The Spiritual Difference Between The Sheep and the Goats

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with the eagerness of all of you to serve me faithfully in the calling that I have given you. The work of shining the light of my soon coming and how to prepare for it, is beginning to move forward, and will continue to escalate as time progresses toward the end.

Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you today about the spiritual difference between sheep and goats. I have given the animals various aspects of the characteristics of humanity. As you know, I often use them as examples of human behavior. I am the good Shepherd, and my flock is of upmost importance to me, especially at this time, for we are nearing the time of trouble when everyone must be able to hear my voice in order to make it safely through. That is why I said in John 10: "My sheep hear my voice; they will never follow a stranger." Goats are independent, and basically do as they please. They band together and follow the most aggressive leaders in the group.

Sheep, on the other hand, need a shepherd and caretaker to survive. They learn to trust the shepherd because he leads them to the water and pasture that is best. He cares for them when they need guidance, help, and protection, seeks them when they are lost and stray away, and basically becomes their savior. Because of the strong attachment they have for the shepherd, they know and will follow only the voice of the shepherd. This is vital if they are to survive.

So it is with you and me. Without a close and constant relationship with me, you will not survive through the days ahead that are coming upon the earth. Now is the time to learn to know my voice and trust me. Those whose relationship with me consists of a short worship once or twice a day, if at all, attending church services when it is convenient, listening to the popular contemporary Christian music, and reading religious books from contemporary Christian authors, are not sheep at all, but goats. They do what they want to do when they want to do it, while at the same time, satisfying their desire to be thought of as religious people, by living a Christian lifestyle, so they can consider themselves to be saved.

But they are goats and not sheep. They do what they want to do when they want to do it, but they do not know my voice. These are the ones who believe that the finishing of their character development will take place at my coming. But one day they will parade there good deeds before me, and I will have to tell them, I never knew you. Actually, I did know them, for I know everyone, but they did not know me. I loved them, but they did not love me. I spoke to them, but they did not hear me or listen to my voice. I reached out to them, but they passed by and went their way.

But my sheep hear me and respond to me eagerly and come to me when I call. My sheep know me and love me, for they have a relationship and experience with me. They obey and follow me because they have learned to trust me. So the moral of my message is, make sure you are in the

camp of the sheep and not the goats if you want to be sure of your salvation. Make every effort to get to know my voice, for it is still and small, and you must train your mind to hear and respond to it. Do you realize how difficult it is to hear my voice when your ears are tuned to the things of the world? In the raucous noise of daily life, you must reserve a quiet place in your mind which is just for me, where I can always speak to you and comfort and guide you and protect you from hearing the voice of the evil one and following him to your detriment. When you hear my voice and obey me, you become my chosen ones - not because I wish to be exclusive, but because you have chosen me.

Now go to the activities of your day, but rejoice, because when you do, you will open your heart to receive the light streaming through the gates of heaven down to you. And when you hear my voice, share with others what you have learned. I will help you magnify my name and bring other sheep into my fold. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Make haste! For the door of probation is closing

Dearest Ones,

Today is the blessed Sabbath day, and my people around the world are astir, getting ready to meet with me. I will be present with each congregation, no matter how small, through my Spirit and my angels, and sometimes by my personal presence. But what will I find when I come to meet with you? Will I find you aware and welcoming me, or will you be so caught up with the activities of the day and associating with friends, that I am unnoticed? When I was on earth, I walked the dusty trails of Galilee, or attended the gatherings of the people and their feasts and convocations, and most did not recognize that the God of heaven was among them. But I loved them still, just as I love each of you. But if I were allowed to speak in your pulpits today, I would say, "Make haste! For the door of probation is closing, and you know it not. You are going forward with your common lives as though I would never come, though you preach about me and look forward to the day when I will come in all my glory and take you to heaven. When I see you going on with your lives as usual without a thought that everything you consider as normal will soon be swept away, I long to help you to see that only those who are under the shadow of my wings will be safe from the increasing disasters that are about to fall upon this world.

Build no more splendid buildings in honor of me, for they will soon be swept away. Use the facilities that you already have, and the media capabilities that I have provided and preach the good news of my soon coming around the world. Go out into the highways and byways of earth and find the people who are hungry for truth. I will guide them to you and you to them if you are willing. Use every opportunity to gather the honest in heart into my barn, and tell them that the time is at hand. Use my methods of mingling with the people wherever you find them, and you will have a rich harvest of souls, and I will bless your efforts abundantly. Do not dare to hide your talent in the ground as if you have many more years to live in this world, for the time is shorter than you think, for the human mind cannot comprehend an end to this world as you know it now.

But take heart! For as long as you are with me in spirit, I will be with you to protect and guard you and guide you into pathways of safety and peace, for if you have dedicated your life to me, I will guide you safely through the days ahead.

Now go to the activities of the day. But don't forget to keep your minds and hearts open to my Spirit, and be joyful that my angels are worshipping with you, and you cannot fail to receive a large blessing today and every day as we fellowship and walk together to my soon coming kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Sharing the Light

Dearest Ones,
I'm enjoying your daily fellowship with me in your worships, your service, and through sharing the messages and knowing my heart. The cleansing is going forward in righteousness and truth, and as your sins and errors are being cleansed away and blotted out, you are receiving more light and responding much more quickly to the guiding voice of the Holy Spirit. This is why the work can be finished in such a short time, because of the added light I am able to share with you, and the total response of your hearts to follow my leading. This is also why I am rejoicing every day that the work of salvation can be speedily finished in and through my people.

Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you about sharing with others the light that you have been given. Light always dispels darkness. Darkness cannot exist where light is present. The latter rain is the fullness of light that finishes the work of the three angels of Revelation 14, and sweeps aside the darkness of error that keeps people in communion with the lies of the enemy. The first angel's message, as preached by those who received the light from the Sanctuary in 1844, restored the light of the gospel about the good news of my everlasting love for mankind. The Protestant churches had fallen into formalism and a doctrine of works much like the Jewish nation when I came to earth the first time. With many preachers, the fear of hell was used to induce the feeling that in order to escape my so-called wrath and condemnation, they must become Christians, attend church, and observe the teachings and rituals that were taught to them. But the good news of the gospel is that I love people and have given my all to save mankind and reestablish a saving relationship with each person who will accept me into their hearts and forsake the love of the world and the doctrines of demons.

The next truth in the first angel's message was that I had passed into my ministry in the second apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary, and that the final judgment of the world and its peoples had begun, first with the dead and then with the living. Contained in that message is a timeline for my coming. Not a timeline in years and dates, but a timeline of the progressive work that I am doing for my people in the second apartment. The timeline is not measured by absolutes, but by the progress of the work that is going forward with my people. But one thing is certain: when I come to the judgment of the living, you can know that this is the generation that will be alive when I return. And now I want to assure you that the judgment of the living is now in progress, and you can preach this without fear of another disappointment. In fact, if you want to be my disciples, you must preach it, because it is present truth.

Now notice what the third part of the first angel's message is. It is the Sabbath. For the believers in 1844, the reestablishment of the Sabbath truth was their message. But for you who are on the borders of the kingdom, the specific emphasis is upon the sealing, for the Sabbath will be the sign of the difference between those who are following me and those who have rejected me and clung to their traditions. But even further than that, the Sabbath will be the outward sign of the inner work of cleansing through the acceptance of my character of love, and the cleansing of heart and mind that my true followers have experienced in walking with me in the judgment, and the blotting out of every sin. Thus they can be sealed, and keeping the Sabbath will be the outward sign of the inner healing of the soul, and coming into perfect harmony with me in every aspect of their minds.

What rejoicing there is in heaven as this work is continuing toward its close! Then will be the time of the greatest display of the 2nd and 3rd angel's messages which will swell into the loud cry of Revelation 18:4:

"Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues."

Can you see now how only a fully cleansed and sealed people, filled with the latter rain, can preach this message? How can anyone preach the message of coming out of sin if they have not fully experienced it themselves? All of those who have known the truth but have put off being sanctified by it will join the ranks of the unbelievers and receive the mark of the beast, because that mark indicates that they have accepted the lies of the evil one in some areas of their lives, which closes the door of their hearts to the Holy Spirit, and opens the door of their minds to the lies and controlling power of the evil one. But I have true believers in the other churches who sincerely love me, and are longing for greater light, for I am bringing them into the judgment process also to prepare them to hear your message and recognize that it is from me, for it is answering questions that they are asking. These will join you and help to swell the ranks of the redeemed who go through to the end.

