
Dearest Ones,

Happy Sabbath from the Father and from me and all the angels in heaven who are singing today around the throne of glory. We are one with you as you join with us in worship today.

My subject today is kindness. In your activities with others, difficulties and differences may arise that can irritate and drive a wedge between you and another person. It is natural to want agreement and oneness of spirit in your associations with other people. This is where the fruits of the Spirit must come into play. Each person has a unique personality and background; therefore each person looks at the same thing through different eyes and from different experiences. One person may have passed through experiences that make him/her timid and fearful and cause them to withdraw from challenges with other people. Another person may have a personality that causes them to attack and overcome every obstacle or challenge. All these characteristics need to be brought under the influence of the Holy Spirit and cleansed of earthliness and replaced with the love, patience, and graces of the Spirit.

In the meantime, while these graces are being cleansed from earthliness, each of you need to seek me for love and mercy for your associates, for in doing this you will be developing the attributes that will make you citizens of the heavenly kingdom. It is my desire that when you are faced with disagreeable characteristics in another person that you connect with me through the Holy Spirit and prayer, and ask me to open your eyes to see how I would treat that person and feel about them if I were in your place.

If a person is rough and irritating, seek me for guidance about how to meet their needs so that I can flow through you to heal them. All negative characteristics come from a lack of proper love and home training in childhood, combined with inherited and cultivated traits of character that come from the fallen nature of man and the influence of the evil one upon them. As you come into contact with these things, just remember that love can hide a multitude of sins and make a pathway in the heart of the person through which I can melt their heart and give them hope and healing.

So in your interactions with people today and every day, dart a prayer to heaven when you feel challenged by the behavior of someone, and ask me to give you my love for them and to see them through my eyes, for I know their whole history and background, and if your heart is open to me, I can give you just the proper thing to say and the loving way to respond to them so that my Spirit can bring healing to both you and them. Then Satan's desire to bring conflict or hard feelings between you will be thwarted, and peace and harmony restored.

Do you realize how much healing this plan could bring about in all your relationships? Healing of lives, hearts, and emotions stunted from childhood could begin to grow and mature and flower out because of the sunshine of my love flowing through you! How I long to have people that I can use to be healing agents for broken, hurting people!

So join me today and every day in being conduits of my love and grace. Your reward for being my undershepherds will far outweigh the effort you put forth to help your brothers and sisters along the way to the heavenly city.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your hearts and minds open to the Holy Spirit to guide you in all your relationships. Thus you will become like unto me, who came to earth to be a servant of servants, and as you bow in service for others you will be elevated in the eyes of your Father in heaven, for He will see my image reflected in you! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

Today I want to talk to you about regeneration. From the time that Adam and Eve sinned, there has been a need for the regeneration of the human family back into the original purpose for its creation. Generative or generate means to produce something that is capable of reproducing after its own kind. If Adam and Eve had been true to me, they would have produced holy children who would grow up knowing and loving me, with the ability to produce children after their own kind as well. The earth would have been filled with godliness, and when, after a period of test and trial, everyone was fully prepared and perfected in wisdom and holiness, they would have taken the place of the angels who fell.

You see, when I created the angels, sin and disagreement with my character and my law did not exist. Such thoughts as Lucifer began to feel and meditate upon had never come into the mind of anyone. So because of his defection, the angels and the whole existing universe were tested. But because I do not create anything randomly, the specific and unique blueprints of the angels who fell must be replaced in order for my kingdom to be complete.* [See Addendum.] Every flower that grows, every blade of grass, every tiny insect that floats in a sunbeam has a specific purpose in my creation. Nothing is random or expendable. All are a part of the wisdom of God. So when Lucifer defected and took a third of the angels with him, there was suffering and sorrow among the remaining angels that you cannot comprehend. Tasks and responsibilities had to be redistributed. There was a time of grieving when tears flowed freely. All of heaven suffered from the gaping wound that was left behind by the defectors.

But after a period of time, the Father and I explained to the loyal angels our plan of redemption. We told them of the beautiful new world that we would create, and the human race which, after a period of test and trial, would replace the angels who fell. Tears turned to joy and anticipation that they would be able to participate in this recovery plan, and that someday the universe would be clean again from the blight of sin.

It has been a long, arduous journey for all of heaven, because in order for perfect agreement and perfect holiness to be restored once more, the plan of salvation had to include my life as a human being on earth, my sacrificial death on Calvary, my resurrection, and then the mediatorial work which I am now doing in the heavenly Sanctuary. Now the long journey is almost over! Can you imagine the excitement and joy of the angels as they see you striving with all your heart to learn and grow in holiness as you respond to their efforts to point your eyes upward to the straight and narrow way that Ellen White saw in vision, high above the earth, and the little band of my chosen ones who are traveling to the holy city? [EW 14.]You have not let the bright light of truth that was given to the pioneers in 1844 go out, but have kept it burning brightly to cheer you on in the rugged pathway upward. You are the reward of my sacrifice and the centuries of service that has been tirelessly given by the loyal angels.

If your eyes could be opened, you would see angels ascending and descending constantly to give encouragement, light, and hope to each of you. They see your tears and your devotion and your determination to succeed in reaching the goal of finishing the work in the last generation, both in your hearts and in the earth. They are your helpers and protectors, and they love you more than you can know. They are looking forward to bearing you upward to meet me at my coming. They are looking forward to the wedding supper of the Lamb where they will serve you and honor you for your participation in the great plan of salvation. And I will also gird myself and serve you [Lu. 12:37], for you are my beloved Bride who has made yourself ready and is clothed with the white robe of my righteousness. [Rev. 19:6-9.]

Now I want to come back to the subject of regeneration. The beautiful scene that I just pictured for you is made possible by the regeneration of my people on earth who have chosen to love and serve me. Sin and sinning is your natural inheritance at conception, and unless you accept me and learn to love me and let me change your heart in the new birth experience, you cannot be a part of my kingdom of love and light; for by nature you belong to the kingdom of darkness, and your inheritance from the fall of Adam makes you a servant of the evil one who won the victory over Adam and Eve in the garden. Therefore all of their progeny has come under the curse of sin and the power of the devil, as has been shown throughout the 6000 years allotted for the display of the results of sin, and heaven's plan for the recovery from sin.

Nevertheless, I have always provided a way out for those who choose to accept me as the Lamb slain in their behalf, and live a life of recovery through the regeneration of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Can you now see where I am going with this topic? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Therefore all have become fatally infected with the roots of sin, both inherited and cultivated. But the moment you accept me as your Savior and the Lord of your life, you have the regenerative power of my life lived out in you, and you are no longer a child of the devil, possessing his characteristics and thought patterns, but you are a child of the King of Kings and the blood flowing from Calvary is flowing in your veins as your inheritance.

Then why does the Christian life sometimes seem so hard? It is because many Christians try to straddle the fence and have some of both the flesh and the Spirit. If you continue to yield to the lusts of the flesh and feed the carnal nature by partaking of the sights and sounds and tastes of the world around you, and tolerating in your daily life the temptations of your original father, the devil and all of the wares he puts before you, your relationship with me will be compromised. But if, when you are under temptation, you turn to me immediately for my help, I will connect you with me and your new life of regeneration in holiness and agreement with me, your new Father.

You see, I will never force you to stop sinning. My kingdom is based solely on love and free choice, for love and obedience cannot be forced, or it ceases to be love. You cannot force yourself to do right, for force is not a part of my kingdom, but is of the kingdom of the devil. If you are a child of mine, you must voluntarily connect with me and my love for you and allow the power of my love and my perfect life to flow from me into your heart, and then my victory becomes your victory. This is the regeneration that I offer you - my genes, my life, my perfect obedience is my continuing gift to you every moment of every day if you will choose to connect with me instead of connecting with the thoughts and feelings of your old life, whatever it may contain.

You can never overcome by focusing upon the thoughts and feelings you inherited and cultivated from your earthly parents. When you are born again, it means that you have accepted me as your heavenly parent, and my perfect life is now your new inheritance. It may take time for you to know how to partake of this new life all the time, but the privilege of doing so is what I constantly hold out to you. Won't you accept being my child now and leave off the lure and appeal and habits of your old life? I can change you in a moment, but you cannot change yourself in a lifetime of effort without a constant relationship with me. This is what regenerative means - it is a restoration back to the original purpose for the creation of this earth before the fall of Adam and Eve. After they sinned they could only produce children after their own kind with the seeds of sin in their natures. But I not only took their place and died for them to restore their salvation, but also to take their responsibility of producing a godly, perfect race through the regenerative power of my perfect life which is free to all who accept salvation through my sacrifice. Then the purpose for the creation of this world will be accomplished through the second Adam [1 Cor. 15:45-49.] - the head of a race of people who will take the place of the angels who fell, and serve around my throne and help me to protect the universe from sin ever rising again, for all the questions about my character and my law of love will have been answered.

Now go to the activities of your day, but let the sunshine of my love for you eclipse anything that the devil might throw in your pathway to dishearten or discourage you. He doesn't want anyone to take his place and prove his accusations against me to be wrong. But look to me and I will sustain and protect you from every dart of the enemy. Just keep remembering that you are a child of the King and a member of the royal family of heaven, and nothing that the devil does can change that as long as you keep your connection with me, for my spiritual inheritance is now yours throughout eternity, for you have been regenerated by the blood of the Lamb! Lovingly, Jesus.


“God created man for his glory. It was his purpose to repopulate heaven with the human race, when after a period of test and trial, they had proved to be loyal to Him. Adam was to be tested to see whether he would be obedient. Had he stood the test, his thoughts would have been as the thoughts of God, his character would have been molded after the similitude of the Divine character." ST 5-29-01.

"The vacancies made in heaven by the fall of Satan and his angels will be filled by the redeemed of the Lord." 7 BC 949.

"Jesus came to our world to dispute the authority of Satan. He came to restore in man the defaced image of God, to raise him, to elevate him, fit him for companionship with the angels of heaven, to take the position in the courts of God which Satan forfeited through rebellion." R&H 5-08-1894.

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Dearest Ones,

You are a joy to me as I see your faithfulness to the tasks that I give you each day, and your love and devotion to me. The work is progressing around the world as both my leaders and my people are coming into line as they see the day of my coming approaching. The sleeping saints who have gone before you would rejoice with exceeding joy to know that their captivity is coming to an end and that soon we will all be in heaven together. Keep up the good work that you have begun, for my angels are beside you to guide and protect you, and the Holy Spirit is with you to be your Comforter and Counselor.

Now for the topic of the day. It is fellowship. When I created mankind, I put in them a desire for fellowshipping with others of like kind. No two people are exactly alike, and no one is an island unto himself. Only my Father and I are equals and can converse with each other on any topic with equal knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. But even in our relationship we have a need for fellowship with each other, because love cannot exist alone, and the interplay of thoughts from one to another sparks other thoughts that flow between the two. All of nature is on this pattern of interaction between two that produces activity and life. So anyone who withdraws within himself breaks down the very essence of life and joy and productivity and robs himself of continual growth and development.

In the human family I have divided the number of temperaments into 12, represented by the 12 tribes of Israel.

"When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel. For the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance." Deut. 32:8, 9.

