
Dear Ones, Today I am moving forward with the cleansing of the men who will prove to be my stalwart warriors in these closing hours of earth’s history. I am very pleased with Pastor Bill, who is persevering against all odds to reach the goal of perfection of character that I have set before him, and also using his gifts of leadership that I have given him to use for me. He will be among my leaders throughout eternity because he is sacrificing all for me now. I am also very pleased with all the women whom I have called to be leaders of the flock and to help the speedy progress of my work in all the earth. You will shine like jewels in my kingdom and reflect the light of the glory of my throne and increase my joy by your beautiful characters of love for everyone whose lives you touch in your service for me.

Now for the topic of today. My subject is love. I know that I have talked to you about this before, but there are many facets of love, and today I want to emphasize the necessity of not holding grudges. It is so easy and natural for fallen human nature to hold a grudge against someone who has slighted you or hurt you in any way, large or small. It is a self-protective reaction to insure that this will never happen again, for you will remain wary and not be gullible enough to subject yourself to further hurt. If I would be like that, I would never help or love another person, because all have sinned and come short of my glory, and no one is deserving of my love and the free gift of forgiveness and salvation that my sacrifice on the cross of Calvary has provided.

You see, I anticipated the entrance of sin into the universe because when you give freedom of choice to beings who are perfect, but not all-knowing, it is inevitable that questions will arise about things that have not yet been answered and that have not yet been experienced. I have created beings with giant minds and intellects, and a desire to explore beyond their present information and knowledge in an endless array of topics, for a never-ending growth in wisdom and understanding. But if someone desires to do this without consulting and conferring with me, as did Lucifer, then the danger of defection eventually becomes inevitable.

So I have allowed the experiment into sin to run its full course to answer forever any question that anyone could ever have, without going on their own to obtain this information. As the scripture says, Lucifer corrupted his wisdom, and brought untold grief upon the whole universe. But this experiment has inoculated the universe forever against a repeat of this way of using the intelligence, wisdom, and free will that I have graciously and lovingly extended to everyone.

But what has this to do with holding grudges? It is because you have to rub shoulders every day with people who are still learning how to use the free will that I have given them to make right choices. Because of the roots of sin and the conclusions they have come to as a result of their previous life experiences, they make mistakes or errors in behavior and judgment that affect you adversely and cause you pain and suffering, or at least discomfort, in being more or less involved in their lives. If this is a spouse or an immediate family member or close friend, or a neighbor or a person in the church or workplace where you cannot avoid contact, you may be tempted to find and use self-protective ways of handling them that are not my ways. In other words, if you are hurt repeatedly by a person’s rough, hurtful, and unkind ways, your natural reaction will tend to be in using whatever you feel will work to avoid further pain and discomfort to yourself. This is completely understandable, but it is not the way of divine love. Out of my unselfish regard for each person, I give unstintingly of my love and provisions, and allow each one to decide whether they will be drawn to me by my love, or reject me and choose to leave me and reap the consequences. Sometimes people do learn by their experiences and come back to me, and sometimes they do not. But either way, it cannot be said that I chose favorites to save, and rejected those who are lost. No, each person reaps the eternal reward of their choices.

So in your interactions with people, you must meet and deal with all kinds of people in all stages of mental, emotional, and spiritual development. If you ask me, I will help you to minister to each one whom I allow to come into your lives with the same grace and forbearance that I exercise toward them. This does not mean that I expect you to sacrifice yourself beyond what is mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy for you. This is where grudges come in. The natural result of doing this in your own strength is to become exhausted by your efforts, and then hold grudges against the person for exploiting you. But if you inquire of me, I will help you to know how much of yourself to expend, and also where the boundaries are where I am behind you in your endeavors and where I am not. If you go beyond my will, you will suffer the consequences.

On the other hand, if you selfishly withhold yourself to protect yourself from uncomfortable encounters with the needy people around you, you will lose the blessing that I had in store for both you and them. Do you see now the necessity of being in constant communication with me at all times, and always inquiring of me, “Is this the way you want me to walk in my service for you today?” If you do this, I will guide and protect you from making mistakes that were unnecessary, and bringing undue hardship upon yourself, for I will uphold you in everything I ask you to do for others. Even with a spouse, there needs to be caution, for I am your husband, your provider, your protector, and guide. If you surrender this to your spouse—either husband or wife—or even your children—you are giving them the homage that is due to me alone, and you become the slave of their passions and demands. Always serve them through me and my love for that person, for I made each person’s individuality, and only I know how to preserve it in complete holiness and freedom.

Now go to your day’s activities, but always keep in mind that I am right by your side, protecting and providing for everything that you need. Look to me, because that opens up the channels of your mind and heart to not only receive love from me, but also pass it on to others. And in so doing, you will be so filled with my love for you, that you will be above holding grudges for others who are normally difficult to deal with. This blessing I bequeath to you today and every day until I come! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Full Light of His Character Shining Through Us

Dearest Ones, My joy in your progress and your love for my principles and my communications to you, and your desire to be one with me is unbounding. Today I want to give you the burden of my heart to share with others, and to live out in your own life of service. You see, whatever people see in you, they judge that I also am, because you are my followers. It has always been that way throughout history. Yes, I have always had faithful people who loved and served me with all their hearts, and exemplified me and my character to the best of their ability to do so. But always, because of the weakness of the flesh and the uncleansed secrets and habits stored in the mind, people could only see through a glass darkly when observing me through people. But I want that to change now into the full light of my character of love shining through you. In every other generation, people were a mixture of good and evil in the sense that they were a product of their background and inheritance, combined with the power of a changed life through the acceptance of the gospel of salvation which I have provided for all mankind. But now I want a finished product of grace which restores those who accept me at this time back to the perfection of character that Adam and Eve had before they fell. That will necessitate coming into agreement with me on every point of doctrine and character that is needed to redeem mankind from every lie of the devil. That is why I am pouring out my latter rain power and light at this time, because the latter rain contains all the knowledge, power, understanding, and efficiency needed to accomplish the goal. Without the Holy Spirit, this would never be possible. But because the Holy Spirit contains all the wisdom and power that is the essence of the Godhead, He will dwell in you and guide you into all the knowledge and wisdom that is needed for your perfection of character by understanding me and my will on every point of doctrine and behavior which springs from the deepest motives of your heart and mind.

Thus it is possible for the Holy Spirit to dwell in your mind and bring to your attention everything that defiles your soul and conscience, and cleanse it away, and plant in your heart in place of these things my thoughts and feelings upon every matter, as was worked out in human flesh when I was upon earth. These victories over the flesh and the devil are now my free gift to you through the application of my blood, which represents my life, into your heart when it is given to me moment by moment for cleansing, regeneration, and infilling of the Spirit. Do your see the interaction here between me and you in this cleansing of your mind? Everything must be voluntary, for I will never force anyone to listen to me or comply with my wishes. You must ask and seek in order to find the pearl of great price, which is my character. That is why the gates of heaven are made of pearl, because it represents the purity of my Spirit which is bequeathed to you when you are willing to suffer and die completely to self, and thus we become one in mind and heart in all things. No one will enter the gates of heaven who does not have on the perfect white robe of my character, won by many battles with self and sinful tendencies, and seeking me and overcoming every battle with self and the devil by a consistent walk with me that has permitted the Holy Spirit to indwell your heart and life as He did mine. This takes persevering to the end, be the price what it may. Many—in fact most—people do not cherish the caliber of character that propels to this kind of perseverance. They run the race for a while and then get weary because they are not relying upon me for renewed strength, and they become distracted by the vicissitudes of life and fall off the path leading to life eternal. But there is always a remnant that goes from strength to strength and glory to glory, and it is these who will win the victory and will receive the prize of eternal life and the glories of my heavenly kingdom which I will give to you as a reward for all your suffering and perseverance.

Now go to your duties of the day, but always keep uppermost in your minds that the close of human probation is just ahead, and there is a great work to be done in a short time. But it is enough time, because I have provided every efficiency that you need to get the news of my coming out to the world, and how to prepare for it. Now, I will be with you, inspiring and strengthening you to accomplish everything I have on the agenda for you each day. Just keep remembering to look to me every moment and commune with me as you go through the day and you will be blessed beyond measure with my love and support, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Going Forward

Dearest Ones, Today is a very special day! First of all, it is the Sabbath—the day that I have blessed to commemorate my finished creation, and my first full day with Adam and Eve. Oh, how I loved them and cherished their love and fellowship, and eagerness to be with me and converse and worship together! But now I have the same joy in fellowshipping with you who are eagerly learning and accepting my truth for the final generation, and your sweet, childlike love and devotion to me and willingness to do whatever I ask of you. Of course, I have always had a remnant in every time in history, and I loved them as equally, but this time I am able to open up my heart about anything I want to share with you, because all the light of the ages is shining upon you, and your hearts are open and eagerly accepting, and sharing it. That makes it possible for me to go forward with my plans, which have been laid from the foundation of the world, to finish transgression and bring in everlasting righteousness. My right arm and my power will do this, but I must have you at my side to support, second-witness, and show in your lives that my plan of salvation is fully sufficient to redeem fallen sinners from the grasp of the evil one, and to restore them to the original purity and obedience with which I created Adam and Eve at the beginning. Now I will go forward with my plan, and soon we will be finished with sin and sinners, and I will recreate the beautiful world that I gave you, and make it even more beautiful, because everything I do is better and more complete than anything that Satan can do to tear down and destroy my first work.

