
Dearest Ones,

Today is a day of serious contemplation about the days ahead. There is no time to waste, since the climate of the world is open for the last battle between good and evil. I am still holding the winds of strife until the work is done, but it will take full concentration on the work at hand and the focus upon getting out the message of my soon coming. I am not asking you to accomplish more than is possible, but just to keep your eye single to the spreading of the last warning message to earth's inhabitants.

Now for the topic of today I want to talk to you about charity. That is an old-fashioned word for love, but it is not exactly the same in its meaning. Love encompasses all of your feelings toward God and others in the greatest degree possible and should be the spring of all your emotions and motivations, and be the bedrock of your character, for that is what comprises all my motivations and all my joy in creating beings in my image, as well as the lesser creatures. But charity carries with it the concept of caring for the creatures that I have made with loving kindness and attentiveness to their every need, both emotionally and physically. In other words, you don't just have a baby, but you also care for it and nurture it and provide for it throughout life. A new mother is sensitive to the slightest whisper of her little one, and is willing to spend herself for the needs of her child. So I am with you. Not a sigh is breathed or a tear falls that I am unaware of, or that I do not put in motion ways and means to bring relief. Of course, if people do not know me or look to me for help, I am seriously curtailed in my ability to reach them. But I still look for ways to bring them to a knowledge of me so that they can enjoy my favors.

And that is where you come into the picture. You are my ambassadors to bring help and healing to the people around you who are seeking for answers to their pain and confusion and suffering. There is not much time left to do this work of benevolence, but I will guide and help you to do what I'm expecting of you. Start with your own family members, and then go outward to whomever I bring into your path way. Remember, love includes charity, which means that love expresses itself in good deeds and reaching out to meet the felt needs of others. That is how people feel loved, not just in words, but in acts of service with a heart full of love for them. Watch for my providences by which I bring people into your life that need my love through you. And do not allow any of their idiosyncrasies to cause you to withhold your love and charity for them, for everyone needs the transforming grace that I have to offer them through you. You do not know which will prosper, this or that, or what will touch their hearts in a special way. And as you give, you will receive, pressed down and running over as a reward for your efforts and your obedience.

Now go to the activities of your day. But keep your heart open for my love and charity to you and through you to others. And you will grow into the full stature of my character and being able to communicate with me on the highest levels of service. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Eye Salve

Dearest Ones,

I am with you today in spite of all your problems. Sometimes it may seem as though I am far away when you go through trials, but that is not the case. It is harder to hear me when you are stressed with painful experiences, and the devil tries to harass you and make you think I am rejecting you, or that it is because of your sins and faults that trials come upon you, but that is not the truth. I am with you in sunshine or clouds, and if you persevere through the trial, you will come into the light again.

Now for the topic of the day. It is the eye salve. Laodicea is afflicted with spiritual blindness at the most dangerous time in history of losing their souls. This is because they have become spiritually lethargic, and leaning upon their own goodness, which is not goodness at all in the sight of God, for it is self-made and self-performed and self-generated. Nothing of self is accepted in the courts of heaven. Only the righteousness that is proffered through a relationship with me is acceptable when the curtain comes down and only the saved and the unsaved are left. The eye salve is figurative of the quality needed to see ones condition before God and see that no one can be saved by simply knowing and practicing the truth, for there is no vital flow of energy and life from me to the mind and heart of the believer. It is so easy to think that I will be satisfied with simply a showing of appropriate behavior, but without a love for me and the truth, no change is made in the inner heart and soul. The eyesalve is needed to show the spiritual depravity of a works-oriented religion which does not value the things of the heart. So in all your dealings with each other, it needs to come from a relationship with me. You cannot produce holiness of thought and behavior on your own. For example if someone constantly gets on your nerves, this shows that they are hitting a raw nerve that has not been cleansed from childhood. So spend time with me until you see how I want you to react about that person, and realize my love for them, and my attitude and feelings about what they are doing, and I will lift up your mind to a higher sphere. Thus you can see things through my eyes with heavenly vision instead of the cheap earthly view which is common to mankind.

Now go your way and accomplish what must be done today, but open your heart heavenward and I will give you a new heart and a new mind to see as I see and do as I do with a heart full of love for everyone. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Gold Tried in the Fire

My dear Ones,

Today is a day of rejoicing, for your names are written in heaven in the Lamb's Book of Life. I have seen your love and devotion to me and your dedication to my cause on earth, and I have accepted you in the Beloved, for you have joined the long line of patriarchs and righteous men and women who have loved and served me throughout history.

Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you today about gold tried in the fire, which represents my character, which I freely give to you when you are in a saving relationship with me. I came to earth with a perfect character, and while I was there, I was tried in every way possible by the devil, who was determined to bring me down and cause me to sin against my Father and against my own perfect Integrity which I brought with me from heaven. It was the same perfection that I had from eternity. But in taking upon myself fallen human nature, I exposed myself to all the assaults of the devil which he could devise to take me down and get me into controversy with him to protect myself. If I had been in the perfect nature which I possessed as equal with my Father, there would be no temptation to yield to the devil, for that nature had already been tested in the battle with him in heaven when he defected and became our enemy. I dealt with him in perfect justice suited for his crimes of high treason against my government and laws and attempting to take over the Throne of the universe. But when I assumed fallen human nature, Satan was stronger than I in the physical and emotional aspects. I could feel his wrath and hatred for me and his desire to win the battle over me on earth which he had not been able to win in heaven. He thought that he would have victory over me in my weakened human condition. But he did not realize that even weakened human nature can triumph over his temptations when fully connected with the power of the Holy Spirit from the Throne of my Father. And that's why he was baffled that his strongest temptations had no power over me.

So I was tested in all points like as you are, but yet without sin, and now I have that perfect, tested gold tried in the fire to give to every one of you who will come to me to receive it. The price is a full surrender of self to me and a connection with me that is the same as I had with my Father. You receive this gold from me as you walk with me day by day, moment by moment, and allow me to infuse my thoughts and feelings into your mind and heart through the Holy Spirit and the engrafted Word. Ask me, "How did you feel when you went through the temptation that I am going through right now?" You may find that because of your experience in life that your feelings and emotions and reactions and my feelings and emotions and reactions are far apart at first. But as you work them through with me and surrender to the perfect gold of my character, you will be cleansed of your sin and assimilated into my holiness by coming into agreement with me on every issue. Then you be will be sealed in your forehead - the decision-making area of the brain - and kept in perfect holiness through the indwelling of my Spirit forever throughout eternity. Then the devil will have no more access to you, because there are no more areas of your mind that are out of harmony with me, or respond to any temptation that the devil can bring to you, for you are now in perfect agreement with Me on every level.

So you see, that is what it means to buy of me gold tried in the fire, for I was tried in human nature on every point you would have to meet, yet without any sympathy with, or inclination to, side with the devil on any level. And that is what I give freely to each of you now who will give up self, which is the price I require, and put on the robe of my righteousness - the perfection of my character. Can you see now the beauty and simplicity of the plan of salvation? It is an exchange of your character for mine and it requires all to buy the pearl of great price, but those who pay the price will receive all the riches and glory of heaven and eternal life.

So walk with me today and every day until I come and you cannot fail to receive your reward. Never, never doubt my love for you, for it is unfailing. And call upon me at any time and I will provide for all your needs, for I am, and always will be, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones, I am thinking of you today in regard to the battle plan that is just ahead of us. You are doing all you can at this time, and I am pleased with your accomplishments and your spirit of love and submission to me. But I want you to know that I have specific duties and assignments for each of you that I will reveal to you individually in your communion with me day by day. So be aware in your worships each day for my voice and I will reveal the plans that I have for you.

Now for the topic of the day. It is faithfulness. Each time I talk about this subject, I want to reveal something new. Today it is about my faithfulness to you. I am called Faithful and True [Rev. 19:11], and also “The faithful and true witness” [Rev. 3:14] to the church of Laodicea. There is deep meaning to these words that I suggest you study into in Scripture. But for today, I will share some thoughts with you to draw a bigger picture for your mind to contemplate. First of all, I am the faithful and true witness of my Father and His character. One cannot really witness of themselves without being seen as prideful and boasting of self. And especially when one is the embodiment of greatness and perfection, power and beauty, and yet at the same time, the highest example of humility and service to others. So it is my joyful task and privilege to exemplify my Father in every way, so that there is no doubt about who He is and what He is like, so that all of creation can see and admire His character and adore and love and worship Him forever.

One the other hand, because I am like Him, I, too, am limited in the way I present myself, because any leader who boasts of himself and his superlative qualities puts himself at a distance from his followers, because he is then perceived to be trying to make himself above them and win their allegiance by his greatness. So out of love for my created beings, I became one with you, and humbled myself before you so that my true character could be observed and felt and experienced so that trust and love between us could flourish, and the natural gap of reserve and fear could be bridged so that you could come freely to me as a loving father, brother, and husband. I want you near me at all times. I want you to come unreservedly to me with all your desires, your hopes and dreams, your hurts and your failures, and with all your fears. I want you to love me because you have discovered my faithfulness and my love for you through your own personal experience with me each day.

