“Gold Tried in the Fire”

Dearest Ones,

I am happy today to visit with you in your worship this morning on the Sabbath day. I will send my angels to help you to hear my voice and receive the message that I have for you today. Make every moment count, for the Sabbaths of freedom will become a point of controversy in the near future.

This morning I want to talk to you about "gold tried in the fire." I am sure you know that when gold is first discovered in the earth it is mixed with other elements which must be refined away to produce the pure substance of value. So it is with mankind. In his fallen condition, man is mixed with the various influences of his life experiences since childhood, and some are so destroyed that the gold is hardly recognizable to the naked eye. But I am their Creator, and I can see past their present condition and I know the original blueprint plans that I have for each person. If they will permit me to work with them, I will recreate them back to the glory and perfection with which I created Adam in the beginning.

However, this takes the entire cooperation of the person. I do nothing without this one-on-one relationship with each individual who comes to me for cleansing of body, soul, and spirit. This is because triumph through trial is necessary, and I do nothing without the full cooperation of each of my children. It must be voluntary, for I have given freedom of choice to all created beings. That is why I say to the Laodicean church: "Buy from me gold tried in the fire so you can become rich, and white clothes to wear so you can cover your shameful nakedness." [Rev. 3:18.] As you can see, my invitation is not for you to just to submit passively to my work in your heart and life. It requires purposeful, intelligent action on your part to come to me and purchase what I have worked out for you while I was upon earth, which is a perfect character tried in the fire of temptation and trial, and the white robe of my righteousness.

Come, my beloved children, and receive the gift of a perfect life which you do not have, in exchange for your willingness to follow me in the pathway of trials which will burn away your earthliness and leave you with the perfect gold of my character, which is my gift to all who follow me all the way to the kingdom. Some who come to me desire the prize, but are not willing to submit to the necessary process in order to obtain it. You have nothing to give except yourself - nothing of such value that it can buy salvation. But I can see what no one else can see, and that is the beauty of character that is hidden beneath the rubbish of earth and intertwined with the gold of my original plan for your life.

I have loved you with an everlasting love, and I have a perfect plan for your life. Will you come and receive this priceless gift from me of cleansing you of all the dross that sin has caused, and restoration to my original plan for your life? We can begin even now! Do not be afraid of trials and temptations, for these are the ways by which you are refined. But I will be with you every moment, just as I was with the three Hebrew men in Daniel's day. You will not be burned in the fire - only the ropes that have held you captive to sin will be burned away. Never forget that I have passed this way before you, and you cannot suffer anything for which I do not have the strength and victory to give you to go through successfully.

So this is my invitation to you today: Walk with me through every day of your life on earth, and I will give you a crown of gold, representing your perfected character, and the white robe of my righteousness which symbolizes the perfection which you have received from me by walking hand-in-hand with me until I come and receive you to myself that where I am, there you may be also. [John 14:1-3.]

Now go to the activities of the Sabbath day, but do not forget that I have special blessings in store for you today, for you are the apple of my eye [Deut. 32:10], and a member of my eternal kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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