My Bride

Dearest Ones,

How lovely are the fields of ripening grain that are preparing for the harvest! How great the joy of the husbandman who has waited for the precious yield to mature.

"Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh." Is. 5:7, 8.

Now the winter is past and the warmth of the summer sun is bringing forth the fruit of the earth. And I am longing to walk with my lovely Bride down the streets of gold and give her fruit from the Tree of Life and water from the River of Life from my garden home which I have prepared for her.

"Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; come with me." SS 2:10-13. NIV

The mansions that I have prepared for her stand empty and waiting for my return from the final battle with my enemy, bringing the redeemed of the earth with me to present them to my Father. Do you ever think about the joy of the Father when He welcomes me and the trophies from the earth which are a reward for my sacrifice on Calvary? Imagine the scene, for my Father will rejoice over you with singing!

"On that day you will not be put to shame for all the wrongs you have done to me, because I will remove from this city those who rejoice in their pride. Never again will you be haughty on my holy hill. But I will leave within you the meek and humble who trust in the name of the Lord. The remnant of Israel will do no wrong; they will speak no lies, nor will deceit be found in their mouths. They will eat and lie down and no one will make them afraid. Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout aloud, O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O Daughter of Zion! The Lord has taken away your punishment, he has turned back your enemy. The Lord, the King of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm. On that day they will say to Jerusalem, 'Do not fear, O Zion; do not let your hands hang limp. The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing....' At that time I will deal with all who oppressed you; I will rescue the lame and gather those who have been scattered. I will give them praise and honor in every land where they were put to shame. At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home." Zeph. 3:11-20. NIV

Perhaps you have guessed already that my subject for today is, "My Bride." Can you hear the sound of the angels' wings that comprise my chariot when I come to get you and take you home with me? Can you hear the sound of the trumpet that will announce my descent to this tiny planet circling in space where I will eventually bring my jeweled city to establish my kingdom? These are things that I am thinking about today, so I invite you to take a few moments of your time to ponder these things and let my Spirit lift you to heavenly realms where only the children of light will dwell.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep a song in your heart to match the singing of the angels around my throne, and the voices of my Father and I welcoming you home! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Greetings to my lovely ones who listen for my voice and obey me each day!

The subject for today is "generosity." The natural heart of man is selfish and centered upon his or her own thoughts, feelings, and needs. It has been so since the fall In the Garden of Eden. The mind without the Spirit of God seeks only to satisfy its own needs. But this is the opposite of the thoughts of God. The nature and character of the members of the godhead is to give. Thus, when man is a finished product of grace and has been cleansed of all sin and prepared to live forever in the family of God, the mind of God will be reproduced in the heart, soul, and mind of everyone who is a part of the redeemed. Even the word redeemed is descriptive of the restoration back to the original pattern of the mind and emotions of mankind when they were created in the beginning.

In those early days after the creation, their minds were untested and untried. Maturation can only take place when the mind is exercised by opportunities to make decisions on the basis of intelligent thinking processes. The will must come into play, for mental, emotional, and spiritual growth depends upon right-thinking and proper choices. That is why I put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden. I did not do this because I wanted them to be tempted. I put the tree there to give opportunity for intelligent decisions based upon right-thinking, and thus the powers of the mind would be strengthened to understand truth and obey by conscious choice, not rote obedience without comprehension of the factors involved. This is still my intention as I gather my faithful ones to me who have observed the fruit of sin and have come into complete agreement with me on every point, and would rather die than sin. The cause and effect of rebellion as now completely observable by everyone, and only those who truly agree with me on every point from an understanding of the reason behind my requirements will be accepted into heaven.

But what does this have to do with generosity? This is because the atmosphere of heaven is unselfish giving, which is the opposite of the root of sin. Love is outward focused to minister to the needs of others, and finds its fulfillment and peace and joy in seeing the happiness of others. Selfishness is centered upon one's own needs and desires, and sees the world through the eyes of self-fulfillment. Love thinks things through and does not act by impulse. Can you imagine what would have been the outcome of careful thinking and reasoning from cause to effect by Adam and Eve before taking the apple? Impulsive thinking, reacting, and decision-making is always dangerous and self-centered. Bring every thought and decision and impulse to me and let me reveal to you the proper and safe way, which is the way of holiness and agreement with me, for I have only your happiness in view. Because I know the end from the beginning, I can protect you and guide you into safe paths.

What will be the result in your life if you refer to me before making decisions? You will become the outflowing of my love to others, and you yourself will be blessed and rewarded beyond measure. Remember, everything in my creation is made to serve a purpose and to reap the benefits of unselfish love by receiving the results of giving to others. The more you give, the more I will fill you with my love, joy, and peace, and restore your life with overflowing enrichment.

So as you go forward into your activities for the day, remember that I am right beside you to measure every trial and to help you through it successfully. I have walked this way before you, and I will give you my victory and peace if you will look to me for it. Then my blessings to you will flow out to others and back to heaven in the circle of love. Isn't that a rewarding way to look at life each day? And when you become a part of this circle of giving and receiving, you are already a part of the family in heaven! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

As the time of my coming draws near, I am visiting each of you who professes my name, and searching your hearts to see if you are in agreement with my principles and my laws in every area of your mind.* I am not doing this to find fault in you, but to reveal to you the things that would come between you and me, and the areas of your life that need cleansing. These are revealed to you if you are awake and listening for my voice. You see, I cannot and will not blot out any sin in your life that you are still tolerating and practicing, either in your mind or in your behavior. If I blot out your sins while you are still practicing them, I would not be a truthful witness. [Rev. 3:14.] This is not done even in your own courts of law. Therefore, in order to blot out your sins in the time of refreshing [Acts 3:19], I must have your attention and your full cooperation. I love to do this work for you, because it gives me pain to see you laboring under the yoke of bondage that the devil puts upon you. Remember that he is the accuser of the brethren [Rev. 12:10], and he accuses you day and night before me; so if you are content to continue in sin, his accusations will be correct, for if you regard sin in your heart [Ps. 66:18], I am obliged to allow you to reap the results of your choices and let Satan continue to have influence in your life. But if you cry out to me for help, cleansing, and victory, I will send holy angels to wrestle with the evil forces and drive them away and give you a pure heart that is responsive to my Spirit. [Ps. 18:1-21.]This is the work that I have been doing since sin entered into the world. I am the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world [Rev.13:8] and I have always been working to save everyone who will come to me for help, cleansing, victory, and protection from the evil one.

But now the sands of time are running out, and probation is about to close. I am already loosening the winds of strife [Rev. 7:1-3], and very little time is left. This means that every effort must be put into the work of heart searching and cleansing, preparatory to the sealing and the latter rain. Up to now, my people have largely been waiting to do this when the Sunday law becomes an issue. But I warn you not to put it off until then, for the devil is making stealthy preparations which will take many people by surprise, for he is like a lion after its prey, who hides in the weeds until is too late for his victim to escape. I will accept anyone who comes to me even now, but please warn everyone not to delay coming into the ark of safety until it is too late to prepare their hearts to be ready to meet me without guile. I love everyone, but not everyone loves me. And most who profess my name are my servants in name only. This grieves my Father and me greatly, but my love is requited by my true-hearted believers who have accepted the conditions of salvation by faith. Therefore the subject of my message today is 'trust."

It is not easy to trust in a world where everything is unsafe, and tragedy can happen in a moment of time. Only those whose hearts have been fully given to me can know what it means to have peace of mind and heart no matter what the circumstances may be. As I said to my disciples, "Let not your heart be troubled." In the same way you believe in my Father, "believe also in me." [John 14:1, 27.] Belief and trust go together, and yet there is a difference. Belief indicates that you have come to a decision that I am who I say I am, and that my words and promises are true. Trust is a result of throwing one's whole weight upon the words and principles that I teach, holding nothing back, and dedicating one's entire life to serving in my kingdom. Those who refuse to do this do not know how much they lose by rejecting my offer to eternal life!

But just as it takes faith and trust to enjoy the convenience of aeronautical flight, so it takes faith and trust to believe that I can guide your life. That is why it is so important for my faithful servants to share their own experiences with others who may be hesitant to believe. Do you realize how important it is to save even one person from eternal death? What joy it will be for you to see that person praising around the throne in heaven! Nothing is more important than sharing with others the faith and trust you have in me, and inspiring them with the desire to have what you have. The stars in your crown will be the smallest reward for seeing a soul that you have helped by your testimony to trust in me and be saved and receive eternal life.

Now go to your day's activities, but be open and ready to touch the life of someone who can benefit by your example. Many will be the people in heaven whose lives have been touched by the loving ministry of another person, and encouraged to throw their whole wait upon their testimony of faith and trust in me. Though you cannot see me now, you will see me soon. And the greatest joy you receive will be in seeing your family and friends who are in heaven because of your testimony. Can we walk together today along the pathways of your life? If you do, your faith and trust in me will grow and you will blossom as a rose of Sharon in the garden of God! Lovingly, Jesus.