So rejoice with me that the end is near! Fear nothing or anyone or any attack of the evil one, for you must always keep in mind that he is a beaten foe. I won completely over him and his kingdom at the cross of Calvary. And by my resurrection and mediation, I now bring that victory to you. Satan can have no more power over you than you give him by submitting to his evil power and his lies to frighten and discourage you. And did you know that when everything in your life that is disagreement with me is cleansed, and the principles of my law are written upon your heart and mind, I will provide complete protection for you so that he can no longer have access to tempt you and dishearten you and bring darkness and despair to your soul? Fortunately, you are rapidly progressing to that point of your cleansing, for that is what the cleansing is all about, and the purpose for it. Every point where you have submitted to, or believed in, the lies of the evil one must be seen and put away, and replaced by my truth. Since holiness is agreement with me, and no one can see me in all my glory unless they are cleansed of all sin—which is simply being in disagreement with me on any point of character— therefore, the cleansing of the lies that you have been believing all your life from the evil one must be seen and put away, and replaced with my truth. Then your character will be cleansed, and my character—my thoughts and feelings about everything—will be reproduced in you, and you can see me in all my resplendent glory without being destroyed by the brightness of my coming, for my glory destroys anything that has even one particle of sin and rebellion.

Now go to your day rejoicing in me, because my redemption of your souls is progressing day by day to bring about agreement with me in all matters, and that means that you will soon receive the stamp of my approval upon your heart and mind—the seal that I have promised to give those who follow me closely moment by moment until their lives are conformed to my image. It is true that I have a prior sealing work in all generations for my true and faithful followers who have allowed me to stamp my character upon their lives in all areas of known sin when they renounced these sins and followed me in all the light they had at that time. But the final generation must have conquered every tendency to evil and every lie and temptation of the devil, and every character defect in the full light shining from the throne of my Father upon the final generation. Thus this generation has all the accumulated light of the generations which have gone before you, plus all the additional light which is needed to complete and fully represent my perfect character in all aspects as I lived it before mankind when I was upon earth. Therefore this generation will be the finished product of all ages of history, and will bring the curtain down upon the reign of sin and the works of the devil. Doesn’t your heart throb with joy at the prospect and realization that this is the generation for the final display of my love to and through you? Heaven has been waiting and working for centuries for this to be produced, and for the harvest to be ripe. And now it is not only ripe, but if we were to allow it to go on any longer, the fruit of the earth would be over-ripe and the harvest would be lost. So bear with me and the cleansing work I am doing in and for you just a little longer, and soon the seal upon your heart and mind will be fixed for eternity, and you will be safe under the shelter of my wings, and probation will close.

In the meantime, do not worry or become depressed about anything, because I am every near at your side to help you and open the doors for you and give you the power of my Spirit to support you in the cleansing work, the sealing of your souls, and the power of the present message of truth as it swells into the loud cry. I am so pleased with your precious attitude and openness to my Spirit and eagerness to learn everything you can learn and go forward, trusting in me. Your reward will be greater than you can imagine. Never doubt my love for you and my patience with you when you err. Your mistakes will grow less and less as you grow in the light of the latter rain that is falling upon you.

Go now to the activities and joys of this Sabbath day of fellowshipping with me, the heavenly messengers which I send you, and the fellowship with each other. And never, never doubt that I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Our New Phase of Ministry

Dearest Ones, My heart is with you today in a special way, because we are starting on a new phase of ministry—the last one before the work is done and I close probationary time for this earth. I am excited about the prospects that lie before us in the days ahead. I now have a core group of people to spearhead the last thrust of the gospel—the final phase of reaping that must be done before I come. There are many around the globe who are longing and praying for light, and I must answer their earnest prayers and tears, because there is so much darkness and fear and foreboding of what is to come upon the earth. I have allowed this state of things to happen because I want to wrap up the things of earth and bring in the heavenly kingdom wherein righteousness and peace and holiness, and joy dwelleth and love forevermore. The days of probationary time are waning because nearly everyone has made their final choice of whom they will serve. I will now arise from my throne and visit my people who love me and serve me, and strengthen and guide them through the days ahead until I come. Angels are assisting me, for they are the harvesters who go around the earth to bind up my true people who love and serve me and get them ready for the heavenly garner, and the wicked in bundles to be burned. I am loathe to do this final work, because I do not find pleasure in the death of the wicked. But neither do I want to extend the suffering of my people who love and serve me faithfully, and are longing to come home to heaven with me.

Now go to your work for today and your Sabbath preparations, because there is much to be accomplished in the hours that you have. I am not a jealous God who demands all your time to be spent in worship, but I am a jealous God who desires to be uppermost in your thoughts and plans for the day’s activities. So look to me now and open up your hearts to me constantly, because I want to be with you and walk beside you every moment of the day, even in the seemingly mundane duties of life, for all are important in the scheme of things, and therefore all are a part of the blueprint plan marked out for you each day. And each moment of the day is tinged with gold when we walk together in precious fellowship. Lovingly, Jesus.

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How God Created Marriage to Function

Dearest Ones, My topic today is one that is very dear to my heart, because it takes us back to the very beginning of the human race, and what it was meant to be like before sin was introduced into the human family. I want to share with you today what I meant for marriage to be like, and how it was supposed to function in a perfect world and society. I gave the gift of marriage, because I know that it would bring the greatest happiness. I also knew that if man would fall, it would bring the greatest misery and grief. But because I always create my best and highest ideal, I gave the human race the gift of marriage. Now that we are approaching the end of all things, I am now bringing back my ideal, and offering it to all those who will go with me through the cleansing and blotting out of sin, so that the universe can see what marriage was supposed to be. Because man and woman fell together, so I want them to be cleansed together and be restored to the original state of tranquility and happiness that was once theirs before the fall. So I will disclose to you some of the secrets of success or failure in this most sacred union.

When I took Eve from Adam’s side, I did not take just a rib from Adam, but I took from him the most sensitive side of his nature and placed it in Eve. This is why Eve was more open to the temptation of Satan through the serpent, because he appealed to her more sensitive, feeling side. Women are supposed to explore thoughts and feelings in the same way that men are supposed to explore the earth over which they preside, and have been given kingship by God, and even the desire to reach out to the universe beyond. The left brain of the man is to be a covering for the woman, as even the Holy Spirit is subject to the sovereignty of God the Father and God the Son. All three are coequal, and all three are a part of all plans and all decisions that are made, but the Spirit is submissive to the directives of the Father and the Son, as to how these directives and plans will be implemented and carried out. [See Gen. 1:1-3; Rev. 4:1-3, 4; 5:6.]

So woman is to have rights of counsel which would bring to man the insights that have been given to her to help, aid and counsel him through the leading of the Holy Spirit, but she is still subject to his final decision about the matter and let God lead him to ponder and pray about it and receive affirmation and acceptance by the Lord, or to reject it on the basis of further knowledge that he gets from the Lord considering the appropriateness or timing of her thoughts and insights on the matter. If he has made the wrong decision, she is to take it to the Lord and pray for God to intervene and wait for God’s timing and protection and guidance. However, there are matters over which the man has no jurisdiction and control, and those are areas of right and wrong in which God only is her husband and protector, and in these personal areas the husband is not to assume the role of God over her. She still has her individuality – her power of choice – that belongs only to God. These areas the couple should pray about separately, and come to a God-centered agreement, and observe these areas faithfully. Otherwise, the rights of freedom of choice will be compromised or destroyed, and love will cease to exist, for in either case, whether by the man or by the woman, control of the conscience by either one destroys safety, individuality, happiness, and love. That is why I do not rule over anyone’s conscience, as Satan always tries to do. I set everyone free to choose which pathway they will take, even if it means eternal death.

