
Dearest ones, my topic today is light. While I was on Earth, I tried to help people to understand how to be constantly walking in light from Heaven by following me and my teachings. It is not my will that anyone should ever be in darkness, for that means they are listening to the prince of darkness, Satan. There are only two sources of light in this world and these are from me and from the evil one. I am the True Light that lightens everyone who will turn to me and receive me. And then there is the deceiver who purports to have light but has only darkness and lies to offer. Everyone must learn to perceive what is the true light from me, and detect any error and darkness from the evil one and expel it at once. That is why I said, as recorded in the scriptures, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" [John 8:12]. And as the Apostle John wrote, "God is light. In him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin" [1John 1:5-7]. Now these are strong statements but I want you to become very familiar with the truth that is presented here. It is natural for the fallen human nature to go in and out of darkness and light according to the experience of each day. Some days seem smooth and profitable, but other days are perplexing and possibly depressing according to what happens that day. But when depression or discouragement sets in, I want you to realize that I am never in those feelings. In other words, I am never depressed or discouraged, so if you are experiencing these feelings, it means that you are not connected with me at that moment, and are walking in the darkness brought on by the evil one. Now, I do not mean to be hard on you, because I completely understand the human condition, and the experiences that come as a result of being in the flesh and not in the Spirit. But I think you can see that my Spirit never brings feelings of depression, hopelessness, despair, or any negative emotion. Now let me say right here that I do not leave people when they experience these emotions, because they need me even more to give them hope and bring them out into the light through communion with me. But I am simply pointing out that you can and should educate your mind to be on the alert for dark thoughts and feelings that come not from me but from the enemy, and connect quickly with me so that I can help you to stay positive and full of faith.

Now I want to address the part of the text that says, "The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." This indicates that the final generation will understand and experience this more fully than any other generation, for it is the final remnant that will experience the cleansing of the amygdala memories and the blotting out of all the sins of the past. Feelings of depression and darkness often come from unresolved issues from the past, and bring darkness of spirit and mind. Therefore when these have been fully cleansed, the light of my love, mercy, and forgiveness can shine brightly in the heart and mind and reproduce my righteous character in your mind and soul, for the things of the past are cleansed away, making way for my holy thoughts and feelings to be implanted in the soul. So when you read about my people in the past who became discouraged or experienced times of depression, do not think that is an acceptable template for my final cleansed remnant, for they will be fully filled by the latter rain power of the Holy Spirit and connected with my mind in all areas. They will walk in the light proceeding from the throne of God and will grow up quickly into my image. So take heart! Your light afflictions now are preparing you to receive the latter rain and the full cleansing that precedes it. Journey forward with full faith, and you will receive the crown of life that is given to every overcomer.

Now go to the activities of your day, but remember to look to me for help and strength and counsel and direction in all things. I am right by your side, and if you reach out to me you will find me, for I am, as ever, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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