*Ps. 139:1, 2, 23, 24; Jer. 17:10; 1 Chron. 28:9; Rom. 8:27; 1 Cor. 2:10; Rev. 2:23.

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The Armor of God

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased as I see my people looking to me for strength and victory and overcoming the assaults and temptations of the evil one. You are becoming strong warriors in my army, and all the power of the devil cannot overcome you as long as you look to me for help and guidance and strength and wisdom for each battle with the powers of darkness. Temptations will come, but victory is sure as long as you lean upon me and follow the banner of truth and have on the whole armor so that the fiery darts of the enemy cannot penetrate and wound you. Therefore the subject for today is "the armor of God." I will take each part of the armor and discuss its importance.

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit...." Gal. 6:10-18.

Notice first that you must have on the FULL armor of God to withstand the devil's assaults against you. He has studied you from childhood and knows your weaknesses and has used them over and over against you. The neuron pathways of your brain are well-traveled from the habit patterns of a lifetime. But my righteous life is your security, for every victory that I gained against the enemy is for you. It is not just a covering to allow you to continue to sin with impunity. Every victory that I have won for you is a tangible assurance that my power within you will give you the same victory over sin and the devil.

So take first the protecting bulwark of truth. This means that even one lie is an opening for the devil to assault you, for he is a liar from the beginning and captured the minds of a third of the angels by his lies and distortions of truth. When you fall under the tempter's power, you know that there is a lie of some kind that you believe that was a trap set for you. The Scriptures say that you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. [John 8:32.] Free from what? It is freedom from the snare of the lies of the enemy! [Ps. 119:45.]

The next part of the armor is the breastplate of righteousness. The loins and the chest are the seat of the emotions and of life itself. When Satan wants to attack you, he will try to get to you through your emotions and feelings. Hardness of heart is a sign that Satan has battered down the door of your emotions and you have put up walls against further pain. But I am knocking at

your heart's door, and if you will let me come in, I will bring you love and healing from all the abuse and damage that the devil has done to you, and I will set you free to trust in my love and righteousness, which is your protection.

When you are thus healed, you will long to share with others what you have learned from me, and will desire to take the gospel to them. Be careful in the way you do this, for some in their ignorance make the gospel distasteful because of their abrupt approach. The gospel should bring healing and peace to troubled hearts. Meet their felt needs first. You notice how I combined preaching with healing and feeding the hungry to help them become more aware of their spiritual needs. This is why it is called the gospel of peace. Correctly shared, the gospel brings peace and healing to troubled, hungry, hurting souls.

Next is the importance of the shield of faith. When I was on earth I asked the vital question, "When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8. I spoke this because as I looked forward in time to my coming, I saw the very symptoms that I see in my church and on earth today. Faith in the original Advent message of the pioneers in 1844 is now a rare commodity. But nevertheless, I do have my faithful ones who are holding true and going forward to be the remnant that I prophesied I would have. [Rev. 14:12.] And you must hold onto this shield of faith as you hear and see the signs of apostasy around you. Do not get into unnecessary controversy with those who are downplaying the Spirit of Prophecy, the Sanctuary doctrines, the necessity of my work of perfecting a people who will stand blamelessly before me during the time of trouble, or any other false doctrines of devils. Do not focus upon these or other errors until you become discouraged or disheartened, but keep your eyes upon me and keep the faith that I had which enabled me to go through the experience of the Cross and come through victoriously. I did not yield to doubt about my Father's love for me and the ultimate success of our mission, regardless of what it appeared to be as I faced death apparently alone and forsaken by my Father and my disciples. You, too, will be tested during the darkest hours before I come. But if you will look to the triumph of my sacrifice for you, you will be strengthened to endure until you see me face to face.

Lastly, you must have on the helmet of the assurance of your salvation, which protects your mind from yielding to the pressures of discouragement and doubt, and keeps you strong against the suggestions of the enemy. Then take the sword of the Spirit - the Word of God - and you will win every battle against the wily foe.

Now go to the activities of your day but keep your armor on every moment, and never let your guard down to the enemy's assaults against you. Be strong in prayer and swift to use the sword of the Spirit - the word of God - to gain every victory against the temptations and lies of the enemy of your souls. Always remember that I have already won the victory, and my victory is yours if you steadfastly claim it. With faith in me, you cannot fail of obtaining the reward of eternal life in the glorious kingdom that I have waiting for you. And always remember that you are never alone, for I am always, and will ever be, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My heart of love is focused upon my people around the world today. Two things are happening that I have foreseen and prophesied. As a result of the signs upon earth that I am sending, people are being aroused and are seeing that something momentous is about to happen. Read the book of Amos to see the condition of the earth as I see it now. But in spite of the catastrophes that I am sending to arouse people to know that I am coming soon, people's hearts are becoming even more hardened in their efforts to turn off the fear and foreboding that they feel. Sports continue to be played, music and revelry continue, and the people of the world hasten on to their destruction as did they in Noah's day until the flood came and took them all away. Therefore, it is time for me to arise and shake terribly the earth and its inhabitants. [Isa. 2:19, 21.] But I will hide my people in the cleft of The Rock [Ex. 33:22; Ps. 18:2] and shield them in the day of disaster [Ps. 57:1; 144:2], for they have followed me faithfully and preached my truth without fear. Now they will have nothing to fear when I punish the wicked for their sins and their high-handed rebellion against my laws and their treachery against my people.

So the topic for today is "fearlessness." Fear is a natural result of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When I created man, fear was an unknown emotion, for I am love, and everything in my creation responds to love, and perfect love casts out fear. [1 John 4:18.] But rebellion and sin produce fear of a lack of safety and protection, and a sense of vulnerability to harm and danger. So feelings of fear are a result of sin, and is one of the effects of sin that must be overcome.

When I was upon earth I experienced pain and suffering and sorrow, both emotionally and physically, but this did not produce fear in me because faith and connection with my Father and his love for me was my solace and the stronghold of my emotions. So it must be with you. Since love, trust, and faith are a product of connection with me, so you can have the gift of my perfect righteousness in your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to Satan's temptations. Fear produces anger and self-protection, which are a result of sinful thoughts and feelings and a lack of trust and faith and connection with me. So in these last few hours before probation closes, your highest goal should be to open your hearts to my cleansing work in you, and be cleansed from all fear, sin, and rebellion against the leading of the Holy Spirit in your daily life.

So today I would like for you to train your hearts to be aware of any fears that are still lurking in your mind or emotions. Many persons have had abuse in childhood that produces fear. This is a terrible sin by parents, but it can be healed by a love relationship with me and trust in my care for you. For those of you who have problems with anger, remember that anger is a byproduct of fear and self-protection. Fortify your minds with Scriptures that combat fear, and place your assurance upon my love and protection. Many people today are afraid to preach the straight truth about my imminent return and the preparation necessary to be ready for my coming. They fear to upset people and bring disbelief, rejection, or shame upon themselves. But none of these will be entrusted with the privilege of preaching the message of the fourth angel that swells to a loud cry. So can you see how important it is to be cleansed from all fear and self-protection if you want to be among the final cleansed remnant? No cowards will be among the 144,000, who represent me in the earth, and before the entire universe.

Now I want to say a word about those who are spurning the writings of Ellen White and saying that they should not be used for doctrine. There is nothing in her writings that is not already in the Scriptures. The writers of old spoke of things that were far in the future, and they saw it through a glass darkly because it was not specifically applicable for their generation, although in some aspects it would apply to judgments that would come to them as a result of their sins. But the complete, full application would come in the final generation of earth's history. Therefore, I have given you the Gift of Prophecy in the last days to bring out the specific Scriptures that are applicable to the conditions at the end of time, with additional testimonies from me to purify a people who will be cleansed and ready to preach the last warning message to the world. Many are forgetting that the writings of Ellen White are inspired testimonies and messages from me for my final people, and I assure you that those who spurn, downplay, or reject these messages through the Spirit of Prophecy as displayed in the writings of Ellen White will not be ready for my coming and will be cast into outer darkness because they rejected the light that I sent to them. [Matt. 8:12.]