To preserve free choice, I came to set the captives free, for Satan had already taken control of everyone’s mind and conscience by force or subterfuge, because when Adam and Eve sinned, they turned over the rights of their progeny to make a free choice to serve and honor me. Thus I became the Lamb slain from the foundation of the word, to bring back freedom of choice to the human race and free those who all their lives were in subjection to the evil one. So now, in the case of the human family, I want to reestablish the beauty of family relationships the way I created them in the beginning. Adam was to be the king and ruler of the world that I had given him. His left brain was to be in subjection to my Holy Spirit at all times. Eve was to stand by his side as co-ruler with him over the birds of the air, the fish that swam in the waters, and the animals and vegetation upon the ground, and over everything that I had put under their jurisdiction. But they were not to rule over each other, but to confer together and come to the best conclusion after listening to each other’s thoughts and ideas about the matter. Adam was to listen to Eve’s thoughts and suggestions and incorporate them into his final conclusions about the matter. Both were to be subject to the influence and leadership of the Holy Spirit, and, of course, personal communion with me in our visits together.

Now I want to re-establish this perfect pattern in families again among my chosen ones. Because of the problems caused by sin, you must be fully committed to the leading and counsel of my Spirit to avoid trampling upon each other’s personal conscience and relationship with me, for sin has made you headstrong and self-protective instead of submissive to me as I work through each of you to preserve the identity I have given to each of you. But if you look to me, I will help you to re-establish the beautiful relationship of love and unity and harmony that I gave to Adam and Eve in the beginning, that models the relationship of my Father and me, and all the angels of heaven as we work together in perfect harmony and love and submission to one another’s needs and individuality without ever losing our roles as co-workers together. Only Satan and his angels broke away from the perfect, harmonious relationships that exist in heaven. Therefore, I want to plant the seeds of love and respect for each other, and have homes that are once again modeled after the divine pattern. I will help you to do this, and help you to love and respect each other and work together in perfect harmony once again.

Do you want to join me in this endeavor, and cooperate with me in the re-creation of the human family back into the image of the divine family? If you do, you will reap the results of your decision and cooperation with me throughout eternity, for I will bestow on you the pleasures and joys and happiness and divine love and unity even now, even here, before I come, to prove that love conquers all sinful tendencies, and restores humanity to its original purity and holiness.

Now go to the activities of the day, but keep me in your hearts always, for you can never weary me, never exhaust the measure of love that I have for you. You are my treasure and the reward for all my sufferings, and I feel every heartbeat and every fear and loneliness, and I will turn your captivity if you simply look to me and trust me. Keep me ever in your heart and mind. Just trust and follow the leading of my Spirit and you will be safe, for I am always and forever, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dear Ones, I want you to know that I am with you today in a very special way, because the loud cry is about to begin. In every age I have had faithful people who gave the loud cry of my truth for their generation. And now I have a small group of faithful ones who are preparing to give the final loud cry to the world. Many, even in my church, will scoff or ignore the messages that I will send through you, but many others will see the light and join you just as they did in the 1844 movement. And together you will swell the messages of truth and light to the world.

My topic today is truth. Without my Spirit moving upon the heart and mind of the hearers, truth cannot be discerned by the carnal heart, because it speaks of things too marvelous and wonderful to penetrate through the miasma of lies and errors and darkness that Satan has been sending out into the world for centuries and is picked up by people whose carnal desires rule them. They actually prefer lies to truth, because truth cuts down to the very core of one’s being and demands a decision to either receive or reject it on the basis of the agreement of the hearer. It demands a drastic and complete change in the life of the hearer, and not many people are willing to make that change. When truth is presented, many are charmed by its relevancy and beauty, but like the rich young ruler, and King Agrippa, they put it off for a more convenient time. But when the decision is made to put off truth, it is often fatal, because truth either penetrates the heart and produces action, or hardens the heart beyond recovery. Its importance fades away and becomes mingled with the other affairs of life and the person goes on until the truth they once heard is no longer of importance to them. I am just telling you about this, because this is what you will meet as you go forward.

And not only this, but also don’t forget that the devil will be on your track every moment to discourage and stop you from spreading the good news of how to get ready for my soon coming, and he will urge his followers to revile and persecute you and make your work hard to discourage you. But pay no attention to him—just keep your eyes fixed upon me and I will lead you on to victory, for the time is short and the work is great. To encourage you, I will give you special men and women to help you with time and money, and using their gifts to assist you when you need it the most, for I know you cannot do everything alone. The hour is late, and people will see this and rejoice to be able to help in any way that they can. Not all who do this will go through with you, but they, too, will receive their reward. As for the core group of workers, I will give you energy and safe passage to do the work wherever you go, and funds to support you in whatever you need. Now go to the work for your day, and look to me for everything, for I am with you, I love each of you dearly, and you are always on my heart. So do not fear to ask me for anything you need, for I am, and always will be, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Diversity in Unity

Dearest Ones, My heart and mind are exercised with sympathy for all you are going through right now in various trials and experiences which tax your mind and emotions; but I am bending over you to see you through them and bring you out into pleasant places. We are in transition right now into the final phase of earth’s history, and soon the fullness of the latter rain will fall and everyone will be taxed to the limit to get the word out about my soon coming, and how to be prepared for it. But fear not, for I will carry the heaviest part of the load for you, and provide everything for you that you will need, both for yourself and for the work that needs to be accomplished. Angels will be assigned to each of you to guide, direct, and speak through you the message that I will assign to you. No two people will have the exact same duties, but everyone will have the same message—the nearness of my coming and how to prepare for it.

Now for the topic of today. I want to talk to you about unity in diversity. Since I have created no two people with just the same experience with me, and just the same calling, you may at times feel that someone else has a greater work than you do, or that the importance of someone is of higher value with me. But I want you to look back in history and see how I worked through people to accomplish my purposes, whether by many or by few. Moses was my stalwart champion who had the gift to hear my voice and relay it to the people, and also great gifts of leadership with which to lead and implement my plans for my people. But as you know, I conferred upon others gifts that would augment his leadership in order to accomplish all that needed to be done for my glory. So it is in every great work on earth. There must always be leaders who hear my voice and go forward to mark out the way. So it is even in heaven, where the perfect angels do my bidding joyously at every moment. But every angel has an important part of the plan which cannot be transferred to another, [4 BC 1173] or else the whole plan would suffer for want of that one part. It is a wheel within a wheel, as Ezekiel saw in vision, [Eze. 1:16] in order for the work to be done perfectly and efficiently.

Can you imagine the problems that were caused in heaven when Lucifer defected and took a third of the angels with him to become my enemies and attempt to overcome the government in heaven? This was no small threat, because even though my Father and I had anticipated the problem that would be caused by this threat and were prepared for it, yet the perfect plan of heaven was marred in its beauty and completeness as we had created it to be. The defection of Lucifer and his followers necessitated the plan which was instituted when the earth was created, and the plan of recovery was set in motion. Adam and Eve were created to repopulate the earth with beings who would replace the fallen angels, as I have already stated in the writings of my servant, Ellen White. [7 BC 949.] I planted in them the various gifts and talents and personalities that would take the place of the angels who fell. This plan was not haphazard, but purposeful and deliberately thought out by my Father and me, because nothing and no one is expendable in what we do and what we create. Everything we do is purposeful, and a part of the perfect plan for the universe. So now you can see why the creation of the earth was vital for reestablishing the perfect plan which Satan had broken by his defection. Not one blueprint of one person is expendable.

So why didn’t I simply create new angels with the same blueprints of those who fell? Because to do this would have taken the same risk again as had been in the first place. The new beings would have to take the same cycle of learning, with the risk that because I always create beings with a free will, someone might choose again to walk in the sparks of their own kindling, and try the experiment into sin all over again. So this world was created to have the gift of procreation where godly parents could have children who would be taught from their earliest moments of life to know me and my principles and my government of love, and thus to understand me and choose holiness from a standpoint of intelligent cooperation. That is why I instructed the Israelites to diligently train up their children in the way they should go, so that they would always know and follow the paths of righteousness.

Do you ever wonder why it has taken 6000 years to reproduce the righteous blueprint people that I require? It is because I allow freedom of choice and intelligent cooperation from a heart of understanding and perfect agreement with my laws of love by which I govern my vast universe. And when I reach that completion of people who contain the perfected blueprints of every fallen angel, the work will be accomplished, and I will come back and reclaim my own. Now do not think that my work on earth is arbitrary and dependent upon reaching a certain number. The door of mercy stands open for every person to enter if they will. My salvation is full and free to everyone, as it has always been. That is why, as in the days of Noah, I did not shut the door of the ark and bring the flood upon the earth as long as even one soul was still vacillating about the truth. But I know every heart, and I know when the last decision is made and the last rays of light are rejected, and there is no more hope of changing to accept the wooing of my Spirit. It has always been that way in the past, and it is that way now. No one will be turned away who sincerely wants to love me and be my child.