While these varieties of temperaments come from the mistake of Jacob in having two wives and two concubines, which is not my plan for families, I still overruled for my eternal purposes. In the seed of every man is the potential for producing these 12 temperaments, for this pattern for mankind came from me. In Jacob's family I had control over which child would be born and which temperament would be passed on through the seeds of Jacob, for he would be the progenitor of the nation of Israel, my chosen people from the seed of Abraham.

Therefore, since Abraham was a symbol of all people from all races who would eventually become the Israel of God, his progeny must not only represent all the Israelites through his natural lineage, but also all the saved of all nations until the end of time. That is why I promised him that his seed would be as the sands of the sea, the dust of the earth and the stars in the sky. [Gen. 13:16; 15:5; 22:17.] This is also represented by the great multitude that no man can number [Rev. 7:9-17], because it represents the saved of all ages from all the tribes of Israel, both literal and spiritual. Therefore, the 144,000, who are the representatives of the saved of all ages from the last generation, must represent everyone from every tribe of Israel throughout history who has, like Jacob, struggled with God and overcome. [Genesis 32:28.]

It is a great honor in heaven to be among the 144,000, because each one among that number will have overcome the root of all sin which is self-preservation, just as I struggled to the point of death in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross for you. Those who will not struggle with the sin in their lives to the point of victory will not be among the 144,000. I can have no fellowship with you if you do not follow in my footsteps and struggle to the point of death with me to overcome the sins that so easily beset you from the world, the flesh, and the devil. In all your struggles I will be right there beside you, because I trod the way first, and overcame the desire to escape from death, in order to provide the pathway of victory for you. If you are fellowshipping with me through this experience, I will help you to come to the place where you would rather die than sin. Only those who are willing to die to self and every sin in their lives, will walk with me through the end and be alive through the time of trouble after the close of probation when there will be no intercessor to stand in for you should there be any remnants of sin which you had not overcome.

The saved of all ages are accounted as overcomers also, because they surrendered everything in their lives that they knew would separate them from me - even to the point of martyrdom. But all the light had not been revealed to them that you have now, and they were not held responsible for what they did not know. Nevertheless, my perfect righteousness still covered them and was placed upon their records, for they were accounted as righteous as a result of their complete surrender in every area of their lives that had been revealed to them.

But now there is no more light to shine upon this generation, for their sins of rebellion and blasphemy have come up before me and must be dealt with, for it is Satan himself who is raising himself against me and is planning to obliterate my truth and my people. The earth and its people are now at the same point of rebellion that existed when I cast Satan and his followers out of heaven. When I say there is no more light to be revealed, I mean that all the light that is necessary for every soul on earth to make their final decision is now available for everyone.

But in the camp of my saints who love me and keep my commandments, there will be continuing light shining for them that will rejoice their hearts until the end of time and throughout eternity. [Prov. 4:18.] That is why fellowshipping with the saints who are journeying to the kingdom is so vital. Each person among the 12 tribes of overcomers has a unique testimony to give, and precious light that I have revealed to them that is to be shared with others of like faith. Because of the different temperaments and different gifts of each person from every tribe, I can give insights that can be shared with all believers which will add to their store of knowledge.

So it was with the disciples after Pentecost. No two were alike, and they often gathered to fellowship and share the light that they were receiving from me. And because they were together and sharing the light I had given them, I could send down showers of more light and understanding that would benefit everyone.

So it must be with you in the time of the latter rain. Ask for rain in the time of the latter rain and see if I will not send you bright showers of light to gladden your hearts and bring forth ripened grain in the field of your labors for me every day. [See Zech. 10:1.]

Now go to your duties and activities, but do not forget to fellowship with me as you go through your day, for I have interesting thoughts and insights to give you if you remain open to my Spirit. And remember that I am doing the same thing for all your brothers and sisters, and you will benefit by sharing these insights with each other at appropriate times as I shall guide you. Especially upon the Sabbath hours I will give you a double portion of light as you fellowship and study together. This is the purpose of the Sabbath hours which I have given you each week. They are designed to give you the opportunity to bring new light that you have garnered from me during the week and share it with each other on Sabbath. Sadly, I cannot do the same for those who worship on Sunday, for they have ignored me and worked upon my Sabbath, then come to me for blessings on a day that I have commanded them to work.

Nevertheless, I do have many true sheep that are yet in the other churches, and I will guide you to rescue these and call them out of Babylon, which accurately means confusion. As you fellowship with people of different faiths, let it not be to absorb their spirit, but to bring enlightenment to their minds of my soon coming, and how to prepare to be ready. The harvest of the earth is ripe for reaping, and you, my dearly beloved ones, are the reapers who will participate with the angels who are sent forth to guide and inspire you in your labors for me. Isn’t it a joy to fellowship with these emissaries from heaven every day? Open your heart to hear their words of admonition, counsel, and encouragement, and you will be enriched as you realize that you are not alone, but that you are a part of the fellowship of heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

Today I want to commend you for going beyond the call of duty to excel in character development, and for pushing forward in the judgment and cleansing process in every area that I bring to your attention. At the same time you are keeping up with your daily duties and responsibilities in the strength that I give you each day. You are workers that need not to be ashamed when the Master calls for an accounting of your labors, and you will certainly receive your reward.

Now for the topic of today. I want to discuss the subject of generosity with you. Do you recall the parable of the workers in the vineyard [Matt. 20:1-16]? The master of the vineyard was thought to be unfair because he gave to everyone the same wages at the end of the day. But this is the way I deal with the workers in my vineyard! Those who accept my salvation receive all that I have to give. The fruits of the Spirit are available to anyone who accepts me as their Savior and lets me live in their heart. Each one who does this receives love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, and all the other aspects of character that can satisfy the deepest needs of your soul. I am no respecter of persons, and I do not give less to some and more to others. All are invited to come and partake freely of my bounties.

Then why do some who claim my name seem to have more of these attributes than others? It is simply that some drink more deeply from the fountain of my love for them than do others. As the parable said, I am generous. But the amount you receive will be in direct proportion to the amount of time you spend with me, and the amount of self you lay aside and make room for the working of my Spirit in your life. In the parable, the 11th hour workers received the same pay because they manifested the same ardor, devotion, and self-sacrifice that I expected from the first hour workers. But notice that the first workers were jealous and complaining about my generosity of giving to everyone alike. This act was a test for them, and showed the selfishness of their hearts and their motivation to earn their wages, rather than to please the master. So it will be in the last generation. Many who are lost will come to me and say, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" Matt. 7:22, 23.

The point of this is that it is not works that please me. It is works that are done in love for me and others that please me. Yes, demons can be cast out by the power of my name because demons fear and tremble when my name is used against them. But they will come back with greater force and power when the person is unaware and least expecting it because they have not kept up a relationship with me, and therefore lack the infilling of the Holy Spirit to prevent their reentry. [Matt. 12:43-45.]

Casting out demons is no assurance of salvation or spiritual purity and oneness with me. In the end of time Satan will work with deceptive power to do miracles which are designed to capture the minds of people and confuse them as to who has the truth and the signet of heaven's approval. Do not be tempted or deceived by the manifestation of power to do miracles, even among persons from your own denomination. "To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isa. 8:20.

But what does fruit bearing and miracles have to do with the subject of generosity? It is because of my love for you that I want to give you every good gift that will meet your needs physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. Because you are living in a sinful world where iniquity and suffering abounds, it is not possible for you to receive the perfection of all good things here and now. But when you are wedded to me and have an ongoing personal relationship with me, I will give you everything you need to accomplish my work and experience all that it is possible for you to have here.

Then why do some people seem to receive more bountifully from me than others?

"You have not because you ask not." James. 4:3.

"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:7, 8.

Fruit bearing is the result of the life of a Christian who is truly connected to me. If you are vitally connected to me you cannot help but bear fruit. But beware! People can appear to bear fruit and do good deeds from selfish motives, for they are looking for the reward of blessings and eternal life as a payment for their works. In other words, anticipation of the reward is their chief motivation. But true generosity comes from the influence of the Holy Spirit in you, and the outflowing of the fruits of the Spirit through you to others. The first hour workers should have been blessed and happy that my generosity gave the same pay to the 11th hour workers as they themselves had received! So it is now that the work on earth is closing up, and many will come to the light that you have received concerning the judgment, the blotting out of sin, the sealing, and the latter rain. Rejoice with me that people around the globe are responding to the call of my Spirit and are coming to join the ranks and make the preparation that is needed to give the loud cry. Your reward is that you have had many years to walk with me and know me. And your reward will also be the joy of seeing the bountiful harvest of souls that your hard labors have made possible.

So open up your hearts and see the multitudes that are gathering from all nations who love me as much as you do, and want to be a part of the 11th hour workers who help to give the loud cry around the world. Their coming precedes my triumphant return to earth to welcome my loved ones home. Great will be your reward in heaven for your devotion and generosity in opening up your arms of love to receive my chosen ones from all nations who will also go through the closing events and receive the reward of eternal life together with you! I will reward you as co-partners with me in the final harvest of the earth.

Now go to the activities of your day, but let me flow my generosity and love through you to everyone you meet and associate with each day. Your reward will be the happiness and joy you spread to all around you, and the satisfaction of knowing that you are co-workers with me. And the cup of happiness that you give to others will return back to you, pressed down and running over, for gifts that are shared are gifts that are multiplied. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am with you today as you go forward in spreading the gospel of my soon coming around the world. As I have told you before, I have ways and means to speed the good news forward so that the world will be warned in the time allotted. You are my messengers and my chosen watchmen on the walls of Zion, and through your efforts it will be as the five loaves and two fishes that fed thousands.

Now for the message of today. The subject is prayer. I have not spoken to you about this topic before because all of you are mighty in prayer and reach the throne of heaven every day to connect with me and hear my voice and eagerly submit to my counsel and leadership in your lives. This is why the work is going forward so rapidly, each one in the position to which I have called you and anointed you with my Spirit. It is a joy to work with you and see your willingness to move forward in faith at my command.

Now I have some words of heavenly wisdom to make your prayer life more effective. In your next Friday evening meeting, make prayer a topic of consideration, and get a prayer box to use for specific urgent prayers for the ministry and others as things come to you for your immediate attention. Do not use it for generalities and personal prayer list items that belong in your private devotions. When you do this, it loses its power and focus. But pray together as did the disciples in the upper room and the men and women who were leaders in the 1844 movement. Pray with faith and fervency and expectancy, and your prayers will be answered if you are not asking amiss, but are seeking for ways and wisdom for the work to move forward.

Do not keep people on the prayer list for long periods of time. Move on to the most compelling and urgent needs. I do not forget any prayers that have been prayed. Even when people die, I still have their prayers before me, and I continue to work to answer them if it is for my will and my name's honor and glory and the furtherance of my cause on earth. When you are praying I will send my Spirit and my angels to inspire you with fervor, faith and power, and sometimes I will pour out my Spirit in abundance upon you. This is to encourage and strengthen you and give you surety of my approval of your request and that I'm about to answer your prayers. This is how my servants in heaven and upon earth are connected with each other and work together to further my cause to finish the great controversy.