It is the same as the sin of the Jewish nation when they rejected me, the Messenger of the Covenant, and sealed their doom as a nation. It was the remnant of Israel who believed in me and came out of the false teachings of the rabbis and Jewish leaders, and became my disciples and the founders of the Christian church. So it will be now. Those who believe my prophets will receive the light shining upon them and move forward to victory and be alive when I come.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep me ever in your heart and listen to the still small voice of my Spirit guiding you through the day, and rejoice that you are accounted worthy to be a member of the final generation who will go through to the end. Do not permit fear of anything or anyone to remain in your heart, but bring it to me and let me give you light and comfort and protection, just as I went to my Father for everything that pertains to righteousness, holiness, and perfection. And now I bequeath the same things to you as my remnant of Israel. Let the bedrock of my promises saturate your mind, and meet the temptations of the evil one with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God which will enable you to meet and conquer all the fiery darts [Eph. 6:16] of the enemy. And let the peace of God which passes understanding [Phil. 4:7] fill your hearts with love and dispel forever any fear of harm or any temptations of the evil one. Be blessed today, my beloved ones, and keep your hearts uplifted to me, for I will never leave you nor forsake you [Deut. 31:6, 8], and I am, and will always be, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My subject for today is "tranquility." In a world of sin, suffering, and death, it is difficult to maintain a tranquil and calm spirit, when all around you is fraught with the many pressures of life. The only way this can be accomplished is by having a mind that is staid upon faith and trust in me and a focus upon my continual love and care for you. As long as you are in this world, you will face seemingly insurmountable problems that only I can solve. The way to face these problems is to fully trust that I have a perfect plan for your life, and that as long as you cooperate with me, I will bring out the original plan that I have for you. [Jeremiah 29:11.]

The reason this plan has not reached its highest potential is because of the character flaws that impede the full display of my righteousness and holiness. Therefore, my final ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary must produce a completed work of grace in the hearts and lives of those who live in the last hour of earth's history. There must be no flaws in the weaving of the robe of my righteousness which I do with and for my finished bride. This is why I am giving these messages at this time, because so many have lost the vision of a completed work at the close of earth's history.

In fact, if I closed my work in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary with anything less than a finished and cleansed people, the universe would still be contaminated by this one planet which has joined with Satan and his hosts of evil who have defected and challenged the throne of heaven. But there is much joy in heaven, now, as my people are moving into line who love and honor me and keep my commandments from an intelligent understanding of the purpose of my laws which are the foundation of my character and my government. My commandments are the guarantee of the peace, joy, and tranquility of all who live in my realm and are in agreement with my heart, which is expressed in my laws.

But even now, after 6,000 years of the demonstration of what sin does, most people will choose death instead of life. The mystery of iniquity is beyond understanding. The demonstration which I have allowed for all to see - that sin leads to death - does not convince those who are determined to have their own way. That is why the joy of heaven is centered upon my beloved ones who have seen the results of sin and have chosen life. I am telling you this now, for soon it will be time for you to preach the last warning message to the inhabitants of earth that they will ever hear:

"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." [Rev. 18:4.]

Those who are found worthy of giving this final message to the world will not be found among those who have given up the hope of becoming sinless before I come. These will not be called by my Spirit to give a message of coming out of sin while they are still tolerating it in their own lives.

Those who do this are not my people, for they do not have the faith in me and love for me that makes it possible for me to cleanse them. Therefore I am emphasizing the word tranquility, for it is opposite of the work of the devil, for the wicked are like the tossing sea that cannot rest. [Isa. 57:20, 21.]

So come, my beloved ones, come into the haven that obedience to my laws produces. A sane mind, a quiet spirit, and an assurance of salvation is worth all the gold on earth, for these bring a peace that nothing can destroy. Look to me for this tranquility, this gold of character which represents those who have come through the fires of cleansing, and are in perfect agreement with me on every issue in their lives. Before you can participate in the loud cry of the fourth angel of Revelation 18, you must participate in the peace and tranquility of soul that comes from holiness of character and perfect agreement with me. Then you will be a fit vessel to represent my character and my kingdom.

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your hearts uplifted for the showers of the latter rain that are pouring out for everyone who is going through the cleansing and blotting out of sin and being sealed forever as citizens of my kingdom of love, joy, peace, and tranquility. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am with you today as I was with my disciples when we walked and talked together about things too wonderful for them to absorb, but afterwards they would remember what I taught them and take it to the world. So it will be with you. As you walk with me now I will reveal treasures with you to share with the hungry multitude, and as you share it, it will multiply in your hands because you cannot outgive me, the giver of all good things.

Now for the topic of today. It is "readiness." The question I have for you to ponder today is this: Are you ready to follow me through the perilous times just ahead of us? I say "us," because I will be with you every step of the journey to the end, just as I was with my people on their journey to the promised land. I deliberately led them through the wilderness so they could learn to trust me and my leadership, and get to know me and my ways. Although they could not see me in person, they could see the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire, and see the miracles that I did for them day after day. My communication with them was through Moses, as they had asked it to be. [Ex. 20:18, 19.] But they often rebelled against me when they did not understand my ways.

Yet I loved them and led them to the promised land, just as I had promised them I would do. Now the time has come for me to lead my people to the promised land again. But this time I will be the leader in person and not through a human leader. Everyone who goes through alive with me will have to have a personal relationship with me even greater than I had with Moses or any of my other leaders, for I must lead you through the last days and hours of earth's history and you must know my voice personally speaking to your heart. No one will make it through by following another person or leader, no matter how great the leader may be. Each person must be a finished product of my grace, and thus be a representation of what my saving power can do for every person if they allow me to walk and talk with them as I did with Moses, Abraham, Elijah, and Enoch.

You have no idea how much I love each one of you, nor can you know until you reach the eternal promised land, and see me face to face and know what it means to live in my presence all the time. Now you must live by faith and see only through a glass darkly [1 Cor. 13:12]. But the relationship that I have with you now must so satisfy your need for my love that you would rather die than be separated from me and the special relationship that we have together even now. So it has been with all who will be in heaven, no matter when in the progress of history they have lived. But no one else will have lived when the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the earth and only the righteous had a connection with me. And none of them will have lived when there was no mediator in the heavenly Sanctuary. No one else will have seen the whole earth in utter chaos and live through the time of trouble such as never was.

So you will be my special display before the universe of what my life, death, resurrection, and mediation can do to bring forth a finished and perfected people, ready to walk through the gates of heaven without seeing death. It is not that you are more spiritual or more dedicated than any other people. It is a combination of when you have lived in the outline of history, and how you have responded to my call to be among the 144,000 who will represent all the saved people of all the ages in history. Therefore, the concept that I am emphasizing today in order to be among that number, is readiness, because this must characterize every person who goes all the way with me to the perfected state of holiness, or complete agreement with me, that is necessary to complete the journey to the heavenly Canaan.

Do you see the contrast between those who completed the journey from Egypt to Canaan and those who did not? There were only two - Joshua and Caleb - who trusted and obeyed me. Do you remember what Joshua said to the rebellious people who died in the wilderness?

"The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them." [Num. 13:7-9.]

So it must be now with those who go through all the way. The majority of Christians, even of my own people are saying, we cannot overcome the giants in our lives. We cannot have perfect victory over sin and the temptations of the devil. And so, as I said to ancient Israel, so I say to you: If you will not, you cannot. I accept your decision to stay in Egypt in your hearts and in your behavior. Because you say you cannot overcome the giants in your life, you have pronounced your own doom. You will die with your sins unconquered and never see the promised land.

But those who, like Joshua and Caleb, believe my words and follow me all the way through the end of time - these will triumph with me, and by their readiness to believe my word and obey my counsel, they will represent me forever as the finished work of redemption. Do you want to be among that number and be ready to move forward to obtain the prize? I know that you will, for you have already stepped out from those who are saying, it can't be done. You are my Calebs and Joshuas who are leaders in Israel because of your belief and trust in my promises and my cleansing power. And to you I say today:

"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain." Isa. 26:20, 21.

Soon you will see me coming in the clouds of heaven to take you home. Be faithful until that day and your reward for following me faithfully on earth will be to follow me forever by my side throughout eternity! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

The day has come when I must go forward with my plans to finish the work in righteousness and holiness of purpose. I will lead my flock with gentleness and protect them from all the assaults of the devil who would destroy them in a moment if I permitted him to do so. But I am the mighty defender of my people who love me and keep my Commandments, and to these I will be a wall of fire and protection.

Now for the topic of today. It is "tenderness." Satan is a lover of power and he has imbued this characteristic into fallen humanity. All around you, you can see this demonstrated in families, nations, and individuals. You can see the lust for power and control over others that results in arguments and violence the world over. If you could see what I see every moment of the day and night, you would be more aware of the results of Satan's original premise to take the throne of heaven and rule the universe. Thus, the world and its inhabitants are largely under his control and have assimilated his character. That is why I am bringing the reign of sin to an end, and bringing in righteousness and peace and love for those who have chosen the principles of my kingdom.

Therefore, I want to speak about the quality of tenderness today, because it is a vital element of love and perfection of character. Gentleness is a twin to it, and together make my followers a reflection of my character. I have specifically created every living thing to respond to a spirit of love as displayed in the character qualities of tenderness and gentleness. When a baby is born these qualities help the child to feel safe, valued, respected, and loved, and help to implant these same characteristics in their developing emotions. But how many children are treated with harshness, rudeness, and even violence, so of course this creates the same character qualities in them and does untold damage to their development. They, in turn, will pass these same qualities on to their children, and so forth.

