Root Issues

Dearest Ones,

Today I want to talk to you about "root issues" in your lives. [Matt. 15:13-20; Heb. 12:14, 15.] This is a subject that has not been clear to mankind in the past, because root issues will only be clearly understood by those who are alive when I finish my work in the Most Holy Place. This is the time when the depth of the sin problem is fully understood by my chosen ones, and confessed and forsaken completely so that I can blot out the record of their sins from the books of heaven. [Isa. 43:25.] Thus even the memory of their sins will be removed from the minds of those who participate with me in this final work of my grace in the closing moments of time. [Isa. 26:13, 14.] I cannot make an end of sin [Dan. 9:24] when my people are still sinning. So this work is of necessity a cooperative work between me and my people. Those who participate with me will be the 144,000 whose lives are blameless - the wave sheaf [Lev. 23:10-12] and first fruits [Ex. 23:19] of the earth, and the fulfillment of all my work of redeeming mankind from the problems that sin has caused. [Rev. 14:4, 5.]

Everyone who has lived since the fall of mankind has participated in both the roots and the fruit of sin, and has been defiled by the work of the devil in their lives. I am not blaming man for this inheritance, but for not partaking of the plan of salvation when it was brought to them. I have always had my witnesses in the world in every generation, and so I do now. That is why I have said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matt. 5:16. And I want you to make every effort to let your light shine brightly in the world today, because you have the finishing message that honest souls must hear in order to be alive when I come. Those who want to remain in a continuing process of sinning and repenting will be among the foolish virgins. The roots of sin as well as the fruit of sin can be cleansed and removed by my blood, for as I had no sin in me, so that same purity of heart and life will be applied to everyone who participates with me now in my final work of cleansing in the Most Holy Place.

Do you wonder what will happen to people who never hear your message of cleansing and therefore do not have the opportunity to choose to be fully cleansed? I am responsible for bringing light to every person, and this I will certainly do through the witness and the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the ministry of the angels. If people turn away and reject the light that I send them on their current level of understanding, they will have refused the light that was necessary for their salvation; but if they respond to the light that I send, I will lead them on to further light until they reach the full measure that they need to be among the 144,000.

Not all of the righteous will be called to this experience because of their focus of interest and their capabilities. These will be laid away. But all who completely respond to my call to holiness will be enlightened, cleansed, and purified so that they can be alive at my coming and see me in my glory with the Father and all the holy angels without seeing death. But removing sin in any form or degree must all be done during the time while I am still in the Sanctuary before probation closes. This is the work that I am doing right now. So be diligent in seeking me daily and responding to my still small voice impressing and leading you to complete holiness and cleansing of all sin in your character.

Now go to your day with rejoicing, for the battle is almost over, and the victory against the world, the flesh, and the devil is in sight! Take heart and run the last part of the race as equally well as you began, and I will give you the strength you need, and the victory and the prize of salvation will soon be yours! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Seeking me with all your heart

Dearest Ones,

My thoughts are with you today because I see some of you sorrowing because of the adverse circumstances in your life. Satan is very agitated because he sees that some of my people are moving forward by faith and obedience to my call, and are escaping the Laodicean condition that so many are satisfied to remain in spiritually. Satan is determined to keep my people asleep on the borders of the kingdom and stop any progress toward receiving the seal of God and the latter rain. As you can see, errors are proliferating and taking large numbers of my people into false doctrines which satisfy the need to feel saved by works, or by grace that covers sin in the life without the cleansing that is necessary for purity and victory.

All false doctrines and beliefs come from an unsanctified heart, and a desire for salvation without full surrender to me and walking with me moment by moment in divine fellowship. It takes effort to do this, and entire surrender of sinful thoughts and practices. One must have an intense desire to seek me and know me and experience me. It takes daily prayer and study of the Word. It takes listening to my still, small voice for guidance amidst the trials of life and the temptations and onslaughts of the evil one to take you away from having a faith relationship with me. In order to withstand the pressures put upon you to turn away from your relationship with me, and thus lose the covering and protection and guidance that I provide, you must seek me with all your heart, for if you seek me, you will surely find me. [Matt. 7:7, 8.]