I love to hear your praises, your confessions, and your petitions. So keep your needs and your thoughts and feelings before me, for you cannot tire me or weary me, for my heart is tuned to the hearts of my people, and I look forward to our walk together each day. Open up your hearts to me constantly and make every breath a prayer of communication through the Holy Spirit who dwells in you and guides and sustains you every moment of the day. Remember that I can give you new insights and flashes of wisdom and guidance all throughout the day if you keep the lines of communication open and are listening eagerly for my counsel.

"Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord." Prov. 8:33-35.

This is the privilege that I extend to every child of mine. This is how to walk with me moment by moment. This is why Paul says to pray without ceasing. [1 Thess. 5:17.] It doesn't mean to be on your knees all the time. It means to keep the lines of communication with me open all the time for my guidance, instruction, and insights. I will give you wisdom and efficiency beyond your own abilities, to meet the challenges of each day. It is my joy and pleasure to do this for you. Just call upon me and I will answer you. [Ps. 50:15.]

Persevere in prayer, not because I am loathe to answer you, but because the intensity of your yearning desire opens your heart to the movings of the Holy Spirit and prepares the pathway for my gracious answers.

Now go to the activities of the day, but remember to keep the channel of communication open between us, and I will bring you light and peace and joy and guidance sufficient for your day's needs, pressed down and running over [Luke 6:38], for as always, I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am in the courts of glory today administering before my Father in behalf of my people, for the battle is becoming more fierce as the devil is more enraged because he knows that his time is short, and that his opportunity to work his deceptions upon the people will not be extended. His main target is the little band of my followers around the world as he sees them preparing for the last great battle between good and evil, and coming into the pavilion of my protection in the Most Holy Place in preparation for the close of probation and the pouring out of the plagues. Satan's company is all astir as they prepare for the last battle. But I and my angelic forces are also preparing for the last confrontation, and now I have my beloved ones by my side, ready to go through the end together. What a day of rejoicing that will be when the war between good and evil is over, and the victory is won! In the meantime, I want unbroken communion between earth and heaven to instruct and guide and guard my people.

Now for the subject of today. It is "struggle." It is natural to desire peace and tranquility every day, and nothing to disturb the smooth surface of your life. That you will certainly have in heaven. But it is a battle and a march every day from here to the peaceful shores of eternity in heaven with me when the evil one and his followers will be no more. But you must learn to stay within the shelter of my presence to find the peace that you desire, for I am your shelter and protection from the storm and the rain that the devil stirs up in your lives. Remember to stay in my Sanctuary through the pattern I have given you - praise, confession, the promises of Scripture, the infilling of the Spirit, and walking with me and the angels that I send to aid and assist you, and help you join with us in ministry for others. This is the sure path way that you can walk every day and be safe under the shadow of my wings where no harm can befall you, and nothing can take you out of my hands.

But what is the struggle that I'm referring to this morning? It is the struggle that it takes to leave behind the pull of the world, the flesh, and the devil's constant temptations to take you out of my hands. I want to warn you of his diversions and tactics to distract you, hurt or harm you in some way, or take you into discouragement so that you will take your eyes off of me and my love and care for you. I want you to be triumphant over the devil and the temptations of this world. And you can only do that when you are vitally connected with me, for in your own power you can do nothing to secure the gift of eternal life. But with me, all things are possible.

This connection with me involves a struggle everyday - not because I am unwilling, but because of the carnal nature, and the cares of life that press upon you. What is the essence of the struggle? It is to keep your eyes focused upon me and your ears tuned to my Spirit. It is to look upward and not downward at the devil's distractions. It is to stay in praise, faith, and trust. It is to live by the Spirit and not the lusts and responses of the fleshly nature. It is to hear my voice speaking to you in the Word, the impressions of the Spirit, and the providential leadings that I send to you. It is to react to the people around you as I would react to them. It is to be outward

focused to bless others rather than inward focused to want others to meet all your needs in order for you to be happy. As long as life shall last in this world, you must be willing to make the struggle for eternal life if you want to reach the golden shores at last.

But I want you to realize that if you open your hearts to me, I will walk every mile with you and carry the heaviest part of the load for you, and we can enjoy a heavenly relationship of love, joy and peace even now. That is what I offer you today and every day until I come. I am looking forward to our journey together. There is so much I have to reveal to you if your heart is open to my still, small voice. There will be no strangers in heaven! By that I mean that no one will be there who has not walked and talked with me on earth. Even today I have some things to reveal to you if you are listening. Remember that I said to my disciples, when I come, will I find faith on the earth? That is because it takes faith to have a personal relationship with me, because you can't see me and you can't hear my voice audibly. It has to be a faith relationship with me in the Spirit as you train your ears to hear my voice and commune with me. But if you do this, your reward will be great in heaven, because we will then be together in person, and continue our walk together for eternity.

Don't you long for that day? I do! So in the meantime, put forth every effort to know my voice in your heart and respond to my love and guidance, and by faith you will triumph over the world, the flesh, and the devil, just as I did when I was on earth. And I will give you the victory that I won for you on the cross of Calvary.

Now go to the activities of your day, but always keep me in your heart so that your day will be bright with my presence. You will find that my yoke is easy and my burden is light as we walk together to the kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Harmony of Spirit

Dearest Ones,
I am so happy today to see your dedication to me and your untiring efforts to spread the messages of Latter Rain truth around the world. Without this dedication the truth would languish; but as you go forward at the unction of my Spirit, I will vastly multiply your efforts through the methods I have provided to speed the light which is now shining from the second apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary that will ripen the grain and bring my people into harmony and perfect agreement with me on every issue.

Now for the topic of today. It is harmony of spirit. Rebellion started in heaven when Lucifer, the highest covering cherub and leader of the angelic host, stepped out of harmony with the laws and principles of the government of heaven, and determined in his mind and heart to set up his own kingdom based upon freedom from law and order, and being able to follow the dictates of one's own mind and conscience. That experiment, so glibly entered upon, has brought untold grief upon the family in heaven and upon earth, and even the demons themselves. Such a venture, which they set about to do in following the leader whose reasonings they trusted, has destroyed the blueprint with which I originally created them, and reduced them to miserable beings with imbecilic minds whose only goals center around destruction and greed and self-centered ambition to win the battle against my laws, my kingdom, and my people. There is no harmony between them except for the accomplishment of these goals.

But in reality, it is my government that gives freedom from the slavery of sin, and joy and happiness and oneness of spirit in all who love my law and my precepts of life, because these principles guard and guide the lives of all who accept and agree with them and allow them to be written on the tablets of their hearts. There can be no tacit, outward agreement to the law, without a heart of agreement with me that produces holiness of life, for the law is an expression of my character, and it is my Covenant of Love with you that binds us together, so that the fruits of your life spring from an inward commitment and agreement with me in every area of your life.

Let's take the example of food. Every day you must make the choice of when, what, and how much you will eat. Most people do not even consider that I need to be involved in these choices. I have your best interest in my heart and I know everything that is going on in your body constantly through the monitoring of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I also know what is going to happen to you that day, how much energy you will need, and what vitamins and minerals you will need to give you proper support for your life. I know the germs you will come in contact with, and how to see you safely and healthily through the day. Do you see how, even in your food and health habits, you need to be in living connection, harmony, and submission to my Spirit in order to be in the best condition and quality of performance? I will never force your will, but I will guide and counsel you if you are in tune with my Spirit. This will simplify your daily task of maintaining your best level of health.

Observe the results of Satan's premise that everyone should be allowed to choose for themselves without any interference from me or my laws of life. You can certainly do what you want to do, and I will not stop you; but this is like sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind. Being out of harmony with me, your Creator and sustainer, is similar to making the decision to commit suicide. On the contrary, living by my laws of life through the power of the indwelling Spirit of life, brings physical health and happiness.

Now consider the mental emotional, spiritual, and social side of your nature. There are laws for these things too. I will guide and direct and teach you in all these areas as well so that you may be well-balanced and happy and productive in all areas of your life. If you will listen carefully to my guiding Spirit each moment of the day, you will be safe from the wiles of the devil, for although you cannot see him lurking around you, he is hoping to pounce upon you at your weakest moment. But my angels are right there to guide and protect you and provide for your safety and well-being.

Then in your spiritual well-being, I will guide your Bible study to just the right texts and give you insights for the day to warm your heart and instruct you and give you guidance and joy and hope directly from me. If you listen to my instructions for you throughout the day, I will give you wisdom and efficiency so that you can fulfill all of your duties for that day. This is how my Father guided me in my life on earth, and this is how I will guide you if you will connect with me and allow the still small voice of my Spirit to direct you. This is also how Enoch walked with me, and this is how everyone who is translated will walk with me, even until you walk through the portals of the gates of heaven.

Now go to the activities of your day, but don't forget to keep the door of your heart open to my counsel, for to be in harmony with me is to be in harmony with the original blueprint plan for your life, and it will bring you the greatest joy, happiness, and success, and true freedom to be all that I created you to be! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Fear of the Lord

Dearest Ones,

What a joy it is to commune with you this morning as you worship me in spirit and in truth. Your minds are becoming more tender and pliable as you continue to seek me and find me in greater measure and openness of heart. I will reward you with greater light as you move forward in the light you already have, which is shining upon you from the Father in response to your acceptance of my sacrifice for you, and your willingness to cooperate with me in my intercessory work in the blotting out of sin from your lives and correspondingly from the books of heaven. This is a progressive work, and enrages Satan against you, but fear not, for I am with you and I will finish the work in you that I have begun.

Now the topic for today. It is the fear of the Lord. Study the meaning of this from Isaiah 11:1-4. This is referring, of course, to me as the Messiah, the rod or Branch that comes from the lineage of David. All the qualities of the Holy Spirit are referred to here as being bestowed upon me by my Father. But the one that is least understood is "the fear of the Lord," because the word fear immediately brings up thoughts and feelings from the carnal nature and experience of man, where fear is terror of punishment, trauma, rejection, or loss of some kind. As you can see, this cannot be the true meaning of this text, since I have received it from my Father through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. So I want to discuss with you the kind of fear that I want to give to you from me.

First, godly fear springs from love. Yes, love! It means respect of your special blueprint, your feelings, desires, wishes and needs. The more you value a person, the more you love them, and want to protect their feelings from being hurt, and do everything you can to make them happy. That is how my Father and I feel about each other, and that is how we feel about you! In this case, fear of the Lord protects the rights, feelings, and personal identity of the person you value and love. It is fear of hurting them or being the cause of any harm coming to them, or seeing their reputation being marred.

So can you see now how the fear of the Lord is positive instead of negative? I prefer the translation of Isaiah 11:3 from the NIV: "And he will delight in the fear of the Lord." In other words, my greatest desire and pleasure is to please and honor and glorify my Father and uphold his reputation. I delight to be in His presence and feel His love for me and His approval of me. So this kind of fear is supreme love that would rather die than bring ill repute upon the object of your love. And that is how I feel about you! I chose to die on the cross of Calvary rather than to allow you to be a helpless captive of the enemy of your souls. You cannot completely fathom the depths of my love, but you can receive it and reflect it to others around you. That means that you, too, will fear ruining the reputation of others by criticism of them verbally, or even in your heart. Criticism is the fruit of the evil one and comes from him. Godly fear promotes love and respect and carefulness to protect them, their feelings, and their reputation and their well-being and happiness. This kind of fear is the by-product and result of unselfish love.