Many church problems are caused by grown-up children who bring their warped character development into the church and think that the way their parents handled them is the way to handle everyone in the home, the church, and society. But my people are to be trained and equipped with the opposite characteristics founded upon love and respect, gentleness and tenderness, for the power of love is the greatest power in the universe. It can conquer the rudeness of others and provide peace where there was no peace; tranquility and happiness where there was only anger and resentment.

Of course, I know that not everyone will respond even to love, because they have already accepted the devil's policies and are in agreement with him. But I want the members of my kingdom to learn from me, for I am meek and lowly of heart [Matt. 11:29], and I do not use force and violence to get my way. If the power of love does not win hearts, then nothing else will. So I invite all of you to remember that you are to be a paragon of blessings to everyone around you, and every act you do from a heart and motive of love will come back to you sevenfold, for it is born of heaven and blessed by my Spirit to bring forth a harvest of righteousness and peace throughout eternity.

So today and every day remember that I am waiting to love others through your hands, your feet, your voice, your acts of kindness in my behalf to those around you, and heaven will begin for my beloved ones even here in this world where violence and hatred and suffering abounds almost everywhere.

Now be blessed today as you associate with each other and let the peace of heaven energize and fill you with the fruits of the Spirit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance [Gal. 5:22, 23] - and let the atmosphere of heaven bring you gladness and joy! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Latter Rain

Dearest Ones,

My heart is joyful today because of the progress of my people toward holiness. My true followers are divesting themselves of doubt and worldliness, and accepting my invitation to be cleansed of earthliness, and receive the showers of the latter rain. The more light you receive the more light you shall have, until every corner of your heart and mind have been cleansed and filled with my righteousness. Therefore my topic for today, is "the latter rain."

This has been a goal of my people throughout history, for even the prophets of old have spoken of it through the unction of the Holy Spirit. [Hos. 6:3; Zech.10:1.] But even though many God-fearing people received the natural outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives as they moved forward in the process of spiritual growth and cleansing of known sin, no generation has received the latter rain which has been prophesied for the cleansed remnant at the close of my ministry in the Most Holy Place. But this singular baptism of the Holy Spirit is now available, because my people are cooperating with me in the full cleansing of all hereditary and cultivated sins, both personally and also back to the third and fourth generation. Now the antitypical Day of Atonement is coming to a close so that I can carry out the promise of the latter rain upon a fully cleansed and prepared people as a reward and fulfillment of my promise throughout Scripture.

Lift up your heads O ye gates and open up ye everlasting doors, for the King of glory to come in, bringing his cleansed and beautiful bride to live with him forever! And everyone who reads or hears these messages is invited to the wedding! [Ps. 24:1-10; Rev. 19:1-10.]

Now I want to explain in greater detail the process by which you may be among the wise virgins who are ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. The first concept to understand is that everyone is born with inherited tendencies to evil. Although you are not held personally responsible for the sins of your ancestry, it is inevitable that you will follow in their footsteps because it is passed on in the genes and DNA of body cells and brain pathways. Thus you are also susceptible to the demons who are associated with these weaknesses, and they begin as early as possible to influence you to follow in the sins of your parents and ancestry.

But my Spirit is also present at the conception of each child, and from the beginning of life works to influence their choices. As you may imagine, the greater the sins and rejection of the influence of my Spirit by the parents, the less chance there is for the child to respond to the Holy Spirit. But some children do, and I follow them throughout their lives to woo them to fully surrender to me and fulfill the blueprint plan which I have for their lives.

But now I want to return to the subject at hand - the latter rain at the close of earth's history. It has always been my plan to finish the work of salvation at the close of time, because I must have a finished product of my grace and saving power to redeem mankind fully from the sins of the fathers upon the children from the beginning at the fall of mankind in Eden. I have presented progressive truth through every generation, but the full light of my righteousness and salvation will be displayed to those who follow me through the judgment of the living, and are cleansed completely of both hereditary and cultivated sins. The amount of light that is necessary to accomplish this is called the latter, or finishing work of the Holy Spirit In my people. This means that all the light and power that is necessary for the finishing of the work will be displayed for and by my remnant who keep the commandments of God and have both the faith and the testimony of Jesus. [Rev. 12:17; 14:12; 19:10.]

The good news is that this is now available to all who seek to go all the way with me to complete victory over sin and sinning, and the presence and power that the evil one has had in your lives because of hereditary and cultivated sins that have not been overcome. The latter rain means that as you move forward in cooperation with me in the final atonement, the progressive light of the latter rain will be poured out upon you and thus the work will be finished as this light flashes around the world to reap the harvest of souls who are ready to be garnered in.

Is the subject and understanding of the latter rain more clear to you now? Sin darkens the mind and keeps you from knowing truth. The cleansing of sin brings light and agreement between us as your mind becomes open to all the showers and fullness of the Holy Spirit. So to all who hear my voice and open the door of their hearts to me, I say, Come, my beloved ones and drink at the fountain of my love for you and all the blessings and deliverance that is yours through my perfect life and my blood that has been shed for you. As I said to my disciples, ask me for anything, and I will give it to you, for you are asking to further the kingdom of light, and everything I have won for you is now yours. [John 14:12-14; 16:12-15; 17:20-26.]

Now go to the activities of your day, but on this preparation day, remember that you are preparing to enter into the eternity of peace in my heavenly kingdom by my side, and before the Father! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

The closing work is hastening on as the time draws near for my coming. The loud cry is yet ahead of us, but the preparation of heart that you are doing now is preparing you to participate in the last great trumpet call to the world before probation closes.

Now for the topic of today. It is "preparedness." When an army is preparing for battle, every soldier must undergo intense training with strengthening exercises and battle maneuvers. There are meetings where the resources and plans of the enemy are discussed, and every possible movement and advance of the opposing army are considered. No less preparations are required of those who have chosen to be in my church militant as the end of the great controversy is approaching. Therefore, as Supreme Commander of the armies of heaven, I would like to discuss with you, my beloved, chosen, and faithful followers, some of the plans that are necessary to be trained and ready for the final confrontation with Satan as the time grows near.

First and foremost, you must be deeply and faithfully immersed in the study of the Scriptures. There you will find counsel, instruction, power, and wisdom to discern the wiles and ways of the evil one. You will also learn how to anticipate and recognize the assaults that he makes against you, and how to meet them with the sword of the Spirit and the Word of God. Next, you must keep in continual communion with me, and I will guide and instruct and warn you of the direct assaults or stealthy approach of the enemy, who tries to take you off guard. Good soldiers never lower their watchfulness, for battles have been lost and kingdoms have fallen through the drowsiness and inattention, or surfeiting and drunkenness of the soldiers. Another thing to remember is that great battles have been won by just one loyal servant, such as Gideon, Caleb, and Elisha, who recognized that there are angelic forces that are unseen by the naked eye who are on the field of battle and will bring forth the victory. So take courage, my chosen and faithful ones, for the victory over the enemy is sure if you trust completely in my leadership and use the power of the word as your shield and buckler.

Next, you need to exercise your faith by being ready at a moment's notice to share with others that I bring into your pathway to hear the words of life, hope and truth that I have given to you; for the enemy is battling for the weaker souls who are not as strong in the faith as you are. Satan brings all kinds of temptations into their lives to discourage or disheartened them, or to draw them into worldly pursuits which will lead them away from reliance upon me and being aware of my leading in their lives, and the conditions upon which their salvation is to be founded. These wavering souls can be rescued from slipping away into the darkness by your attention to their needs for support and encouragement.

Another element of preparedness is prayer and study time. The press of daily activities draws upon you as soon as you become conscious in the morning. But you must receive strength and direction from me, or you will be vulnerable to the challenges of the day that you do not even anticipate when you get up in the morning. But I know all about them, and I have already planned ahead to make a way of escape and victory for you if you are willing to commit your time, energy, and talents to me at the beginning of each day and continue your walk with me throughout the day. Another "must" for my soldiers is to put on the armor that I provide for you. Do not try to fashion yourself after someone else's life, for I have designed the blueprint plan for your life with just the right armor for you. I take into consideration your temperament, your gifts, your strengths and weaknesses, and my goals for you each day, and as you look to me I will strengthen you for every skirmish with the devil, and bring you out of the trial victoriously, just as I was victorious in the wilderness over him.

The last point that I want to make today is to seek to be filled by all the gifts and graces of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance [Gal. 5:22, 23], and all the facets of wisdom that you need. [Prov. 8:12-14.] And for each of you, I have the special gifts of the Spirit [Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Cor. 12: 7-11; 27-31; Eph.4:10-13] that I have promised to give to each one who enters my kingdom and fights in my army. These are all for you, so ask for anything that you need, and it will be given to you. But first you must prepare your heart to receive it by cleansing your heart of all defilement in cooperation with my work for you each day.