But there is another facet of faithfulness that is also a part of my character. Because of my faithfulness to you, I must also point out your weaknesses and areas which need correction and improvement so that you can be free to go forward as workers in my vineyard, and reach the highest lives of service and use every gift that I have put within you to use for my glory and the glory of my kingdom of love. If I should see these discrepancies in you and not point them out, you would never be able to reach the potential of your gifts and calling. So sometimes I allow you to fail in certain areas, so that you can see your weaknesses and errors and failings and come to me for healing and blessings which have been beyond your reach up to now. But in the time of the latter rain, I want to pour out all my blessings upon you, and I can only do this if you have been cleansed of all the discrepancies in your character that would hinder the fullest outpouring of my Spirit, and the freedom to serve me to the greatest capacity of leadership in my final remnant people.

So you see why I must be a faithful and true witness to the Laodiceans, because their weaknesses and backsliding will prevent them from being able to receive the promise I have for them of sitting beside me on my throne of victory and rulership over my kingdom. That is the promise that I extend to my chosen and faithful ones who go all the way to my perfect character of love, for in doing so, they are worthy to be my Bride and sit with me on my throne forever, because they not only know and love me, but have become like me. Thus they are the perfect exemplification of my character, for I, too, cannot speak about myself, but I can reveal myself and my character of love through you. And it is my greatest joy to fellowship with you each day, for I can share easily with you, because you have an understanding and love for me that makes it possible for open communication with you on any level that I choose to reveal to you.

Now go to your activities of the day, but always remember that I am an every-present Friend, and that you can do nothing to drive me away unless you forsake me for other lovers and wait not upon me to hear my voice and follow me. Thus I am waiting at the door of your heart to hear your slightest whisper or sigh, and I want you to look to me for the fulfillment of every need and the answer to every question, for I am, and always will be, just a prayer away. And the closer you come to me and trust me in everything, the more victory and happiness and peace you will enjoy and experience in your daily walk together with me, for I will be faithful and true to you until I come to receive you unto myself. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones, I am happy to tell you this morning that I am now going to enable you to go forward to get everything that I give you for the world on utube. The light that I have given you is what the world, and especially my people, is dying for. I don’t want people to have to wait any longer for the light and peace and joy and understanding of what I am sharing with you. You are my team of workers who have the keys of the kingdom for the final hours of earth’s history.

Now for the subject of today. I am about to reveal to you something that is essential for the perfection of holiness. It is the subject of submission. I am not a God who requires obedience beyond the level of intimacy and understanding that we have with each other. I require love, not blind obedience. So when I say, “Come now, let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool [Isa. 1:18],” and “My thoughts are not your thoughts [Isa. 55:8],” for my thoughts are as high as the heavens above, I am not trying to set a standard for you that is higher than you can reach, for then I would be requiring the impossible from you. Since holiness is agreement with me, I will help you to reach that standard. But the secret of holiness is constant communication with me and coming into perfect agreement with me because you understand and agree with my principles through communication with me and understand how and why I see each matter the way I do. What good would it be to require something of my children that they must do regardless of their own feelings about the matter? That would only produce rebellion and hardness of heart, which comes from a lack of understanding and agreement.

There are, of course, different levels of understanding because of the lack of maturity of each person, and I must allow for these stages of understanding. But at each stage, the bottom line is communication with me. For example, the Pharisees made a huge show of their supposed righteousness which was based upon their own ideas of holiness. But did they know me or have a personal relationship with me? Not in the slightest degree. Their motive was to appease me with their own desires for my approval so that they could receive my blessings. But they did not know me at all. In fact, they were exactly like the heathen who appease their gods, which are really demons—to receive protection and blessings for selfish reasons. That is why I told them that they were a brood of vipers, and that they were children of the devil, and not Abraham, for Abraham knew me and loved me, even to the willingness to sacrifice his son for me.

So you see, I am not seeking works without relationship; I am seeking a love relationship that exceeds that of Abraham, though it is likened to it. The difference is that you have all the light and he didn’t. The sameness is that he lived up to all the light he had because he knew my character and my love for him, and he responded in perfect obedience on the level that he had.

Now I am requiring the same perfect love relationship with me, but with all the light you need for perfect obedience. Why would anyone not love me if they knew me? The problem is that so many want my salvation and my blessings without what it takes to receive it from me. They are satisfied with appeasing works that are like the heathen, which they feel will satisfy me and open the windows of heaven to receive my blessings, but all the while they are just as void of the dew of heaven as those who openly rebel against me.

So what am I meaning when I say that submission is the key to the blessings of heaven? It is not blind submission to a set of requirements. It is submission to the wooing of my Spirit to come and spend time with me, talking and sharing and reasoning with an intelligent mind, and opening up your heart to me to get acquainted with me and know my thoughts and my reasoning on everything at every level. Of course, there is a certain amount of blind submission in areas that you do not comprehend yet, but even that must be based on a relationship of trust with me that I will not require anything from you that is not ultimately for your best good and happiness. That was why Abraham could be willing to sacrifice his son at my request, even though he could not see the glory of the purpose of my request.

So all who follow me now to the end will follow me because they know my love and best and highest purposes for them and the glory which awaits them if they follow me all the way through the journey to the end. You must know me through a daily, moment by moment connection which you have had, and an intimate love relationship through which you have learned to trust me through the days that lie ahead. Then obedience will be a constant joy, and submission a delight, because you know me well enough to trust my love for you, and my highest purposes for your safety and happiness. Do you want to have this with me today and every day until I come? I know you do, because that is what you are already doing that has produced the exalted love/faith relationship that we now have. And this will continue to grow throughout eternity. Can you just imagine the idea that this love and intimacy of connection will never end? And yet, this is what I offer to you today and every day until I come and take you home to glory. Look not back at the past anymore than it takes to be cleansed of past sins. Keep your eyes focused upon me and my love and care and provisions for you spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally and socially, and worry not about these things in the future, for as you go forward, I will continue to meet your every need.

Now go to your day’s activities without fear or foreboding. Look to me and submit to me as I did to my Father, and your joy will be full! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones, I am pleased with the spiritual growth of all of you, for you are seeking my face daily and communing with me to the best of your ability, and as I have already promised, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. I have unlimited treasures which I will open for you each day as you continue to faithfully seek me and obey my counsel.

The topic for today is “cherishing.” You may see this as being a strange word for my topic, but as you shall see, it is a precious and vital character quality that is a part of the elements of love. When I say that I love and cherish you, it is because cherish is a definitive quality in true love that bonds two people together in a love relationship which cannot be broken, and which can be felt by both the giver and receiver. A man cherishes his wife because she is a vital part of himself, and without her, he feels alone and empty. Without the cherished one, his life is not the same. Therefore, he feels a great need to protect her and provide for her, and a desire to always have her at his side. And when she is gone, he searches for her until he finds her and brings her back to himself again.

And that is exactly how I feel about my people—my Bride. Although I have the eternal love of my Father, and the adoration of the angels and other created beings in my vast universe, I am not satisfied until I have my precious, beloved ones with me from the human race who fell away from me, but now I see the fulfillment of my soul in the faithful ones in the final generation who represent all those who have gone before, and are the finished product of my sacrifice, my love, and my grace. It is so gratifying to my soul to converse freely with you and to share with you what is on my heart every day, for I cherish you as the finished product of my Bride. In ages past, I could only communicate the amount of light that the people could understand about me and the plan of salvation. But now I can share with you the accumulated light of the ages, and because you have lived up to the light that you have received, I can also share with you the culmination of the war against evil, and know that you will cherish the light that I give you and follow me to the end.

So now is my hour of joy and rejoicing, for with you at my side, I will go forward to finish the work I began even before I came to earth as a human baby and became one of you. It seems like a supreme sacrifice and a mystery which is unfathomable that I should do this, but the secret of my sacrifice for you is the word for today—cherish. How can I be happy in heaven without you? I cannot! Therefore, I have come on this expensive errand to save and retrieve you to myself and present you to my Father to be with us throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. Now perhaps you can get a glimpse of the meaning of the word, “cherish.” It means that I love and cherish you enough to sacrifice my life to provide a way back for you, and restore our relationship which was broken by the sin of your first parents and passed on down through the centuries. It means that you are the apple of my eye, and that you are never alone, for my presence is with you through my Spirit. It means that my soul is lonely when you go on with your life and disregard our relationship and focus upon other people and other things to meet the needs of your soul that only I can fulfill. But it also means that my joy is complete as I see you desiring to connect with me even as I always have connected with my Father in an unbroken relationship of love and cherishing each other. That is why I always say, I will never leave nor forsake you, because I see you responding to my love and the wooing of my Spirit, and I would, and did, die for you rather than see you perish in your sins. So go to your day’s activities with a joyful heart, trusting in my promises, and leaning constantly upon me, for I am ever at your side, and as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dear Ones, I am thinking today of the need for all of you to strive for the highest level of unity and love for one another. I am coming soon, and the very atmosphere of heaven can be with you even now if you allow my Spirit to bring you into complete harmony with each other and me. Remember how the people said of my followers after Pentecost, “See how they love one another!” So it should be with you. If any of you have differences or hard feelings against each other, please invite me to come in and give you insights into the heart of the other person which will help you to empathize with them and share their burdens. If it is in a family or marriage relationship, I can help you to love one another as I love you, and get along perfectly, even as my Father and I and the angels in heaven love one another and harmonize perfectly together.