But I see the doors closing now, and it is a race against time to get my faithful people ready for the close of probation and my soon coming. Probation closes when every person has made their final decision for or against the light that I am sending to the people of earth through my chosen ones. That is why I can accurately predict the time of my coming, because I know the condition of every person’s heart all over the world. That is not to infer that I have not had foreknowledge of the time of my coming, but I gauge the timing of my coming by the condition of the hearts of people and their response to the wooing of my Spirit and their reception or rejection of the preaching of my chosen ones. And it has taken this 6000 year period to prepare a group of people who would understand and go through the cleansing that is necessary to be among the 144,000, who represent all the people that have ever lived, and all the blueprints of every tribe on earth. That is why they will take the place of leadership which was forfeited by Lucifer, for I will never again create the massive blueprint of Lucifer, which contained all the blueprints in one being, as I have spoken about in Ezekiel. [See Eze. 28:11-19.]

But now I have an even better plan—144,000 perfected persons from earth who represent all of mankind, and have experienced every taunt and temptation of Satan and have overcome every evil that could be brought to them, by my blood and because of love for me and an understanding and agreement with my laws, my character, and my government. They will help me rule my vast universe forever so that sin will never rise again. Isn’t that a wonderful plan? Even though I had to give my life to obtain it, and make it possible, yet it is infinitely worth everything, for it completely destroys the possibility of defection, for everyone will have seen the results of sin, and will have chosen righteousness. And although I will create new beings again, the record of the plan of salvation and my sacrifice will forever answer any question that could arise. And with my redeemed people around my throne who have experienced sin and overcome, the universe will be safe for endless joy, endless happiness, and endless peace and love. With me you can explore all the beautiful things that I have made for you. And you will meet the angels who have loved and cared for you and guided you in safe paths. And best and most glorious of all, you will meet my Father, who loves you so much that he gave me to die for you. He is waiting with open arms to receive you to Himself at last! And so am I, and all the hosts of heaven, who will bow in adoration around the throne to welcome my Bride.

Until then, keep looking up and trusting me through every trial, watching for my providences and listening for my voice. The time will not be long now, and you will be in heaven with me. In the meantime, do the work that I have assigned to you individually and collectively, and soon the work will be done and the number of my kingdom made up. Good-bye for now, but always keep the green cord of faith in your heart, and remember to use it anytime that you need to connect with me, for as always, I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dear Ones, today my heart goes out to you because I see you laboring at great odds with the burdens of each day, and yet you do not faint under the load of responsibilities and trials. I will reward you for this by making your burdens light by my presence with you. Seek me for help, encouragement and wisdom rather than struggling to produce these things yourself, for there is much yet to accomplish in the days ahead, and you will need supernatural strength from me to be successful.

Now the topic for today is fortitude. Many people start out well on a course of action, but when the waves go high and my presence seems far away, they faint under the trial and do not persevere until the end, and thus lose the prize for their efforts. They fall off the path into darkness and confusion, and lose the joy and victory that perseverance brings. I will give you this victory if you look to me every day, every moment, because no one of themselves can push themselves to obtain the prize of salvation without supernatural help and strength from me. You do not realize how weak and vacillating your human nature is without me. That is why I make myself available to you at all times and in all the challenges of your life. You may see people who persevere to obtain great wealth, or fame, or position, and other things of this world, and who assume that the journey to eternal life can be obtained in the same manner. But that is a fallacy. Satan blesses some who follow him to make it appear that his way is easier and his rewards are more appealing than the narrow way to salvation. It is like gambling. Some people are allowed to win in order to entice the majority to put in their money to fill the coffers of the wicked people who lead the unwary and gullible. Anything that Satan has is the same. He lures people until their vices and idols become a habit which they cannot break, and then he leaves them and taunts them to despair, and ultimately death.

But I never use force at any time. Every person is free to choose me and my pathway to life and reap the immediate and eternal benefits, or they are free to turn away from me at any time and forsake my proffers of eternal life and blessings at my side. The only constraint is love. Some follow me the same way that the wicked follow Satan—in other words, for the reward at the end, or even for a cleaner, healthier life here on this earth. But I am now removing this privilege by withdrawing my Spirit and protection from all who follow me for the loaves and fishes. Each person must be able to see their motives and choose life and salvation, or abandon their position and ultimately join the opposers of my truth. Thus there will be only two groups at the end—those who love and serve me with their whole heart, and those who hate my righteous principles and my law of love. That is called the ripening of the harvest when the true grain will appear and the tares will be weeded out. This process will soon be finished, and my angels will be sent to reap the wheat and bring it into my barn—my hiding place—until the indignation be overpast and my wrath has brought judgment upon the eternally wicked, who shall be burned in unquenchable fire at the end of the 1000 years, until their will be neither root or branch of them remaining. Then my beloved chosen ones will be with me forever in peace and joy and happiness at my side—not just happiness for them, but for myself as well, for then I will be requited for my sacrifice, and forever rejoicing to have my beloved ones with me for eternity.

You may wonder why I speak of this so often, but it is because it is the passion of my heart to come and rescue my Bride from the world of woe that you now have to live in day by day, and moment by moment until I come and vanquish the enemy and take my people home to be with me forever. In the meantime, I am bending over you, protecting and guiding you with my Spirit and my angels, and I want you to look to me for everything you need, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially, and I will provide them for you, for it is my great joy to do so. In that way we are already together, and we have fellowship with each other every moment of the day. Now go to your duties with complete rest, and trust in me, and always remember that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dear Ones, I am rejoicing today at the privilege that I now have of leading out a remnant from my church who will carry forth my last warning message to the world. This does not mean that I love some people more than others, but I must have a people who care nothing for the world and its pleasures or allurements, and who are eager and willing to focus all their attention and energy upon the task at hand. As you can see in the earth, I am letting things go, and there is only a small margin of time to do the work. But with my Gideon’s army beside me, it will be sufficient.

My topic today is faithfulness. Without this character quality, there would be no final generation, because it is so easy to get caught up in the whirl of life and the duties of each day, that day after day goes by, and a whole lifetime can be lived just keeping up with the challenges and activities of daily living. But what I see in my faithful ones right now is a determination to not be disconnected with me for a moment, looking to me for guidance, instructions and strength, and focusing always on staying connected with me and doing my bidding. This is absolutely essential right now because of the shortness of time and the greatness of the task. One thing that you may not have thought of before is that evil angels are constantly contending against my faithful angels to wrest you out of my hands and bring you down, to distract you, harass you, bring pain and suffering, persecute you, or to focus your attention upon mundane things that are not essential to your salvation and your calling to be a part of the 144,000. Sometimes you may hear their voices in your mind taunting you and trying to get your attention to discourage you or distract you. But be instant in season and out of season to keep your heart open to me and my guidance, protection, and love for you, and I will rebuke the evil ones who want to distract you and take you down. Look up to me, and the light of my presence will dispel the darkness.

Do you know that people who take drugs and alcohol are doing so to silence the voices of demons in their minds who taunt and tempt them to do wrong, or who are putting them down to keep them addicted to the cycle of abuse? That is why I am so pleased that when the devil comes to you, my precious children, you resist him by the power that I have invested in you, and by my Spirit, instead of giving in to the tempter, no matter what his temptations may be. I wish everyone would turn to me and be saved from the powers of darkness that surrounds them. But I will give you the ability to reach out to the broken people who are longing for the light that you have, and many will respond to the light and follow it back to its source, which is me. They must also know of my love for them to give them hope and a way of escape from their loneliness, fear, and misery, which is caused by the enemy of their souls. Those who come to me will drink of the ever-flowing richness of my love and saving grace and be changed into my divine image as sons and daughters of the living God. What a transformation that divine love brings into fallen souls who have been controlled by demons!

But although the truth of this gospel has ever been and ever will be the center of the story of redemption, now the focus of your preaching must be the redemption of the body from this earth by my imminent coming! Most Christians have become so self-satisfied by what they know and experience with me in the good news of my love and forgiveness of their sins and acceptance in the beloved, that they do not want their lives disturbed by the message that all things are about to come to an abrupt end, and they must respond immediately to be prepared in time for the close of probation and the end of time here on this earth. I am allowing things on earth to crumble before their eyes to prepare their hearts and minds for a new, startling message that my coming is imminent! Not everyone will respond to this message because those who are accustomed to focus on the world and its pleasures will now be tempted to focus upon the world and its demise, and a great fear will soon come upon them as they see that man is no longer able to control the elements or the societal issues. The threat of inevitable doom will rise up in their hearts, and they will look in desperation for a savior to lead the way back out of chaos. At just that time, Satan will bring about the rise of the papal power as an answer to their dilemma, and the salvation of the nations whose leaders have lost control of their senses. For a brief time, I will allow this plan to apparently work in fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 13—and all the world wandered after the beast. But the end of his power will come and it will be seen that even he cannot save humanity from the results of following the leader they have chosen, and the rejection of my law.