Now go to the activities of your day, but always remember that you are chosen to be a part of the glorious victory of the cause of righteousness, and when you stand for my truth in the power of my Spirit, you will receive the reward of eternal life with me and my Father, and forever enjoy the fruit of your labors as you fought successfully the battle against the dragon and the beast of Revelation 13 and 17, in the final struggle between truth and error, light and darkness.

So go in peace and victory today, and never be afraid of the roar of the lion, for he is already a beaten foe at the cross! Soon he and his followers will be no more. In the meantime, always remember that you are never alone, for I am always by your side, and I will sustain and strengthen you and give you victory over the enemy until I come and take you home! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My heart and my love are with you today as you begin another day of activity for your family and for me. In fact, everything you do for others from a heart of love, is done for me, because you are doing what I would be doing if I were there in person. You see, all of heaven is mobilized and activated for service. The angels in heaven serve around the throne, waiting for my bidding to be in active service throughout the universe for my Father and me. My Father and I rejoice every day to serve our vast creation and to bring life and love to every creature. Nothing that we have made is beneath our notice. So it is with mankind. We created you to love and serve one another and receive the benefits and heavenly joy that comes from service. When you are alone and serve only yourself you are robbed of the flow of energy and love that is a product of true unselfish service. Therefore, my topic for today is "service."

First I want to trace what happened at the fall of man, and how this interrupted the God-given blessing of the circle of love that comes from service. When Adam and Eve were created, their natures were completely unselfish, and their constant joy was to love one another and enjoy the companionship and love and adoration of the lower creatures who are also created for service. Every animal, bird, fish and insect, and even the vegetation that covers the earth with beauty, is constantly giving and receiving in the cycle of life. But when Eve succumbed to the temptations of the serpent, she did so because he used flattery, and the desire to rise above her present condition, and appealed to her pride, which is completely self-centered.

When Adam sinned, he did so because of his desire to not be separated from his companion, instead of coming to me to receive my help to save her. Thus, both Adam and Eve fell on the basis of self-centered and emotional reactions to temptation. That is why I had to come to earth and demonstrate what true, pure motives are in face of the needs of others. I came to save my bride, even though it meant my death on the cross of Calvary. Adam gave up his leadership to Eve. I came to restore godly manhood to the pre-fall condition of Adam. And now, I want a restored bride who, following my example of unselfish service, is cleansed back to the pre-fall condition in which I created Eve. Nothing else but purity of heart and holiness, which is complete agreement between us, will be acceptable.

Selfishness and disagreement with the principles and laws of my kingdom is the root of all sin and rebellion, beginning with Lucifer and extending to the fall of mankind. Therefore, perfect agreement is the condition of complete recovery from the problem of sin, for all sin is centered in self and self-serving, which is the opposite of the character of God and all of heaven. So, in the cleansing of your characters, what do you think you should be searching for in your daily life and thinking processes? Yes, any feelings of selfishness, criticism, resentment, anger, jealousy, pride, self-justification, envy - in short, anything that would advantage yourself to the disadvantage of others. Without my help it is impossible for you to cleanse yourselves from these feelings and reactions because you have inherited the sins of fallen humanity. But with me at your side and in your heart through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, you will be renewed in holiness, and my righteous character of love and unselfishness will be implanted in you as you surrender to the regeneration that I have provided for every person who comes to me for cleansing of heart and soul.

So what about today? Do you realize that I have already planned your day for you? Remember - every day ordained for you was written in my book before one of them came to be! [Psalms 139:16.] Because you have given yourself to me, I have forgiven your past sins and now I will guide you through today and every day to restore the years that the locust has eaten [Joel 2:23-25], so that my original blueprint plan for you will be fulfilled! That is what my perfect life, death, resurrection and ministry for you will accomplish if you will consent to have my presence and guidance in your life. How much joy and satisfaction it gives me to live out my perfect blueprint for your life each day as you allow me to live that plan out in you!

"Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be as wool." Isa. 1:18.

Now go to the activities of your day, but watch for opportunities to serve others around you, just as I would do if I were there in person. Then you will receive my joy, not only from your own satisfaction in service, but also my joy from being able to serve others through you! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am rejoicing today because of the love and faithfulness of my true followers around the world. As the time draws near for my coming, my true believers who love me and my eternal truth are hearing my call in their hearts, and are responding to the influence of the Holy Spirit, Who is going throughout the earth to gather those whose hearts are true and faithful to me and are open to receive the showers of the latter rain.

As I look upon the world, there is such a contrast between those who love me and those who spurn my love and my gift of righteousness and salvation. It is like the days of Jeremiah, my spokesman in a time of apostasy, and he wept for the fallen condition of his people. He pleased me greatly because he was one with me in the grief that was in my heart because of the obstinacy and rebellion of my chosen nation, and their rejection of my call through Jeremiah. Because they refused to repent and receive my offers of forgiveness and restoration, therefore I let them go to the destiny they had chosen. [See Jer. 15:1-6; 17:1-10.]

So it is with the people of this generation. They claim to be Christians, but they are in name only, and I do not recognize them as my people, because they give me only lip service, but continue to do their vile deeds and break my laws and my precepts every day. They feed on the husks of the media constantly and live by the principles that they see and hear. That is why I am withdrawing my Spirit, and most people do not even recognize the dearth in their lives, but go on hastening toward the day of their destruction. But the darkness of error only makes my true people shine more brightly as stars shine in the dark night sky. This polarization in humanity is a sign of my coming, and that divine patience is coming to an end.

All this has been predicted throughout the Scriptures. This is why everything in the prophetic writings has a specific meaning and a direct fulfillment for those who are living in the final generation. History repeats itself over and over because of the carnal nature of man, who can do no good except as it comes from the regenerative power of the Holy Spirit. So lift up your heads and rejoice, for the culmination of history is at hand; therefore my subject for today is "Rejoice!" Why should I ask you to rejoice in the face of the trials and tribulations of the last days? Why are you not called upon to weep like Jeremiah? My answer to you is this: Jeremiah was weeping for his people in their sins and apostasy and my rejection of them. He was seeing their obstinacy and the long years ahead of their captivity in Babylon.

But now the great controversy between good and evil is coming to an end. While you and I will weep for the defection of so many of my professed followers, yet we can also rejoice, for this is a sign that the time of the redemption of my true remnant draws near. In other words, we must cross the Jordan in order to enter the promised land. But my resting place is in sight, and the glory of the heavenly Canaan is my reward for all your labors and afflictions. So lift up your heads and rejoice, and let not the light afflictions [2 Cor. 4:16-18] that you must go through here obscure the glory that is just ahead for those who complete the journey. In all your trials and sufferings remember that I am right beside you and I am carrying you in my arms, and I will continue to do so until you see me coming in the clouds of heaven.

Now go to the activities of your day, but turn not to the things of earth, but walk by faith in my presence with you, and I will direct your path, for I am now, and always will be until the journey's end, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My subject today is "wholeness." From the time man sinned, there has been brokenness of mind and spirit. This is because when a person eats from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the mind becomes split between desiring to have my approval and protection, and satisfying the needs and impulses of the flesh. That is why the worship of the heathens is centered upon appeasement and seeking favor and protection, while at the same time mingling their worship with orgies and feasting. Since this is the nature of the worship of fallen mankind, worship of me can easily fall into the same patterns. By that I mean, appeasement by good deeds, while retaining the fleshly and worldly desires in their lives.

A state of holiness, which I require in order to have effective communication with me, means to be wholly committed to the principles of righteousness, and divested of the lusts and passions of the carnal flesh. You cannot do this by your own efforts, for sin separates you from me, and you can do nothing on your own to bring yourselves to a state of holiness. [See Heb. 12:14, 15.] That is why you must come to me just as you are, naked and bleeding from the assaults of the evil one, and come to receive healing of mind and body and be wrapped up in the clean white robe of my righteousness. However, to have this exchange of character, you must come into agreement with me on each issue. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft [1 Sam. 15:23], for Satan is the first rebel, and the leader of all rebellion, and therefore, to be in rebellion in any part of your mind and emotions places you in direct contact with the devil and gives him permission to tempt and harass you.

This does not mean that when you sin I forsake you, because coming into agreement with me is a progressive work and a daily walk with me. You cannot come from the pit of sinful emotions, and in a moment be transformed into perfect agreement with me on all issues, for the carnal mind is naturally at enmity with righteousness, and therefore you must have a daily continuing walk with me to get to know my will and my ways. Through communion with me and the study of the Word, your mind, will and heart will be changed into a character of godliness. In this process, trials are a part of this journey to holiness, because I don't force anyone to come into agreement with me or see things my way. This comes about through the process of discovery as you walk with me and receive my thoughts and wisdom on every issue. Though the trials may be difficult, the result is holiness and agreement, because you can see for yourself what sinful ways of thinking and behaving does to you.

