My Love for you is Constant
/Dearest One,
I do not want you to live in fear of my disapproval of you, for I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I will never withdraw my love from you; for just as the sun sometimes goes behind the clouds and then reappears, so my love for you is constant, even though the trials of life sometimes obscures my face from your view. You do not need to feel my love all the time to believe that I still love you the same. You must learn to have confidence in my love, even when the shadows fall across your pathway. I have already paid the price for every sin, and as long as you are willingly my child, you need never wonder if you have offended me and caused me to distance myself from you. This does not mean that if you deliberately sin and choose to listen to the voice of the enemy that I will continue to give you my approval. But I know that you would never do that. Your love for me is tried-and-true, and I assure you that I will never leave you nor forsake you, just as I have promised.
Now go to the remainder of your day, but please do not fear or become depressed over your little trials and challenges that come your way through the day. I have not promised that I will keep you from the trials that come in your earthly life. I have promised to see you through these trials if you look steadfastly to me and hold my hand, which is always outstretched to you. And hand in hand we will go all the way to my eternal kingdom which is waiting for you to inherit when the work is done and your earthly journey is over. I am coming soon -- always keep that utmost in your heart, and soon my joy will be yours when we are together in my kingdom.
Lovingly, Jesus.