn for my chosen and faithful followers. Keep your eyes directed upward from whence comes your help. I have planned for this day from eternity, for it is the time when the battle against Satan will be won, and my people will be safely at home with me. Until then, remember that I have promised that I will never leave you nor forsake you, and my promise is sure.

Lovingly, Jesus.