So please don't ever confuse godly fear with the fear so common in fallen humanity, which is self-focused and originates from Satan, and comes from fear of punishment or loss of status or personal safety. Godly fear is outward focused upon others and is a respect and desire to protect their physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being and happiness.

So lift your eyes up to me today and receive the love that I have for you. I gave my life to set you free from the fear of death which holds the people of the world in slavery. I will set you free from the fear of punishment and death because I took your punishment and your death on the cross of Calvary. Will you accept my love for you just now and be forever freed from the fear that is the result of sin? My arms are open wide to receive you unto myself and heal the wounds that Satan has made in your life. I will set you free from earthly fear so that you can live forever in heaven where there is complete freedom to have the value that I have placed upon you, and to love and be loved throughout eternity. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Seven Trumpets of Revelation

Dearest Ones,
I have a special topic to discuss with you today. Many are wondering about the significance and meaning of the seven trumpets of Revelation 8, 9; 11:15. These deserve more study under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. The basic purpose of the trumpets is to alert the people of the world that the end of all things is approaching, and to announce the coming of the day of wrath and the close of probation. Each trumpet is another stage of the withdrawing of my Spirit, and the effect that this has upon society and the physical world itself.

Mankind was created to dress the earth and keep it in the same condition that I created it in the beginning, plus improve upon its beauty and functionality to give happiness and usefulness to the needs of all living things upon the earth. After the fall of man this responsibility became more difficult because of the curse caused by sin, but there was still an abundance for everyone, and every need of man and earth's creatures were supplied.

After the flood, the earth was greatly marred, but with additional effort and caretaking, life on earth could be maintained. There has always been a direct correlation between the abundance of sin in man, and the condition of the earth and its creatures. Without proper maintenance, anything will rot and decay and become useless. Sin has caused the undoing of my perfect creation that is described in Genesis when I first created the world in all is pristine beauty and gave it to Adam and Eve to dress and keep. But they failed in their calling, and you, their progeny, have not yet received the abundant inheritance that I had intended for you to have. There has been a breach for 6000 years because of sin, in which I have displayed before the universe the results which sin has caused to earth and its inhabitants.

But all things are about to be restored to the first dominion, and I will recreate the earth and give it to my beloved ones who have faithfully followed me and have obeyed my precepts through all the ages of the delay that sin has caused. Therefore, the recreated world with all its beauty will be a wedding gift to my Bride where we can dwell together forever in happiness, peace and joy. The New Jerusalem will descend and be the capital of the universe, and I will sit upon the throne of David beside my Father, and we will rejoice to see the fruits of our labors to bring an end to sin and fill the newly created earth with the redeemed who are perfectly in agreement with the principles by which we run the universe. They will have our covenant of love written upon the tablets of their hearts. [2 Corinthians 3:3.]

But what does this have to do with the seven trumpets of Revelation? First of all, trumpets in the Bible were made to announce something of vital importance to the hearers. Trumpets were blown to announce a change in the status of regular life. It could be imminent danger, a call to be alert for instructions, or to gather the people for a convocation before the Sanctuary, especially upon the Day of Atonement. In any case, they were sounded to alert the hearers that something of vital importance was about to take place. Remember the trumpets that were blown in the march around Jericho? Seven trumpets were blown for seven days, and on the seventh day they were blown seven times, and the walls of Jericho came down [Joshua 6:4, 5].

The correlation between that incident and the seven trumpets of Revelation is direct. Something of great importance is about to happen when seven trumpets are blown. This is indicated in Revelation 8:1-5. Study these verses, because they contain much meaning. They are announcing the events which God himself is revealing which will happen in the time of the opening of the seventh seal. God does nothing but that He reveals His secrets to his servants the prophets [Amos 3:7]. And can there be anything more important than the events that are to take place in the earth immediately preceding my coming in the clouds of heaven?

This is the meaning and purpose of the seven trumpets. They are announcement of things that I will allow to transpire to awaken every soul to hear the messages of truth that my people will bring in preparation for the end of time, and especially for the close of probation. No further preparation can then be made, for my number will have been made up and sealed, for every soul will have already made their final decision for or against my law and my truth. The seventh trumpet, of course, is blown by me at my coming. It is a shout of victory and triumph over the devil, the beast, and his image. It is also a shout of joy that my people can hear to let them know that I am approaching the earth, and that the glad reunion is imminent. And it is a shout of the power of my own victory over death and the grave as I call the sleeping saints from their dusty beds to meet me in the air.

Oh how I long for that day so soon to come! But first I must awaken the sleeping saints in the churches who are not listening to my trumpets which have been sounding since the fall of the New York towers in 2001. These trumpets are meant to be visible signs of the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit from the earth, and warnings of what will happen when the withdrawals are complete. I have permitted the historicist view to predominate until now because of the pattern it provides through the history of the fall of Rome, the rise of the papacy, and the Muslim domination of Europe during the Dark Ages. If these things had not been previously studied out and recognized, there would be no foundation of scholarship to support the present understanding of the trumpets now, for these follow the same pattern, with the exception of the sixth trumpet being the close of probation.

The understanding of the imminence of the close of probation wasn't present truth then as it is now for the final generation who are facing this important deadline in history, and the end of life as you know it now. That is why the only light that I gave to Ellen White on the trumpets of Revelation was their purpose in warning people to get into the hiding place to be safe when the plagues fall.

"The seven angels stood before God to receive their commission. To them was given seven trumpets. The Lord was going forth to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity and the earth was to disclose her blood and no more cover her slain." Maranatha, p. 284.

"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut the doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood and no more cover her slain." Isa. 26 20, 21.

"What are the chambers in which they are to hide? They are the protection of Christ and holy angels. 4 BC 1143.

The seven trumpets are a progressive countdown to the seventh trumpet when I come. Each one displays a portion of what will occur at my coming. The number "one third" is symbolic of the proportion that is given to Satan to display the results of his rulership. The last trumpet is at my coming when I bring to an end Satan's kingdom and the reign of sin, and the beginning of the 1,000 years of his captivity and his judgment. During this time all his sins will come back upon him and be brought up in his memory, just as I am doing now for my people in preparation for their sins to be blotted out, nevermore to be remembered or brought to mind.

But for Satan and his angels there will be no slain Lamb, and no scapegoat to take his sins and bear them away in the wilderness, because he is the scapegoat, and must bear the constant memory of all the sins he has committed and his crimes against the government of heaven. All the sins that he has caused the righteous to suffer will bring him exceeding suffering because he will know that in spite of his every attempt to destroy them, they will be in heaven out of his reach, enjoying the glories and pleasures of heaven that he once enjoyed, but forfeited through rebellion. His only relief will be his hope that when the New Jerusalem descends upon the Mount of Olives, which has become a great plain to receive it, he will have a chance to recover himself and march upon the city to take it. In anticipation of this event he will distract himself and his followers by planning the strategy they will use to take the city by force.

When the time fully comes for his final confrontation between good and evil, I will arraign before me the vast forces of the evil hosts and each one will see arrayed before them every sin they have ever committed [GC 666], as has been judged by my saints during the thousand years. Then all will bow before me and acknowledge that their punishment is just. [Rom. 14:10-12.] For a moment Satan will concede that he has lost the great controversy between good and evil. But then his rage and determination will return, and he will lead his army forward to take the city. Then fire will come down from the throne and devour sin and sinners and the earth that has been defiled by sin, and the battle between light and darkness will come to an end.

Perhaps you can now see that the seven trumpets are a vital part of my activities at the conclusion of the reign of sin. I must give every person on earth the light that is needed to make their final decision. Just as I have given the inhabitants of earth 6000 years to see the display of what Satan's kingdom and government does to bring eternal death and destruction, so now I am giving the final generation 6 trumpets to bring warnings of the close of probationary time. Each trumpet announces a portion of my judgments. Just as the historical trumpets brought about the fall of pagan Rome and the rise of the papacy, so the current trumpets are announcing the downfall of America, the lamb-like beast of Revelation 13 [vs.11, 12], who is now supporting the healing of the deadly wound [v.3] between Protestantism and Catholicism.

All this is contained within the messages of the seven trumpets. But although these events are in full view of the whole world, my people are not seeing the implications for the awakening that the trumpets are supposed to bring. Trumpets of themselves cannot preach the last warning messages that people need to hear to make their final decisions for or against me. They must be preached by my people in order for me to bring the plan of salvation to a close. That is why you must use the different types of media to get the messages out to the people. Only then can it go around the world in the time limit that we have, for I will not lengthen the time which is indicated in the trumpets. To lengthen the time would mean that more people would be lost, for the harvest is now ripe and ready for the reaping.

So listen to the trumpets sounding, and explain their meaning to the people. Each trumpet is an announcement of the progressive stages of the withdrawal of my Holy Spirit from the earth and its inhabitants, in preparation for the final withdrawal in the sixth trumpet, and my coming in the 7th. Study these things together, and I will help you understand their meaning. Ask me for anything and I will give it to you if you are listening to my Spirit's guidance, for it was He who wrote the Bible, and it is He who will interpret the inspired writings. You can never tire me by asking, for I delight to give you all the wisdom and strength you need to preach the last warning message to a world whose inhabitants are on the edge of eternity.

Now go to the activities of your day, but continue to seek me earnestly for light and wisdom, and I will never disappoint you, for it is for my honor and glory that you ask. Share this message with everyone you meet as the Spirit directs, for it is a message of life to all who will receive it. And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Three Sections of the Sanctuary

Dearest Ones,

I want to share some things today from my heart that will help you understand more fully the issues that we are facing in the area of my Most Holy Place work in the heavenly Sanctuary. You see, each part of the Sanctuary has something to do with the human mind, and the three areas that need to be brought into full harmony with me. As you already know, the court represents the behavioral section of our relationship. Some people think that correct behavior is all that I require in order to be ready for my coming kingdom. In fact, they live on the behavioral level in all their relationships. These people have been stunted in childhood by their relationship with their parents, who did not teach them the deep love and bonding that every person needs, but is not always available in every home situation. So they have no reserve to give back to me what they have never had. As long as such people have genuinely given all of themselves that they know how to do, I accept that as their best service, and they will be with me in heaven because they have given me their all, and I make up the difference by crediting my perfect righteousness to their account.

Thus it has always been throughout the history of mankind since the fall in Eden. Salvation through behavioral obedience is represented by the court section of the earthly Sanctuary, and began with the altar at the gate of the Garden of Eden, facing the flaming swords of the angels who were protecting the place of their innocence and perfection before they fell. And no one will ever pass through that gate again who has not been restored back to the original perfection, purity, and innocence of Adam and Eve before they listened to the serpent and partook of the fruit from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of both good & evil.

The next section of the Sanctuary is represented by the Holy Place. Notice the wording, "Holy" Place. As Ellen White has correctly penned, "Holiness is agreement with God." 5T 743. This denotes a higher level of obedience than behavior only. In behavioral obedience, the person has come into agreement with me on the veracity of the principles of the law as being best for the happiness and well-being of mankind, and if their obedience springs from a true heart of love and respect for me, I accept that as righteousness. But if it is only tacit obedience to earn or win my favor to avoid being lost, the motive is centered upon self and is not salvational, for there is no true heart agreement with me and my principles. In other words, they really never knew me or connected with me in a relationship of love, and their motives for serving me were purely from self-preservation.