Soon it will be time for the beginning of the loud cry, for my people are progressing forward in the cleansing toward complete victory in their lives, and the latter rain is being received in direct proportion to the cleansing. When the cleansing is finished, the full measure of the Holy Spirit will be poured out, because there will be no more sin or agreement was Satan's lies in the hearts of my cleansed people to obstruct the full outpouring of my Spirit. Then I will allow the progress of the Sunday law movement to go forward, and the messages of the second and third angels will be preached. When everyone has heard these messages and made their final decisions, probation will close. This will not be a long process, because with the media that is available and the fact that the devil already has taken possession of the majority of people in the world, final decisions will be made quickly.

Now do you see why I revealed to my servant, Ellen White, that the final movements will be rapid ones? I do not need to hold the door of probation open any longer than it takes for everyone to hear the message of the loud cry. People will range quickly under the banner of the leader they have chosen. And all those who love the world and the things of this world will be shaken out, because they have already chosen the leader who promises to give them what they desire.

When I close the door of mercy forever, there will be wailing in the streets and men will throw their money to the owls and bats, for the mask of their deceptions will have been ripped away from them, and they see too late that the master they have chosen has closed upon them forever the door of salvation. But the faces of my chosen ones will shine with the glory from heaven, and the rays of light will stream through the gates of heaven that I have left ajar at my coming. So look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh!

Now go to your day's activities, and remember to keep in constant connection with me, and you will walk securely and safely by my side. Listen to my still small voice, and I will bring you joy and safety, and I will meet all your needs, for you are my Bride whom I love and cherish, and I am bestowing upon you the robe of my righteousness day by day, moment by moment, as you let go of your sins and walk in the light of my revealed will for you. Make haste, for the time of the wedding draws near. And soon you will be with me forever in my kingdom of light, love, peace, joy, and happiness. In the meantime heaven begins here, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Opening Hearts to the Message of the Cleansing of the Subconscious Mind

Dearest Ones,
I am pleased today with your love for me and your devotion to the cause at hand to finish the work of preparing yourself and others for my soon coming. There is nothing more pleasing and rewarding to me than seeing your joy and eagerness to spend and be spent in the cause of the kingdom of heaven and labor with us in sharing the light that is now shining from the Most Holy Place, for the work must go forward until every soul has been warned.

Now for the topic of the day. I am preparing to open hearts to your message of the cleansing of the subconscious mind and healing of the stored memories, for the devil has damaged everyone in one way or another during their lifetimes. He has made a science of this, and has specifically studied how to capture the minds and emotions of people from the moment of conception, or as early as possible, through tragedies, abuse, neglect, and other unfortunate experiences through parents and others; and whenever fear is produced in a child's mind, Satan has access to interpret the situation with his lies.

Of course, the child has no knowledge of me and my plan of salvation and my character of love until it is brought to them at some point - hopefully as early as possible through the training and personal experience of godly parents. So Satan tries to capture the reasoning, thinking, and feeling centers of the brain as early as possible through fear and abuse of one kind or another, and then he inserts his lies and ways of self-protection, and thus many children are born with almost irreversible traits of character that make it difficult for my Spirit to penetrate into the inner recesses of the soul. So the recovery of damaged people must usually come from the outside through the loving ministry of my people who, although they may have also have been damaged by the lies of the devil, they have experienced recovery and healing through the work of my Spirit, transforming their lives and healing the damage that the evil one has caused.

No one is so damaged that my love cannot heal them. But first the person must come to me, and that process is often introduced by the ministry of a loving person who has also been saved and transformed by my love. This work has been going on for centuries, and especially after I finished my work on earth and ascended to the heavenly Sanctuary to begin my work of intercession there.

But now I have accomplished everything that needs to be done for the human race, with the exception of the cleansing of the records of the sins of my people, and blotting them out, nevermore to be brought to mind. In order to do this, I must have the cooperation of my people. Can you just imagine what the onlooking universe would think if I blotted out the sins of people without a thorough investigation and the cooperation of each person who chooses to participate in the cleansing? It would appear unfair, and that I would be using my superior powers and knowledge to save some and allow others to be lost without giving them a chance to speak for themselves before the tribunal of the judgment in heaven.

Therefore my court is open, and when I begin the final judgment of each person, I will bring into their minds the events of their lives in review. They will then have the opportunity to ask for my cleansing grace and forgiveness for every sin which is on their records; or they can steel their hearts against my Spirit and thus choose to be lost. In any case, the final decisions will be in the hands of the person to choose whether they will be saved or lost, for the price of salvation during the judgment of the living is to keep a constant connection with me, and repent and be cleansed of every sin where they have agreed with the lies of the devil and resisted my Spirit. Then I will freely forgive them and blot out completely the record of their sins from the books of heaven, and also the memories of their sins from their own minds. As they come into perfect agreement with me on every issue, I will give them the record of my own perfect life in place of their imperfections and mistakes, and place my Spirit in them fully in the latter rain, and seal them in their foreheads, indicating that their minds now have been cleansed of every record of sin and the lies of the evil one, and henceforth Satan will have no access to them.

Do you see now why this work must be done during the time when I am opening up the books of heaven and revealing to each person what I see in their lives that must be cleansed? When people have no deep relationship with me, they will not even know that I have come to their names in judgment, so no cleansing can take place. But if you are awake and walking with me day by day, seeking me and confessing known sins, your mind will be open to go into the deeper, final cleansing of your lives which must be done if you desire to live through the end when there is no more intercessor in the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary.

Now is the time to search your hearts and cooperate with me in the cleansing and blotting out of every sin. Some are believing and teaching that this cannot be fully accomplished until I come in the clouds of heaven. But I want to assure you that it must be done while I am pleading your case before the Father in the heavenly Sanctuary. Not one stain of sin must be left on your records when my work is finished, for no work will be done for you after probationary time closes. Remember that I said in my last message that no one can stand before my Father with imperfect characters. There must be a total cleansing through my intercessory work for you. When I step out of that position, your character will be fixed forever, and your salvation depends upon your cooperation with me in the cleansing time. Remember - when I come in the clouds of heaven, you will see the Father's face in His full glory, for He will be by my side, just as he was when I gave the law on Mount Sinai. And you must have been perfected before that time, for the brightness of our coming will destroy sin and sinners, for the mediatorial work will be already finished before I come.

So hasten into the Sanctuary, for the door is still open for you, and everyone who will come with a sincere and repentant heart will be covered by my righteousness, and receive my seal of approval. Never doubt my love or the love of my Father for you, for we have paid the price for your redemption. You have only to accept the final cleansing work in your heart to be prepared for our coming. But the time left is short, so let nothing and no one stop you, for if you come, you will receive the reward of eternal salvation.

Go now to the activities of your day but keep me close to your heart every moment throughout the day. And if the tempter assails you, dart a prayer to heaven and cling to me, and I will see you safely through. And never forget that I am always just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Latter Rain

Dearest Ones,
I am happy today to inform you that the latter rain has begun in earnest. So I want to talk to you about what it means to receive the latter rain. First, let's go back to the early rain period. For 3 1/2 years the disciples had walked and talked with me and worked side by side with me, and they were partaking of the Holy Spirit through me. At my baptism, I had received the anointing of the Holy Spirit that prepared me for the work of ministry that I was to do, and as they walked with me through my ministry, they received my Spirit whenever they were in connection with me, and were obeying my counsel and instructions. But they were not receiving the Holy Spirit directly from the Father as I was, because they were not as yet cleansed from their earthliness, and there was no perfect intercessor in the heavenly Sanctuary to connect them directly with the Father, because no one can connect directly with the Father who is not perfect. Therefore, I was both their perfection and their connection with the Father through me.

But you can see what their characters were like when they were not connected directly with me. They were often arguing among themselves about who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and who would sit closest to me on my throne. And Peter, when he was separated from me during my trial, cursed and said he didn't know me, which was, at that moment, the truth. On their own they were jealous, angry, self-protecting, and all the other characteristics of fallen human nature.

However, the difference between them and others is that they recognized and accepted me as the Messiah who was to come, and they followed me and dedicated their lives completely to me, and loved, honored, and served me to the best of their knowledge and ability. And as they walked with me, they grew into the men that I could use to begin my kingdom.

But there was still a very important work to be done for them that had to be done by a direct connection with, and infilling by, the Holy Spirit. That is why I told them that it would be better for them if I left and went back to heaven so that I could pour out the same Holy Spirit upon them which was within me, and connect them with the Father through me. But I could not pour out my Spirit upon them until I had ascended to the Father and received His approval that my sacrifice for the human race was sufficient and that my perfect life would now connect mankind to the Father, and all who accepted my sacrifice and desired to become my friends, could approach the throne of grace freely through me.

When I returned to heaven and my Father welcomed me with open arms and blessed me, I was then anointed by the Holy Spirit amidst rapturous songs of praise and rejoicing from the heavenly host, because a way had been provided for humanity to be reinstated to their first dominion, and restored to the original purpose for their creation. By my perfect life and sacrifice, I could now connect fallen humanity to my Father, and together we sent the power of the Holy Spirit to the waiting disciples on earth, who could then participate with us in the glad celebration.