Holiness must also be a choice of coming to me for enlightenment, and when your mind and spirit comes into agreement with me, all the power of divinity comes to your aid to help you to live in accordance with your choice to obey my will. Now contrast this with the state of mind that believes you can do good deeds and win my favor and approval, much like the heathen do to their gods. There is no power here to change the heart. Good deeds done with this motive are only a facade to cover the nakedness of the soul.

I love everyone whom I have created, and I grieve to see the multitudes who are satisfied with this kind of thinking, for great will be their disappointment in the day of judgment. I am talking here about people who are satisfied with good deeds and outward compliance, not those who are struggling with sin and looking to me for help. The difference is that sinners who are still struggling with sins and reaching out to me for cleansing and victory are in agreement with me about their sins and desire for victory, while those who are satisfied with a show of good deeds are not in agreement with me about the vileness of sin and the necessity of cleansing and victorious living, so they don't seek me for it.

So, holiness is what I am seeking in my people now who are preparing to meet me in peace. There is no peace for the wicked servant who waits until I come back to present me with his one unimproved talent, thinking that I will be pleased with his frugality and foresight. No, it will take all to buy the pearl of great price. And it is my perfection lived out in you that will pay the price for your salvation. If you could only know the heights and depths of my love for you, you would hasten to cleanse your lives of all rebellion and cherished sin and come to me with your whole heart. I am reaching out to you today to enfold you in my arms and heal you from the wounds that sin and Satan have made in your life. The door is still open for you to come and receive total cleansing and wholeness from me as my gift to you in exchange for your willing cooperation. This is the 11th hour, and yet the door of mercy is still open to receive you. Please pass this on to everyone you meet, for it is my purpose for everyone to hear this invitation before the door of mercy is closed.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your heart open to my still, small voice of love and counsel for you today, for I have surprises of joy for you, just because I love you and cherish your friendship. And rest assured that when you call to me I will answer, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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“Meat in Due Season”

Dearest Ones,

Today is the beginning of a new week of service for my cause in the earth. I will be with you as you go forth into the harvest field and search for those who are hungering for truth.

The topic for today is "meat in due season." There is a tendency in human nature to come to conclusions about a subject matter and then become settled and satisfied in their beliefs and close the door to all other concepts that can bring additional light. In every age there is light for that generation that is especially applicable for what is transpiring when the prophecy is given. Therefore it is meat in due season for that generation. But prophecy also extends to future generations, and as things develop and more light is shed upon the prophecy it becomes current and therefore meat in due season for that generation.

So it is now. I have been sending messages through the prophets of old for centuries that will apply most completely for the last generation. They saw the light through a glass darkly [1 Cor. 13:12], except what was applicable to their time in history. But I am now desiring to open up the whole Bible to you, for it is now time for the mystery of God to be finished as was prophesied by John in Revelation 10:7. This mystery which was withheld from ages past, is to be made more clear to the final generation than any other preceding one. This is because the cleansing of all sin through a faith relationship with me takes place at the time of the blotting out of sin both in your lives and in the books of heaven, as was prophesied by Peter in Acts 3:19-21.

This finishing up of the work of salvation was foreshadowed in the Old Testament Sanctuary service on the Day of Atonement each year when the sins of the people were blotted out and laid upon the head of the scapegoat. Unfortunately, the study of the significance of this part of the Sanctuary services is not largely understood, or even taught as it applies to people today. But this subject is meat in due season for the present generation, because this is what I am doing right now in the heavenly Sanctuary. All who understand and participate with my work, and preach this message to others, will receive the refreshing of the latter rain, which comes at the culmination of the preaching of Gospel of salvation through faith.

This does not mean, as many believe, that my righteousness covers the sins in their lives that they are tolerating, and blaming their lack of victory on the existence of the carnal nature, which they suppose I will change at my coming. No, no, this is a vain hope, a deception of the devil, which will cause many to lose eternal life. My eye is on my faithful ones who know that I will never take their sins to heaven, or save them at my coming if they have unconfessed sins in their lives. These are now examining their hearts and crying out to me for the cleansing and blotting out of every sin, then filling the void with my applied life, which is the mystery of the Gospel - Christ in you, the hope of glory. [Eph. 1:7-10; Col. 1:26, 27.] These are receiving the outpouring of the latter rain which shall continue until my work is finished, and every person who is cooperating fully with me now is sealed for eternity.

Please do not think this cleansing and blotting out process is a hardship. Until you are freed completely from the bondage of sin and the constant attempts of the evil one to use these sins to tempt, discourage, and overcome you, you will not truly appreciate the joy of a constant walk with me, and the victory over the devil that this will give to you. Yes, as long as you are in this world you shall have tribulation [John 16:33], for I, though sinless, was tested to the uttermost to relinquish my devotion to, and constant connection with, my Father. But as long as you are willing to maintain that constant connection with me, I will give you the gift of my perfect life which I lived while I was on earth just so I could give it to you and every person who submits to the cleansing process.

This is the fullness of the good news that is to be preached now during the latter rain time to everyone who will listen. This is the meat in due season for those who are hungry for something more than they now understand about the finishing up of my work in the heavenly Sanctuary, and how to be prepared to stand before me without guile at my coming. Be not afraid to give the good news to everyone who will listen to you. Some who listen to your message will spurn it and turn back to the beliefs that make them feel comfortable. But others who are longing for new light will rejoice that you have been a lifeline to greater light, just as Philip was to the Ethiopian.

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your heart open to my guidance and I will surprise you with new insights of truth to light your way, and people to come to the brightness of your rising [Isa. 60:1-3]; thus both you and they will be blessed. Lovingly, Jesus.

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“Gold Tried in the Fire”

Dearest Ones,

I am happy today to visit with you in your worship this morning on the Sabbath day. I will send my angels to help you to hear my voice and receive the message that I have for you today. Make every moment count, for the Sabbaths of freedom will become a point of controversy in the near future.

This morning I want to talk to you about "gold tried in the fire." I am sure you know that when gold is first discovered in the earth it is mixed with other elements which must be refined away to produce the pure substance of value. So it is with mankind. In his fallen condition, man is mixed with the various influences of his life experiences since childhood, and some are so destroyed that the gold is hardly recognizable to the naked eye. But I am their Creator, and I can see past their present condition and I know the original blueprint plans that I have for each person. If they will permit me to work with them, I will recreate them back to the glory and perfection with which I created Adam in the beginning.

However, this takes the entire cooperation of the person. I do nothing without this one-on-one relationship with each individual who comes to me for cleansing of body, soul, and spirit. This is because triumph through trial is necessary, and I do nothing without the full cooperation of each of my children. It must be voluntary, for I have given freedom of choice to all created beings. That is why I say to the Laodicean church: "Buy from me gold tried in the fire so you can become rich, and white clothes to wear so you can cover your shameful nakedness." [Rev. 3:18.] As you can see, my invitation is not for you to just to submit passively to my work in your heart and life. It requires purposeful, intelligent action on your part to come to me and purchase what I have worked out for you while I was upon earth, which is a perfect character tried in the fire of temptation and trial, and the white robe of my righteousness.

Come, my beloved children, and receive the gift of a perfect life which you do not have, in exchange for your willingness to follow me in the pathway of trials which will burn away your earthliness and leave you with the perfect gold of my character, which is my gift to all who follow me all the way to the kingdom. Some who come to me desire the prize, but are not willing to submit to the necessary process in order to obtain it. You have nothing to give except yourself - nothing of such value that it can buy salvation. But I can see what no one else can see, and that is the beauty of character that is hidden beneath the rubbish of earth and intertwined with the gold of my original plan for your life.

I have loved you with an everlasting love, and I have a perfect plan for your life. Will you come and receive this priceless gift from me of cleansing you of all the dross that sin has caused, and restoration to my original plan for your life? We can begin even now! Do not be afraid of trials and temptations, for these are the ways by which you are refined. But I will be with you every moment, just as I was with the three Hebrew men in Daniel's day. You will not be burned in the fire - only the ropes that have held you captive to sin will be burned away. Never forget that I have passed this way before you, and you cannot suffer anything for which I do not have the strength and victory to give you to go through successfully.

So this is my invitation to you today: Walk with me through every day of your life on earth, and I will give you a crown of gold, representing your perfected character, and the white robe of my righteousness which symbolizes the perfection which you have received from me by walking hand-in-hand with me until I come and receive you to myself that where I am, there you may be also. [John 14:1-3.]

Now go to the activities of the Sabbath day, but do not forget that I have special blessings in store for you today, for you are the apple of my eye [Deut. 32:10], and a member of my eternal kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

The day is hastening on toward the culmination of history. This is the time that was seen afar by the prophets of old when they looked forward to the destruction of the earth and the deliverance of my people. Please read the Scriptures and see how in every description of the chaos that will happen at the end of the age, I always have promised protection and sustenance for my remnant, my people who serve me faithfully. [See Isa. chs. 24-29, for examples.] You should fortify your minds with these promises, for you will need them in the days ahead to keep your faith and courage strong.

