
Dearest Ones,

The day is hastening on toward the culmination of history. This is the time that was seen afar by the prophets of old when they looked forward to the destruction of the earth and the deliverance of my people. Please read the Scriptures and see how in every description of the chaos that will happen at the end of the age, I always have promised protection and sustenance for my remnant, my people who serve me faithfully. [See Isa. chs. 24-29, for examples.] You should fortify your minds with these promises, for you will need them in the days ahead to keep your faith and courage strong.

Now for the topic of today. It is "superficial." There are deep wells of truth that need to be mined from the Word of God by my people who will go through the rigors of the end of time. No one will be able to stand during that time whose experience in the Scriptures has been sporadic and superficial. As my servant, Ellen White, has penned, the whole Bible is written specifically for the last generation. [GC 11; TM 116; 3 SM 338, 339.] This necessitates spending time alone with me so that I can guide you and open up new facets of truth to you, and fortify your minds for what is yet ahead. Do not assume that all the understanding for the last days has already been revealed, for truth is progressive as the days unfold, and I will shine new insights from the Scriptures to lighten your pathway and delight your heart as you search for the hidden gems of truth that lie just beneath the surface for you to discover. [Prov.4:18.]

Nevertheless, beware of false teachers who are proliferating as the end draws near, teaching false doctrines that lead the unwary and gullible astray, such as "no Holy Spirit," or the necessity of keeping the feast days, or other such things to draw away disciples to themselves. There is a sense of uniqueness and camaraderie in sharing such things, but instead, they are drawing people away from the truth that I have already revealed and established. Real truth should be built upon the foundation already laid down, and bring to light things that are now applicable to this time in history. And since new light is built upon the bedrock of existing truth, fortify your minds with what has already been established, and seek me for enlightenment about how these things are especially applicable for today. I will certainly answer you and reward your study as you search the Scriptures diligently under the guidance of my Spirit.

Do you recall how the prophets of old studied the writings of other prophets who came before them to find additional light? [Dan. 9:2, 3.] Sometimes they even studied their own writings to discover new understandings of developing prophecy. The remnant church today is a movement born of prophecy, and it will be so to the end of the world's history. You are the generation who will see the combination of all the prophetic writings of the Bible, including my own when I was upon the earth, which is written down in the four Gospels. Do not permit yourself to get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily living that you neglect the deep Spirit-filled study of the Word and the Testimonies. Compare Scripture with Scripture. Ask me for new flashes of insight, deeper concepts, and new gems of truth. I will be happy to answer your prayers and give you a renewed experience with me and something to share with others that will encourage them along their pathway to eternal life.

Remember that surface readers will fall away in the great shaking that I talked about yesterday. There is nothing that is hidden that will not be revealed. Nothing in the Bible is unimportant. I also want you to know that it is those who are seeking for the hidden gems of truth each day that will receive the showers of the latter rain, for their hearts are open and ready to receive it.

Don't be discouraged by my words of counsel, for I am speaking first to those who are already fulfilling the requirements of this message, and I am blessing you with the showers of the latter rain. But you can take this message to those who are sleeping virgins to arouse them before it is too late. The latter rain is the extra oil that the foolish virgins do not have. So share this message with all who will listen so that they, too, can have the extra oil and become wise virgins who are preparing for my coming. [2 Pet. 3:10-14.]

Go now to the activities of your day, but rejoice and look up, for your redemption draws near, and your place in heaven is secure as long as you keep your eyes fixed upon me and your heart open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The time on earth is short! Let it be filled with praise and thanksgiving and gratefulness for the bountiful blessings that are yours through this preparation time before my coming. I will see you soon! But in the meantime, keep remembering that you are never alone, for I am always just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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