Now for the topic of the day, It is selflessness. This character quality is impossible for the fallen human nature to produce, because selfishness is the essence of sin. But I want to bequeath this character quality to you as my Bride, because in order to know and become like me, you must have my same nature of selflessness and unselfish interest and care for each other. It is such an enjoyable and happy way to live, because selfishness brings misery, and the desire to be first and waited upon and admired and served can never really be accomplished, because other human beings have the same desire, and therefore cannot give it to others for very long, because the carnal nature demands attention and flattery from others. But when you have my Spirit of unselfish love, you forget about yourself, and spend your energy making others happy and meeting their needs, and in turn you receive back the love and appreciation of those you help. Of course, this is not always the case, because there are always rude and unthankful people. But even this should not discourage you, because you have the satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best to be a blessing, and in return, you will be a recipient of my love for you, for you are walking beside me as you minister to others.

Now go to the activities of the day, but keep in mind that when you serve others unselfishly, you open up your heart to receive my blessings of love in double measure—one measure of love to give to others, and one measure of blessings to flow back to you! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones, I have a message of encouragement for all of you today that comes from my heart of love for you. I know that you are struggling to do everything I ask you to do, and following my instructions and leading each day.

My subject today is perseverance. I know that I have spoken to about this before, but there is a new level of service for me that I now want to call you to do. We are beginning the last year for the power of the latter rain to fall, and to enable you to spread my last warning message around the world, and I want to be very close to you to guide you in every facet of the work. Look to me constantly and be open to my guidance, for I want to help you to make every moment count. My Spirit will guide you so that nothing will fall behind in going forward. That will take constant perseverance and attention to the duties that I call you to do. I will open doors before you that you cannot see now. And as the days go by, I will guide you into everything that needs to be accomplished. Keep close to me and listen to my guidance and obey, and you cannot fail to please me.

Now go to the duties of the day, but keep your heart open to my voice, and I will protect you from missteps and mistakes. Never forget that you are the apple of my eye, and are my chosen and faithful ones who rejoice my heart every day. And I am your Husband and Savior from every attack of the evil one, so you may safely trust in me and my love and care for you. I am looking forward to working together and fellowshipping with you every day until I come, and then to the eternity beyond. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones, I love you today and always with an everlasting love that you cannot comprehend, because you cannot fathom the heights and depths of eternal love. But you can open your heart to me and receive the measure of love that I have for you each day, and as you do, your hearts will open up more each day to receive and give increasingly both from me and for others around you. This will bring you a heavenly joy that will diffuse into the atmosphere around you and spread to those who would never have a chance to receive my love if it didn’t come through you.

Now my subject for today is prejudice. I want to talk about this because it is a common thread running through all of fallen humanity, and even the animals, who have received the same conditions because of Satan’s control through the fall of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, since the serpent was the highest, wisest, and most beautiful of the creatures I had made. Satan gained control of the serpent through flattery and promises of a high position in his kingdom if he should cooperate. Then he used the same tactics on Eve, and then Adam, so the seeds of self-glory and pride were planted in both the human and the animal kingdom. Prejudice is generated when feelings are stirred about the differences in another person or persons that do not please or agree with oneself. It can be the appearance of another person, or their ways or idiosyncrasies that do not seem to be right or appealing, and are even irritating or annoying. In summary, whatever does not come up to one’s own standard of behavior, beliefs, appearance, preferences or expectations can cause annoyances and prejudicial emotions. This is normal for the fallen condition, because the root of the problem goes back to pride, flattery, and the desire to ascend above others.

But as you know, pride and self-flattery and the desire to ascend to the throne in heaven was Satan’s downfall. So that is the character which he passed on to Adam and Eve and the animal kingdom. So when I came to the world, I descended to the depths of human emotion and position and became an itinerate preacher and servant of servants, having no home of my own, and possessing no outstanding physical attraction that would draw people to me. I suffered along with the poor, and never turned anyone away because of their status, appearance, or social or physical prowess. So when you are filled with my Spirit, you will exemplify the same character that I had on earth, and of course still have now. I love the unlovable, the rough and course, the timid and shy, the insecure, the socially inappropriate as much as I love those who seem more desirable. The important thing to me is the heart of each person. I realize that you cannot see the heart as I can, but you can ask me for wisdom and insight, and I will give it to you. It is true that many will turn away from you and the truth for these last days, and reject your message and be satisfied with what they already have. That is what many did to me and my disciples also. But do not be concerned about rejection, because your message is designed to bring people to the light, or compel them to turn away from it, thus revealing the secret sins and motives of their heart and cause them to make a final decision for or against my truth for this generation. So you are not responsible for the reactions of people to your message—you are responsible only to give it and leave the responsibility to me.

But in your associations with others in all your work for me, I want you to be very careful about the feelings of your heart as you come in contact with people. All prejudice must be laid aside and overcome, for you cannot read the heart as I can. I love everyone with a love that you cannot understand, for every person is my child until they become the child of the devil by their own choice. In the meantime, every person must hear the message of salvation which will be the deciding factor in their destiny.

So the next time you sense a feeling in your heart to reject, criticize or withdraw from someone because of their unappealing traits of character or behavior, just call upon me and I will give you divine insight, and my feelings about them so that you will not follow your natural instincts to be their judge. All judgment of people has been committed to me by my Father, because I am a member of the human race forever, and can see and feel behind the surface with each person what is happening in their mind and emotions, and so I can make perfect judgments based upon truth, not appearances. And now I promise to give you my Spirit to help you to see as I see through the interaction of my mind with yours, and thus you can be an instrument to reach the hearts and souls of those around you with my love and truth for them. This is a profound gift that I offer to you, but as my Bride, you can work side by side with me until the work is done and probation closes. And then you can be covered by the shadow of my hand through the time of trouble, and be alive to meet me in the air at my trumpet call. The days will not be long, so take heart, my faithful ones. Through my Spirit you can be one with me in the work of reaping the harvest, and hastening the day of my coming.

In the meantime, look to me always for support and spiritual wisdom, grace, and heavenly love for everyone around you, and you will never fail to please and honor me, for we are one in working for the salvation of those who are longing and yearning for someone to bring them the assurance of my love and my salvation.

Now go to your day’s activities, but never forget for one moment that I am right there beside you, and that you are never alone, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The 144,000

Dearest Ones, I want to talk to you today about the 144,000. This is a topic that has remained a mystery for centuries, because the time had not yet come for it to be revealed. But that time has now come, for it is present truth, and I am calling you to be among that number. I have already spoken to you about it before to some extent. But now I want to reveal more to you because I am calling you to be among that number. As Ellen White spoke, you will know soon enough who they will be. And now that time has arrived. Throughout the centuries, I have chosen individuals who became my special friends because of their capacity and drive to hear my voice and know me and follow me as friend to friend. To these I could reveal myself and my purposes on earth to all peoples and nations and tongues who do not know me, and have been steeped in heathenism and the worship of idols, who are really demons. In all fairness, everyone must have a chance to know the truth and the true God, and not the demonic religions which bring people into slavery to the devil and his purposes for them to support his kingdom. As you know, I chose my friend Abraham because he was a man of giant intellect, but also of humility and an eagerness to know and follow me implicitly. From his seed I built the nation of Israel, and they were to follow his example. But when I offered them this privilege, they turned to the gods they had known in Egypt, and refused to be friends with me and learn my ways. So only two of them—Caleb and Joshua—entered the promised land from that generation. But I did not give up and break my promise to Abraham to make of him a great nation. My covenant I kept until the promised seed came and gave them a chance to see God in the flesh and decide once and for all if they would keep the Abrahamic covenant to be the keepers of the law, and welcome the Messiah for whom they had longed for centuries.