While I am preparing to return and rescue my beloved ones, chaos will reign, and the people and leaders of the world, egged on by demons, will accuse my people who have proved faithful to me to be the cause of all their problems and will enact a law for their annihilation from the earth. But in majesty and holiness and power, I will return to earth and receive my beloved ones to myself, nevermore to be harassed and tempted and threatened by the enemy, for he will be banished from my sight for 1000 years of peace with my beloved ones beside me in my kingdom of light and happiness. Then the wicked will receive their eternal reward—death forever, nevermore to even come into mind. Don’t you long for it all to be over, and to be forever in the light of my presence around my throne? I do! That is why I have written to you about it this morning, for it is open in my mind as I plan to come again and rescue my beloved ones.

In the meantime, there is a great work to do, and do quickly. But do not fear, for I will be right beside you at all times. Just look to me and keep focused upon hearing my voice to guide you, and as you do, you cannot fail to please me and be successful in the calling and fulfillment of your blueprint to be a part of the 144,000 who preach my last warning message and be alive to see me come. Then you will have the eternal privilege of always being by my side wherever I go, for you have fulfilled my calling to you to be among the called, chosen and faithful ones who follow me wherever I go. And that privilege begins now, for I am sending messages to you to help you to keep your eyes upon me and know where I am, what I am thinking about, and what I am doing. And so, my faithful ones, who think about nothing except my glory and honor and the finishing of the work of salvation, go to your day’s labors with rejoicing, always keeping your minds and hearts in tune with me, and keeping in touch with me, because I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dear Ones,

The topic today is integrity. There is a tendency of the human heart to be satisfied with a low level of thinking. I am higher than the heavens above, and yet you may have the privilege of communing with me if you will keep your heart pure of all low, common thinking that is not in harmony with my thoughts about the matter. I know that you may see this as being restrictive and taking away your freedom to be yourself and express your own individuality, but there are no individualities that did not come from me and have their sweetest, truest, and highest source of individuality when interacting freely with my thoughts and feelings on every matter. When you were born, I infused my blueprint for you into your heart and mind, for all life comes from me and is sustained by me and for me. That is your protection from the evil one, for he wants to get to you at the earliest moments of your life to see the world and yourself from his point of view, and through his evil eyes. His ways are framed from a selfish, self-centered point of view and seeing the world and people and circumstances through the circle of self. On the other hand, I want you to feel protected and loved and secure from the first moments of your life, and see the world from the viewpoint of security and an outward focus and love toward others. I know that in this world of sin, degradation, suffering and evil this is not possible in the fallen condition of man. But I want you to know how I meant for it to be so that I can bring you back to that point again in the cleansing that I am providing for you and the perfectly restored state to which I want to bring you if you cooperate with me.

When you awaken in the morning, I want you to look to me as a baby would to its mother who adores it and gives it safety and love every moment of the day. That is the gift that I gave to Adam and Eve when I created them, and I intended for every person to have this forever. But sin has caused a break in that relationship between me and you and I want it now to be fully restored in the cleansing time. Every fear, every grief, every lust of the flesh, every evil plan and desire that has sullied your soul must be given up and removed in order for you to reflect my image again, as I intended for it to be in the beginning. When I was born into this world as a baby, I came fresh from my Father’s hand, and you can have that same new birth every day, and drink in the perfection and love and security that I have constantly streaming for you, complete with your particular individuality and calling which is like no one else on earth. I love to interact with each person in the uniqueness that I gave them, and cleanse away sin and doubt and sorrow from the experiences of suffering which living in this world produces.

On the contrary, Satan makes everyone the same in the sense that he takes away the freedom to be happy and fulfilled and unique and loved, and uses those who have given themselves over to him to seek only their own pleasure and lusts and fame and finally to be destroyed by him. I am now withdrawing my sweet spirit of love and protection from the earth to give people a chance to see what it means to reject my Spirit and choose the devil and his ways, thoughts, and feelings. Perhaps this will help them to abandon the enemy and seek me with all their hearts; and if they do, they shall find me.

But if not, I still have my beloved chosen ones who are listening intently for my voice and seeking me moment by moment, and choosing life everlasting by so doing.

Now go to your tasks for today, but remember not to parley with the enemy to the slightest degree. He needs only a small invitation to listen to his voice to feel that he has a right to harass you and bring darkness, fear, and discontent. Look to me always and walk in the light as I am in the light, for in me there is no darkness at all. If you feel darkness, just remember that it is not ever from me. It is always from the evil one who is trying to bring you down. Flee to me and I will give you light and love and power to overcome all the temptation of the devil. Never succumb to criticism of others, or even of yourself. If you make mistakes, ask me to forgive you and rejoice in my forgiveness and love for you, but do not wallow in remorse, for it will give the devil additional time to accuse you and revile you and bring darkness and despair or discouragement.

Now go to your day remembering what I have told you, and walk constantly in the light of my presence and love for you. And never forget for one moment that I am always at your side, and just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
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The 144,000

Dear Ones, I am ready to go forward with the messages that I have in store for you to give to the people of the world who are dying for want of the truth. But I know every soul and how to reach them through what I have given you to share with them. You see, the truths that I have given you are the second apartment concepts that comprise the three angels’ messages for the final generation. For every age there is a new development of truth that speaks specifically to the people of that generation. And right now the application of the first angel’s message is the understanding of the judgment of the living and how to go through it successfully and be among those who are the 144,000. Not a great number will understand it and go on to receive and experience it to its fullest extent. But many will rejoice with the concept that a cleansed remnant is now possible and will abandon the idea that I will go through the books of heaven and decide on the saved or lost without any participation from the believer. This puts a Satanic view of my character of love, and drives people to either fear me and be in constant terror of my judgments, or to fall into apathy and put off the imminence of my coming. So even though not all who receive and accept your message will go on to completion and live through, at least the faulty concept of the judgment will have been cleared up, and they can go as far as possible to experience it for their cleansing before they are laid away saved. It takes a certain quality of mind to go all the way through the cleansing process, and not all are able to do this. But I will reward those who go as far as they can, with an exalted position in heaven and a place around my throne commensurate with their progress in holiness while on earth.

Brother Stockman is an example in the 1844 movement who was laid away before the Great Disappointment to save him, but who went as far as he could, and he will always remember the experience that the believers had at that time. He will learn in heaven what he could not comprehend while he was on earth because of the weakness of his flesh. And so it will be with those who live at the close of time. Some will accept and see the clarity of the message of the cleansing, and will go forward to the limit of their comprehension and ability, but will not have the capacity to experience the depth of the experience of cleansing all the way to complete victory in all areas of their lives. These faithful ones will be rewarded in heaven with a robe and a crown and eternal life where they can grow to any heights of glory and achievement that they desire to do as the years of eternity roll on.

But the 144,000 will go through the entire cleansing and understanding by experience while on earth. This personal experience and understanding cannot be duplicated in heaven, for it is only possible to experience full cleansing of every sin while still in a sinful state and environment, and be overcomers while in the human condition before translation. That is the same human body that I had while I was upon earth, and in that body I worked out a perfect character – not by succumbing to sin, but by overcoming every temptation that can come to man through a constant, unbroken communication with my Father, and perfect submission to His will at all times without ever once dipping into the sinful thoughts and feelings and impulses of the nature of man. Do not ever think that I felt the lusts of the flesh, the angers and passions of the fallen nature, or the pride of life. I listened only to my Father’s voice in every temptation, and came off victorious over the human passions and temptations of the devil. And so it can be with you, for I have paved the way for you to be cleansed and receive my character, my holiness of thoughts and feelings, and the unbroken connection with me that I had with my Father. Through the cleansing of thought, mind, and spirit that I am providing for you now, you can receive the spotless robe of my righteousness – not to cover the sins that you have not been victorious over, but to represent my life in all you do, say, think, and feel. It is those who accept my offer to go completely through the cleansing no matter what the cost who will be among the 144,000 and live through the end until my coming without seeing death. It is these who will represent all the saved from all the ages who went as far as they could in their generation and followed me and represented me with all they understood at the time. My faithful prophets and the people listened to them and obeyed the light that came from me through them are accounted worthy in their generation.

But now, all the accumulated light is shining. What was obscure in the days of the apostles and prophets is now made plain and is shining upon this generation, and thus this generation is held responsible for all the light from the beginning of time. Thus the weakest generation has the most light, and therefore there will be no excuse for not knowing all that is necessary to be ready for my coming. The war with sin is almost over, and my grace is still outstretched to everyone to come to the banquet of light and knowledge and understanding of me and my plan of salvation so that there will be no excuse for those who turn away from the light and feed on the husks of evil that the devil so freely offers to humanity today, especially through the media, which will be the damnation of this evil generation. But my faithful ones are ignoring the siren sounds of the media, and are feeding upon my word, and drinking in of my Spirit and my truth for this hour of history. Like Daniel, they are controlling their appetites and passions in spite of the constant seductions around them. These are a spectacle to men and angels, and to demons, who cannot understand why their seductions do not tempt my chosen ones to indulge in worldly things that would lead to their destruction.