However, one thing was needed before anyone could receive the Holy Spirit that day. They had to search their hearts and repent of all known sin, make things right with God and each other, and ask for the promised blessing. Then my sacrifice for them was ratified by the Father, and the Holy Spirit descended in mighty power.

So it will be in the time of the latter rain. The same heart searching, the same humility, the same spirit of repentance, must be evidenced. But this time, the outcome will be a result of the further light that I have been sharing ever since I went into the Most Holy Place in 1844. No one, even the disciples, understood the light that I am now shedding upon the whole world about the necessity of the cleansing of the secrets of the stored memories in the subconscious mind and its effect upon the thought life, actions, and behavior. That is because we now have to get to the roots of the sin problem in order to bring a people to an understanding of what must be done to restore the human mind to its original perfection. I have not required this knowledge in the past, because I had not yet come to the place where I was ready to cleanse the Sanctuary and blot out the sins of my people and close my intercessory work of atonement. But now this is present truth. The danger for my people is that they desire to stay in a court, or behavioral relationship with me, or a first apartment relationship where I am still continuing to cover their sins by my intercession before the Father for them. But this will not save anyone when I close the door of the Most Holy Place and step out of my intercessory work before my Father, and put on the robes of vengeance to pour out the seven last plagues. The work in each heart will have already been finished by that time. Therefore, you must know where I am in my work for you, and cooperate fully with me to be safe at that time. My righteousness must become yours. You must allow me to reveal every hidden sin to you, both hereditary and cultivated throughout your whole life, and repent and be cleansed to the uttermost. This prepares the way so that I may fill you with my perfect life, and then you can receive and retain the fullness of the Holy Spirit and be ready to stand before my Father without a mediator, for you will be perfectly restored into our image through my righteousness in you. That is the perfect white robe that permits you to be among the 144,000 and stand with me through the time of trouble. The latter rain is a celebration of this event in heaven - the acceptance of the perfection of my Bride through my intercessory work in the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary.

Don't you want to be a part of that glorious celebration? Listen to the joyous singing of the heavenly host as recorded in Revelation 19! This is ringing throughout heaven now as you cooperate with my final atonement for you. And my Father and I will sing* in our joy and celebration that the work of redemption is finished at last, and we can welcome all of our beloved ones home who have been perfected, filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and sealed for eternity. That is what the latter rain is all about - the celebration in heaven for my finished work in my people. Let your ears catch the glory of the songs of heaven coming down even now, for my Bride has made herself ready, and the wedding of the Lamb has come.

“And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of [the] saints." Rev. 19:6-8, KJV.

Now go to your tasks for the day, but do not forget to listen for my guiding voice in your hearts, for I want you to be aware of my presence with you at all times. I have much yet to say to you, and guide you in the days ahead. Rejoice in me no matter what happens, for if you look steadfastly to me, nothing can take you out of my hands. Lovingly, Jesus.

Text referred to above:
"The remnant of Israel will do no wrong; they will speak no lies, nor will be deceit found in their mouths. They will eat and lie down and no one will make them afraid. Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout aloud, O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord has taken away your punishment, he has turned back your enemy. The Lord, the king of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm. . . . The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing*. . . . At that time I will deal with all who oppressed you; . . . at that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home." Zeph. 3:13-20, NIV.

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Purity of Heart

Dearest Ones,

I want to talk to you today about purity of heart. The human mind is so constructed that anything other than purity of thoughts, feelings, and meditations of the heart keep you from connecting with my thoughts and feelings. The natural human heart is not pure, because of the hereditary, cultivated, and environmental influences that are passed on from one generation to another, plus the experiences that begin even in utero which are passed on from the experiences, thoughts, and feelings of the mother. Because of this, as the Scriptures say:

"Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward and speak lies. Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears, that will not heed the tune of the charmer, however skillful the enchanter may be." Ps. 57:3-5.

I send my Spirit out to every child [Rev. 5:6], for I am no respecter of persons, and I try to counteract the work of the devil, for he too, is exercising his power and evil thoughts and feelings on the child through the parents' experiences and thought processes. According to the response of the child, so will be the tenor of their lives.

You may think that a child has no free will to choose against the enemy because of the inherited fallen condition. If that were the case, then no child would have a chance to choose to listen to my Spirit until the age of accountability. But I send out my Spirit to every child even before they know me or have heard of me, because I have every right to battle for the child's will to counteract the work of the enemy. That is why some very godly people come from ungodly parents. When I see a child responding to me, I throw around him or her godly influences from other people who will help to fan the flame of the child's desire to know me and follow the promptings of my Spirit. But when every inclination of the heart is only evil all the time [Gen. 6:5, 8:21, and Jer. 7:23, 24], there is no way for me to penetrate the darkness of the soul, and my Spirit leaves the person to the control of the enemy whom they have chosen. This is what fills up the cup of iniquity for individuals, nations, and generations. When there are no more hearts who are open to my Spirit, probation closes for that individual, nation, or generation.

That is what happened at the time of the flood, and for Sodom and Gomorrah, for the Canaanites, and for the Jewish nation in 34 A.D. And the cup of iniquity is nearly full for this generation, as well. Light has been shining from the second apartment of the Sanctuary since 1844, and the time has now come for the decision to be made for this generation. My Spirit is continuing to seek for hearts that respond to truth, but the numbers are decreasing as iniquity abounds, and truth has fallen in the streets [Isa. 59:14, KJV] as a thing to be trampled upon and resisted.

But there are others who are seeing the signs of my coming and are seeking for light and guidance from me. These you must reach. I will help you and direct you as you go forth at my bidding, for the light that I have given to you must be given to the world so that I can gather the truth seekers into my place of safety. I will help you to do this, using my methods when I was upon earth. I spoke to the common people wherever they were found, whether in private one-on-one conversations, or preaching to groups of people, large and small. I will guide them to you and you to them by my Spirit. And soon the message will spread to the honest in heart all over the world and the curtain will come down on those who refuse to heed the call of my Spirit. It is a momentous and solemn time, but a joyful one as well as we prepare for the close of history, for soon I will return to take my faithful followers home, and the reign of sin will come to a close forever.

In the meantime, look to me for everything you need, for I have provisions to satisfy you fully. Now go to your rest of your day, but keep your heart tuned to my Spirit, and I will guide you safely through the challenges you will meet, and give you success in everything you do, for you are faithful laborers in my vineyard. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Purpose of the Creation of Mankind

Dearest Ones,
I am with you today in thought and spirit, because there is so much to do and so little time to do it. But I will have my army of faithful followers with me, and together we will accomplish the task.

Now for the topic of today. I want to direct your minds upward toward heavenly things that even the angels desire to look into. The subject for this morning is the purpose of the creation of mankind. It is recorded in Scripture that man was made in the image and likeness of God [Gen. 1:26]. After the fall of Lucifer and the angels who followed him, there was a deficit in the heavenly family. So man was made to take the place of the angels who fell [7 BC 949]. They were to be the display of the reproduction of the gifts and talents of Lucifer and his angels, so that their blueprints were not lost, and the positions they held would once again fill up the family in heaven.

This is one of the reasons that Satan is so angry with the final remnant, because he has been trying for centuries to obstruct my plan to replace him with the faithful of the human race. My Father and I delight in all the beings we have made, and even the lower creatures, for we have given them the ability to love and respond to the love of man, and even each other. But only the mind of man is fully capable of reproducing our character, and understanding the mind, purposes, wisdom and knowledge of the infinite God. This capacity we have bequeathed to the human race so that we can have the pleasure of fellowshipping and communicating together throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity [Isa. 43:7].

Of course, there is an infinity beyond that is only shared between my Father and I, because only He and I share and can comprehend divinity. It is this divine wisdom and unity that Lucifer aspired to penetrate. He felt that he could not be happy unless he could share in all the private councils between my Father and me, and was jealous that only I could share the privilege of oneness of mind and heart with my Father. He could not comprehend the difference between divine beings and created beings. He began to imagine that if he were allowed to join in our councils, that he, too, could have the wisdom, knowledge, and power of divinity to create as we do. This thought began to possess him until he attacked our throne to try to take it by force. And so the great controversy as we have seen it for 6000 years began. Now it is time to end it and restore the peace and happiness and tranquility that existed before Lucifer started this experiment into sin. Now I am ready to move forward with my faithful followers who understand the great controversy and the plan of salvation, and are ready to go forward with me to finish the work.

Now I want to go back to the subject of man's exalted position of being created to comprehend and appreciate the deep things of God. Being in our image and likeness means to have minds that can learn and comprehend all the intricate and deep things that I want to share with you, and continue to grow in that capacity throughout eternity. And secondarily it means that you can understand and appreciate my heart - my love for you and my emotions about everything that I have made and that we do together. That is the fulfillment of the companionship that I have created you for, and this is the joy that we will experience together throughout eternity.

