
Dearest Ones,

I am thinking today of each one of you in the various activities that comprise your day. I will give you strength and wisdom for each challenge, and guide you each moment if you will look to me and trust in me and listen to my voice. Therefore the topic for today is "listening."

How to hear my voice amid the clamor and raucous noises of daily life is one of the most difficult things for mankind to learn. There are always activities and duties that tug at your thoughts because of all the accomplishments that must be done. But in all of this, I am present. If you can only keep your mind open to my guidance and directions, you will find that I can unsnarl the tangled web and smooth out your day and bring you through with an unruffled spirit and a song of peace and joy in your heart.

But there are many reasons why I need to have constant access to your mind. First of all, I created you with the need for divine guidance at all times, just as I depended constantly upon my Father when I was upon earth. Never forget that you have a foe who is diligently and constantly watching for an unguarded moment to harass you and get you under his influence, even for just a few moments if he can, and those are the times when you fall into anger, depression, fear, or the lust of the flesh. If you allow me to have full control of your life moment by moment, you may be tempted, but you will not fall into sin under the temptation. That is the secret of a life of freedom from the sins of the flesh. Victory never comes from yourself, it always comes from listening to my voice and obeying the guidance of my Spirit.

Adam in his innocence obeyed instinctively, for his mind was created to constantly hear my voice and be in complete agreement with me. But after his fall, he and all his progeny, including each of you, have an inherent bias toward sin, and now consistent victory is only possible if you willingly open your heart to receive my Spirit moment by moment. Then when your heart is open and obedient, you will also receive all the fruits of the Spirit as a gift, so that you can ask for anything you need - wisdom, love, joy, peace, patience, humility, and all the blessings that come from a loving connection with me. Then the devil cannot have power over you, and hold you captive to his evil thoughts and the power of his temptations.

So listening to my voice in your heart and mind is essential for your happiness, safety, and productivity. Please share this with others as well, for there are so few who really understand how to communicate with me and be able to hear my voice. Please remember that being daily in the Word is certainly a necessity, for the Spirit speaks to you through the Word and connects with your mind so that you become accustomed to sensing the voice of God speaking to you.

Go now to your activities with a joyful heart, and listen to my guidance throughout your day. I will surely be speaking to you, and if you listen carefully, you will hear me! And when you hear me, respond quickly and trust me as a little child responds to a loving parent, and they bond together through that experience. Then you will be like Abraham, my friend, and you, too, will be beloved of my Father and walk with me in loving fellowship every day until I come! Lovingly, Jesus.

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