But Holy Place obedience involves your heart, and an emotional experience with me that includes your feelings, and a love relationship with me personally, that permits emotional bonding; it also includes hearing my voice and understanding my principles and my law from an attitude of love and mutual respect. At this level a person is capable of having such a deep and growing relationship with me that they would rather die than purposefully do anything that would break our relationship.

However, that same person, when dealing with other people on a personal level, may display human emotions, attitudes, and behaviors which do not represent me and my loving ways of dealing with the faults, mistakes, and sins of fallen mankind. Impatience, angry words, and things that wound self and others, are behaviors that stem from childhood, and must also be overcome. They must be recognized as sin, and repented of daily in the continuing maturation of every Christian. That is why the first apartment of the Sanctuary was called The "Daily," because it represented the daily cleansing needed in the growing Christian experience, with the goal of becoming more and more healed and Christlike in thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

But in order for the problem of sin to be ended, there must be a cleansing of the heart and life from the presence and power of sin completely. This is represented by the Most Holy Place. It is here that I have been ministering since 1844. The goal of my work is to make an end of sin and sinning as was prophesied that I would do in Daniel 9:24. That is why the blood of bulls and goats could not bring an end to sin because it was only behavioral obedience to the laws of the old covenant. [Heb. 9:11-15.] But I came with the blood of my perfect righteousness to apply to the altar of your heart. And when you agree with and accept my perfect sacrifice in the innermost temple of your heart, sin is done away with completely, and you live my life by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the records and memories of your sins are eradicated and blotted out, nevermore to come into mind. [Isa. 26:12-14.]

This is the new covenant of my grace which I give you when you surrender your whole heart to me - your behavior, your thoughts and feelings, and the motivations behind your thoughts and feelings [1Chron. 28:9], which include the behaviors that spring from hereditary and cultivated sins that come from your childhood. These thoughts and behaviors cause you to do and think and feel and react from roots of sin which were set in you before you even possessed the intellectual ability to know me and give your heart to me. These you must examine with me as I walk through your memories with you and reveal them to you as you are able to understand. I don't cleanse and blot out anyone's sins without their agreement and permission. These are the terms of the new covenant. [Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:8-12.]

So what is the experience that you can have with me in the Most Holy Place? It is called Most Holy because it represents the conscience area of the brain, and contains all the motivational reasons behind what you think and do. These must be cleansed, because they come from the seeds of sinful thoughts, feelings, and urges that were sown by the evil one throughout your life, especially in the beginning, or childhood years. As Paul says:

"For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." 1 Cor. 13:9-11.

You must step quickly, for the hour is late. Put all your powers of reasoning into action, and seek me for cleansing and regeneration on every level of your mind. I will not fail you nor forsake you until the process is complete. Then the devil will have no more access to you! [EW 271.] Your sins and mistakes will be blotted out forever from the records of your mind and the corresponding records of your life. Only my righteousness will appear there, and by the application of my blood and my righteousness, you will be a fit candidate for heaven.

Will you accept my invitation today to walk with me and become a finished product of my sacrifice and my intercessory work for you? Come to me and be healed of all the damage the devil has done to you, and I will heal you completely and wipe away your tears and take away your fears, and banish the evil one forever from taking you down into darkness because of his accusations. I am looking forward to walking together with you today and every day until I come and take you home. Take my hand, now, and I will walk with you as I did with Enoch. Lovingly, Jesus.

Addendum notes:
"The truth is kept altogether too much in the outer court. Bring it into the inner temple of the soul, enthrone it in the heart, and let it control the life. The word of God should be studied and obeyed, then the heart will find rest and peace and joy, and the aspirations will tend heavenward; but when truth is kept apart from the life, in the outer court, the heart is not warmed with the glowing fire of God's goodness." 5 T 547.

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I am a God of Love - The 144,000

Dearest Ones,
I am looking forward to another day to work together in my vineyard. The grapes are ripening quickly for the harvest and I am sending my angels to bring the harvest to completion by the proclamation of truth which will fully ripen the harvest to perfection. You can be a participant in the work of the angels by listening to their voices and teaching others what you are learning, which is latter rain light about the everlasting gospel, - the good news about my character and my government of love.

"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands....If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the Lord your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your forefathers. He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers." Deut. 7:9, 12, 13.

The light and understanding about how to experience the cleansing and perfecting work of the judgment which I am doing for my people now is the preparation which is needed to be prepared for the final sealing of the Sabbath - Sunday issue which is just ahead of us. This final battle between good and evil will be brought about by the reaction of the devil when he sees that my chosen ones are escaping from his lies and corruptions, and are moving into full harmony with me on every point in the great controversy between good and evil, truth and error. As a last resort he will try to force my people to abandon me in order to keep their comforts and conveniences, and eventually to spare their lives. The devil has always used persecution to attempt to force people to abandon their allegiance to me, and many are my followers who have capitulated under the the threat of the loss of life's comforts, or even of life itself.

But millions who have truly loved and served me have given up everything rather than lose their connection with me, and to these I bequeath eternal life in heaven where there will be only peace, joy, love, and safety from the threats and persecutions of the evil one. He will then be banished to a thousand years of suffering for his crimes against my people, and finally his extinction from existence. I do not look forward to the eternal death of anyone. But I will do what I must do - as I have always done - to secure the universe from experiencing the tragedy that sin would ever rise again.

And that brings me to the topic for today. I am a God of love. But what is love? I have described the characteristics of love throughout the whole Bible, and especially in 1Corinthians 13. I have demonstrated love in all my dealings with mankind since the inception of sin, and even in the way I have dealt with the rebellion of Lucifer in heaven, and the angels who fell with him. I have allowed the results of sin to play out in all its facets in full view of the whole universe as long as necessary to reveal everything that can be revealed, and answer every question that can be asked.

I could have forcibly squelched the rebellion at any point along the way. But that would leave questions unanswered for eternity in the lives of all intelligent beings. And since true love always gives freedom of choice, all the evidence that is necessary to have full disclosure must be permitted. I want only followers who choose to follow me because they understand my character and are in full agreement with my law as the best possible way to live a life of purity, happiness and freedom, and to have the most supreme lives of productivity and joy, both here in this life and in the life to come.

Those who rebel against my full disclosure of the principles of life and love and happiness are choosing death because they love the principles that bring death. In destroying them I am accepting their right to choose death. I have granted Satan and all his followers extended life to give them and the whole universe the opportunity to see the complete and full results of what they have chosen to believe and have set their lives by, and the principles which they have followed. But my goal will be reached when all will be disclosed and every being will fully see what happens when anyone chooses to disregard the principles which are encapsulated in my perfect law of love and freedom, and be securely convinced that obedience brings the greatest love, joy and freedom.

Now the display is almost finished, and only one thing remains. That is the final perfection of my people who will voluntarily choose to be among the 144,000, and will live through the time when the plagues are poured out without mixture of mercy, and without my mediatorial work in the heavenly Sanctuary. This requires perfection of character and perfect agreement with me on every issue that has caused the problem of sin. You can see why this is necessary, can't you? If I cannot bring a people back to the original sinlessness - or perfect agreement with me on all issues and questions that Satan has raised, then he would attempt to proclaim victory over me and my laws and government. Don't you see the eternal issues that are involved in the complete perfecting of the final generation?

The whole issue of the sin problem is about freedom of choice to believe or disbelieve in my character and the principles of my government. Sinlessness means to be in perfect agreement with me on everything. My people at the close of history must be in perfect agreement with me, or the great controversy is not over! If my people still have the roots of sin in their minds - even subconsciously - how and when can they be cleansed after I step out of the Most Holy Place and there is no more covering of my precious blood before my Father? Remember - sin is disagreement with me and my principles of life. If there are roots of sin hidden in the subconscious mind that have not been cleansed and blotted out, would they not spring back to life to bear fruit in the future life in heaven? Sin began in heaven, and I will not take back to heaven anything that would allow the same problem to arise again. As I have said in Matthew 15:13, 18-20:

"Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots....The things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man unclean."

Roots start in childhood when the person has not yet given their hearts and lives to me. These roots can be removed by my intercessory work now. If you cooperate with me, I will reveal them to you. And as you acknowledge them and repent of these wrong ways of thinking and acting, even back to childhood, I will forgive you freely and cover you with my blood, which represents the perfection of my own character, and blot out every vestige of sin from your mind and memories from my books of record in heaven, according to the prophecy of Isaiah 43:25, 26:

"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more. Review the past for me, let us argue the matter together; state the case for your innocence."

As I am pleading for you before the Father, so I'm pleading with you to cooperate with the work of my final atonement for you, and be among those of whom it is said:

"Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mt. Zion, and with Him 144,000 who had His name and His Father's name written on their foreheads....These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless." Rev. 14:1, 4, 5:

The question remains: will you submit to my work of love for you and receive the complete cleansing from sin that I am offering to you? If so, you will be among the special group of cleansed ones who will stand before my throne and the throne of my Father without a veil between, representing the saved of all ages. And you will sing the song which no one else can sing because they have not experienced the final work of atonement, or "at-one-ment" with me while they were yet alive. You will represent the great work of the salvation of all my people throughout the ages, and you will be my chosen representatives before the universe, and be able to share what it was like to be cleansed completely in cooperation with me during my final work of atonement in the Most Holy Place. This is what I am calling you to do for me. Will you accept the call? I'm rejoicing that you already have; but you can be messengers to invite others to experience the same privilege while probation still lingers. And soon we will be in heaven together when all my true sheep have been gathered into the fold.

Listen to my voice today and every day, for I am calling you to be among the 144,000 if you will respond to my love, for if you love me you will keep my commandments, for my commandments are the terms of my covenant of love with you that you will be my Bride throughout eternity. Will you accept the terms of my marriage vows and completely renounce all agreement with my enemy? If you do, your reward will be great for all eternity, and you and your children I will save. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Importance of Time Management

Dearest Ones,

I am happy today to inform you that everything is on schedule for what needs to be accomplished before I come. But the present pace of activity must be continued, and I will bless you abundantly for all your labors in behalf of the kingdom of God.

Now for the topic of today. I want to discuss with you the importance of time management. I have given you 24 hours each day to accomplish all that needs to be done, both for me and for yourself and your family. I love to be involved in the activities of your day, because I can help you to be more efficient and avoid overtaxing your strength and energy. I can move obstacles out of your way. I can perform miracles for you to help you move mountains of difficulty that Satan puts in your way to obstruct you from doing the work I have assigned for you that day. I can give you discernment to know my will in every situation. My Father did that for me when I was on earth.

Remember the times when I would be delayed on my journeys, and behold, a needy soul would approach me for help? I always stopped to minister to them, and trusted the delay with my Father. When I arrived at my destination, I was always able to perform a greater miracle and bring a greater blessing because my Father made it so. In the same way, as long as you follow me and allow me to be vitally involved in the activities of each day, I will turn apparent setbacks into blessings. Nothing can happen to you that I have not anticipated and made provision to turn it into a blessing. Those who have made it a habit to trust me have already learned this by experience.