When I was on earth it grieved me greatly to see people turn away from my love and my salvation [John 6:66-68], and so it does now. But I now have a body of believers who are firm and strong in me and willing to go forward at all costs, and this is what I have waited for in the final generation, therefore there need be no more delay of my program to bring my children home. So let the fire fall, and let my year of redemption begin [Isa. 63:4], for my bride is cleansing herself of all sin and character defilement, and is preparing for the wedding feast of the Lamb. [Rev. 19:7-9.]

Go now to the activities of your day, but be fearful of nothing, because you are responding to my call and willing to give up everything worldly if you can have a part in my work and a place in my kingdom. This is all I require for entrance into heaven as members of the 144,000 who will stand with me on Mt. Zion with blameless characters [Rev. 14:1, 4] which have been washed in the blood of my sacrifice. [Rev. 7:14.] My only requirement is a moment by moment connection that allows me to work out my salvation in you. Let your fellowship be sweet and trusting today and every day until I come, and you will taste the joys of heaven even now, for our love for each other is a foretaste of heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am very pleased with the presentation today, for it was a message from the throne of my Father to combat this heresy which is spreading across Christianity, even among my people, that you will sin until I come. Why would I cast the devil from heaven if sin could be tolerated? I am pleased with your ardor and determination to present this subject which is so important to stemming the tide of evil that will deceive so many before I come. But I will not allow one honest soul to be lost because of this teaching, for I will send my light through instruments like you who will combat this teaching that is spreading like lightning around the world, backed by the devil and the hosts of darkness. Thus my truth will prevail, and righteousness will be established.

Now my topic for today is "purity." No one would want to drink impure water, for you would know that you were in danger of ingesting something that would make you sick, and perhaps even cause your death. The same is true of error. When it is spiritually ingested, it will cause your death. The whole great controversy is about the stark difference between truth and error. Error defiles; truth is clean and pure and life-giving. I know that you have been faithful in presenting the truth that I have given to you. Now I want you to be more clear in presenting the trumpets. [Rev. 8-11.] You do not have to predict time. But there is much truth in the trumpets themselves, that you can glean and present to the world. I will send my Spirit to help you choose and preach and teach the doctrines that will go right to the heart of people and arouse them from their slumbers.

Therefore, the subject of purity is applicable to preaching the pure truth for this time in history. People are searching for answers, for truth that will guide them in the darkness of this solemn hour, and I have given you these truths to be presented to the world. Go forward and be unafraid to share the things that I have given you. My angels will help you do this effectively, and my Spirit will speak through you. Be not afraid to walk through the doors that I will open for you, and teach the things that I have given you. If your doctrine of present truth is always indicted by the Holy Spirit, it will be sent home to the hearts of people so they can study it out for themselves and share it with others, for it is manna for all to partake of, ingest, and give out to other hungry souls.

So enjoy your study and fellowship with each other today, and open up your hearts to the continual outpouring of the latter rain for your joy and enlightenment. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am thinking today of each one of you in the various activities that comprise your day. I will give you strength and wisdom for each challenge, and guide you each moment if you will look to me and trust in me and listen to my voice. Therefore the topic for today is "listening."

How to hear my voice amid the clamor and raucous noises of daily life is one of the most difficult things for mankind to learn. There are always activities and duties that tug at your thoughts because of all the accomplishments that must be done. But in all of this, I am present. If you can only keep your mind open to my guidance and directions, you will find that I can unsnarl the tangled web and smooth out your day and bring you through with an unruffled spirit and a song of peace and joy in your heart.

But there are many reasons why I need to have constant access to your mind. First of all, I created you with the need for divine guidance at all times, just as I depended constantly upon my Father when I was upon earth. Never forget that you have a foe who is diligently and constantly watching for an unguarded moment to harass you and get you under his influence, even for just a few moments if he can, and those are the times when you fall into anger, depression, fear, or the lust of the flesh. If you allow me to have full control of your life moment by moment, you may be tempted, but you will not fall into sin under the temptation. That is the secret of a life of freedom from the sins of the flesh. Victory never comes from yourself, it always comes from listening to my voice and obeying the guidance of my Spirit.