But you know what they did to me, and as a result, the covenant with Abraham had to pass on to the Gentiles and those who accepted me from the whole human race, who were then grafted into my covenant with Abraham, and by faith in me became spiritual Israel. Through the centuries that have followed, all those from every race who have seen me as the Messiah—the Savior of every person on earth who accepts and loves me and becomes a representative of my kingdom of love, becomes my friend as Abraham was, and I reveal to them the treasures of life eternal as we walk and talk and live together. But the amount of light that I can reveal to each person is measured by their ability to receive it and assimilated it and live it out in their lives. So time has gone on for centuries, building light upon light, which passed on to the next generation. I have always had chosen ones who listened for my voice and obeyed me in the darkness of the era in which they lived. An example of this is Martin Luther, a man of giant intellect, but most importantly who desired to seek for ultimate truth in the darkness of the night of error in which he lived. And the light of the gospel that he received from me broke the spell of demonic errors of his day and brought the world out of the dark ages.

Then, of course, my chosen ones of the 1844 movement such as William Miller and his associates, and Ellen and James White and others, burst out of the darkness and lethargy of Protestantism as it became in their day. I always bring light when darkness has become so deep that the light of truth will shine even brighter against the back drop of error, and when Satan is satisfied that he has been successful in wiping out the light of truth. And now such a time has come again, and this time it is the end. There will be no more eras of darkness and light in the future, for the fullness of all the accumulated light is shining upon this generation, and upon the acceptance of that light, every person’s decision will be made for eternity.

Now listen carefully to me as I describe the characteristics of those who will comprise the 144,000, who are those who accept all the light of all other preceding generations, as well as the light of the judgment as it applies to the cases of the living. They must be diligent students of all that has been given to every generation before them, and have accepted the light, understood, it, and lived by it. They will discern any error and study it out until the pure truth shines forth, and all error is banished from their lives and understanding and life practices. They must strive to know me personally and hear my voice and follow me as sheep know and follow the shepherd. They must have a high discernment for knowing the difference between truth and error, and pursue truth and follow it. They must be totally committed to me and willing to go through anything to keep close to my side and not willingly or knowingly sin and live at a distance from me, but are willing to sacrifice everything to be with me and serve me faithfully to the end. They must be deep students of the word, seeking truth and discarding error. They must hear the call and accept it to be a part of the final remnant who will go through, and they must be willing to go through anything and sacrifice anything to be among that number.

As I have mentioned before, the 144,000 are those who will take the place of Lucifer, who was created to be by my side and assist me in ruling my vast universe. And so, the 144,000 will contain all the blueprints that I have within myself and also gave to Lucifer, but this time the number will be made up by all those who will represent the entire human race, as did the sons of Jacob in the 12 varieties of people who compose all of humanity. That is all I need to reveal at this time, but as you study these things, you can ask me for further light on the subject at a future time when you are ready.

Go now to the activities of the day, and I will be with you in Spirit, for I love to commune with you and bring you joy and light and happiness in my presence and in your fellowship with one another. Have a wonderful Sabbath, but don’t forget that I will be with you and you can ask me for anything, and if it is for your best good, I will give it to you, for as always, I am eager to supply anything you need, for I am your best Friend, just as I was with Abraham! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Jesus Shares His Feelings About the Days Just Ahead

My Dear Ones, today I have a message of love and support for you, because you are going through so much in your private lives, and yet you are never wavering from the goals that I have set before you. Look to me constantly, and I will see you through to the other side of the Jordan into the promised land. First comes the latter rain power which I am preparing to pour out upon you in greatest measure, and then the time of trouble which you must go through on your journey to my kingdom. In all cases and in all places, I will be with you to guide and sustain and comfort and protect you, and meet all your needs in whatever I allow you to experience. All I ask of you is to go forward at my command and leadership. I will open the way before you as I did for Moses at the Red Sea.

Now for the topic for today. I want to share with you my feelings about the immediate days just ahead of you. I am your leader and the Captain of the Lord’s forces. If you could see around you and have your eyes opened to see the legions of evil angels who would like to destroy you, you would be shocked and tempted to be afraid. But I don’t want you to think or be worried about this, because I also have legions of powerful angels from heaven whom I have assigned to protect, guard, and guide you, and provide for your every need. The reason that Satan is so riveted upon your destruction is because he sees that all his temptations have no power over you, and to him that spells his death knell, because his success against me depends upon their being no perfected people at the end of time who are completely successful in being fully cleansed from the damage that he has caused in your lives, and escaping the results of everything he has done to you to keep you as his captive. You see, if there is even one root of sin that you still retain at my coming, the fire of my majesty will automatically consume you, for my presence consumes sin, and those who retain it will be consumed along with their sin.

Oh, how wrong are those who allow even one sin and indulgence of the flesh to remain in their lives, thinking that my righteousness will cover their cherished sins. Therefore, I am not permitting even one sin to be unknown and unrealized, for when I bring people into the judgment of the living, as I am now doing, I will bring every sin with every secret thing into their minds so that I cannot be accused of destroying even one person because of secret, unknown sins which they did not know and did not have a chance to recover themselves. As scripture says, I will bring every one into judgment and reveal every hidden thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil [Eccl. 12:14]. I do not do this because I am angry, but because I do not want to leave one stone unturned for the salvation of each person. But when I do this, people will be driven to escape the guilt that they will feel, or the pain of their past experiences. They will either come to the light which I will be shining through you, or they will turn from it to cling to their chosen idols and ways to escape. The violent will become more violent; the sinner will become more calloused in their sins; the mentally unstable will go mad, because they cannot bear the unresolved memories of their past lives. I must do this because everyone must be tested, and either found without spot or wrinkle in their characters, or reveal to the universe the justice of their condemnation.

But now perhaps you can see why it is so vital that I have a people who perfectly obey my law and my precepts as a final example before the world and the universe and all the hosts of evil that what I said I would do, I will do. I have prophesied that I would have a purified remnant at the end of time—the 144,000 in number—who would represent my character completely and be free of the sins and damage that the devil has caused them, and thus refute the enemy’s lies about the efficacy of my sacrifice for the human race. You see, he has studied the brain and knows that once a sin is committed, it leaves a permanent record in the brain pathways and the thinking and reasoning capacities, and that without a miracle, this can never be changed. Therefore, he felt sure that when Adam and Eve succumbed to his wiles, he had captured the whole human race forever, and that he could use his victory to cause doubt in the hearts of other created beings about my character and my ability to preserve my kingdom, and the fairness of my laws. But he did not know that the plan of salvation had already been conceived and prepared from the beginning of time, that if anyone should sin, I would be the propitiation by being the perfect example of sinlessness, and by my sacrificial death, provide a way back to holiness for all who choose to follow and love and serve me, and be cleansed of all unrighteousness through my blood, and through fellowship with me.

So when I came to earth, Satan realized that he had to take me down as he had Adam and Eve. And though he tried everything, I stayed true to my purpose through continual connection with my Father. When I shouted, “It is finished!” and bowed my head and died, I carried with me in my blood the perfection required for the cleansing and overcoming of every sin, just as I had a perfect character while upon earth. And now, I bequeath my character to everyone who desires it and fully surrenders to me moment by moment and maintains the same connection with me that I had with my Father while I was on earth. It is true, that without this connection with me, you cannot overcome even one sin. Works will never produce it, and nothing can wash away the effects that sin has had upon your thinking and character. But when you are constantly connected with me, I will give you my thoughts and feelings and righteous requirements as a gift to you from the courts of glory where the perfect blueprint that I have for you is recorded in the books of heaven, and awaits your reception through the cleansing and blotting out of all your sins as you walk in constant communion with me each day until I come.

I have a perfect white robe of my character for you, and a crown of victory all prepared to place on your heads, and palms of victory to place in your hands as symbols of your victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. But never forget that this righteous and holy character cannot be given you as long as you imbibe in the things of earth that the devil authors, and then offers to you as strange fire. I am sure you are all aware of what I am talking about: worldly entertainment, worldly food that damages your body and clogs your mind so that you cannot hear the still, small voice of my Spirit, or anything that does not keep the finely tuned elements of your mind and spirit in a healthy condition so that you can hear me talking to you and drawing you to follow me and commune with me every moment.

I will say no more about this now, because I do not want you to feel discouraged if you are still struggling with some of these avenues which the devil can use to distract you from the goal of the perfection of my character which I freely offer to you. But that gift of my perfect righteousness and freedom from sin is conditional and dependent upon perfect, unbroken communion with me in order to receive it. This is what I want for you to not only experience for yourself, but also to tell it to others so they, too, can escape the wily foe. The majority of spiritual leaders today are preaching a soft message—just accept Jesus and try to be as good as you can without too much effort, and you will be covered by my righteousness and saved in my coming kingdom. But that is a lie. My righteousness does not cover or excuse one cherished sin, or one sin that could have been overcome through a conscious, continuing walk with me every day. So the true message of righteousness by faith must be preached by you and lived by you, my beloved chosen ones, in order for me to close the great controversy forever, and the reign of sin. Thank you for being the display of my love and righteous character to the last generation. Soon it will all be over and you will be at home with me. In the meantime, just keep your minds and hearts circumcised of earthliness and sin, and look to me for the enjoyment of having your needs met and satisfied through communion with me and with those whom I provide for companionship and love who are also walking the same pathway to perfection here, and glory in my soon-coming kingdom.

