Jesus, the Light of our Lives

Dearest ones, as the light of the sun streams in your window this morning, so I want to be the light of your life today. When you are in connection with me, there is no darkness at all. Do you realize that as I look down upon the earth I see only a few little lights blinking in the darkness of error that is as black as night? My greatest pleasure is my church who has my truth for these last hours of Earth's history, and I will pour out my glory upon them as my coming draws near to give the last warning for the people of Earth, where darkness is upon the people and gross darkness upon the leaders and statesmen of the world. So my church is the center of my attention and through it I will give the last rays of light before probation closes.

But even among my people there is much darkness and error, for many do not sense the reality of the nearness of my coming and the close of probation. "Near" to them means 5, 10, 20, or 50 years or even longer, for they build great edifices as though there are many more years to build and to plant and to use these expensive edifices. But no, they will soon waste in the rubble of the destruction that I will bring upon the Earth even before my coming. And their hopes and dreams of greatness will be dashed to the ground. My people do not ask me what I want them to do, but do what they think I want them to do for my honor. It would honor me more to have hearts and lives that I can use for the proclamation of truth than great luxurious buildings that actually say, "My Lord delays His coming." Then there is the proliferation of activities without the heart knowledge of my present truth for this time. I do appreciate all that is done to help people to get to know me and prepare for my coming. But much of the activity that is done does not uphold or exemplify anything that will help the participants to prepare for my coming. Then I will mention one more thing - the lame sermons that do not alert people of my soon-coming, or help them prepare for it.

And that is how you come into the picture. I have given you a message that stands against the ignorance concerning what must take place in a person's life in order to be ready for my coming, or even what is necessary to be saved. So all my mind is now focused upon helping you to get the light out quickly and efficiently to the world. I will guide you every day about how to use your time and energies and gifts for that day. Make every day count to do something that will help to advance the messages of hope of recovery which prepares people for my coming. I will help you by opening up avenues for you to serve.

Now go to your activities of the day and keep open for my providential leading, and you cannot fail to please me and accomplish all that I am expecting you to do. I do not want you to be burdened by the goals I have for you, because I am taking the full responsibility for leading and guiding you each moment of the day to accomplish what is on the agenda for that day. Just look to me and listen to my Spirit's guidance, and watch for my providential leading, and you will not fail of accomplishing all my will for you. Today and every day is already out lined in your book of life. And I will be with you and help you to accomplish it. Be of good cheer, for I am with you to guide and sustain you, and every new day is another opportunity to see the glory of my purpose for you. Lovingly, Jesus.

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