Now for the topic of today. It is "superficial." There are deep wells of truth that need to be mined from the Word of God by my people who will go through the rigors of the end of time. No one will be able to stand during that time whose experience in the Scriptures has been sporadic and superficial. As my servant, Ellen White, has penned, the whole Bible is written specifically for the last generation. [GC 11; TM 116; 3 SM 338, 339.] This necessitates spending time alone with me so that I can guide you and open up new facets of truth to you, and fortify your minds for what is yet ahead. Do not assume that all the understanding for the last days has already been revealed, for truth is progressive as the days unfold, and I will shine new insights from the Scriptures to lighten your pathway and delight your heart as you search for the hidden gems of truth that lie just beneath the surface for you to discover. [Prov.4:18.]

Nevertheless, beware of false teachers who are proliferating as the end draws near, teaching false doctrines that lead the unwary and gullible astray, such as "no Holy Spirit," or the necessity of keeping the feast days, or other such things to draw away disciples to themselves. There is a sense of uniqueness and camaraderie in sharing such things, but instead, they are drawing people away from the truth that I have already revealed and established. Real truth should be built upon the foundation already laid down, and bring to light things that are now applicable to this time in history. And since new light is built upon the bedrock of existing truth, fortify your minds with what has already been established, and seek me for enlightenment about how these things are especially applicable for today. I will certainly answer you and reward your study as you search the Scriptures diligently under the guidance of my Spirit.

Do you recall how the prophets of old studied the writings of other prophets who came before them to find additional light? [Dan. 9:2, 3.] Sometimes they even studied their own writings to discover new understandings of developing prophecy. The remnant church today is a movement born of prophecy, and it will be so to the end of the world's history. You are the generation who will see the combination of all the prophetic writings of the Bible, including my own when I was upon the earth, which is written down in the four Gospels. Do not permit yourself to get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily living that you neglect the deep Spirit-filled study of the Word and the Testimonies. Compare Scripture with Scripture. Ask me for new flashes of insight, deeper concepts, and new gems of truth. I will be happy to answer your prayers and give you a renewed experience with me and something to share with others that will encourage them along their pathway to eternal life.

Remember that surface readers will fall away in the great shaking that I talked about yesterday. There is nothing that is hidden that will not be revealed. Nothing in the Bible is unimportant. I also want you to know that it is those who are seeking for the hidden gems of truth each day that will receive the showers of the latter rain, for their hearts are open and ready to receive it.

Don't be discouraged by my words of counsel, for I am speaking first to those who are already fulfilling the requirements of this message, and I am blessing you with the showers of the latter rain. But you can take this message to those who are sleeping virgins to arouse them before it is too late. The latter rain is the extra oil that the foolish virgins do not have. So share this message with all who will listen so that they, too, can have the extra oil and become wise virgins who are preparing for my coming. [2 Pet. 3:10-14.]

Go now to the activities of your day, but rejoice and look up, for your redemption draws near, and your place in heaven is secure as long as you keep your eyes fixed upon me and your heart open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The time on earth is short! Let it be filled with praise and thanksgiving and gratefulness for the bountiful blessings that are yours through this preparation time before my coming. I will see you soon! But in the meantime, keep remembering that you are never alone, for I am always just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Shaking

Dearest Ones,

Today is a very special day because I see my people moving forward, coming into line all over the earth, hearing the trumpet sounds of my warnings in nature and in society, and being ready to preach my last warning message with clarity and power as I shall direct them.

Today the subject is "the shaking." As I have prophesied by my faithful servants throughout history, before my coming there will be a shaking among those who profess to know and follow me, for it must take place so that I can have a cleansed remnant all speaking the same message. Then the trumpet will give a clear signal that will awaken the people of earth to the meaning of the things that are happening, and the things that are about to transpire.

It does no good for me to send signs in the earth if I have no one giving a clear interpretation of what they mean. It is inevitable that some people will be leaders and some followers; and to those that I have bestowed the gift of leadership, I expect a harvest of souls who are looking to leaders for answers, and clarity of truth. This means that leaders should be deep students of the Word, and the corresponding truths in the Spirit of Prophecy. Unfortunately the inspired writings of the Spirit of Prophecy are being downplayed at the very time that their greatest fulfillment is coming to pass. I prophesied that it would be so! Nevertheless, I have some leaders and people who are faithful and true and are seeing the signs and accurately interpreting them, and to these I bequeath the power of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain to preach the message clearly and give the trumpet a certain sound.

At this time you see a rapid growth of believers in the truths of the Three Angels' messages around the world. The gospel net is bringing in believers of every kind. But let persecution arise, as it soon will, there will come a shaking of those who have been surface readers only, and not fully grounded in the deeper aspects and requirements of the truth. Do not be dismayed at this, for it must take place in order for the church to be purified in order to become the army that I need to oppose the foe and bring victory to my cause in the earth.

Remember Gideon's army! He started with 32,000 volunteers [Judges 7:3] and ended with 300 men who were totally devoted to the cause and ready to give their lives for the side of victory. This is an example of what I must find among my professed followers at the end of time! I need a group of people who are totally dedicated to me and to the cause, and who have cleansed themselves of all filthiness of flesh and spirit [2 Cor. 7:1] and are ready to move at my slightest command. With such an army I will win the victory against the devil and all his hosts of darkness, and only the truth will prevail.

Can you see the necessity of this cleansing and purging of my present followers? I did the same thing when I was on earth. In the beginning of my ministry, many followed me for the loaves and fishes, or to watch me perform miracles, or just for the sake of something out of the ordinary or unusual to do. My teachings were practical and understandable - so unlike the religious leaders of the day. That is why I said things that were hard to understand, such as, "eat my flesh and drink my blood." [John 6:53-58.] This is a profound truth, but one that is not understood by the natural mind, and many of my followers left me at that time [vs 66]. Had I allowed the non-spiritual disciples to follow me all the way to the Cross, their defection at that time would have been an overwhelming disappointment and influence upon my true followers.

So it is now. There are many dry leaves among my followers who have no connection to the Living Vine. They are not prepared for the rigors of the last days, or the persecution that will occur. They are anchored nowhere and will easily go out when the pressure gets high to conform to the requirements of the laws that will be made against my truth and my people.

But I must have a Gideon's band who know the truth and are dedicated enough to it and to me to proclaim it in trumpet tones, and fear not for their lives. These are my called, chosen, and faithful ones [Rev.17:14] who go with me through the end and will stand unflinchingly for the truth and glorify me before the world. I am counting on you to trust in me through this time, which is just ahead, and remember that you cannot fail, because I am with you to sustain and strengthen and protect you through the end until I come. Do not fear the threats of the devil or his followers. I have conquered him on the cross of Calvary for you, and as long as you trust in me, this victory over the devil and all his angels is yours.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your heart directed upward and look not down at the darkness below, or listen to the siren sounds of the world and is temptations. Let the green cord of your faith grow strong as you hold on to me, and soon you will swing over to the other side and be at home with me. [See 2 T. 595-597.]

Farewell for now, but never forget that I am never far from your side, for I am, as always, just a prayer away. Lovingly Jesus.

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Your Duty

Dearest ones,

I love you with an everlasting love that flows from eternity to eternity. All who step into that river of love which comes from the throne of my Father and I will drink of the water of life and eat the fruit of the tree of life that is in the garden of God. Now the time for my coming draws near, and my heart desires to prepare you for what lies ahead. The last movements will be rapid ones, as I have already spoken through my servant, Ellen White. But no pen can picture the chaos in the world that will take place when the winds of strife are loosed. I do not want any of my chosen ones who have followed me faithfully during the time of preparation to be a part of this chaos, for it is a result of the accumulated wickedness of mankind, and a retribution for resisting my Spirit during the sealing time and the latter rain, and refusing the last call of the loud cry to come into the ark of safety under the shadow of my protecting wings.

I must let this happen because it is the result of the personal choice of the wicked who have turned their hearts against me and refused to accept my salvation. But it grieves my heart to see the devastation and destruction of the world that I have made for my glory and pleasure, and to endure the destruction of men and beasts and hear their cries for help. The end of all things will be a time of grief for my Father and I and all of heaven, for we do not relish the suffering and death of those who have refused to accept our love and grace, but have chosen eternal death instead.

During that time of tribulation, I will protect my faithful ones who have followed me through the end and preached my message faithfully. I will spare them and protect them as a man spares his own son whom he loves, and they will be safe in the hollow of my hand, just as I spared Noah and his family at the time of the flood, and Lot and his family when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. Angels will guard and guide you to places of safety, and will shield and provide for you whatever you need. [Ps. 57:1; Ps. 91; EW 56.] The munitions of the rocks will be your hiding place [Isa. 33:16], and some will be left in their secluded homes through the time of trouble. [Isa. 32:17-20, pref. NIV; EW 34.] I do not want you to worry about these things for the time is not yet, for the final message must be preached to the world, and then the end will come.