The hour is late and the time grows short until my coming, and I am longing to have you home with me, but every soul must have a chance to hear and decide upon truth. Then probation will close for ever upon the world, and the time of trouble will be the final display of wickedness to show what sin brings when the power of my Holy Spirit is fully removed from those who have chosen the devil over me. During that time I will shelter and protect you in the covert of my hiding place, under the shadow of the Almighty. And then my waiting, faithful ones will be caught up together to meet me in the air, and we will be together forever.

In the meantime, walk with me and talk with me and trust me and my love and care for you every moment. Never let yourself become worried or discouraged or oppressed by the evil one, or fail in your faith. Just rest in my love and provisions for you. Ask me for anything, and if it is for your best good, you shall have it. And always keep in mind that I am now, and will ever be, just a prayer away!

Lovingly, Jesus.

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My Beloved Ones, This morning I am desiring to connect with you on the immediate service for me that I want you to accomplish. I am pleased with your enthusiasm and dedication, and now I want to go forward with the practical aspects of our journey together.

Christa and Jean Marie are progressing as fast as possible with the study guides, which will be essential to the success of the last-day message that will lead people to understand the essential truths for this time. Carol is faithful as a watchman on the walls of Zion to watch over the messages and vital truths of the judgment and cleansing. Karen is working faithfully in every area that I have assigned to her, especially the understanding of the experiential sanctuary and its meaning for both children and adults. David is a mighty warrior for the vital truths of my sanctuary message. Bill is also a mighty warrior for truth, and presses against unbelievable odds, never wavering in his commitment and loyalty to me. Each person on the team is a vital cog in the wheel of progress toward the spreading of my last warning message to the world. And then there is the faithfulness and beauty of spirit in Meg and Kathryn, who also please me greatly by their eagerness to serve me and use their gifts for the spreading of my truth. Verily, verily I say to you today, you will not fail to receive your rewards in the courts of heaven, and also on earth before my coming, in the joy of service for me, and the companionship of those who labor with you.

My topic for today is service. Man was created with differing gifts by which they were qualified for particular acts of service for me and for each other. In the Garden of Eden, it was their responsibility to dress the garden and keep it in the highest order, to reflect the garden that surrounds the throne of my Father and I in heaven. That garden is our home and the dwelling place of God from which flows the power and glory that sustains the vast universe that we have created. Joy and peace inhabit our place of abode, and flows down to you and to every other world in which are created beings. But Satan has intercepted that flow of love coming from our throne, and very few on earth receive the benefit of our love, because they have accepted the spirit of rebellion, hate, and lies that the evil one has to offer, because that is his nature after his fall from his original perfection of character which I gave him at his creation. He took the awesome gifts that I gave him and perverted them to use for his own glory and power and to draw others into the snare of the web of sin. Unfortunately, most people on earth have followed him blindly like cattle to the slaughter, and have become like him, prostituting the gifts that I have given them to become his slaves of passion and prostitution. I use the word, “prostitution,” because that accurately describes those who take the special gifts that I have given them, and use them for the service of the devil to accomplish his purposes. They all shall receive their reward in the lake of fire which has been reserved for the devil and his angels.

On the other hand, I have, and always have had, servants who have chosen to love and serve me and dedicate their lives and the talents that I have given them to honor me and build up my kingdom in the earth, sometimes even at the cost of their lives. In every age, these are my beloved chosen ones in whom is all my delight, and the reward for my sacrifice in coming to earth to rescue and redeem all those who will escape the thralldom of sin and become servants of the Most High God. These will walk with me in white, and be around my throne forever. But the battle is not over, and the victory is not yet won, for the last phase of this earth’s history is in process, and now you are on the stage of the theater of the universe. What will be the record of your service for me? What do the onlooking angels and unfallen worlds see as you go through your day? It may seem to you that you are alone while doing your daily labors, but you are not alone, for I am always by your side to help and inspire you through my Spirit, and the angels who have been assigned to help and assist you and make your work effective. No matter what your innate talents and gifts are, you may continually grow in efficiency and power as you use even the most humble gift to glorify me and spread the good news of my coming. As you plan your day, plan it for me, and look to me for help to accomplish everything on your list, or to change and go another way if I should inspire you to do so. In any case, use all your gifts for me and in service for others, and your abilities will grow and expand under the power and inspiration of my Spirit.

Please do not end your communion with me when your worship is completed, for this is only the beginning of my time with you. I want to help you and guide you and inspire you moment by moment through the day, and increase your strength and power and wisdom and open up new avenues for service than you could have had without my guidance. Speak a word in season and out of season for the blessing of others with whom you associate. Do the most humble duties as unto me and they will be tinged with love from me, because I am love. Love one another as I have loved you. Labor as long as necessary to bring my love to others around you. Never give up on anyone as long as my Spirit is directing you to continue to reach out to them. Walk with me in the common duties in all your association with people, and you will be blessed.

Now go to your duties of the day, but remember that I am always by your side, and that I have great things in store for you each day as I walk beside you to comfort and sustain you, and guide you in all your service for me and others. And through constant communion with me your talents and gifts will expand to exceed what you have now, and you will daily receive the reward that comes from service for and with me. That is the joy that I promise to you both in this life and the life to come. I love each of you with an everlasting love, and I want to pass this on to you today and every day until I come. And as you walk with me, you will become more and more like me, because your companionship with me will produce holiness of character, and my loving ministry to you will flow without obstruction to everyone around you, and you will be a part of the circle of love that surrounds the throne of heaven. I am looking forward to walking with you today in service! And please never forget that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Not Looking Back

Dearest Ones, my message for you today is about going forward in the pathway designated for you, and not looking back. You remember the story of Lot and his family. They had become so acclimated to living in Sodom that they could not imagine abandoning their secure home and launching out into the unknown wilderness. It was difficult even for the angels to pry them loose from their home and family, and especially their children and grandchildren, who were left behind. In fact, it was so difficult that the angels had to take their hands and lead them to a place of safety. Had it not been for the strong, intercessory prayers of Abraham, my friend and co-laborer, the whole family would have been lost, for they had all been greatly affected by the worldly culture and morals of Sodom. Lot was called a righteous man because his soul was grieved over the evils of the people, but he did not possess the fortitude and leadership to take his family out of Sodom as he should have done, even prior to that fateful night when the fire came down and destroyed everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah and the dwellers in the plain who had become so corrupt that I cleansed the land of them by fire from heaven. Even Lot’s wife was not spared because her heart was in Sodom with the comforts of her home and companionship of her children and grandchildren.

Now the world has become as corrupt, and even more so, than Sodom. Every man is for himself and his desires. And the women also have become haughty and self-preserved, and have thrown off the feminine gifts and characteristics that I have given them, and have aspired to heights of leadership which would make them authorities over men, and thus make men more dependent upon them, and be free of man’s dominion over them, which has become a galling yoke to them. While it is true that men have largely abused their position, this does not give women license to fight back in a spirit of rebellion that is akin to Lucifer’s rebellion over my leadership and position in heaven. Rebellion over God-given authority never can produce the freedom that the carnal mind craves. On the other hand, I want every person to be free to exercise their individual rights to function freely within the blueprint which I have given each person at the time of their conception. So this necessitates the flow of the Holy Spirit in and through each person, and the rights and privileges that give them freedom to know me and to follow my leading so that their blueprint can be fully restored and functioning, now that the end is upon us.

As the end approaches, I am equipping you with gifts that meet the tasks that I have designated for you. As you accept these tasks, I will lead you in pleasant paths that will help to restore your full blueprint. And I will give you companions who are also called to the same task of spreading the last warning message to the world. Together you will be led by me through the Holy Spirit to do efficiently and powerfully the individual and collective work of finishing the three angels’ messages, including the loud cry of the fourth angel, which is in the not too distant future.

But remember the lesson of Lot’s wife. She loved the world and the things of the world more than me. Her heart was in Sodom. In like manner, do not let your hearts lean toward Sodom, no matter what or who it might be. Can you imagine Lot and his daughters having to go on without their wife and mother? For most people it is unthinkable! But for those whose hearts are set on pilgrimage [Ps. 84:5], this world is not their home. Anywhere I send them is home to them, because I am there with them. So it is with each of you now. If you hear my call to go forward, look not back at what you leave behind you, but forward to what is ahead of you. I will not leave you to struggle on alone—I will prepare the way before you, and doors will open that you cannot imagine or foresee right now. Just step in the water as Moses and the priests did in carrying the ark for me, and the way will open before you as it did for them. Be not afraid or fearful. Be of good courage, for I am with you to protect, guide, and care for you. And what you are leaving will fade into the past as new adventures, and duties open up before you, for I am leading the way.