Yes, sin has terribly blighted man's intelligence and reasoning powers, but by interaction with me, this can be fully restored both here and throughout eternity. So walk with me today and every day, and let me teach you things that heretofore you have not even imagined, or have come into your mind. In that way heaven will begin here and continue to expand throughout eternity. Then you will be the fulfillment of my dream and vision of creating man for my glory, and at last my love will be requited, and the purpose for the human race will be fulfilled.

Go now to the responsibilities of your day, but listen for my still small voice teaching and guiding you throughout the day. I will share with you eternal wisdom, and my thoughts about what you are experiencing. Then you can share these with others, and the circle of love will be complete. This is my wish for you each day until I come, for I am with you always, even to the end of the world! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Knowing Jesus as our Personal Friend And Constant Companion

Dearest Ones,
I am so pleased with all of you today because of your spirit of love and devotion to me and our cause together to get the work finished so that my coming may be hastened.

The burden of my heart to share with you today is that you may know me as your personal friend and constant companion. This is just as important now as it was when I walked upon earth with my disciples and followers. Because I was with them in all the activities of daily life, they learned to know me personally. We ate together, rested together, walked and talked together about everything that was upon my heart and theirs, and ministered to the needs of the people together. Because of this intimacy of relationship, our hearts were so bonded that it carried them through the rest of their lives, even unto martyrdom. Because they knew me so well, they could sense my presence with them, either in person, or through the Holy Spirit. In certain ways, our relationship was even closer after I went back to heaven, because the presence of the Holy Spirit could live within them and produce the same works in them that he produced in me, and as my representative, He could be not only with them, but in them.

And so I want to be with each of you. That is why I am sending these personal messages to you each day. I want you to have the same intimacy and connection with me that I had with the disciples, for you are about to go through the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. And you will be going through this experience without my mediatorial work for you in the heavenly Sanctuary. Some people think rather glibly about this, not realizing that it will take more of a personal, intimate relationship with me than they now possess. So I am taking it upon myself to open up communication with me through the messages that I am sending to you and to all who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity to get to know me more intimately. You can ask me anything you wish, and if I deem it appropriate, I will answer you, both in the messages and in your private devotions. Remember my promise: "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." [Matt. 7:7.] Asking is extremely important, because there were many things I would have liked to have revealed to my disciples, but they did not ask me. So it is with you. The more you ask, the more I will reveal to you. That is because asking indicates that your heart is open to receive, and that you are responding to the Holy Spirit's influence to prompt you to ask something that I am waiting and desiring to reveal to you. But if you harden your heart, I will pass by, and you will be left without the light that you could have had to shine upon your pathway and cheer your heart and bring you into a closer relationship with me.

But I have a caution to share with you here. To every truth there is a counterfeit. Satan loves to stir up people's minds to ask questions or seek to know things that it is not meant for them to know. This is where the devil steps in to counterfeit the communication that I alone should have with you. Like Eve at the tree of forbidden fruit, you will be drawn into spurious revelations of so-called truth, if you do not study diligently to know and understand the truth that I have already revealed in my Word and the writings of Ellen White. New light from me is always based upon the bedrock of truth that I have already revealed. Like an anchor and a sure foundation, I have specifically put in Scripture the body of truth that will guide you safely through the dangerous errors that will come into the world and even the church as we come to the close of earth's history. But you need not fear shipwreck, for I am still at the helm, and I will see you safely through the dangerous waters that are still ahead.

But now back to the subject of new light. New light is always based upon the blessed truths that are already a part of the casket of truth. But new light is specifically designed to advance truths that are essential for you to know and understand what you are going through now, and what you will need to know to walk safely in the days ahead. Since this is now the time of the latter rain, the sealing, and the blotting out of the sins of my people from the books of heaven, you must have the light that is necessary to understand how to cooperate with me in preparing for and receiving the blessings and benefits of this experience. But again you must ask in order to receive this light, and therefore be able to cooperate with me at this crucial time, for the light will go out for those who do not recognize that the appointed time has come.

"Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and showers righteousness on you." Hosea 10:12.

"Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to everyone grass in the field." Zechariah 10:1, KJV.

Do not be afraid to ask me for every blessing that you need, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially, etc. If you are asking amiss, I will let you know as I did for Paul when he asked for the healing of his eyesight. But I knew he needed this thorn in the flesh to keep him humble and submissive to me. The better you learn to know me and love and trust me, the more eager you will be to know my will and receive the deep movings of my Spirit. And just remember this: only those who receive the light that I have for you now will be strengthened and prepared to be among my 144,000 who go through the end by my side. You must know me intimately to be able to trust me enough to go through that experience together. And that is why I am spending so much time with you and revealing my thoughts and plans to you. I want you by my side, for you are my Bride, and I want to go through this experience together with you!

Now go to the activities of your day, but just remember that I am with you, even though I am unseen, and I will counsel and guide you through my Spirit if you will allow me that privilege. My love for you is constant and everlasting, and you can never worry me or cause me to be upset or angry with you. That is a lie of the devil. If there is a break in our communion, I will wait longingly for you to restore it by simply turning to me and asking. Do you see now why I am sending you these daily messages? It is to keep you close to me so that you will trust and love and know me, for the time is short until I come. Do you see what I am allowing to happen in the world? These are signs of the imminence of my return. But do not concentrate unnecessarily on these things.

Look to me and let not your heart be troubled for I am by your side. Rejoice today in my presence with you and your burdens will be light, for I will carry them for you. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Atonement Cover

Dearest Ones,

The sun is shining brightly today in your window and in your heart. I am pleased with your devotion to me, and your willingness to go all the way with me in following the advancing light from the courts of glory that I am shining upon you. As you go forward with me, the light that I am giving grows brighter and reaches into your hearts for your cleansing and preparation for the fullness of the latter rain.

Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you about the atonement cover over the Ark of the Covenant. This covering was there before Satan and sin entered the universe. First I want to explain the significance and deeper meaning of the word, atonement. At-one-ment is a simple way of breaking down the meaning for more clarity of comprehension. Under the atonement cover is a transcript of my law of love, which, when obeyed, keeps my created beings in perfect agreement and at-one-ment with me.

The Ark actually represents my heart and mind, and the foundation of my character, and thus the foundation of my government and the principles by which I function in everything I am and everything I do. But in order for it to be a covenant, there has to be a second party who accepts and agrees with the terms of the covenant, and in whose heart are also the same principles of life. The purpose of the law is not to demand or require obedience in order to receive my love, protection, and blessings. The purpose of the law is to reveal my heart to you and who I am and how I feel and function, so that you can see and accept the beauty and perfection and loveliness of my character, and my purposes for you, and come into agreement and oneness with my principles so that my love can flow unobstructed to you, and you can receive the benefits and blessings that our relationship brings to both of us.

I am the source of love, and by being in agreement with my principles of love, you open your heart to be a recipient of my love and also a conduit of my love to others. Sin is the element that obstructs that flow of love, because sin is disagreement with me and my principles. So when people feel that my sacrifice on Calvary provides for their salvation, while at the same time they can retain the privilege of continuing in any known sinful practice, they are really saying that they are not in agreement with my principles, and they love their sin instead of me, and are thus are in agreement with the devil. Agreement is about love. In other words, you love a sinful practice because you are in agreement with it. If you truly hate a particular sinful practice in your life, then you are in agreement with me, because I also hate sin, and if you look to me and connect with me, instead of looking to yourself and trying harder to quit in your own power, I will give you victory. But if you love your sin and keep connecting with it, your love for it and the reward you get when you indulge in it will keep you from gaining the victory over it. Just remember that when you indulge in any sinful thought or behavior, you have the power of the evil one to help you, because you are in agreement with him on some level, conscious or subconscious, and you must ask me to reveal to you the hidden roots of agreement with the devil, and come into agreement with me on that issue so I can free you from the power of the evil one and set you free from the sin that so easily besets you.

You do not have to be a slave to sin, but in order to be free, you must come into at-one-ment with me on the principles of my character, and then you will be victorious, just as I was when I was on earth, where I was always in connection and agreement with my Father on everything. That is why my perfect life is an atonement for you, because when you are coming into agreement with me, you receive my perfect agreement with my Father, and the principles of our character and our law of love. Then our love and power over sin and Satan can flow unobstructed to you and through you to others to help them understand what you understand, and how to have the relationship with me that you have.

