
Dearest Ones,

I am very pleased with the presentation today, for it was a message from the throne of my Father to combat this heresy which is spreading across Christianity, even among my people, that you will sin until I come. Why would I cast the devil from heaven if sin could be tolerated? I am pleased with your ardor and determination to present this subject which is so important to stemming the tide of evil that will deceive so many before I come. But I will not allow one honest soul to be lost because of this teaching, for I will send my light through instruments like you who will combat this teaching that is spreading like lightning around the world, backed by the devil and the hosts of darkness. Thus my truth will prevail, and righteousness will be established.

Now my topic for today is "purity." No one would want to drink impure water, for you would know that you were in danger of ingesting something that would make you sick, and perhaps even cause your death. The same is true of error. When it is spiritually ingested, it will cause your death. The whole great controversy is about the stark difference between truth and error. Error defiles; truth is clean and pure and life-giving. I know that you have been faithful in presenting the truth that I have given to you. Now I want you to be more clear in presenting the trumpets. [Rev. 8-11.] You do not have to predict time. But there is much truth in the trumpets themselves, that you can glean and present to the world. I will send my Spirit to help you choose and preach and teach the doctrines that will go right to the heart of people and arouse them from their slumbers.

Therefore, the subject of purity is applicable to preaching the pure truth for this time in history. People are searching for answers, for truth that will guide them in the darkness of this solemn hour, and I have given you these truths to be presented to the world. Go forward and be unafraid to share the things that I have given you. My angels will help you do this effectively, and my Spirit will speak through you. Be not afraid to walk through the doors that I will open for you, and teach the things that I have given you. If your doctrine of present truth is always indicted by the Holy Spirit, it will be sent home to the hearts of people so they can study it out for themselves and share it with others, for it is manna for all to partake of, ingest, and give out to other hungry souls.

So enjoy your study and fellowship with each other today, and open up your hearts to the continual outpouring of the latter rain for your joy and enlightenment. Lovingly, Jesus.

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