But for those of you who are just beginning your journey with me, quiet trust is so valuable for a profitable walk with me today and every day. You have never experienced this before, because no human being can do this for you. It is only through faith and trust in me that you can discover what it is like to never be alone, and to have all your needs supplied by me, whether it is social, psychological, spiritual, financial, or otherwise. But due diligence to avail yourself of this privilege, because it is a gift of heaven.

Now go to the duties of your day, but remember to take me with you, and trust me to be your unerring guide through all the vicissitudes of your journey. You will not need to be discouraged and disappointed at the end of your day, because you know that I have walked beside you to comfort and guide you every step of the way, and so you can throw the weight of your problems upon me and I will carry them for you.

Tomorrow is another day, and I can help you to do twice as much tomorrow if that is what is needed. So trust me today and every day until I come, and you cannot fail to please me and accomplish everything that I am asking you to do. I will make the journey light, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light, for when you are yoked up with me in service, I carry the heaviest part of the load. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
The sun is shining brightly this morning, reminding you of the glories of heaven that is soon to come. Heaven is my home, and soon I will bring you to be with me, that where I am, there you may be also. There is no delay now, for my people are moving into line, catching the light that is shining from my throne, rejoicing in it and sharing it with others. All activity in heaven is now centered upon my people to help them get ready for my coming. I write this to you because I want you to know what is going on beyond the veil where you cannot see. But we are all of one family, and the Spirit keeps us connected with each other so that not a gem will be lost of the radiance and glory that we are sending to you each day.

Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you today about gems. As you know, when gems are taken from the earth they are often unrecognizable to the eye of a person who knows nothing about gems. But an expert gemologist can tell the difference between a true gem and an ordinary stone. So it is with people. You may see a rough, unkempt person as being a worthless, ordinary stone. But I can see the heart of the person and know what a beautiful gem he or she could become if they would yield to the polishing of the Master.

Unlike stones, all people are gems in the rough, for they have come from my original creation of mankind. But unlike stones, each person can choose whether they want to submit to the polishing process, or refuse, and never become the beautiful gem they could have been in my hands. Everyone who is a member of my kingdom will have gone through the cutting and polishing process. But I have allowed each person to decide how far they will go in the process. Many will be in heaven who are satisfied somewhere along the way just to accept and to know me and love me as their Savior, but have never aspired to the heights of greatness that they could have been. Even in the cleansing and polishing process, I allow the free will of each person's choices. I do not condemn anyone who loves and accepts me but is satisfied with mediocrity. I am just saying to you that there is no ceiling or limit which I set to the spiritual and intellectual growth of anyone. Many ordinary people have become great because they never stopped in their spiritual growth as long as life lasted, while others of superior talents and gifts did not expand them to their full capacity. But I do not require greatness for salvation. I require submission to the influence of my Spirit leading them to me and accepting my salvation for them and living a life of humble obedience and service, as I have set the standard by the example of my life on earth. To know me is life eternal. But within that framework is freedom to cultivate such a close relationship with me that one's full potential is realized, both in this life and the life to come.

So don't you want to become a gem of rare and exquisite beauty? The more the stone is polished, the more colors and rays of light it reflects from the sun. I can do that for you if you walk with me through the polishing process. Every trial you go through is a part of that polishing process, and gives you the ability to reflect in your life more light and glory from me to others. So I invite you today to submit to the polishing process by walking with me every moment of your day, and the world and all of heaven will see the brightness of your rising [Isa. 60:1-3] as you become everything I have created you to be. Lovingly Jesus.

Addendum notes for further study:

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your *rising." Isa. 60:1-3, NIV. [*KJV.]

"He is well pleased when they make the very highest demands upon Him, that they may glorify His name. They may expect large things if they have faith in His promises." DA 668.

"It is a part of God's plan to grant us an answer to the prayer of faith, that which He would not bestow did we not thus ask." GC 525.

"To us as well as to the disciples, Christ has given the work of carrying the truth to the world....

Christ invites all to count the cost. He assures them that if they take hold of the work with undivided hearts, giving themselves as light bearers to the world, if they will take hold of his strength, they will make peace with Him, and obtain supernatural assistance that will enable them in their weakness to do the deeds of Omnipotence. If they go forward with faith in God, they will not fail nor become discouraged, but will have the assurance of infallible success." 5 BC 1121.

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Dearest Ones,
How I long to be with you personally and teach you one-on-one all about the message of my soon coming Kingdom. But as you continue to clear away the rubbish in your lives that stands in the way of clarity of mind and openness of spirit between us, my truths can be more easily comprehended. Thank you for being willing to go through this cleansing process so that the latter rain can fall upon you and give you understanding concerning the truths that must be preached to this final generation.

Now for the topic of the day. I am thinking today of your need for wisdom. I am pouring out much new light, knowledge, and understanding, but even these are not sufficient to open the minds and hearts of people if wisdom is missing. Wisdom means the ability to utilize knowledge and understanding appropriately, and for the highest good. Remember how the wisest man, Solomon, says that wisdom is a shelter [Eccl. 7:12], and advises all to seek wisdom above all things. This is because knowledge can be used inappropriately if it is not combined with wisdom.

For example, sometimes when people first learn the Adventist truth, in their exuberance and excitement they try to push the whole message upon their friends, family, and others, when they are not ready to hear the new light at that time. Wisdom would live the truth winsomely and effectively before them until they see the fruits of the truth displayed in the life, and as their hearts are being softened by love, it gives an entryway for my Spirit to work upon their hearts to prepare them so that I can water the seeds of truth that have been sown, and cause them to spring up unto eternal life. The more heaven-inspired wisdom that is used in all of your interactions with each other, and in your witnessing, the more sheaves that will be gathered into my fold.

Now I want to talk about wisdom in dealing with close family and friend relationships. I have modeled this for you in the way I relate to you each day. Remember that the over-arching foundational principle is love. But because of sin people do not understand the practical aspects of love. Number one is freedom of choice. If you love someone you will never try to coerce them to do things your way through force or argumentation or winning a power struggle between you. You will never belittle them or their ideas in order to win and prove your case. If I used those ways of winning people to my side, they would serve me from fear, and their minds would be shut off from learning, which is exactly the opposite of wisdom. Fear shuts down the mind from being open to learning wisdom, for it takes freedom of thought to produce the right soil for wisdom to develop.

For example, in rearing children, you must help them to reason from cause to effect. The more strict and unreasonable the discipline, the more the brain resorts to fear and self-protection. Rote obedience without understanding which is appropriate for the age level, reduces the capability of the brain to develop the wisdom which is needed for reasoning from cause to effect on higher levels of thinking and understanding. Simply using fear of punishment as a motivational tool reduces the possibility of learning the wisdom that comes from understanding cause and effect. That is why it is so important for my followers to understand and comprehend the higher levels of reasoning for obedience to my laws.

You would be surprised at the percentage of Christians who follow me from the motivation of escaping from punishment. That is why the devil has invented the doctrine of ever-burning hell. First of all, it presents the accusation that he has made about me from the beginning - that I am a tyrant who is angry and punitive if anyone disobeys me. And second, it produces people who either accept me out of fear, or reject me because they cannot accept a god with that kind of character. And all the time it is a lie invented by the devil from the beginning! This is how he pictured me from the beginning of his defection, in order to plant the spirit of fear in the other angels instead of love.

I have given every being freedom of choice - freedom to love me and appreciate my character, and freedom to rebel and disobey my precepts. Satan has always depicted me as having two sides to my character - one of love and approval and blessings if you obey me, and the other a wrathful, punitive and rejecting despot if you disobey me. This is a figment of his deranged thinking as a result of trying to find an excuse for his pride, rebellion, and defection from the position of covering cherub that I gave him from the beginning. That is why it says in Eze. 28:17: "Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom." Corrupted wisdom means wisdom that is turned inward to oneself and is receiving ideas and thoughts from your own unsanctified heart.

True wisdom comes only from God. He is the source of all wisdom and true knowledge and understanding. From Him flows a never-ending fountain of love and wisdom which is healing to the mind and body. All have fallen short of this wisdom, for all have received the legacy of the corrupted, fallen nature and concepts that come from fallen parents, most of whom have resorted to some type of fear and control-based discipline. To the extent that you have experienced and suffered from this, to that extent you will interpret life, yourself, your environment, and your relationship with me. This must be healed by not only Scriptural truth, but also a personal relationship with me. While I never will condone sin, I will preserve your dignity, your personhood, and your power of choice without fear of a negative reaction and retribution from me.

I set before you the way of life and the way of death. The final choice is up to you. But as long as you choose to be a child of mine, I will never discipline you in anger, or do anything to make you feel afraid or rejected. And as I have promised, I will never leave you nor forsake you. If you feel these negative feelings, it is never from me, but from the enemy of your souls who wants to make you like himself who lives constantly with the fear and rejection that he brought upon himself and wants to project that upon you. Don't believe him! Don't listen to his voice of darkness and despair! I am not the origin of these thoughts and feelings! Listen to the thoughts and feelings and wisdom of the Holy Spirit who brings you the water of life for your soul! He will teach you wisdom in the inmost parts of your mind [Ps. 51:6] that will heal your fears and brokenness.

As the Bible says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Prov. 9:10. The fear mentioned here means profound respect and an openness of heart to hear my words and seek for the highest levels of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that I have available to give you. Without this attitude of respect, your heart will ever be closed to my counsel, and even if I endeavored to give it to you, you would turn away from it and choose to follow the seemingly more pleasant ways of the broad road to destruction. While worldly fear produces an attitude that closes off communication with me, godly fear produces a healthy openness and eagerness to hear, understand, and accept the wisdom that comes from a relationship with me that will grow throughout eternity and never end.

Does that sound appealing to you? Those of you who are receiving and understanding the increasing light of the latter rain are doing so because of the increase of your love for me and your trust in me and the openness of your hearts to the increasing wisdom that I am sharing with you. "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables." Luke 8:10. "It is contrition and faith and love that enable the soul to receive wisdom from heaven. Faith working by love is the key of knowledge, and everyone that loveth knoweth God.' 1 John 4:7." DA 139.

So drink deeply at my fountain of love, and the gift of ever-expanding wisdom will be yours. Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your mind open for my thoughts, for I will guide you and give you wisdom to accomplish everything that is on my list for you today and every day. And in addition, you will have the joy of our fellowship together. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
Today is a day of rejoicing in heaven because it is a special day to be with our people on earth when their minds are turned toward us and are open to the Holy Spirit and to our presence. I will be with you through my Spirit to help you to present the important topic of the great controversy between good and evil. Satan hates this topic because it exposes him and reminds him that he will eventually lose the battle. What a day of rejoicing that will be when the reign of sin will be over and there will be peace in the universe again.

Now the topic for today. I want to speak on the subject of joy. It is one of the aspects of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit dwells within you, there is a change that can scarcely be described in human language. Without the Spirit of God, there is darkness in the soul. But when you receive the gift of the Spirit and open your hearts to Him by repentance for sinful thoughts and feelings and attractions to things of this world, there is no room for Satan to come in and harass you and take you down into the pit of despair where he is. No one can pass on to someone else what he or she does not have themselves. So the contrast between what Satan has to offer and what God has to offer should be so great that no one would choose to be a follower of Satan, for he cannot give any of the aspects of the Holy Spirit, i.e. - love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance - which satisfy the needs of the human heart and fill it with gladness.