Don't you want to enter into this Covenant relationship completely and permanently with me today? My arms are open wide for you to come and be healed. If you do, you will join with those who are under the atonement cover of my eternal Covenant of love to be by my side forever and enjoy the fruits of my sacrifice for you and the reward of the saved of all ages. And that reward begins now, for even now I want to be your best Friend and Companion as we walk together in love and fellowship and unity of heart, thought, and purpose. Your experience with me here is the daily preparation to be with me in heaven, for with me by your side in perfect agreement and unity, Satan will have no more access to you, and for you, heaven will begin here. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

Today is preparation day for you and for all of us in heaven, too, for we are very busy on the Sabbath hours visiting all of our people around the world. It is a joyful day to join in your worship and songs of praise, and to influence your thoughts and inspirations as you study the Sabbath School lesson together, and listen to what is presented during the worship hour.

But it is also a day of sadness sometimes when we observe the laxity of the members in many churches where the Holy Spirit is not recognized or desired, and strange practices have been instituted, such as snacks and food in the foyer, etc. If I were there in person, I would do as I did in the Jewish temple and over turn the tables and cleanse out the money changers and draw the people to me who really want to hear the truth for this time. That is why I am so blessed in my soul by your eagerness to hear the messages and inspiration from heaven that I send to you each day, and especially on Sabbath as you meet together to worship and praise me and hear the words that are spoken in the Spirit and not the flesh.

Now the topic for today. It is freedom. You may think this to be a strange subject, but you will see the importance and relevancy as I share the rest of the message with you. First I want you to consider the deeper meaning of the text, "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32. When I spoke those words to the Jews, they answered, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?" My reply to them is the topic I want to talk to you about today: "Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin." Verse 34.

There is something in the heart of man that needs an identity. I placed that need there at creation, for Satan challenged my identity in heaven, and wanted to take over my throne and replace me beside my Father. He was not satisfied with the exalted blueprint that I had assigned to him. Instead, he became deceived by pride and self-sufficiency, and desired my position beside the Father. And so it is with everyone who sins. To everyone I have bequeathed a specific, special, unique blueprint and identity, and a place to work for me. As we have talked about before, every day ordained for every person was written in my book before one of them came to be. [Psalms139:13 -16.] You are mine by design, and you have a purpose and identity unlike no other person. That is why Satan tries as early as possible in your life to obscure this design and take over your identity and write into your mind and heart his own designs for you.

You see, whoever you are in agreement with, has access to the control centers of your brain. So when you are in agreement with me, I have access to your mind through the influence of the Holy Spirit. I can then guide and direct you even from your earliest moments, and throughout your life. But Satan's plan is to get an entryway into your mind through negative experiences and false theories, and through these he damages the receptors of your mind, and intercepts the communication lines to your brain and warps your concept of life and of yourself and of your original blueprint.

But I have provided a way back for you from the enemy by my perfect life and my sacrifice for you to win back your allegiance and set you free from the false identity Satan has given you, and implant once again the original plan that I gave you in the beginning of your life at conception. Sadly, many people will never know my love for them and my original plan for them because they have accepted the lies of the devil and do not come to me for healing. But I will have a great multitude who have accepted me through the ages, who will greet me with joy at my coming.

Now I want to talk specifically about the 144,000 who will live through the time of trouble and be alive to see me come in the clouds of my glory. This is a special group who have allowed me to restore them completely to the original blueprint plan for their lives. All will have gone through the deep waters of cleansing from every lie of the devil and every damage that he has done to them to destroy their identity and their connection with me. For example, when a child experiences any kind of trauma or perception of rejection or abuse, Satan has an entry way into its mind to plant seeds of doubt about itself, me, others, and the world it lives in. Immediately fear and self-protection takes hold of mind and emotions, and Satan begins to suggest carnal ways of handling these fears and emotions, and the warping of the child's mind begins.

To some extent, this has happened to everyone, and Satan has planted lies in the minds of everyone. Fortunate are the children whose parents have a connection with me to help the children to grow up with love and emotional security and a knowledge of me from infancy. But no one has completely escaped being damaged in some way by the evil one. To the extent that Satan's lies have been accepted, believed, and acted upon, - to that extent the cleansing and healing of the mind and emotions and thinking must take place in the lives of those who live through the end. Every lie of the enemy must be seen and put away forever, and those sins will be put back upon the head of the scapegoat, the devil, who is the father of lies. Not one lie must remain, for the 144,000 will be pure and blameless, and fully restored from the inroads that sin has made in their lives.

So this is how truth will set you free. Every false identity will be swept away in the light of truth which I will reveal to you in the cleansing process. And then you will be completely restored to be the people I originally created you to be. Do you see how this correlates with the sealing process? How can you be sealed if you are still believing and acting upon even one lie of the devil? But when you completely cooperate with me as I reveal to you every false concept and idea that the devil has told you, and reject those lies and come into complete and perfect agreement with me on everything, the Holy Spirit then puts his stamp of approval upon you, and you are then sealed for eternity. Thus, the latter rain can fall upon you, unobstructed, and the devil will have no more access to you, because you are no longer in agreement with him on anything! [Compare with John 12:31: "Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out."]

Isn't that something to cause rejoicing in your heart? So walk with me today, and let the Spirit's cleansing and revealing power go deep into your heart, mind, and emotions until the light of his presence will find a completely clean vessel to use for my glory! Hasten into the Temple, while the door is still open, for in the Sanctuary are the keys to your complete restoration! [See EW 32, 33, and 78, 79.]

Go now to your Sabbath preparations, but keep close to me so that I can guide you and protect you from the enemy who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking to take you off guard and destroy your peace and connection with me. But hasten into my presence, and I will guard you and keep you safe. You are my prized possessions, and I love you more than you can know. Come into my presence this evening and tomorrow, and you will receive a special blessing from me! Lovingly, Jesus.)

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Dearest Ones,
My heart is with you today because of the pressures you are under with each day's activities. Life is a challenge for each of you, but if you remember to focus on me, and let me help you, I will smooth the way for you as you move forward and do the duties that lie before you each day. Remember how I fed the 5000. When you give me your loaves and fishes, I will multiply them to accommodate for all your needs.

Now the topic for today. I want to talk to you about faith. This is such a common subject that most people believe they already know what it means. But in reality, true faith is a rare commodity, and so much the more as the end of time approaches. As you recall, it is recorded in Luke 18:8: "When the son of man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" It would be well to study the subject of faith in the Scriptures, especially the things that I said that are recorded in the four gospels. If you do this, I will give you many new insights that will bless your souls.

I did not ask this question concerning faith in the end times without cause, for as I looked down in history to the end of time, the Holy Spirit revealed to me the very condition that now exists. There are so very few people who really know what true faith is. For example, let's consider the broad topic of righteousness by faith. Generally speaking, this means to most Christians, "I do my best and God does the rest." They do not realize that true faith is the result of a constant, ongoing, moment-by-moment relationship with me. You cannot produce true faith of yourself, because you are carnal, and true faith is a divine attribute that fallen humanity cannot produce. Instead, faith is a result of your positive response to the wooing of my Holy Spirit. I know what I want to do for you, and I send my Spirit to you to awaken hope and love in your heart, and as you go forward in response to my Spirit, faith becomes a living reality and the connection between us allows me to give you the very thing that my Spirit has inspired you to ask of me, and that I am longing to give to you. This is what is meant in Romans 8:26, 27: "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will."

And also 1John 5:14,15: "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him." Ellen White also says: "We must not only pray in Christ name, but by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit....Such prayer God delights to answer." Lift Him Up, p. 190.

So faith actually comes from me, and as you respond to the Spirit's call to you, true faith makes your request a reality. But be very careful to avoid the counterfeit of faith, which is presumption. Not every desire that a person has comes from the workings of the Holy Spirit upon their heart. That's why much prayer is necessary to produce purity of motives, and clarity of mind so that I can reveal my will to you. Sometimes I must say, "no" to your request, or, "wait." The important thing is to bring all your thoughts and feelings and needs and requests to me, and if it is for your best good, I will give you what you desire.

Now I want to talk briefly about the subject of righteousness by faith. To me, righteousness means righteousness, and faith means faith. In other words when I say righteousness I am talking about my righteousness being infused into your life so that my righteousness appears in your life, and I live my life in and through you. Just as faith comes through me, so righteousness comes through me, for you have none of these on your own. So when people see righteousness by faith as meaning, "I do my best, and I believe by faith that God will do the rest," this is not righteousness at all - it is works. So do not be deceived by the common concept that you will sin 'till Jesus comes, because when probation closes, I will pronounce: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and that he that is holy, let him be holy still." Rev. 22:11.

By the time I close my work of intercession in the Most Holy Place, everyone who is pronounced righteous will have surrendered every sin in their lives to me and allowed me to cleanse and blot out their sins from their hearts and lives and from the books of record in heaven. So do not be deceived by false concepts of righteousness by faith, for your eternal salvation depends upon knowing the truth about this subject, and experiencing it in your heart and life. And I am also counting on those who understand these truths to share them with others, for there are many who are deceived by the false teachings of religious leaders who want to please the people with a false security of their eternal salvation.