In the same way, the devil tempted me while I was upon the earth, and I stood firm in my integrity. And so may you! Every day, every moment, you may have my sustaining power if you will avail yourselves of it. I will cleanse you of every lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life if you will allow me to live in your heart every moment! Then you will be at peace with me living in you, and your heart will be at rest in my love. Then my chosen ones will go forth as an army with banners, fully filled with my Spirit, and my character of love will be displayed before men and angels, who are amazed at the miracle of what my grace can do to raise people from the dust of sin and create beings in my image once again, just as I did with Adam and Eve in the beginning. Then the 6000 years of re-creation will be finished, and we will celebrate the 1000 years of peace together – a celestial Sabbath of rest to wipe away all tears and memory of sin, and restore the years that the locust has eaten. And when sin and sinners have been destroyed in the lake of fire, and the beautiful new earth has been recreated as a love gift to my victorious people who have followed me all the way through the plan of salvation, the former things will not be remembered or come into mind, except for the eternal memory of my sacrifice and the price that had to be paid for the salvation of mankind, so that sin will never rise again throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.

And that day is coming so soon, yet there is a preparation work to be done. And together we will accomplish it speedily. Always keep uppermost in your minds how much I love you, and never allow a shadow of Satan or his temptations to cause you to look away from me to sully your soul. Look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near! And always remember that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus

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How to Work for the Erring

Dear Ones, My heart of love goes out to you today, for I feel everything that troubles you, every question that comes into your mind, and every joy that you have when people respond to your efforts to serve and help them to a higher plane of thinking. I, too, feel the pain and suffering of my people around the globe, and the joy when they respond to my overtures to lead and guide them to safe pastures and free them from the devil’s wiles and lies.

The topic for today is how to work with the erring, whether it is a family member, a friend, or a foe. For the most part, the ways of reaching the obdurate heart is all the same, because it is from a demonic presence who has control of the person at that time. This connection with the evil one comes from childhood generally, through some experience that was suffered from abuse, neglect, trauma, or an unpleasant experience that the child could not understand, and there was no one available or able to help the child cope with or work through the experience at the time it happened. This is not said to put blame upon anyone, for things inevitably happen to all children in a sinful world that gives the devil an avenue to the child’s mind and heart. The more protection there is from parents, the less chance for Satan to gain a foothold. But parents don’t always know when the trauma is happening, or what to do about it. And in this exceedingly sinful world, every child grows up with some kind of trauma whether they are aware of it or not. So whether a person is your son or daughter or not, you can be sure that Satan has made inroads into their lives in one way or another. So when you are working with anyone or having relationships with people, there is only one way that will reach their hearts, and that is through consistent love and empathy.

That is not to say that you must excuse sin and error, and join in with the expression of it, for then your own character would be sullied and become defiled with the same demonic presence that is active in the other person, and certainly is wanting to gain entrance into your mind as well through interaction with and through them. Consider my example while I was upon earth. I associated with everyone who came to me, whether it was from the lowest dregs of society, or from the leaders, or people from the common walks of life. And in all these associations and encounters with people, I sought to lead them to a higher plane of thinking and behavior by extending to them my love and interest in them personally in a way that they could understand and relate to, yet never descending to their faulty thinking and behavior. I wanted my love to lift them up and give them hope for a higher existence and way of life through contact with me and my love for them. So in your association with people, seek for ways to bring encouragement and light to them and give them hope of a higher existence and hope of recovery from the wounds that sin has made upon their souls.

Number one, never point out their sins and errors, for the devil is already doing this to them, and you would be joining in with him to attack their souls and bring them down even further. But point them to a better, higher way of life and thinking by meeting their felt needs and desires for recovery. This is not an easy task when you are dealing with the erring, but I will help you to do this if you look to me for help. Never criticize, condemn or needlessly point out errors in them, but instead, point out the positive that will give them hope for recovery. If you cannot think of anything positive, ask me and I will help you. Positive thinking helps the person to feel hope, and to strive for higher goals by which they can receive more positive feedback, which feels like love to them. Affirmation for good behavior or qualities is more productive than criticism for error. Just remember that Satan is the accuser, and if you accuse, you will be joining forces with him against the person and therefore causing the very thing that you are attempting to heal. But, you may say, if I don’t tell them what is wrong, how will they know? Put it in the positive! Remember how I dealt with the Rich Young Ruler. I did not tell him that he was selfish, self-centered and miserly. I gave him the positive thing to do and let him decide. Although he failed to respond, his sins were exposed to himself in a positive way. Also Nicodemus: I gave him the positive injunction to be born again without saying that he never had been born again and needed to be.

Criticism locks people into defending themselves and shutting off their hearts to you. Pointing out positive goals gives them a chance to hear the Holy Spirit wooing their hearts to repentance and a victorious life in me if they will respond to the Spirit’s call to them. But unfortunately, not everyone will respond positively, no matter how perfectly you deal with them. But at least you have given them every opportunity to open their hearts to your living ministry to them, and thus softening their hearts to my Spirit, for my Spirit is love. If my Spirit is condemning, who would want to be with me and accept me into their hearts? And if my Spirit would be condemning, how would you be able to discern the difference between the influence of my Spirit and the accusing, condemning voice of the devil, who lures you into sin and then condemns you for it? He wants you to think it is me, but it is not. I want to reclaim sinners, not push them further into despair. And you can be my helpers. Did I condemn Mary or the woman at the well for their profligate lives? No, I acknowledged their sin, but pointed them to a higher existence, and they went away with their souls healed from the devastation that sin has made upon them. This is your example with the men, women and little children with whom you come in contact. If sin has to be pointed out, let the emphasis be on recovery and positive affirmation for responding to the leading of my Spirit in their lives, for I will be there beside you speaking to them of hope and repentance, and you will be a second witness to augment what I am trying to do for them. You can choose to second-witness the accusations of the devil to them, and drive them farther into despair and darkness and rebellion, or you can be an agent of my love and hope for their recovery and salvation, thus working by my side for the lost.

But some will rejoice and follow the light and receive salvation and become workers for me as well. So look for the good in people and fan that into a flame of ardor for me. Be instant in season and out of season, and watch for souls all around you, because you do not know which will prosper, either this or that. Determine not to be discouraged, but look to me and follow me and you will surely reap your reward, both in heaven and in this life as well. Now look to me and never become discouraged, for you always have me at your side to help and encourage you. Remember how Mary was weeping when I was right there beside her. Sometimes you do that, too! But I am rejoiced to see that these times are less and less, and you are growing stronger and more positive every day. For this I am happy and rejoicing in the love and obedience of my beloved ones. Walk with me today and every day until I come, for behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work has been. And the work that is accounted worthy of reward will be that which was done in cooperation with a relationship of love with me.

Now go to your appointed duties of the day, but never forget that I am always beside you, and that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Wise Counsel from Jesus

Dear Ones, today and every day I am thinking of you and the many things I want to share with you. There is trouble around the world, and unspeakable suffering in many homes and hearts where I cannot preside to relieve it. Satan has almost entire control of most of the people, even little children, and certainly complete control of the wicked, which are rapidly becoming the vast majority. My Spirit finds rest only in hearts that are seeking to know me and reach out to find favor with me. But even the majority of these are not seeking for present truth. They are wanting my blessings without what it takes to make a change in the current lives and practices of the general population of society. But I will continue to reach out to them as long as there is one ray of hope for their salvation. Are you ready for the time when I completely withdraw my Spirit from the world and allow the time of trouble to begin? Actually, no one is ready for that time as yet, for there is still much growing to do during the latter rain which I will continue to increase until everyone who desires to go all the way with me will have had the opportunity to grow up into the full stature of men and women who are fully cleansed and ready for the final battle with evil and the prince of darkness who leads all those who have followed him and accepted his principles and lies.