But Satan is a deceiver, and so he promises to set people free from my requirements (which he says are burdensome and restrictive of personal freedom), and replace them with things that appeal to the fallen nature of man, such as pride, luxury, fame, fulfillment of the lusts of the flesh, freedom from restrictions, rebellion against authority, self-protection, etc. But even though mankind runs after these things, none of them provide true heavenly joy. Joy is a sense of peace and satisfaction that you have fulfilled the blueprint plan for your life, and you are in agreement and oneness with God, and that his smile of approval is upon you.

Do you remember how the 72 disciples that I sent out to do the work of evangelism came back with joy to report to me the success of their work? [Luke 10:17.] Their joy was an example of the joy all will have who fulfill the divine calling to be workers in my vineyard. And I, too, shared in their joy, because their success was a fulfillment of my blueprint to be the Savior of the world and restore the lost image of God in mankind. [See Luke 10:18-22.]

So you, too, can have my joy if you accept the call I have given you to receive me into your heart and share with others what I have done for you. You also have a special calling to fulfill, and that is to announce the nearness of my coming, and teach people how to prepare their hearts to experience the completion of my work in the Most Holy Place. I will help you to be successful through the outpouring of my Holy Spirit upon you. And as you see the success of your work, you will have my joy in the fulfillment of your special calling to go before me as John the Baptist did before my first coming, and prepare the hearts of the people to be ready for my second coming. Will you join with me today in the accomplishment of your special mission? If you do, you will receive my joy, pressed down and running over, and nothing will be able to take away the joy you will receive both now and forever in my kingdom of life, love, peace, and joy, and I will say to you:

"Well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things; enter into the joy of thy lord. Matt. 25:23.

Now go to the activities of this blessed Sabbath day, but carry my joy with you, because I and the heavenly angels are rejoicing because the work is almost done, and the goal of the plan of salvation is almost accomplished. Nothing in this world can give you this kind of happiness and joy, for it is the reward of the righteous. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Good morning, beloved ones! May your preparation day be bright with my presence with you, and may you keep the sense of my love and care for you all through the day, for you are never absent from my mind.

The subject for today is "study." As the Scriptures say, "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim. 2:15. While it is true that my Spirit speaks to you through the right, or spirit-sensitive side of the brain, these thoughts and feelings must be connected to the left hemisphere of the brain through words. Thus the Scriptures were written by men who were chosen to be spokesmen for God because they were sensitive to the movings of the Holy Spirit, and were also inspired and gifted to put these inspirations into words.

"We have also a more sure word of prophecy: where unto you do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts....

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Peter 1:19, 21.

This connection with Scripture is vitally imperative, because Satan also endeavors to come into your mind through the right side of your brain and put thoughts and feelings there that he can use to motivate you to think and do things that are inspired by him. If you do not check these things by the inspired word of God, you will surely fall under his temptations and be led astray, and eventually become a captive of his will.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they were captives of Satan's deceptions coming through the right, or emotional, side of the brain. Eve was captured by the devil's flattery and the prospects of rising to a higher level of existence. Adam fell because of his love for Eve, her visible appearance of beauty and winsomeness, and her argument that although she had eaten of the apple, she did not die. Not until they had both partaken of the forbidden fruit did their robes of light and innocence disappear and they realized the awful truth that they had sinned in direct disobedience to the spoken word of God, and followed their own reasoning against his command.

So the journey back into the lost inheritance of mankind must be through the pathway of obedience to the spoken and written words of truth in the Bible, augmented by the Testimonies [the writings of Ellen White], which were also given by inspiration to support and uphold the truths which are written in the Scriptures, and apply them for the last generation. With the study and inspiration and understanding of these truths, everyone can have the knowledge that is necessary to equip my final people to go through the end of time.

But you must not think that because you have once studied the words and teachings of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy that this is sufficient for you to be ready for what is coming upon the world. No, you must constantly be a diligent student for yourselves and not just rely upon the teachings of others. When you are studying my Word under the guidance and inspiration of my Spirit, you will be continually discovering new light, new inspiration, and new gems of truth to apply to your daily life and guide you through each day. And I will be right beside you to open your mind to what I want to teach you for that day. If you do not do this, you will wake up too late and find yourselves to be among the foolish virgins.

All light and truth comes through me. But it is progressive. "The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more until that perfect day." Prov. 4:18, 19. Therefore you cannot lean only upon the studies and teachings of others, because what was light for them in their time of history may not be up to the advancing light that is needed now to shine upon your pathway which will guide you safely through the days ahead. New light must not contradict old light, but make clearer the past light and apply it to your understanding of present truth for this generation. That is why you must not get involved in speculation. Everything must be firmly grounded in the bedrock of eternal truth that has already been revealed.

As you get closer to the end of time, you must be diligent students of the Word, for as you continue to study and ask for wisdom, I will flash new insights for you that others in the past have not seen, because it was not applicable to their time. This is the extra oil that the wise virgins had that the foolish did not. I will give new light to those who seek to understand the truth for their times, and the light that is received will guide you safely all the way to the kingdom.

But beware of false prophets, who, not understanding the advancing light of present truth, go backward into what may have been light for another time, but is no longer light for today. For example, the growing practice of keeping the feast days. Paul accurately says that these rituals bring no one to perfection, which is the goal of the second apartment ministry that I am doing right now. [See Heb. 10:1-25.] But in the same way, many are being deceived to believe that all that is necessary to be a part of those who live to see me come is to accept me as their Savior and live the best lives that they can, and my blood will cover the ignorances and imperfections of their characters. Not so! Through the advancing light shining through my Word, and the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit, I will finish my work of perfecting the characters of my people.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Tim. 3:16, 17.

When I cease my intercessions in the Most Holy Place, I will pronounce the words, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22:11, 12.

So make haste! Be diligent students of the Word, and the Spirit of Prophecy which I have graciously given to guide you to the truth for these final days of earth's history.

Go now to the activities and responsibilities of this preparation day, but keep a quiet heart, grounded firmly in my Word, and my Spirit will have fertile ground to speak to you and guide you successfully through today and every day until I come and take you home. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am happy today to see each of you drawing closer to me, learning to trust me, seeking me for help in every trial, and going forward in the work each of you have been called to do. With an army of soldiers like you, the work will soon be finished! The message of my love must go to the ends of the earth and reach every soul to give them an opportunity to come to a final decision concerning their soul salvation, and then the end will come. But do not put this off for many more years, for I am able to make this happen with lightning speed, through ways that you know nothing of. So keep your shoulder to the wheel and your eye on the goal, and I will do this swiftly, for the time has come. [Isa. 60: 22 - "The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly." NIV.]

Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you today about commitment. I am committed to you with an undying, everlasting love which saw me through the portals of the tomb. The Father and I have covenanted together from before sin entered that we would do whatever necessary to reveal the extent of our love and the principles of our government and character to our created beings. When Satan chose to defect and cast doubt in the minds of the angels and eventually Adam and Eve, his challenge had to be met by fully displaying the truth in a way that would completely destroy the possibility of this ever arising again anywhere in the universe. This necessitated full disclosure of our character under all possible circumstances so that any possible question in the future would already have been answered.

So it must be with you. Your commitment to the cause of truth must be the same commitment that my Father and I have made to give whatever is necessary to save mankind. When you do this, you need never worry that your own needs will not be supplied. Just as in the case of the widow's oil, so I will keep supplying for you whatever you expend of yourselves for me - pressed down and running over. But for those who turn to the world, the light will go out, for the devil has attractions enough to fill your time and thoughts until probationary time runs out.

So I am grateful for all of you who are throwing your whole self into preparing yourselves, your families, and others, to be ready for my coming. The level of your commitment is pleasing to my soul. My heart is with you as you struggle against temptation and suffering of mind and body, and you can be assured that I will not allow the devil to tempt you above what you are able to bear. I only allow the devil to access you in the areas where you still need to be cleansed and come into agreement with me. Temptation is not a temptation unless it is on some point in your life that you have yielded to the devil before and you don't have complete victory over it as yet. So when you get into temptation, look to me at once, and exercise the faith of Jacob, who said to me, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."

Actually, I had come to him that night to give him the victory over his former sins and weaknesses, and to bless him as an overcomer so I could protect him from the evil designs of his brother, Esau,

who was coming to kill him and his family. This will be replayed over again by my people at the end of time. You are the thorn in the flesh for the devil, for he sees you standing between him and his efforts to gain full and complete control over the human race. This battle, which is just before you, is the purpose for my daily messages to you. I want you to know me personally and have victory over every sin and the weaknesses of the flesh that have beset you and troubled you throughout your life, so there will be nothing left in you that will respond to the devil's temptations. I am drawing close to you and revealing myself and my thoughts to you so that I can strengthen you to be an overcomer in the final battle with Satan and receive the blessing that I have come to give you.

Some of you have been struggling in the darkness that Satan throws over you to tempt you to think that I am displeased with you. Don't believe it! Don't listen to the Devil's lies and attempts to discourage you! When any darkness comes over you, it is never from me - it is always a signal for you to know that the evil one is near you, and it is time for you to call out to me immediately, and claim my promises and hold on to me by faith until the dawn breaks forth in your mind and you connect again with my endless love and commitment to see you through the days ahead.

Then the question becomes, why will some people who claim to be Christians be lost, in spite of my ample provisions? It is because they do not persevere through the darkness into the victory as Jacob did, and thus they fail of receiving the prize. Satan has all kinds of counterfeit ways of relieving the darkness that he himself has brought upon you, such as: reaching out to connect with people who cannot help you toward heaven; indulging in appetite for the purpose of temporarily relieving stress; various types of entertainment; becoming immersed in work and business, and whatever indulgences and distractions that relieve the pressure to persevere through the darkness into the light of my presence. But I want to encourage you to keep your focus and your commitment to press into my presence with the faith of Jacob, and you, too, will receive the crown of victory which everyone receives from me as a reward for faith, love, and keeping the same commitment to me that my Father and I have for you!

Now go to the activities of the day, but be aware of anything that would take away your peace, joy, love, and security in me. Don't ever allow doubt or darkness to creep into your mind, for I assure you, it is never from me. For every trial that comes to you, I am waiting with open arms for you to come to me and receive the victory over that temptation that I have already won for you. When you walk in the light as I am in the light, you will have constant victory over the temptations of the evil one, and my blood will cleanse you from all sin. [1John 1:5-7.] So take heart my beloved ones! I have already overcome the world! And through my victory you also may have victory if you just remember that you can call upon me anytime and receive my help, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Spiritual Gifts

Dearest Ones,

The time has now come to talk to you about spiritual gifts. You have all been so faithful in cooperating with me in obtaining your deliverance from the influence of the demons who have claimed access to you through your inherited and cultivated tendencies to evil. So now I want to describe some of the gifts of the Spirit that are available for you to receive in latter rain power. Read in your Bibles Romans 12, 1Corinthians 12-14, and Ephesians 4. These sections of Scripture on the presence and use of spiritual gifts in the body of Christ bear much study and emulation of the principles that are outlined there. These gifts are available to all who cleanse their hearts from sin and selfishness and seek them with a heart of love for God and others.