Now journey on, today, tomorrow, and every day until I come, and you will reap a rich reward, both here and in heaven. And at every new turn in the road, look to me and trust in me for I will never leave you, never forsake you, and never disappoint you, for I am now, and will forever be, just a thought and prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest ones, I am on the move forward in the earth to accomplish the goals that are necessary to finish the work speedily. I now have a people who are listening to my voice and heeding my instructions, and upon whom I am pouring out my light which is to be given to the world before I come back to receive them to myself. This gives me great joy, and I pass that joy on to you today.

Now for the topic of today. The subject is fear. Every person on earth has fear because of the sin of Adam and Eve which has passed on to the whole human race. This fear began when they discovered that their robe of light had disappeared. You cannot know the horror and desperation that they felt at that moment. It instantly became clear to them that they had sinned and disobeyed my command not to eat of the forbidden tree. But their realization had come too late, and a fear of death and of me and of the unknown drove them to try to make fig leaf garments for themselves to escape their sense of impending doom. Although I had never given them reason to fear me or my wrath as they now envisioned it, they automatically saw me in a light which was given to them by the devil, for he fears and trembles at my power, and desperately wishes to avoid the fires of hell which awaits him and all his followers.

But fear of me is not a motivation to produce holiness. You must learn to see me as I really am—a God of love who has provided eternal life and salvation by giving up my own life because of my love for you and my desire to see you saved! Only a focus upon my love and grace and provisions and protection can save you from self-destruction through fear and self-protection. Therefore, all anger must be cleansed from the root of self-protection and fear of harm, or danger, or loss of choices or individuality which you felt in childhood and now carry into adulthood and cause reactions that do not come from me and my attitudes toward life, and people and situations that produce fear, self-protection, and an angry spirit. No, this goes back to the temptations and suffering in childhood, and your reactions to it. But I can cleanse you of all of this. Just go back in your mind to the scene in the Garden of Eden. Picture what they should have done after realizing that they had sinned and disobeyed my command. Then come to me and talk to me without fear, for I love you more than you can comprehend, even throughout eternity.

Would I have sacrificed my life for you if I did not love you that much? It was out of love for you that I went to the cross. And I want to give you assurance and protection now every time the devil tempts you to turn from me and protect your own self. Fear and anger are never from me, and you play into the hands of the devil every time you use it. But I understand your background and your inheritance all the way back to Adam and Eve’s sin, and I have provided healing for you. Won’t you walk with me today and trust in my love and protection of you, no matter what the devil does to attack you? I will teach you my ways of handling stress and fear with love and not anger; with gentleness and not fighting back; with success and power and victory over the flesh and the devil through the power of my Spirit living in you. Walk with me today and every day until I come and I will see you through every challenge, every hardship, and every temptation. Then the devil cannot reach your spirit and bring you under his power. And then you will win where Adam and Eve failed. That is the privilege of the final generation who will be cleansed and restored to the first dominion that was lost by your first parents. And you will be my joy and rejoicing throughout eternity, for you will be the finished product of my grace.

Go now to your duties for the day, but remember to walk with me moment by moment, for you do not know at what moment the devil will try to attack you and separate you from me. Be vigilant, for your adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But you do not need to be afraid, because if your eyes could be opened, you would see angels surrounding you and protecting you from harm. So you do not need to fear or try to protect yourself, for I am well able and prepared to do that for you. So trust me today and every day, and let your heart be at peace and rest in me, because my plans for you will be fulfilled every day as you walk with me and trust in my love and provisions for your every need and holy desires. And never forget to call upon me and talk with me throughout your day, for I am, and always will be, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones, we are going forward today in the eternal plan that I have made for you from the foundation of the world. I now have my goals just ahead of us in carrying the last warning message to the world. This message will contain all that I have taught you in removing the roots of sin. That is the first angel’s message for the final generation, to cleanse and prepare them for my coming. Study this message closely, for I have more light to share with you about its application to the personal lives of each person on the globe, because I am now bringing everyone into the judgment of the living, and according to how they respond to it and cooperate with me will be their destiny. Many of my people are steeling their hearts against this message because they are secure in their sins and comfortable in their ceiled homes and jobs and possessions and their daily routines. Others are plunging deeper into ways to quiet their consciences and stop the voice of the Holy Spirit calling them to a complete surrender to me. And still others are going mad as they resist the Spirit, and taking out the surfacing of their uncleansed emotions upon others or upon themselves in self-destructive ways. But my people, who are all my joy and rejoicing, are cleansing their lives of all unselfishness and sin through the guidance of my Spirit, and allowing me to fully fill them with the latter rain, and now, under the guidance of my Spirit, we will now go forward to the end.

The subject for today is the cleansing. All of you who are experiencing this are doing so as I guide you, and this has been to you a day by day walk with me as I reveal those things in your life that are, and have been, out of harmony with me and my thoughts about your experiences throughout your life, and heal you of the damages done to you by parents, siblings or others. But now I want to walk with you through the infilling of my Spirit of truth to fully restore the years that the locusts have eaten. Locusts are symbolic in Scripture of the devil’s ways of devouring everything that is in their path. To the extent that the devil has had access to you throughout your life, he has eaten away your heart and brought you under his control. In so doing, he has endeavored to destroy the blueprint plan that I had for you in the beginning of your creation. As David has said, every day ordained for you was written in my book before any of them came to pass [Ps. 139:16]. Fortunate are the children who had godly parents who instructed them in my ways from the beginning of their lives, just as my mother, Mary, was instructed by Gabriel of my special, unique blueprint as the Messiah that had been prophesied about for centuries. She accepted this message by faith, and angels continued to guide and instruct her in my rearing in early childhood.

In the same way, I have endeavored to instruct and influence your mothers and grandmothers to sense the blueprint of your lives and allow me to have a prominent part of your rearing. Unfortunately, you have also had people in your lives who were, at least partially or to some extent, influenced by the evil one to destroy your blueprint and take you captive to do his will and bidding. But during those years I never left you, because I could see the response in your heart and mind to my call and to the Holy Spirit’s influence in your life. Therefore, I am now in the process of cleansing every shred of the residue of what Satan has done to you, and I will now move forward in your lives to restore what was damaged, broken, or lost, and give you back the first dominion which was my original plan for you. And I will give you companions who will be a blessing and help to you, and bring you joy and peace where there was once pain and suffering and loneliness. That is a part of your reward for following me through the darkness and persevering through everything the devil has done to destroy your original blueprint that I gave you at conception.

Now all my beloved chosen ones will go forth as an army with banners, following me to victory over the enemy, who has attempted to steal from you the victory over temptation that I now have for you. That is why I will now not turn back to protect and shield from the enemy’s wrath those who have not followed me, who have not valued me and my truth enough to perseveringly plead and agonize for it, and they will now be left in a darkness deeper than the deepest darkness, for they did not value the light when it shone upon them, and turned aside from the truth that they could have had, but despised it because it required effort and suffering. And so it will be, for they will now drink the cup of suffering without a ray of light and hope which I had so freely and lovingly offered to them. The things of the world that they clung to will not suffice to save them or give them peace when probation closes and the light goes out forever for those who chose to walk in the broad way to destruction.

You may wonder why I am talking about this sad picture. It is because my heart grows heavy as I see that so many are unresponsive to the last call of my Spirit. But that is where you, my beloved ones, come into the picture and bring me joy and rejoicing. I now have a people who listen to my still small voice, and who are eager to hear me calling to them, and eager to give up everything to follow me and do my bidding. Because of this, you will be my friends and coworkers forever, just as my disciples left all and followed me. In return, I will give you everything you need for your sustenance, and I will bless you with the companionship of my Spirit, and fellow believers of like mind. You will be one in the Spirit and enjoy the blessing of heaven, for the oneness that I will give to you is a foretaste of heaven.

Now go to your day’s activities, my precious chosen ones in whom is all my delight, but carry with you moment by moment the sense of my love for you and my presence with you, and my arms of love and protection around you through the day and night, for I am now, and always will be, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones, I am happy and pleased with your work of yesterday for me and my truth. I blessed all of you much more than you know or can realize, because you cannot see behind the scenes and perceive the heavenly messengers that were there to assist you, and the Holy Spirit that attended you. But all that I had planned for you to do was realized. That is why I can now go forward with the task of going forward to the end. There will be no delay, for I now have my core group of workers who are fully dedicated to me, and who follow my every command, trusting in my strength and wisdom and provisions.

They subject for today is health. I want you to know that although I am requiring a lot from you, I will be your health and strength for whatever you need to accomplish that I am asking you to do. However, I do ask that you will be careful to listen to my voice always to guide you in all your ways so that you do not expend yourself more than I require. By this I mean, be very aware of the guidance of my Spirit about all your health habits, such as eating, drinking, rest, exercise, regularity, sunshine, and all the areas of healthful living, so that you do not expend your energies beyond that which I require of you. Sometimes I will ask you to do more than usual, but I will provide for these times through my Spirit. But do not presumptuously use up your energy supplies, and then go beyond the requirements that I place upon you.