Now go to your day’s activities, but keep in constant connection with me, for I will help you to use every moment wisely and for my glory and my purposes for you. Especially guard against fretfulness and complaining, or looking down on anyone whom you perceive to be in any kind of error, for all judgment has been given into my hands by my Father, and you only wound yourselves when you look at the faults of others. Love everyone as I have loved you, and give me everything that causes you worry or discomfort, for my shoulders are strong to bear all your weaknesses and sufferings and the quandaries of your heart. If you look up to me I will give you renewed energy and hope and a sense of my love and care for you that will see you through the burdens of the day. Receive my joy and peace into your heart, for you cannot change the perplexities that confront you, but you can look to me and allow me to do it for you. Whatever you need, ask me for it, and if it is for your best good and for my glory, I will give it to you. Now please rest your souls in me today and every day until I come, and you shall have fullness of joy. Open your hearts fully to me, for I want to share all my love for you as we travel the journey together to the heavenly Canaan. And always keep your thoughts and needs upon me, for you cannot weary me, for I remain as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Nature of Christ—His Perfect Character

Dear Ones, My heart is with you this morning on this holy Sabbath day of rest and rejoicing together for what has been accomplished toward preparation for my coming. You are the ones that have been prophesied about for ages who would finish the work of salvation and usher in my kingdom of peace and righteousness. This is not because you are wiser or even more righteous than any other generation of my chosen ones of all ages, because all have been completely dedicated to me and loved and followed me in all that I required of them, even to the point of death. But because you live in the time when all the accumulated light coming down through the ages is shining upon you, this makes it possible for you to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you, and reap the accumulated light and blessings that will usher in my kingdom. That is why you are a part of the great multitude on the one hand, but a special group on the other, because no other generation has perfected their characters with the full light of my salvation shining upon them. Without this finished product, no other generation would be saved, because my honor depends upon my ability to bring the final generation to the perfection of my character while I was upon earth as a pattern for all mankind. How can the work of salvation be completed without a finished product of my grace? How can I be called Savior if I have not saved my people from their sins?

I perfected my character while living in a world of sin. By that I mean that I resisted every taint of sin upon my soul by maintaining my connection with my Father constantly. No one forced me to do this – I chose every moment to be filled with His Spirit through an unbroken connection with Him, thus the perfection of His mind flowed constantly into my mind, thoughts, feelings, and motives. How can anyone even think that I felt unholy thoughts, feelings and lusts of the flesh while at the same time being fully connected with my Father’s heart? Because people have never experienced the full cleansing of their own evil, lustful thoughts, they assume that I was just like them. No, that can never be! I am not to be judged on the basis of what the sinful mind of man experiences. On the other hand, my perfect life, including my thoughts and feelings, are to judge you, and unless you submit to being cleansed by my blood – which represents my character – you will not attain the perfection that is required to be in heaven. No unholy thing will be there, even in the subconscious mind, for the conscious thoughts and feelings flow from the subconscious. All the thoughts and feelings coming from the past are just below the level of the conscious mind, and can be pulled up at anytime, when the present experience taps into similar experiences from the past. This is why you often react in imperfect ways, or at least have temptations toward lust, anger, greed, covetousness, etc.

I did not have these things in my subconscious mind, for I came from heaven with the same perfect thoughts and feelings that I had from eternity with my Father. My mind was never defiled by sinful thoughts, feelings, or lusts, or I would have been a sinner just like everyone else that has come into the world with the heavy burden of the sins which the fathers have passed on to their children all the way back to Adam and Eve. But I was born with my heavenly Father’s sinless character, with His law written upon my heart, just as I had in heaven. The difference is that my sinless and holy character was connected to a body of clay which was weakened by the sins of humanity for four thousand years. You do not realize what a dreadful toll sin has made upon the bodies and minds of mankind. The noble stature and giant intellect of Adam as I created him in Eden has become so degraded by the sinful practices of human beings over thousands of years, that it is scarcely recognizable with what I created mankind to be in the beginning. It is these weaknesses that I took, which rendered it impossible for me to resist sin and Satan’s temptations on my own. But I never once tried to do it on my own. I was always aware that in order to maintain the purity and perfection of my heavenly character, I must always resist sin in just the same way that you must do – by complete dependence upon power from above – the power of the Holy Spirit – to keep my connection with the thoughts and feelings (character) of my Father, and by not ever responding to satisfy my human needs for love, acceptance, support, safety, sympathy, companionship, or any other human need, except as I received them from my Father’s hand.

And now, I have made this same privilege open to you. You cannot resist the sinful thoughts and feelings that you have inherited from your forefathers for generations back in your own strength. In order for you to have my perfect character, you must be connected with me at all times. But in order to have the perfect character that I had from the beginning, you must be cleansed of all the indulgences into sin that you have made in your past life, as well as all hereditary tendencies to sin. And this must be done before I cease my intercession for the human race and step out of the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary. If you think this cannot be done until I come in the clouds of heaven, think again. My presence destroys sin, and if you have cherished sin, even in your subconscious mind, there will be no blood covering for you, because that ministry ended when I stepped out of the Most Holy Place. So if you wait until then, you will be destroyed along with your sin, for I cannot cover you then after my work in the sanctuary is finished. If you are to be cleansed at all, you must do it now while probationary time is still open. For those who die up to the close of my work in the Most Holy Place, each one will be judged according to their faith in me and their obedience to all the light they knew. But since all the light is now shining upon this generation, there will be no concessions made for deliberate ignorance, for I will bring the light to every person to be either accepted and acted upon, or rejected to their eternal damnation. That is why the 144,000 is a special group, because they are those who accept all the accumulated light of all the ages, and go through my special cleansing of all the sins of mankind which has been inherited and cultivated since the fall in Eden. Since no one else will have gone through this complete, final cleansing, why would anyone doubt that this group will have special rewards commensurate with their spiritual accomplishments? Have I not always rewarded those who have followed me and honored me through the ages? What about Enoch and Elijah, Abraham, Moses, and Joseph, and a long list of heroes of faith who became my chosen ones who have been like stars in the darkness of error throughout history? These will receive their eternal reward.

But those who triumph amid the perils and accumulated sins of all the generations, refusing to capitulate to the doctrinal errors and ultimate profligacy to which sin has taken the human race, will be the capstone of my work as the Savior of mankind. Without this final perfected remnant, I could not claim the victory over the works of the devil and all that he has caused which has brought so much grief to the whole universe. Don’t you see what I am saying about the absolute necessity of a finished product of my grace? It is becoming apparent that the numbers will be few. But so I have prophesied that this would be true. Nevertheless, I am going to cut the work short in righteousness, and come and take my faithful, trusting people home to be with me forever. And there we will rejoice that the victory is won, and the war with Satan and his followers is over. Hold fast, my beloved ones, for I am coming soon, and your reward will be great throughout eternity, for you have followed and obeyed me through the darkest time in history, and have not capitulated to the lies and wiles of the enemy, but have clung tenaciously to me and my truth. Therefore, you will live and reign with me forever on my throne beside my Father, surrounded by all the angelic host and the redeemed of all ages. In the meantime, keep your eyes and your hearts focused upon me and turn not from the truth to contemplate evil or errors, but keep your eyes upon me and you will never fail to please me, for I will sustain and guard and guide you every moment. And never forget to call upon me for every need that you have, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Righteous Anger

Dear Ones, my topic today is righteous anger. My topic yesterday was a delineation of the difference between righteous anger and unrighteous anger. Righteous anger is against sin and produces peace as its result. It is not against people, but against sin. But righteous anger is possible only through a love relationship with me. The natural heart of man both spurns and rejects anyone who disagrees with them, or capitulates out of fear of rejection and a need to be in harmony at all costs, even to the point of sacrificing truth and accepting error. It all depends upon the root problems of childhood, and the decisions that were made then in order to cope with their lives at a young age. But these are reactions from fear, for the primary emotion causing anger is fear – fear of bodily harm, loss of status, loss of individuality or of the power of choice, loss of connection, or of possessions or position, or loss of the love of significant people in one’s life. Any threat or perceived threat to one’s harmony of life is received by the mind to be something that must be dealt with in a way that will bring homeostasis and happiness and peace back again.

However, the human heart cannot produce such peace, because of its fallen condition. This is because after Adam and Eve sinned as a result of looking to self for ways to exalt themselves to a higher realm than I had assigned them, they continued to look to self for ways to bring back the homeostasis and peace which they had lost after they sinned and disobeyed my command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan appealed to Eve to be dissatisfied with her present condition and reach for a higher place and condition than I had given to them, and essentially to become gods. Of course, it was the same sin that had led him to go astray in the courts of heaven. It was a perceived threat to his concept about himself after his pride took him down from his high position with me, and in attempting to climb higher, he lost his mind which I had given him, and formed a mind for himself that was only evil and self-centered all the time. That, in fact, was the same condition that was found in the whole human race by the time of the flood, with the exception of Noah and his family who were spared as a result of his righteous life and leadership. Thus I was compelled to begin anew with the one family that I had left who knew and loved me and my righteous principles. But even they were imperfect and flawed by sin, and so I chose righteous Abraham to be the progenitor of my people to whom I would give my law and my sanctuary through which I could teach the understanding of my character.

