
Dearest Ones,

I know the trials that you are going through right now; these are coming to you because I am separating the sheep from the goats, and the 144,000 from those who will become a part of the saved of all ages. Please do not falter because of opposition, for it will surely come. You are not responsible for the outcome of your message, but for the faithfulness and earnestness in which you give it. The last warning message must go to the world in a very short period of time, and the impetus will be the message of the seven trumpets and the loud cry of the fourth angel, which is soon to begin. I am cleansing my people so that they will have no hindrances in their lives that will keep them from giving the message the authority and power that it needs to have it in order to reach the world in a short period of time. There must be no fear or doubt, or the power of the message will be so compromised that it will arouse no one out of their lethargy, and they will sleep on until their doom is set. Now perhaps you can see why I have been sending you these daily messages, because without my direct intervention, you would not have the courage and assurance that you need, and the messages that you are to preach and teach and share would lose their power and effectiveness. So take courage, my beloved ones, and let nothing discourage or dishearten you, for you must keep your eyes single to the goal.

Now go to the activities of your day, but just remember that I am with you and will answer any question that may come to your mind, for it is my will that where I am, there you may be also. I want you to know what I am doing, what I am thinking and feeling, and what I am asking of you day by day. Otherwise, you would walk in darkness and stumble on the verge of the kingdom, as so many will do. You are not chosen because you are more wise or learned than others, but because you listen to my slightest whisper, and your highest goal is to serve me with all your heart until I come. Your reward will be great in the kingdom of heaven, for you will be with me wherever I go throughout the universe to testify of what the efficacy of my sacrifice and my blood can do to fully restore fallen humanity from the degradation that sin his caused. So look up and lift up your heads, for you are accepted in the beloved of all ages, and you will forever represent them in the kingdom of my Father. Lovingly, Jesus.

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