James White and many of the pioneers did this in their zeal for the great work that I had called them to do. But now I am calling you to live through and not die early as some of them did; so lean heavily upon my guidance in the expenditure of your strength and energy, and I will supply all that you need for what I require of you. Even I, when I was upon earth, took times for rest and regeneration, and I will allow this of you, as well. Just look to me and I will guide you safely in all these things, for you are working for me, and I will provide all you need, including whatever you need for total health of mind, spirit, and body. That is one of the reasons that I gave the health message to the pioneers, not only for them personally, but also for you to get through the rigors of the final days of earth’s history. I will also provide suitable companions to help you, for I created mankind to be in pairs and groups for love and support from family and friends whose love and understanding for each other brings health, happiness, and renewed vigor as I flow through you with my Spirit to benefit each other as my Father and I do on a much grander scale. We have created mankind in our image to receive all the same benefits and enjoyment that is within the Godhead from fellowshipping with each other and with our created beings. This is the essence of heaven. And now I bequeath this to you.

Go now to the activities of the day, but just remember that I will be with you in Spirit; and as I give you joy and happiness in fellowship, so that will be a part of my happiness to be with you as I was with my disciples on earth. So don’t forget to be aware of my love for you and my presence with you on this day of rejoicing. And I will bless you abundantly from my river of life that flows from the throne of God. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am with you today, because this is the beginning of the loud cry that will fill the earth with the glory of my last warning message of truth to the final generation. I am so pleased with each of you for persevering to this time in history. My Father and I greet you with love today, and now the latter rain will begin. Of course it will swell as it goes forth and more people hear and join the ranks. But it must begin with someone, somewhere, sometime, and this is the time and place, and because you have chosen to follow me and serve me faithfully all of your lives, the latter rain will now begin.

The topic for today is joy. You have no idea what joy and rejoicing there is in heaven that we can now unleash the pent-up wisdom, knowledge, and power of the latter rain which has been building up for centuries, awaiting this time in history. We have so much light to give, and so few people who understand enough to receive it. We long to give all the light and power that is needed to finish the work on earth, but it takes the buildup of truth through the ages to make a platform for further light and truth. I have given additional light and understanding to the whole world about scientific things so that everyone can quickly understand the workings of the brain and how and why it must be cleansed of evil thinking and habits of the past which not only come from one's own life but also is passed from one generation to another.

I have allowed inventions to speed the gospel around the earth quickly. I have also allowed the emotional climate of the world to come to such a peak that wickedness has reached a limit that it can go no further without destroying the whole human race. Now it is my time to step into the world once again, this time through my Spirit-filled people and bring the message that will bring the curtain down. Everything is on open display around the world so that my truth will be seen as it is - the answer to the world's needs for sanity and wholeness and victory over the sinful nature. Or it will be seen as madness and something dangerous by priest and prelates who want to hold their congregations in error and complacency and keep their followers in the palms of their hands so that they do not lose their positions of leadership and authority. Woe be to them, unfaithful prophets, dogs that will not bark even though the world is going down to destruction. They will be the first to receive my wrath when the plagues begin.

But I do not want to dwell on this, because there is joy in heaven today because the final work is beginning, and now the latter rain can fall upon hearts that are waiting and longing for light and help to withstand the onslaughts of the enemy in their lives and in their families. There is no peace in the earth, for I am withdrawing my Spirit just as I said I would to prepare the way for the message to have its greatest impact, because it presents light and truth where there is none, and hope where there is no hope in any other place. Light always shines brighter in the darkness, and there is darkness upon the earth and gross darkness upon the people, for their coping mechanisms are failing against the tsunami of wickedness, increasing disasters, economic and political chaos, hatred among people, threats of war among nations, drug addiction and violence, and all the other fearful things that are threatening to destroy everything that people cling to in hopes of enjoying a normal life. But normal life will never return, for I am about to come back to earth in blazing glory to bring my people home where there is peace and happiness and everlasting joy in my presence, and a place around my throne forever. I have homes waiting for you, just as I have promised. I have a table all set for you to eat and drink with me in my kingdom.

But first the work on earth must be finished, and this we will set about to do. Go forth with gladness and joy in your hearts that I am right beside you always to help and strengthen you to do anything I call upon you to do. You cannot weary me with your requests, for it is my greatest joy and pleasure to give you anything you need for the work I have called and equipped you to do, for your own needs for sustenance, for wisdom for your work, and for companionship and fellowship with others of like faith.

Now go to your day's activities and let not your heart be troubled or afraid, for I am with you every moment to guide and direct and bless you with everything you need. I will flow my Spirit of truth through you as you speak, and give you wisdom to impart about any subject you are required to present. You have hidden these things in your heart as the years of your lives and service have gone by, and now I will help you bring them out in the greatest brilliance. You need never worry that you will not please and honor me, for I have prepared you and equipped you for this hour, and I will be with you to help you to give the message with clarity and increasing power. Others will see and catch the vision and pass it on to still others, and it will be carried around the world as the waters cover the earth. Angels of light will speed it onward until the work is finished. And then I will come to claim you as my own and give you eternal joy forever in my presence. In the meantime, go in peace, knowing that I love and cherish you, and that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Good morning, Dear Ones!

The subject for today is holiness. Without holiness no one can stand in my presence, for holiness means that you have been cleansed to the place where you hear my voice continually at all times, and have come into agreement with me on every point. That's why the cleansing takes so long, because I never force you to do this, and everything in your life must be in total agreement with me in order for my Spirit to flow without obstruction. In ages past my holy ones were in agreement with me on every point that I had revealed to them, and no steps were taken that were in conscious disagreement with me on any known point of character. But because I had not opened up to them all the areas of the mind, my blood covered for unknown sins which were only to be known and revealed in the last generation. That is why the great multitude which no man can number is accounted as righteous along with the 144,000, who are the representatives of all the righteous of all the ages. In every case, the saved have lived up to the light of what was revealed to them and required of them by faith in me. The difference in the 144,000 is not that they are more dedicated to me than any other generation or people that have gone before them, because all the saved will be fully dedicated to me in soul, mind, and spirit, with the body held in submission to the principles which are revealed in my word. The difference in the level of the holiness of the 144,000 will be that the light of all the ages past will be shining upon them, and they will receive it with joy and submission and come into perfect agreement with me on every matter, plus the additional light which I am now revealing about the necessity of the cleansing of the subconscious mind, which was not revealed in past generations. Because of the frailty of human flesh, I could not reveal everything to just one generation, because each generation had to be tried on what they were capable of understanding and pass the tests that were revealed to them as light from me. But the sin problem is so deep, so persuasive and compelling, because Satan and sin appeal to the fleshly feelings and emotional needs, and promises to fulfill human desires in some other way but through connection with me and obedience to my laws, which are the laws upon which I created mankind. Thus, every generation has had to learn that obedience to my laws brings the greatest happiness, joy, peace, love, safety, and fulfillment of every holy desire.

Adam and Eve had this gift of holiness and agreement with me at their creation. But after listening to the evil one's temptations, their minds were scarred and bent toward evil and self-protection, and they passed this on to every generation. Without direct connection with me, you cannot withstand in your own strength the bent and desires and thoughts and feelings of the fallen nature. In addition, you are the natural prey of the evil one from birth, because you have not yet had the opportunity to know me and choose my ways. That is why it has taken 6000 years to reclaim the human race from the clutches of the evil one, because each generation must learn for themselves that the wages of sin is eternal death. Happy and blessed is the child that is born to godly parents who pass on to them the principles of my government so that they can choose from birth to know my voice and obey my laws of life. To these I bequeath a double portion of my Spirit and a place in the leadership of my people, for their character has been formed upon the foundation of my truth.

And that brings us back to the subject of the 144,000. These are those who stand on the shoulders of all my righteous chosen ones throughout the long ages of history. You have learned from them the culture and laws of my kingdom. You have seen the success and failures of the men and women of the past. You have known what sin costs by observing their examples. And you have chosen to represent both them and me in the final generation where now all the light of truth that exposes the lies of the enemy are displayed, with the results of sin and the rewards of righteousness. Now I can close the great controversy, for there is no more light to be shed, no more of the results of sin upon the human race to be revealed. In fact, if I should allow time to go on another generation, all would be lost, because this generation is like Sodom and Gomorrah and the people before the flood came and took them all away. Their sins have reached up to heaven and the iniquity of this generation is a stench in my nostrils. Therefore I have decided to let them go to serve their idols until the fire comes down upon them from the brightness of my coming, for no amount of further light will win them to my side.