The days have been long in the journey which sin has caused. But now the days grow short, because I have at last a small group of people around the earth who know me and desire to uphold the truth of my character and the laws by which I govern my universe. They are laws of love, not of force and condemnation and fighting to produce homeostasis of mind and thought. Force and fighting is always from the evil one, whether it is in the home, the church, or in society and governments at large. Fighting never brings holiness and agreement and the harmony, love, joy and peace that man needs and desires so much, but I alone can produce. Come to me, all ye that are heavy laden, for I alone can give you the rest and love that your heart desires. Why will you go to other sources – to other lovers – to broken cisterns that hold no water, when I have an ever-flowing fountain of love, joy, and peace just waiting for you to come and drink? But the vast majority of mankind goes to other lovers and spurns what it takes to know me. Even my own people who call themselves by my name go to the baubles and entertainment of the world to satisfy their inner desires and quiet their consciences. But I soon will return with a shout and a trumpet call to awaken my sleeping ones who have loved and followed me even unto their death and who are now sleeping in their graves awaiting my call, and I will give them eternal life with me forever around my throne.

But for you, my precious ones, I will give you life eternal without seeing death, because you have followed me and presented my truth during the darkest point in history, and will prove faithful through the time after I leave the sanctuary to punish the wicked who have spurned my law and my truth. You will walk with me in white, as also will the great multitude which John saw in vision who have come through great tribulation and have not denied my name, but have endured until the end of their lives. They now lie sleeping, waiting for the great controversy to be finished. They are the souls under the altar whose cries, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” reach my ears, for they are sleeping in me, but are alive in my heart. Not all of the righteous were slain, but all lived and died for me, and they have received the spotless robe of my righteous life, imputed and imparted to them as a result of their obedience and faith in me.

But now the judgment of the dead is finished, and the judgment of the living is in progress, and will soon be finished. Only a small margin of time remains. These will be the 144,000 who have no guile, for they will follow me by faith through the final cleansing, representing what all the righteous dead would have reached had they lived at the time of the final cleansing and blotting out of sin for the whole human race. Do you see the privilege that you have of representing these great men and women who have gone before you and longed to see this day and by faith they saw it, but only through a glass darkly. But you will see face to face without seeing death, and you will experience this privilege because you have walked with me through the judgment of the living, the cleansing of sin, and the blotting out of the sins of the righteous from the records in heaven, so that I can now lay upon Satan, the scapegoat, all the sins since Adam and Eve that have now come down to you. And you are the wave sheaf and the firstfruits because you have permitted me to cleanse these from you in behalf of all who have been overcomers through my blood and my sacrifice on Calvary, and my intercession for them in the heavenly sanctuary.

This is why you will be able to sing the song of Moses and the Lamb which no one else can sing, because it is the song of those whose perfected lives are representative of the whole human race. My blood – my perfect life, my righteous character – will be perfected in you as you walk with me day by day and allow me to purify you of every thought, word, deed, and motive of sin, and place in you the same thoughts, words, deeds, and motives that I have, through my indwelling Spirit in your perfected minds and hearts. This is the process that is going on right now, and will soon be finished. And then I will proclaim the awesome words before the throne of my Father, “It is done!” Can you imagine the scene in the throne room of heaven? The heavenly host will bow in profound silence, and then break out in loud and joyous songs of praise.

“Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear…. Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” (See Rev. 19:6-9.)

These words are recorded for your encouragement to keep your eyes on the goal, and your minds focused upon your reward. But even now, my reward has begun in the messages that I am sending you to keep your heart focused upon me as I lead you on to glory. My thoughts are always with you, and my love for you is eternal and unbounded. Look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near! And always keep in your minds that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Etiology of Anger

Dear Ones, you are my treasure today and every day because you are walking in the light of my presence and my instructions each day, and following my guidance so that I can trust you to do my bidding, and not get behind because you put other things first in your priorities. I will reward you for this by giving you a sense of my presence and approval every moment of the day and night so that you need never be concerned or fear that I am not with you, for I will be protecting and guiding you every moment. Just look to me constantly and you will never have cause for dismay. Now for the topic of today. I want you to study the topic of the etiology of anger, and how it has affected the whole human race since sin came into the world. It caused the first murder, and all the murders and violence and hate since the entrance of sin. Unrighteous anger comes from Satan’s covetousness of my position with my Father, and his desire for my throne. He thought about it until his desires drove him to madness, and his focus upon the object of his selfish goals became his only thoughts. His anger was directed at me because he felt that I was standing in the way of achieving his goals and receiving what he so much desired. This is the basis of all unrighteous anger and all wars. The desired object or goal is perceived to be unreachable unless the person or thing that is standing in the way is removed or destroyed. This is the result of sin in the human heart, and it comes from Satan.

Originally, I placed the holy desire to achieve and reach goals into Adam because I created him in my image as a leader and creator of anything his heart desired as long as it was in harmony with me, and inspired by my Spirit. Man’s mind must be achieving and growing and thinking new and lofty thoughts in order to be healthy and growing and fulfilling the blueprint which I gave him in the beginning. But the effect of sin has caused this gift and desire to become self-centered and focused upon selfish principles and self-aggrandizement and achievements that will bring honor, fame, and glory to oneself. Therefore, anything or anyone that stands in the way of these goals becomes a perceived enemy, and must be brought into subjection, removed or destroyed.

In the beginning, the gifts of achievement that I gave to man were to be used to be a blessing to everyone to make the lives of others more pleasant and happy. Created things were to be useful and beneficial to everyone, and bring happiness to mankind and glory to God. But sin has obscured or obliterated these goals and opened the door for Satan to replace these goals with the stamp of his own character. Thus you see the results of war, hatred, and selfishness. For thousands of years I held back the full results of this, and inspired men who were subject to my Spirit to invent things that would be for the good of mankind and speed up the last warning message to the world. But Satan has so perverted even these blessings from me to be used for his Satanic purposes to bring the minds and souls of human beings into slavery and bondage to his own insanity of thinking and doing. Therefore, my chosen ones must be completely divested of anything that would infiltrate their minds from the camp of the enemy. The avenues of the soul and mind must be kept clean, pure and holy if the cleansing of the judgment process is to be effective. Even good movies and music must be used judiciously, for the mind is captivated by thoughts and feelings that I may not be inspiring at that particular moment. In other words, even the use of good music must be subject to my Spirit for timing and content, because it goes directly to the right hemisphere of the brain where I alone should preside.

So please let your music choices and timing be in subjection to me. I prefer that you do not have music – even good music – playing all the time, because it controls your moods in a way that I alone should do. The silence of the soul and mind makes more distinct the still, small voice of the guidance of the Holy Spirit speaking to you. That is why Satan uses rock music to invade the minds of men and women who listen to it. It is essentially a take-over of the mind by the devil to control the thoughts, feelings and motives of the listener. And it has a very angry spirit in harmony with the pulsations of the beat, the lustful words, and the instruments which are used. It is the music of war and lust. Satan cannot create anything that is gentle, sweet, and truly loving, for his character is just the opposite. That is why even the so-called spiritual songs must be forced into the minds of hearers and singers by a heavy beat, and loudness, or sensual tones and innuendoes. Please avoid completely such songs and music that appeal to the sensual side of your nature, for it will surely connect you with the evil one, for they are not inspired by my Spirit.

Now back to the subject of anger. The KJV of the scriptures says, “Be angry and sin not.” The NIV is more preferable: “In your anger do not sin.” Anger itself is not sinful if it is used to accomplish something necessary and beneficial. Anger is the basic drive to propel into action for accomplishing a desired goal. For example, my righteous anger as it is expressed in scripture is always for the purpose of protecting my people and reaching the desired goals that are necessary to accomplish the work of salvation. I am not angry at people – I am angry at sin and all that it has caused, and in my anger I will destroy all that sin has caused to my Father’s sovereignty, His laws, and His kingdom. In my anger against sin, I will rid the universe once and for all of the effects of Lucifer’s defection, and his threats to take over the very throne of God. He will be deposed from the position of leadership that I have permitted for him in order to display his wicked purposes and the results of his evil mind. That, with the protection of my people, is the focus of my anger.

But evil anger comes from the devil, and all my people must be cleansed of every shred of it, for it has a selfish base, and puts Satan in control wherever and whenever it is displayed. The Holy Spirit cannot reign in the heart of anyone who is giving way to selfish anger and impulses. This must be cleansed in the fire of my righteous judgments. Then peace and holiness can reign in the hearts and homes of my people, and can flow through the homes of all who are controlled by my Spirit of love, joy and peace. Will you not allow me to do this for you? Trust in me and not in self. If you have a problem of any kind, come to me for help instead of trying to solve it yourself. You will be blessed, and everyone around you will be blessed if you do this.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your mind and heart open to me at all times. Don’t give the devil the slightest inch of space to come into your hearts to cause unholy thoughts, feelings and actions. I will cleanse you of all sin as you walk with me, and you will be my friend, just as Abraham was, and I will share all my thoughts and feelings with you just as I did with him. Isn’t that enough reward for yielding to my Spirit and displaying my character and my love to everyone around you? I am looking forward to this relationship with you today and every day until I come. Now be at peace with me, for I am at peace with you. And always remember that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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