Now I am sending you forth into my vineyard today, and I want you to be secure in my love for you and my approval of your genuine faith and love for me and your service for me every day. You are the sheep of my pasture that know my voice and who will never follow a stranger [John 10:5], and because of your devotion to me and service for me, I can bring the great controversy to a close at last, for the knowledge that you have will go around the world by the simple means that I have provided for this generation. So rejoice with me today and take heart, because it will not be long until we will be together forever in heaven. In the meantime, have faith in my love and care for you, and share it with everyone you meet so they can have true faith in me also, and join you in your journey to my kingdom. Lovingly Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
Today I want to talk to you about health. In order to go through the rigors and trials of the last days, you must have healthy bodies and minds. I do not mean that you must make your health the center of your focus as some do, and major on health topics as if it were the gospel itself. But I have made your bodies and minds and emotions on laws of health that must be obeyed in order to function as well as possible so that your spiritual life can be supported and augmented by your physical health. So in your daily activities, keep this in mind. That is why I want to influence your minds every day about the things you do, the things you eat, your schedule, your bedtime and rest, and everything in your daily activities because I know best what is happening in your body, and my Holy Spirit is in direct connection with every fiber of your being, and he wants to influence your health habits accordingly.

Do not get into fads and other bizarre, extreme ways of eating or exercising that come from magazines or from worldly sources, such as the all raw diet concept. Anything that is extreme and unbalanced is not from me. It is true that fresh fruits and vegetables should make up a part of your diet, but there are other foods that must be cooked in order for the nutrients to be broken down into a digestible form. Be balanced in all you do, whether it be food, exercise, rest, or work. In this way your body and mind will be in the best condition for physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health and well-being to provide a foundation for communion with me through the higher powers of the mind, and physical and mental labor and service for God and others.

Then I want to talk about mental and emotional health. The biggest detriments to mental and spiritual health is worry, and criticism of others. Both are obviously not from me so these things not only drain your system, but connect you with the mind and emotions of the evil one. Nothing can take you down more quickly than these two emotions. As I spoke through Ellen White, "worry is blind and cannot discern the future." It disconnects your mind for me, and wears out your life forces. Look to me, trust in me, keep connected with me and I will give you encouragement and direction and peace and confidence in my leading in your life.

And just as detrimental is criticism of others. The first thing Adam and Eve did after they sinned was to blame and criticize each other, and of course the serpent. The whole sin problem began in heaven with criticism. It is the root of evil, for it stems from pride and self-sufficiency. It is the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Do not partake of this fruit in your daily relationships with each other, for I assure you that when you do, you are connecting with the devil just as surely as Eve did at the tree. Keep your minds clean and healthy by partaking of the Tree of Life and the water of life which flows to you through the Holy Spirit. Its fruit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. It brings you health and happiness and peace and holy joy every day. It makes you a fruitful vine in my vineyard, for it comes from me. It elicits praise, which is the doorway to the Sanctuary, bringing all other blessings in its train. I did not create you to be unhappy and unhealthy, and when you are fully connected with me in every aspect of your life, you will receive the fruits of righteousness, which includes health of body, mind, and spirit.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep in mind that I have a purpose for you today, and if you follow me and keep connected to me, I will guide and inspire you so that when the day ends, you will have accomplished all of my will for you, and I will give you the joy and peace and fulfillment that continual connection with me brings. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Emotional Stability

Dearest Ones,

How I long to encourage you and help you and fill you with my Spirit each moment of your day, because you are so eager to hear my voice and do my will, and that is a great joy to me, for I have so few that I can talk to and commune with, and there is so much to be accomplished before I come. But generally, things are on schedule, and there is more to come.

Now for the topic of today. It is emotional stability. It is so easy to get caught up in the things of the day that come your way, and lose ground or connection with me because you are wondering how to meet the challenges that are common to everyday life. Then also, all the things that Satan throws into your pathway to disheartened, discourage, or annoy you. So I want to give you the secret of maintaining a constant connection with me and a steadiness of mind and purpose that the waves that come against you cannot dislodge.

First, start your day with me from the moment you are conscious of being awake. Speak to me and connect with me from your heart like the flowers turn to the sun. Even at night if you awaken, commune with me in the night season, for sometimes I awaken you to hear something I have to say. Satan also may awaken you, but again, turned to me and ask me to banish him from your presence, and I will do it.

Next, do not do other things before connecting with me in the morning when you get up. It is so easy to get distracted by people, things to do, plans for the day, and so forth. You do not need to have your full worship before interacting with others in your family, but at least spend a few moments with me to make sure you hear my voice in your heart and are connected in your spirit with my Spirit. Then you can consult me anytime you need to about the activities of your day.

Then, go over with me the itinerary of your day. You may not know all the specifics which the day will reveal as you go along, but at least come into agreement with me on the general direction and plans for your day. Of course, in your worship and meditation time find something special from my Word that feeds your soul and is like meat in due season. Then as you go through the day, keep the connection with me that you started in the morning. It is so easy to get distracted, and the devil is always looking for ways to disturb, annoy, and tempt you to focus on and connect with something other than your connection with me.

One of the biggest temptations is to become focused upon problems that arise, and try to fight the battles by yourself, and get discouraged, frustrated, and disheartened, when you should dart a prayer to me immediately for help, and save yourself from a lot of grief. The more constant your connection with me, the more constant will be your peace and victory, for I will guide and counsel and help you through any trial that comes your way.

Now for some further advanced counsel from me. When the devil comes to you with some dark thoughts or suggestions, you tend to toy with it and think it is your own thoughts, and not recognize that it is coming from your enemy. Just remember what I have said in 1John 1:5-7: "God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."

Therefore, the instant you feel darkness or confusion, sadness, fear, etc., just know it is not from me but from the enemy who is trying to connect with you, because he has all these emotions and wants to connect his emotions with your emotions. Sometimes you struggle for hours with emotions that I could dispel for you in a moment if you would just turn to me and ask me to help you, and rebuke the enemy who is trying to get an avenue into your mind. So the quicker you learn this lesson, the less time you will spend in the darkness, and the more time you will spend in the light with me where I can counsel you and give you answers to your questions and solutions to your problems. I welcome you into my courts today, for a day in my courts is better than a thousand elsewhere, for you will walk in the light as I am in the light and we will have sweet fellowship together.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep my words and my counsel in your heart, and I will guide you and keep you under the shadow of my wings. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I want to talk to you about the importance of fulfillment. As you know, there are absolute prophecies and conditional prophecies. Absolute prophecies are those that I predict through my prophets that have a timeline of my vision of the future that is not dependent upon human behavior, but upon my perfect foreknowledge, combined with my eternal purposes for the salvation of mankind and the finishing of the great controversy. Within these prophecies are my built-in purposes and plans, including the extension of mercy that I provide for the people who are involved, or affected, when their probationary time comes to a close. Even then, I am not arbitrary, as in the case of Rahab and her family who were saved when the time came for the destruction of Jericho. So my mercy is always in effect for even one person who turns to me with their whole heart and desires salvation.

Throughout history there have been timelines that have come to an end, because by the close of the timeline, I had made sure that enough light was given to the people to make a decision for or against me. But the majority of people were so steeped in their own beliefs that there was no advantage to be gained by extending probationary time. In such cases, there would be a remnant who listened to my warning and came out to form a nucleus for a new movement of truth to be revived and carried on for the generations to follow. This was true at the time of the flood, and with the Israelites when they left Egypt, and also when I personally came to earth at the exact time that had been prophesied by Daniel. The remnant then were my disciples and followers who carried the light of truth that survived even through the terrible persecution of the papal era.

And then came the Great Awakening during the 1800s, when I raised up a people who possessed the truth that I had moved from the first apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary into the second apartment, to begin a work of judgment, which will conclude with the cleansing and blotting out of the sins of my people who will stand with me through the time of trouble.
Then the plan of salvation will be finished, and my work will be complete in the final remnant.

But this prophecy comes under the category of a conditional timeline. In other words, the timing of its conclusion and fulfillment is conditional upon the cooperation and readiness of my people. An example of a conditional prophecy is Jonah and Nineveh. Because of the complete, sincere repentance of the people of Nineveh, their probationary time was extended until the conditions for their destruction was repeated at a later time. The same principle is in effect now, only in reverse. I am not looking for things to get worse, for that certainly is happening as I am loosening the winds of strife. What I am looking for now is a remnant of my people who are willing to go all the way with me through the cleansing process which is necessary to be among the 144,000 so that their sins can be blotted out, and the plan of salvation be completed. In other words, I will not close probation arbitrarily and leave some stragglers who really wanted to be saved, but just didn't have the time or information that was needed to be prepared. No, before probation closes I will see to it that every person on earth will have had opportunity to make an enlightened decision.

