I am with You

Dearest Ones,

I want you to know that in all your tribulations and trials, I am with you, walking beside you, though unseen. Because of this, I do not want you to be afraid or dismayed, for trials have always been the lot of humanity since the fall of Adam and Eve. [1Pet. 4:12-17.] But I have walked this way before you and have marked out a pathway for you to follow when troubles come and fears assail you. If you bear these trials patiently and well and with constant faith and trust in my love and care for you, you will come off more than conquerors [Rom. 8:37] because of the building up of your faith [Jude 20], which is of inestimable value. [Heb. 11:24-26.] Without faith it is impossible to connect with me and hear my voice in your heart. Therefore Satan is always trying to get you to look down at the trials rather than to look up to me. He wants to frighten you, discourage you, bring darkness and fear and foreboding for the future, and lose your hold upon me. But do not listen to him. Do not respond to him in any way, for he is a liar and a thief and he is determined to rob you of your soul. 

Be often in the Word and meet his temptations immediately with the sword of the Spirit, for the words of Scripture are the thoughts and power of God written down by the prophets and made available to all who read it and believe in what is written. If you do this you will not come under the power of the temptations of the evil one. Only those who are proficient in the use of the Word of God will be able to go through the perils of the last days, for Satan's power to tempt has grown stronger as he has become more evil and wily over the thousands of years of practice of bringing the human race under his power. Now we are nearing the final battle, and anyone who goes through the end must be victorious over the powers of evil. But fear not, for I have already won the battle for you! You have only to stay connected with me and look to me for help and wisdom and guidance, and you will be safe from any and all onslaughts from the evil one. You must learn to trust me, and when you do, all heaven is available at your slightest whisper of a prayer for help.

Now go to the activities of your day, but be determined to rest in my love and care for you, and my power to save and protect and provide for your every need. There will never be a time when I will forsake you, or when my love for you will be removed from you. Be strong in the strength that I provide for you, and go your way rejoicing that you are counted worthy to be among the beloved in my kingdom and the kingdom of my Father. [Rev. 3:4, 5.] Lovingly Jesus.

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