The gifts are given by the Holy Spirit as he chooses and sees best [1Corinthians 12:11]. It is my purpose to open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. This is the privilege of those who are cleansing their hearts of roots of sin and preparing to receive the fullness of the latter rain. All blessings come from the Sanctuary through the Holy Spirit which is sent from the throne of the Father and I as we work together to restore the human race back to its original purpose.

Our special blueprint for the human race has always been to replace the angels who fell with tested and tried overcomers who have obtained victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. The 144,000 will together represent the complete blueprint of Lucifer, because before his fall, he was the highest of all the angels, and contained all their blueprints within himself. This is represented by the words: "Every precious stone adorned you." Eze. 28:13. Just as the high priest carried on his breastplate the 12 precious stones which represented all the 12 tribes of Israel, so also will the 144,000 represent all the tribes of spiritual Israel who have gained the victory over the devil and his lies. [Rev. 7:4; 14:4, 5.]

The great multitude of Revelation 14:9-17 whom no man can number represents the saved of all ages who will stand on the sea of glass in my kingdom. These, together with the 144,000, will fill the place that was vacated by the angels who fell. Thus, every spiritual gift will then be covered and replaced by the whole host of the redeemed, and every jewel will have been gathered into my kingdom without the loss of even one.

My plan of salvation is perfect and complete in all its aspects, and not one person will be lost who wishes to be there, and makes the supreme sacrifice of self, in order to receive the white robe of my righteousness. The 144,000 from every tribe of Israel will display the complete victory over every sin that I have made possible by my finished work on earth, and the completion of my intercession in the heavenly Sanctuary. As representatives of the whole human race, they will live during the time of the end when all the collected light will be shining upon the last generation. And "Unto whom much is given, much will be required." Luke 12:48.

Therefore, all the spiritual gifts will be present in the final remnant. It is up to you to avail yourselves of them, as outlined in the Scriptures. But they will be distributed according to the Holy Spirit's discernment of your ability and willingness to use them for God's glory and the advancement of His Kingdom. No selfishness or pride or exclusiveness will be permitted in those to whom gifts are given. All is to be done to bring honor to the Father of light from whom all gifts flow. And as gifts were poured out at Pentecost, so will they be poured out in greater measure during the latter rain.

Some of you may be asking about the gift of prophecy. This is a gift that is poured out upon those who speak for me through the inspiration and unction of the Holy Spirit. It is not simply a gift of writing or speaking eloquently. It is an inner recognition and understanding of what I am wanting to reveal to others through that person. All who are inspired by me to reveal light and truth through the inspiration of my Spirit have a gift of prophecy, although they may not be considered to be prophets. True prophets are chosen to speak for me to a particular generation or time period, and are singled out for a lifetime of service for me in that calling. These may or may not have dreams and visions. The prophets who are included in the canon of Scripture spoke not only for their own time but for all my people until the end of time, and especially for the final generation.

Likewise, the other gifts mentioned in Scripture come from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. For example, the gift of faith. Everyone must have a measure of saving faith that comes from me. But a person who has the gift of faith has a greater endowment of faith because of the character qualities they have received and exercised during their lives. So again I say, study the gifts that are described in Scripture, and ask me to bestow upon you the gifts you need for the work you are called upon to do. I will not fail to give you what you need, pressed down and overflowing from the throne room in heaven.

Now go to the duties of your day, but do not be afraid to ask me for further light and power to be effective workers in my vineyard. The more faithfully and fervently you ask, the more abundantly you will receive, because when you ask, it indicates that your heart is open for the reception of a greater measure of the Holy Spirit, and it will be my delight and sacred pleasure to anoint you with my blessings, and fill you with every spiritual gift that will draw you into a closer relationship with me. So ask and receive, that your joy may be full! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
My topic for today is "reception." You may wonder why I am choosing this word, but you will soon see the importance of the concept and the understanding of its meaning. You are all familiar with the text in Matthew 7:7: "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." In the months since I have been sending direct messages to you, I have endeavored to emphasize in a variety of ways the truth that my kingdom is based upon freedom of choice, and endless opportunities to grow and expand one's talents and gifts. As long as you are connected with me through the reception and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, there will be no end to the wisdom and knowledge and gifts that are available to you. Even the ability to give and receive love will be constantly expanding, because love is the very essence of the character of God, and the more you know my Father and me, the more capacity you will have to receive our love and share it with others.

When I was on earth, I told the disciples to ask freely for whatever they needed, and if it was for their best good, they would receive it. However, there is another side to the subject of asking and receiving. Sometimes the answer is delayed because something in the heart of the person is not in harmony with my character, so I cannot give my blessing to the request. Sometimes people ask and do not receive, because the purpose for their asking comes from motives of pride and selfishness, and they desire something to build up their egos, and feed their lust for attention or self-satisfaction. These will not receive anything from me, because their hearts and motives are not right before God. Satan sometimes answers these selfish prayers if he sees that the persons will further his kingdom; or he uses them and then destroys them if it would suit his purposes better. But for those who are sincere followers of me, I delay the answers to their prayers if I see that they are mingled with selfishness, in order to give the person opportunity to search their hearts and come to me for cleansing so that their prayers and requests can be a part of their spiritual growth and the development of Christlike characters.

So to have your prayers answered, you must know me and hear my voice, and be in agreement with me about the subject of your request. I will not give to you something that will feed your egos and fill your purses and your houses with things that satisfy the unregenerate heart. But if you are to receive from me, you must ask of me things that I myself desire for you, and that which will further my kingdom and be to the glory of God and the eternal benefit for you and others. So answered prayer depends upon the cleanness of your heart and the purposes for which you are asking.

I desire and long to give you things that will draw us closer together and make your life happier and more Christlike in your character. I already have gifts of inestimable value that I am ready and willing and eager to give you when your hearts are right and the reception of the gift would draw us even closer together. Sometimes when people receive my gifts it drives them away from me because of pride and arrogance, and a desire to take the glory to themselves, whether it is wealth, fame, beauty, or talents. But when the gift is used to bring glory and honor and success to the spread of my kingdom, and to reflect my character of love to others who are in need, then my gifts to you are limited only by the use you make of them, for the source is unending.

So perhaps now you can see why I chose the word "reception." Gifts are given freely according to the reception they receive. I have an endless supply of gifts to give, but the amount that I give is determined by the reception and use of the gifts. Perhaps you recall the story of Jehoash, king of Israel, who was given an opportunity to completely destroy his enemy, the Arameans. But because of a lack of faith and oneness of spirit with me, he fell short of complete victory. [2 Kings 13:15-19.] So it is with each of you. Many people have a desire to excel in spiritual gifts, or to have victory over appetite or some other sin or character defect, but lack the drive and faith to persevere until the victory is won. This cannot be done by human nature alone, but it can and must be accomplished in the strength of the Spirit and a vital and continuing connection with me.

Many Christians will continue in their sins until death overcomes them, ever hoping and dreaming that someday they will gain the victory over a quick temper, the lusts and appetites of the fleshly nature, or some other besetting sins. But this kind of hope avails nothing because it is leaning upon the arm of flesh. They do not want to go through the fires of cleansing to obtain the precious gold of my perfect character. These persons like to believe that I will overlook their defects and cover them in their sins with the robe of my righteousness and call it righteousness by faith. But this kind of righteousness is not righteousness at all, nor is it faith. They are not righteous, because they have not sought me until they have found me. They have not repented and come home to me - they are satisfied to dream of my blessings, but they are yet in the pigsty eating with the pigs. They are nominal Christians who call upon my name but do not do my works because they do not know me personally. This is the condition of the Laodicean church. They consider themselves to be ready for my appearing, yet they do not possess the character which will give them total victory in the areas of their lives where sin has gained the victory over them. They must have the eyesalve that will open their eyes to my leading in their lives, and be able to hear the still, small, voice of my Holy Spirit speaking to them moment by moment. Beware to those who think they are ready for the wedding feast because they know about me, but do not know me and have a personal, ongoing, daily relationship with me.

The door of probation is still open, my friends. The sweet voice of my Spirit is still calling you to give up every secret and cherished sin, and the fleshly lusts and desires, and mistakes that you make because you do not call upon me for help, cleansing, and victory over the sins that so easily beset you! My love and forgiveness are beyond anything that you can fathom. But the reception of these gifts depends upon you. Open your heart's door to me and let me come in and cleanse your house and sweep it clean from things that you do that you hardly even notice anymore. You are so used to living with your unchristlike habits of thinking and behaving that you are satisfied to cohabitate with them. But if you truly let me come into your heart, I will restore the old waste places that sin has made, and give you victory over appetite, lust of the flesh, temper, irritations, criticism, worry, impatience, faithlessness, and all the other evidences of Satan's influence in your life, and restore you to myself bright and clean and ready for the reception of the latter rain.

Are you ready to open the door of your heart and receive me? If you do, I will replace every sin and defect with my righteous character, and you will have abundant joy and blessings, and my victory over sin and Satan. As you walk and talk with me I will take you safely through the days ahead until I come. So my message to you today is this: the choice is up to each of you, for I am no respecter of persons. The reception of my gifts is waiting for your positive response! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I want to talk to you today about money. Money is a treasure from God that I give you to use for my name's honor and glory. It is not to be used for self-aggrandizement and squandering for things that are not necessary. Now, I do not mean that you should become miserly, and so focused upon every penny that you become out of balance and lose your focus upon me and our connection of love and unity. I do not want you to become fearful that I might be disapproving of how you have spent your money in the past. But what I do want is for you to see your money as a gift from me to use for the needs of yourself and your family, and for the needs of the church and others as I direct.

Money is a sacred trust from me, and therefore, I would like to be involved in your expenditures to guide you in how to use it. I already know what your needs are, and what they will be in the future, and I can guide you safely through each day in your expenditures. As you know, the tithes and offerings come first as you make out your budget. But your remaining funds are dedicated to me as well in the sense that I want to be involved in how you spend the rest of your money. It is the same as time. You only have 24 hours a day, and it can be squandered or used wisely, and the more you depend upon my guidance in the use of your time, money, and even physical energy, the more I can pour out my blessings of eternal life that begin even here, when you are in constant connection with me and under my guidance. So before you spend the 80%* of your budget which is left after tithe and offerings, be sure you consult me to help you. When you have dedicated your money to me, I will help you to have everything you need.

Now go to the activities of your day, but just keep in connection with me throughout the day to advise you on the use of your time, energy, and money, and you will find that you will have enough for your own needs and the needs of others as I guide you through the day. If you are following my guidance, you will have the resources of heaven to draw from. When you are connected with me, I will give you wisdom and guidance to supply all your needs for each day. This is the reward of having a loving, trust relationship with me, for I will never leave you to the assaults of the enemy.

But beware of consulting only your own impressions about the use of your time, energy, and money, for the devil will lead you to squander it all for selfish purposes, or for chasing his rabbits until you have exhausted your supplies. But even if you have done this, come to me and I will lead you in paths of deliverance, and provide a way of escape, recovery, and healing for you, for when you are attached to me you are attaching to the endless resources of heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.
(*Or whatever the Lord impresses you to give for tithes and offerings.)

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