But my beloved precious ones are all my delight and the joy of my heart, for you represent the final product of all the ages of my faithful ones, and you are the ultimate reward of my sacrifice for the whole human race. Rejoice and be glad, my beloved chosen ones, because the experiment in sin is over and the display of what I can do to save fallen mankind is complete with you. But as you know, there will be a time of testing just ahead of you. Satan must be allowed to test you to the uttermost to display the accuracy of my choice to allow you to represent the human race and to be alive to see me come in the clouds of my glory without seeing death. But always remember both now and in the days ahead, that I am always there beside you through my Spirit, and the angels who are assigned to you. And sometimes I myself will visit you to give you encouragement and lift up your countenances by the light of my presence.

Now continue your activities of the day, but never forget your calling to be the representatives of my truth and my love to the final generation, and to keep your eye single to the display of my righteousness in your lives before others which I will give to you as a gift for your complete dedication and devotion to me. Now rest in the assurance of my love and righteous purposes for you, and never forget that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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My Love and Appreciation for Your Faithfulness to Duty

Dearest Ones,

I am so pleased with all of you today because you are following me so devotedly and your loving eagerness to follow and obey me is a sweet savor to my heart.

Now for the topic of today. I want to express my love and appreciation for your faithfulness to duty. It is so easy to get caught up in your own duties, which are many and seem so urgent, that the things that pertain to my labors are pushed to the back of the list of things that must be accomplished, and are therefore not put into any priority. Thus, Satan gains a foothold and manages your time, efforts, and money so that you have little left for me and my wishes. I am not scolding any one for this, but just bringing out the necessity of listening constantly to my voice in guiding you through each day, and not leaning to your own understanding. Of course, that necessitates that you learn how to hear my voice on a consistent basis and are willing and even eager to allow me the privilege and honor to be able to guide and help you accomplish everything that needs to be accomplished each day.

When I was upon earth, I made no plans for myself other than my Father's revealed will for me, and together we accomplished everything that was recorded in the Scriptures that was prophesied that I would do. And it was my joy every day to just lean upon the strength and wisdom and love and companionship of my Father every moment of every day. And so it may be with each of you. I have a specific plan for you everyday, and if you allow me to guide you, we will be companions in our labors, and it will make your joy complete and your burdens light.

You cannot worry me, thus I can give you my strength for every task. You cannot frustrate me, thus I can give you my peace. You cannot burden me, so I can carry your burdens for you and make them seem light. You cannot exhaust my wisdom and knowledge and foresight, thus you will be blessed with the wisdom that comes down from heaven to meet every need, every challenge, and every perplexity. Does that sound like a proposal that you would like to accept, and a covenant of love that you would like to enter into? The terms of the covenant are my precepts and my Ten Commandment law, which is not a galling yoke, but an agreement that gives me the right to pour out upon you all the gifts and privileges that heaven has to offer, and allows me to put a hedge of protection around you that all the powers of the evil one cannot break. You will dwell under the shadow of my wings and drink the water of life that flows from the throne of God. You will eat the delicious fruit from the Tree of Life that provides eternal life, and even here, your strength will be renewed day by day, and your joy in my companionship with you and my love will fill your heart and provide everything you need. These are the covenant promises that I bequeath to you as my Bride, my beloved, my chosen ones who are all my delight and treasure.

But it will take all to obtain the gift of eternal life, and especially to receive the privilege of being among the hundred forty-four thousand who live through to the end to see me without passing through the portals of the tomb. Yes, it will take all you have to receive all I have to give to the chosen ones at the end of time. And that is who you are, for you have chosen to persevere beyond the normal requirements of daily living, and reach out for the highest goals that I have to be among the living when I come. Because you are so faithful to me, especially at this vital moment in history, you will receive a robe and a crown and a place beside me on my throne forever, because you have loved and followed me and persevered to find and hold to the truth for this generation, and have not succumbed to following the majority to smoother sayings that do not produce the quality of character and holiness that I require to be among the remnant of my people. Because of this, I'm inviting you to ask me for anything that you need to accomplish the goal of hastening my coming and getting out the light. If it is for your best good and for my glory, you shall have it. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.

And now it is time for you to turn to your duties of the day. But never lose sight of the goal to walk with me every moment and lean upon me, for I am eager to supply all your needs and desires as long as they lead to holiness. Be blessed today, and look up! For your redemption draweth nigh! And always remember, dear ones, that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My heart and mind are with you this morning because you are participating with me in overcoming the evil one who has had access to your lives because of the past sins in your life, or from your association and connection with others whose influence in your lives has permitted demonic activity from them to you. This is especially true in families, and the highest is between husbands and wives because of the close association and covenant connection which is formed in marriage. This is why it is so important to have a spouse who is in harmony with me and dedicated to me so that I can protect you and your entire family from the influence of the evil one through each other. Marriage compounds the access of the evil one through each other's root sins, and also the ancestral sins on both sides of the family. But I am bigger than all of this, and as the judgment time progresses, I will free you from all susceptibility to the sins and demons from others, as well as your own.

Now for the topic of the day. I want to discuss with you the subject of individuality. This word describes the concept of blueprint, which I have given to every person. No two are alike, and each person has a blueprint that is individual and different from any other. As Paul says, some are made for noble purposes and some for ignoble [Rom. 9:21], but all are a part of the warp and woof of humanity. But as Paul also mentions, anyone can move to a higher level of service for me if he so chooses [2 Tim. 2:20, 21]. There is nothing or no one that is unimportant in the family of God. Even a child is capable of great things if they are filled by my Holy Spirit.

If anyone aspires to greatness in the family of God, let him humble himself and follow me day by day, doing the humble duties of life with love and sacredness of heart and spirit, and I will bless every deed done for others as though it were done for me. You cannot out-give me as a worker in my vineyard, for everything you do for others in my spirit is counted as done for me, and will certainly reap its reward, both now, and in the kingdom of heaven. Do you want to be great in the eyes of my Father and receive his smile of approbation and approval? Then walk with me today and every day in the common duties of life, being faithful to perform every task with joy and love for me and others, and you will be called a child of God and a co-worker with me, and receive the privilege of friendship with me and also the heavenly angels who joyfully attend all the children of my kingdom.

Do you know why the influence of my Spirit is described as being still and small? It is so that your individuality and power-of-choice will not be overridden so that you cannot choose to listen to the voice of your own conscience and the choices of your own spirit which is within you, and go another way if you decide to do so. How else can your power of choice be preserved? And how else can you learn to know the difference between your own voice and my guiding voice? Sometimes I allow you to make the mistakes you choose to do because it is the only way for you to learn to listen carefully to my instructions, even when your inclinations are leading you in another direction. That's why the cleansing of your mind and roots are so vital. You have made choices in childhood that were not my choices for you, and have suffered as a result of these wrong choices. But I never ceased to love you, but continued to protect your life and blueprint as much as possible while you were suffering the results of your own wrong choices.

But now we are coming up to the final finish line, both individually and corporately. Each person must now stand before me in this judgment time and learn the results of wrong choices and put these away and be healed and restored to the original plan, or "first dominion" [Mic. 4:8], as the Scripture says. How long will you wander O Daughter of Zion [Jer. 31:22]? Come back to me and be fully healed of your backsliding and testing out your own ways and choices, and walking after the sparks of your own kindling? Return fully to me and I will heal all your wounds that your wrong choices have made, and restore to you the years that the locust has eaten.

Bring to me your children that you have conceived during the years of your wandering and I will love them freely and restore them to you because you have chosen to be among the hundred forty-four thousand who stand with me on Mount Zion, together with your children as an unbroken family! That is one of the rewards of your choice to be among the cleansed Remnant, for I was there when your children were conceived, and I allowed only those to live who would be susceptible to my Spirit during the time of the latter rain, which is now. [See Isa. 59:21; 49:15-25; Jer. 31:15-17.]

Some of you I did not allow to have children because their damage would have been too great for me to fulfill this promise to you. But you will be rewarded in heaven to take care of the little lambs that I have saved because of their sweet spirit of submission to me even as children, but whose parents turned away from me and were lost. Even children can make choices for me in their hearts.

So you can see, this cleansing time is a time of reaping my wheat and bringing it into my barn. I am doing this now in hearts all around the world. And I am counting on you, my beloved ones, to choose to follow me to the end, and to prepare the hearts of those who have not had the privileges that you have had, but are choosing to respond to my Spirit's call to prepare for the things that are rapidly coming upon the world in the full sight of mankind. A dreadful fear upon many, but others are responding to my Spirit's call to come up to the mountain of the Lord and hear the words of truth that I will speak through you.

Now go to the duties of the day, but never forget that I am right beside you to guide and protect you and keep you safe in my arms of love and deliver you from all darkness and danger, and the temptation of the evil one to take your eyes off of me. Listen to my still, small voice of love and guidance, and you have nothing to fear, for I will never leave you nor forsake you, and, as always, I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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