Your duty now is to follow me faithfully each day, and walk with me and get to know my voice in your hearts and follow the plan for your life everyday day as I shall direct. As I have said before, every day ordained for you was written in my book before one of them came to be [Ps. 139:16], and today is another day of my plan for you that shall be fulfilled as we walk together. I am not a hard taskmaster! I want to walk side-by-side with you every moment of your day. I want to use your hands, your feet, and your voice to bless others around you. I know what challenges and duties you will meet today, and I want to help you through each one. The preparation for tomorrow is made through your walk with me today. I do not ask for more than one day at a time, and each moment of that day is an opportunity for me to share my love for you and help you to spill it out to others around you. As you do this, you will be growing in grace and wisdom and ability to witness for me just by your life.

When I was on earth I lived the common life of man, especially during the first 30 years. But I purposed that no day would pass without sharing my Father's love with someone. Many who followed me during the days of my active ministry were those whose lives I touched during those first 30 years. So I count little deeds of kindness, little words of love shown to others as great as the more spectacular deeds that attract the attention of others. When I changed the water into wine or fed the multitudes with a child's lunch, I was no more beloved by my Father than when I sat at the well and talked with the woman of Samaria. [John 4:7.] It is God who waters the increase of whatever you do for one of the least of these who are seeking for me.

So today as you go about your day, count every moment as sacred, for you will never have that moment again, for it will pass into eternity. But if it is a moment when you and I are connected and you are living in the Spirit, it is a special moment of time in the great river of eternity. Go now to your activities of the day, but listen for the still small voice of my Spirit giving you comfort and love and direction. If you do this you cannot fail to please me and honor my name to all around you, no matter how large or small your sphere of influence. And always remember that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

The days hasten on toward my coming, and I am pleased to see my true followers coming into line with truth and getting ready to meet me in peace. The subject for today is "watchfulness." In spite of the many signs that are taking place in the earth, it is the natural response of mankind to return to "business as usual" when the crisis is past. But my faithful ones are responding to my call and preparing their lives for my soon coming. Therefore, the object of my message today is to be alert and watchful for opportunities to share what you know with others. There are so many normal things that must be done just to keep up with the demands of everyday living, that there is very little time for reaching out to the work beyond your immediate circle. But I would like to emphasize this morning the necessary work described in Isaiah 57:14:

"And it will be said: build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people." NIV.

Here is described a work to be done in the last days to prepare a people to be ready for my coming. In any crisis I have always had at least one person through whom I could speak who has stood out above others, who knew me and my will and forged a pathway through the darkness of error to follow my voice and my precepts so that others could follow their example and leadership. Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Daniel, the prophets of old, and more modern leaders such as Martin Luther, and the leaders in the 1844 movement are examples. These studied the truths which were revealed to them and went forward, preparing the way for others to follow.

Now it is time for stalwart men and women of faith to forge a pathway of truth and light for others who are seeking, or who are in the valley of decision. At this time darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people [Isa. 60:2], but I am now prepared to fulfill the remainder of this verse, "but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee." The glory that is described here is the glory of my final display of truth for the world to see through my cleansed people who receive the latter rain and preach the final message of warning to the world:

"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached into heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." [Rev. 18:4, 5.]

The leaders of Protestantism have reached across the gulf and grasped the hand of the papacy, thus paving the way for the last great movements against my truth and my people. While there is yet a measure of freedom, the cry must go forth from my people to warn the world about what is coming upon the earth. However, a great many of my people have capitulated to the modern Protestant concept that my grace and my sacrifice covers their sins, and that sin will not be eradicated until I come. This is taking the easy way out of the sin problem in their lives, for it takes no effort, and no cleansing and death to the carnal nature.

I will not accept or bless such teachings, for it is a symptom of the Laodicean condition of lukewarmness, and I will spew all who hold to such teachings out of my mouth, for I cannot intercede much longer for those who believe and teach these false doctrines to my people. A cleansing of my threshing floor must take place [Isa.41:15, 16], for they lead the gullible astray and keep them asleep in their sins until it is too late. To those who know the truth I say, arise and shine, for the way must be prepared for those who are honest in heart and searching for the truth you have about how to prepare for the end of all things.

So again I say, be watchful! Watch for the leading of my voice in your hearts and the doors to open for you to witness to others who are searching for the light that you have. Watch for opportunities to speak to hungry souls to whom I send to you. Take out the obstacles of confusion between truth and error and make a plain path for them to see and follow. Heal the wounds that sin has made which blinds their eyes to my love. Help them discern the difference between my voice of love and the condemning voice of the evil one. In short, look for opportunities to free people from the slavery of doubt and error and bring them into the full light of truth for this time which will prepare them for my coming!

Please do not be discouraged with my commission today, for if you accept my challenge to you, I will carry the heaviest part of the load. [5 BC 1090.] I only need willing hearts who respond to my call to service at this time in history. So go with rejoicing to your tasks today, and look to me as a bride looks to her husband for leadership, love, and protection, for I will never disappoint you, for you are more precious to me than you can imagine. Your understanding and comprehension of my love and care for you is far too small, but it will grow as we walk together in the journey ahead. So trust me now as you begin your busy day, and keep your heart and mind open to my counsel, for I am at your right hand to guide you in safe pathways, and to help you to spread my message of truth to others around you. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." [Matt. 7:7.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My heart is open to hear your prayers and supplications today as always. Every day brings us closer to the day of my coming, and everything you experience is an opportunity for communication between us. I am not an absentee God, but a constant Friend who is concerned about everything you go through, and I want to walk beside you and help you bear your burdens and give you counsel and peace and rest of spirit. This is the purpose for which I created mankind. The beasts of the field are mine [Ps. 50:10, 11] and I derive pleasure from seeing them enjoy their lives together. But only mankind was created for fellowship with me as a friend and companion who could understand my ways and my counsel and share the joys of my universe together. Although sin has marred this relationship, I look forward to the time when all things will be restored and made new and sin will be eradicated forever. Then as the years of eternity roll on, your joy and love will increase and the capacity for mental, emotional, and spiritual achievement will expand with use.

So today my subject for contemplation is "perfection." This is a subject that causes fear in the hearts of many people because they see it to be a divine command, or standard, that is impossible for human nature to reach. Apart from me, this is true, because of the fallen nature where sinful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors become inevitable because they spring from the carnal heart. But by my life, death, resurrection, and ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary, a way has been provided to come into harmony with me, and to be restored to the original purpose for your creation.

Therefore, the goal of every Christian should be to get to know me as a personal Companion and Friend, and allow me to guide you through each day by my indwelling Spirit, and your mind will grow and be transformed through our relationship together. In order to reach the perfection that I have made available to you, the connection with me needs to be constant, just as a child depends upon his parents for guidance and protection and love. I came to earth to provide a way back to my original purpose for mankind through a faith relationship with me; but this has to be voluntary on your part, for I will never force anyone to love me and appreciate my thoughts and ideas for you. The closer you follow my plan for your life, the greater will be your happiness and spiritual attainments.

I do not place a ceiling on anyone's growth and development, or closeness with me. That is determined by each person's choice and desire. But what I do require is agreement with me on all points of my law. The law is not a restriction, but a goal. It prevents anyone from being satisfied with a combination of good and evil in their characters. One incidence of cherished sin mars the character and opens the door for the evil one to come in and influence the mind in all other areas as well. That is why perfection of character is the goal, for Satan is not satisfied to have just one corner of your heart, but once you agree with him in one area, he works to get control of your whole life. The only safety against his influence is total surrender to my Spirit and total harmony between us in all areas of your life.

My law is a protection against danger, heartache and misery. This is why my final generation must come into total agreement with me in all areas of their lives in order to receive the seal of God in their foreheads. This seal indicates that their whole minds have come into agreement with my principles and my mind, and thus they are prepared for the full outpouring of my Spirit. Only these will be spared and protected during the great time of trouble and be alive to see me come in all my glory. Only they can stand before me without seeing death, for my glory consumes sin of any kind, and those who have neglected or refused to cleanse themselves of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit [2 Cor. 7:1] will be consumed with their sin.

However, I do not wish to belabor the negative, but I urge you to reach for the positive, which is to have total agreement and fellowship with me moment by moment each day of your lives until I come. Your reward will be great in the kingdom of heaven, and on this earth peace and joy in your hearts as you sense my presence in your lives and see the miracles of grace that I will do to sustain and strengthen and provide for everything you need.

Now go to the activities of your day, but trust me and look to me every moment, for I will never leave you nor forsake you to the plans of the evil one, for he is always looking for ways to tempt or harass you to make you think that I am not with you. Do not listen to dark voices, for they never come from me. Keep your eyes focused upward on my eternal plan for you, and your faith and courage will be strengthened to meet the challenges of each day. And always keep in mind that you are never alone, for I am always just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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