As you know, I could have come in the time of Ellen White, had the church grasped the message of righteousness by faith which was beginning to be preached by Jones and Wagner. But because of opposition, the message was largely misunderstood and rejected, and went into obscurity, waiting for further light from the Sanctuary, and for a generation that would receive it, understand it, and act upon it. That generation has now come. The last light is now shining upon this generation that they will ever have from my Sanctuary, and soon the door of the Most Holy Place will close forever and the light will go out for those who have refused it. As in the case of others who have closed their probation, so it will be for this generation. Death and destruction will overtake them like a lion coming out of its lair, and only my cleansed remnant will be safe under the shadow of my wings.

But there is yet a work to be accomplished. The world must see the light that is shining through my people. Make haste, for I will not extend the time of my coming. The hour is too late and wickedness and rebellion has reached its zenith. So do your work to make the final call to a world that is perishing and then the end will come.

Now go to the activities of your day, but be careful to keep connected with me at all times, for the more light you have from me and the more you respond to the light and go forward, the more angry the devil becomes and the more he wants to trip you up so he can destroy you. But worry not, for I will not let that happen. I will shelter you and protect you, for you are the apple of my eye, and I will keep you and protect you from the attacks of the enemy. Look to me for guidance and direction as to what I want you to accomplish for this day, and I will give you strength and wisdom for each task. So you see, you have no need to worry and be afraid, for worry is blind and cannot discern the future, but I hold your future, and it holds the glorious promise of my soon return. In the meantime, walk with me and trust in me, and you will be victorious over the enemy. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
Today is the beginning of a new week with me, and there are many things I want you to accomplish for me. Time is of the essence, for there is much to be done. But with me at your side, listening to my voice and obeying my counsel, the work will be accomplished.

Now for the topic of today. I want to talk to you about restfulness. It is so common to have a worried mind about everything that must be accomplished during the day. There is a weight upon the mind that comes from carrying the full responsibility for all the various activities that lie before you. But I would like to invite you to walk with me today and every day, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light [Matt. 11:30]. As you can see in this Scripture, the key is to be yoked up with me. When you are carrying your burdens alone, they are heavy indeed, for you do not have the strength and wisdom of yourself to accomplish this, for your enemy, the devil, is prowling around trying to find a weakness or flaw in you to attack and discourage you. But with me at your side, you can look to me for everything, and I will counsel and protect and guide you every step of the journey, and you will be safe from the temptations and discouragements that the devil wants to put upon you. I do not ask of you more than you can bear. Instead, I take your five loaves and two fishes and multiply them miraculously to feed the hungry multitude. The important thing to remember is that you have to do something to make the miracle happen. In other words, I take what you have and multiply it. But if you give nothing, as in the case of the man who buried his one talent in the ground, you will lose your reward and it will be given to another.

So activity and fruitfulness are essential, but worry is not. For when you give all you have to me, I will multiply it for the multitudes who are waiting to hear the truths that I have given to you to share with others. And I will bless you abundantly as well, not only for what you have done, but also by the pleasure and sweetness of our fellowship as we walk together in the pathway of service.

Now go to the activities and responsibilities of your day, but do not forget that I want to partner with you and bless you, for in my presence you cannot give without receiving even more than you give, for the joy of our fellowship together is an ever-flowing fountain from the river of life which comes from my Throne. Drink freely from it and you will be refreshed and strengthened for the labors and trials of your day. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I am sorry for your distress in the meeting last night. Satan was very angry that I had revealed to you the blueprint of the six thousand years, showing that the complete fulfillment has now come, and that this is the final generation. He wants people to feel that it is business as usual, and that there could be many more years of complacency. So that is why he was especially angry and disruptive last night in the conference call. But the light still shined, and I will continue to shed more light on this subject.

Now for the subject of today. It is complacency. Yes, this seems to be a strange subject to talk about, but I have reasons for bringing it up. The human heart longs for calm and status quo, because any kind of agitation is discomforting and undesirable. The problem is that in this world of sin, there is no place of rest except as you find it in me. For the true Christian, this world is a battle and a march, for Satan never sleeps and never rests, and his major target is my chosen ones. Yes, he certainly spreads his wares across the earth, and does as much damage and evil as he can, or what I will permit him to do, for his only pleasure or satisfaction is in destruction, death, and spreading evil. But his main target is my people who follow me and love me and my principles, for they are ever a reminder to him that his kingdom is doomed, and love and righteousness will win at last.

So do not be surprised or concerned when he does battle with you and tries to discourage you, for you are an enigma to him that he cannot get you down and destroy your love and steadfastness for me. Do not let his attacks threaten or discourage you. Take courage that you are doing something right or he would not bother with you. So do not expect a life of complacency and comfort as the world does, for that would indicate that you are no threat to the evil one. But rather, accept the challenges that he brings as encouragement that you are doing something right, and find your peace and security in a closer relationship with me. I will see you through every onslaught of the enemy, and bring you out to an even greater victory over the enemy, and a broader and more effective work for me.

Now go to your Sabbath activities, and look for evidences of my favor and blessings upon you today, for I will be with you by my Spirit and my angels, to bring you light and peace from heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
Today is a day of rejoicing because we are one more day closer to my coming. At last after thousands of years the reign of sin is ending. So the subject today is, Rejoice! For your redemption draweth nigh! I realize that every day when you experience trials and temptations, and when you are tired and perplexed, and your daily burdens grow heavy upon your shoulders, and you cannot see the future, it may be hard to feel like rejoicing. That's why Satan brings these things upon you, because he knows the tendency of the human heart to be so focused upon what is transpiring at the moment that it takes faith to perceive the glory that is beyond the gloom, or perplexities that daily face you. But that is why I continually counsel you to connect with me and receive my thoughts and my perspective about everything, for I can see the future and I can help you to understand the purpose for what you are now experiencing, and I have the solution to every problem, and the balm for every trial.

Today is a day for rejoicing, for it is preparation day for the Sabbath. Sabbath should be a little foretaste of heaven, for it is a special time with me and heavenly angels who want to make your Sabbath hours more uplifting and holy and bring your hearts into communion with me. I always have special blessings for the Sabbath hours if you are willing to tune in your heart to the wavelength of heaven. Many people see the Sabbath as a duty to perform, and go through it perfunctorily, as if it were just one more duty on the checklist of good behavior, and that Sabbath observance is meritorious in itself. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I say unfortunately, because I always wish that I could break into the thought patterns and conversations of the worshippers to lift them up from their common thoughts while they are talking with each other about their activities and plans and things that have happened during the past week. But I don't intrude into their agenda for the day, for I only come where I am wanted. But you, on the other hand, can be emissaries for my kingdom and bring new thoughts to the people around you and break into the commonality of their thinking, and open new avenues through which I can speak to them and raise their sights to heavenly things and present truth. I will open doors for you to do this if you are willing to be missionaries for me to use so that I can reach hearts that are otherwise not open to my Spirit.

So this week look for opportunities to share your faith with others around you, wherever you go. I will impress you and lead you if you are willing to be ambassadors for me. You will be surprised to see doors and hearts that are open to your testimony of my truth and my love for them and the message of my soon coming!

Now go to the activities of your day of preparation for my Sabbath. Do not fret or be caught up in the hustle and bustle, but go on your way rejoicing that your redemption draws near, and that Sabbath is just a foretaste of the joys to come! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I have a message for you today of encouragement. This is the last year of our thrust forward to warn the world of my coming, and I want you to look steadfastly to me for courage and directions every day for what each day should bring. Not a day should pass that does not make its mark for the accomplishment of my will for you that day. Spend time with me each morning and receive from me the plan that I have for you, and you will be successful and feel rewarded when the day comes to its end.

Now for the topic of today. It is fulfillment. Throughout history, there is always a plan that I have had to accomplish my purposes for that era of time. In the pre-flood era, I allowed the effects of sin to play out to display what rebellion against my laws and my government would produce in the human race. Even though I allowed the Garden of Eden to remain upon earth with visible angels of light preventing entrance, and used men like Adam, Enoch, and Noah to preach my messages of truth and warning, the majority of people heeded it not, and I was compelled to wipe them all away in the flood, with the exception of Noah and his family.

But the seeds of sin were so deeply rooted in the human heart that they continued to bear fruit in the generation that followed, and I looked for someone to stay the tide of evil. This I found in faithful Abraham who became my friend and confidant with whom I could speak openly and reveal my plans to use him as the father of a whole race of people who would know my will and preserve my laws and demonstrate to the world the blessings of following my righteous principles. Through the centuries that followed I always had some people who loved me and honored my law and my truth, but for 400 years after my faithful witness, Malachi, the fires burned low, and I had very few who heard and responded to the still, small voice of my Spirit.

Then, at the appointed time prophesied by Daniel, I came forth as the long-awaited Messiah - the Savior that they had looked forward to for centuries. But they knew me not because of their preconceived ideas that I would deliver them from the bondage and oppression of the Romans, instead of from the bondage of sin. Therefore I was wounded and bruised and rejected and slain because their selfish hearts desired a temporal advantage rather than spiritual enlightenment. So the second era of history proved that even in the highest spiritual advantage that I could provide for them, they clung to their own ways of thinking and believing, and spurned any new light beyond their cherished traditions.

But as always, I had a remnant who were open to me and cherished my principles and my teaching, and although the old regime was destroyed, the new light of the gospel of grace was preached around the world in one generation. But again, the devil waged war upon those who followed me by faith into my intercessory work in the heavenly sanctuary, and a time of deep darkness and oppression spread over the earth as the man of sin prospered. But I always allow the enemy to show what the end result of his lies will produce, so that wise men can compare his principles with mine and thus choose intelligently between truth and error. But I also put a limit on how much I will allow for my righteous purposes. All this is to display to the watching universe exactly what sin causes, so that when all is accomplished sin will not rise up a second time to defile the universe.

So the first era before the flood was allowed to show what sin would do if allowed to go unchecked by any divine intervention. The second era was allowed to show the plans of the enemy to quench and distort the light given to my chosen people through Abraham and Moses. And the third era, which began with my coming to earth the first time, has displayed the attempt of the devil through the papacy to distort my truth and throw the understanding of my intercessory work in the heavenly sanctuary to the ground and usurp the authority over my people that I alone should have. That is why I have brought forth a people from the dark ages of error into the light shining from the second apartment to finish once and for all the true understanding of the great controversy between good and evil, which started in heaven and now is about to be finished on earth. In this generation I will display all the accumulated light of all the ages past, including the understanding of the cleansing and blotting out of the sins of my penitent people. All questions will then have been answered, and the man of sin will be revealed for who he is - the vicegerent of Satan himself arrayed against my truth and my people in the last generation.

But now I will win the victory against the evil one, for I have my faithful people by my side who reveal fully the principles of my kingdom lived out in their lives. Satan's lie that you cannot be restored into my image until I change you at my coming will be refuted and the great controversy will be ended by the display of my righteous character lived out in my people. This is the calling that I have given to you for the fulfillment of the plan of salvation. All I am asking is that you walk with me every day and allow me to cleanse away every sin and wash your robes and make them white in the blood of the Lamb. Allow no evil thought to penetrate into your mind, but resist it through prayer and submission to me moment by moment. I will keep you white and clean and your mind and heart unsoiled by thoughts and feelings from the evil one. Then will be the fulfillment of the prophecy of Revelation 19:7, 8: "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints."

This is the complete fulfillment of the plan of salvation, and I am inviting each of you to be among that number. You can if you have a personal walk with me day by day, and listen to my quiet voice guiding you, correcting you, and cleansing you of every sinful thought, deed and word. The choice is yours, for the time is now. It is not too late to be among the ones who will be in the Ark of safety when the door of mercy closes. My only requirement is to surrender yourself and follow me. And I will see you safely through the days ahead until I come. I am counting on you to be among the saved ones who will greet me with joy when I come to take you home to live with me forever! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest ones,

I am pleased today with the fervor and devotion of each of you who are serving me so faithfully, and looking to me for guidance and direction in every area of your lives. I am not a God who is far off, but a God who is near to you and I want to be involved in everything you go through to be your Helper and Sustainer in all the various activities and challenges that life brings to you. It is thus that we become friends and that you learn to trust my guidance and my love and mercy for you. Even if you fail or stumble, I do not cast you off, but I am there to comfort and console you, and continue to guide you in the right pathway. It is this daily relationship that teaches you to trust me in everything large or small.

Now for the topic of the day. It is relationship. There are many who desire to have a relationship with me, but do not know how to get it. The most common way is to follow a set of rules and regulations, such as regular church attendance, having morning and evening devotions, paying tithes and offerings, doing acts of benevolence, sharing your beliefs with others in various ways, leading moral lives, eating healthfully, and so forth. Of course, all of these things are very important and necessary to produce and sustain a relationship with me, and I am certainly not saying that these things are not vital elements of a relationship with me. But I think you can see that these activities can be done without having a vital connection with me. Many people are avid church-goers and do any number of these things, but they do not hear my still, small voice in their hearts, and they believe that what they are doing pleases me and earns their salvation.

But day after day they go their way without even missing me or perceiving that I am not with them, because I find no entrance into their heart. This is sad to me because I love every person that I have created with equal intensity, and desire that everyone be saved if they will respond to me. But so many do not heed my calls for repentance and submission to have what it takes to live a life of total oneness with me. Sometimes I allow tragedies to come into their lives to cause them to seek and find me. But I allow others to go on their way because their hearts are hardened and I know that not even tragedy would soften their hearts to seek me and know me.

But now I want to turn from this rather depressing picture to one that brings me gladness and joy, and that is all my beloved ones who desire more than anything to follow me and know me and serve me with joyful hearts every day. These are my chosen ones who look to me all through the day and seek the guidance and wisdom of my Spirit, and thus we have sacred fellowship together. This is exactly what I had with my Father when I was upon the earth, and I am offering this to every person who wishes to serve me in the same way that I served my Father. It is a life of restfulness and freedom from fretting and worry, because your trust is not placed in yourself or others but upon my love and guidance.

But in order to live a life like this, you must learn to know my voice. As I have said in John 10, my sheep hear my voice and will never follow a stranger, who of course is the devil. The first requirement of hearing my voice is to be students of the Word and know my voice and my thoughts and requirements in Scripture. As you read the Bible, listen to me, for I am speaking to you through the words that are written there for your learning and admonition and guidance. I also guide through providential leadings in your life that show you the directions that I have for you. And most important of all is to be able hear and distinguish the impressions of my Spirit working through my Word and providences, for Satan also tries to use these two avenues to counterfeit my influence in your life. Remember how he used the Word to tempt me in the wilderness! But I recognized him by his spirit of pride and arrogance and control, and contradiction to other Scriptures that uphold the character of God. So you too, must be very wary of anything coming from questionable sources bringing in what is supposedly new light, but contradicts the precious proven light which has been passed down through the ages by my faithful, tried witnesses of the past.

And to insure that you know and follow truth, I have given you my testimonies through the work of Ellen White, which is light shining through darkness and error to guide my end-time people safely until I come. Avail yourselves of these treasures that I have given you in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, and compare Scripture with Scripture so that you become wise in knowing my truth and my ways. Then look for my providential leadings in your life, and seek to hear and know my still, small voice guiding you and directing you each moment through your day. For in this way you can have the intimate fellowship that I had with my Father while I was upon earth. You will also learn to hear me and know me and trust and love me in response to my love and care for you, and you will walk securely through each day until I come to receive you unto myself, that where I am, there you may be also.

Now go to the activities of the day, but remember that no matter what happens, reach out to me, for I am right there ready to help you. Do not listen to any dark voices in your mind, for I assure you it is not me, but our enemy. Dart a prayer to me and I will dispel him for you. You do not ever need to be in the darkness, when you can walk in the light of my presence and the assurance of my love and care for you. And even in this life you can have a relationship with me that will bring you successfully through every trial and temptation, and prepare you to live and reign with me in heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest ones, on this Sabbath day I am thinking forward to the time when we will be together forever, never more to part, no more sin, no more suffering, no more death. But this morning I want to address the topic of fruitfulness. In my Father's garden are many trees lovely to behold, that beautify are home. The central tree in the garden is the Tree of Life which spans the River of Life on both sides. This Majestic and beautiful tree represents the endless life that comes from the Father and the Son as a free gift to everything that we have made, both animate and inanimate. It is our joy to create and our joy to sustain what we have created. But because, as I have said before, we create all things with a free will, we have planted trees in our garden home from which you may freely choose to pick and eat, or you can choose not to. This is figuratively speaking, because I know that your great delight and pleasure forever will be to avail yourselves of all the bounties that we have provided for you. But the principal is that even with our provisions for you, there is complete freedom of choice. You can partake of our bounties as freely as you wish, and as little or as much as you desire. The purpose of my sharing this with you is to point out that everything that we provide for you is freely given, but you determine by your choices how much you will receive. Some gather much fruit and others comparably little, but in my kingdom, all are satisfied. Even here on earth, some study deeply and reach out for higher goals, and some choose to live quiet lives of productivity within a smaller range or sphere. But all are acceptable to me as long as they are partaking of my bounties and sharing them freely with others.

Be blessed, now, and always remember that the fruit trees in my garden are there for you to partake and eat freely as much as you desire. The more you partake, the more you will know of me, and the more you will have to share with others. The choice is yours both now and throughout eternity! Lovingly, Jesus.

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