Adam in his innocence obeyed instinctively, for his mind was created to constantly hear my voice and be in complete agreement with me. But after his fall, he and all his progeny, including each of you, have an inherent bias toward sin, and now consistent victory is only possible if you willingly open your heart to receive my Spirit moment by moment. Then when your heart is open and obedient, you will also receive all the fruits of the Spirit as a gift, so that you can ask for anything you need - wisdom, love, joy, peace, patience, humility, and all the blessings that come from a loving connection with me. Then the devil cannot have power over you, and hold you captive to his evil thoughts and the power of his temptations.

So listening to my voice in your heart and mind is essential for your happiness, safety, and productivity. Please share this with others as well, for there are so few who really understand how to communicate with me and be able to hear my voice. Please remember that being daily in the Word is certainly a necessity, for the Spirit speaks to you through the Word and connects with your mind so that you become accustomed to sensing the voice of God speaking to you.

Go now to your activities with a joyful heart, and listen to my guidance throughout your day. I will surely be speaking to you, and if you listen carefully, you will hear me! And when you hear me, respond quickly and trust me as a little child responds to a loving parent, and they bond together through that experience. Then you will be like Abraham, my friend, and you, too, will be beloved of my Father and walk with me in loving fellowship every day until I come! Lovingly, Jesus.

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“The day of the Lord”

Dearest Ones,

The days are growing short for the continuing of the daily messages that I promised to give you a year ago, because I'm going to speed up everything in the earth and you will have much to do. But I will be with you through my Spirit and the angels, and continue to guide and direct you and give you everything you need for guidance, instruction, and comfort.

Today I want to talk to you about "the day of the Lord" as spoken of in Zephaniah 1:14 [See also Joel 1:15]. This day is the time at the close of earth's history when I will arrive in wrath against all the wickedness which sin has caused, and bring retribution against the rebellion of mankind against my law and my faithful followers. When the end comes I will have suffered with disobedience in the human race until the full fruitage of sin is seen, and there is no more hope of recovery for anyone, and no more people who are wavering in the valley of decision. At that time, the culmination of history will have come, and the purpose of the great controversy completed. Then the cup of iniquity [Jer. 25:15-17] will be full, and the numbers of the redeemed made up. Then my wrath against sin and those who have chosen it begins. [Rev. 15:1.] It is not a matter of my lack of long-suffering, but a matter of there being not even one person who desires my salvation or my grace. Therefore, I must cleanse the earth of unrighteousness and the fruits of it. [20:9, 10.]

Sin is an enemy in the perfect universe which I have created, and thus must be destroyed when it has reached its zenith. [Rev. 18:1-3.] This condition has now come to pass, except for the final outpouring of my Spirit upon my sealed ones who will, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit and the angels, make the final call to the world. [18:4, 5.] Then probation will close and the end will come. But I will hide my chosen ones in the watchcare and protection of the angels who have cared for you from birth and have guided your footsteps and shielded you from a thousand dangers, all unknown to you. Never forget how much they love you, even more than a mother loves her child. They are all-powerful and they know just how to guide you through the perils of the last days. They already have their instructions from me about your care and protection until I come.

So never allow yourself to succumb to worry and fear, for worry is blind and cannot foresee the future. Your future is an open book for me to see, and you will be kept in safety through the days ahead. This is why it is so important for you to be listening for my voice with instructions, and assurances of my love to guide you through each day until I come. Faith in my guidance comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of God. [Rom. 10:17.] And this is perceived so much more clearly from a cleansed mind which is free from the natural instincts of the human heart to rely upon your own ability to protect yourself. This is why you must be cleansed of the instincts and automatic responses of the natural human heart and replaced with complete faith in me and my love and care for you.

Now go to the activities of your day, but ever keep in mind that I will never leave you nor forsake you and my love and care for you are as dependable and sure as my throne. Refer every thought to me, and inquire of me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things of which you know nothing [Jer. 33:3], which will amaze you and strengthen your faith. So journey with me again today in complete faith and trust, and always remember that you can call upon me at any time, because I am always just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Oil of the Holy Spirit

Dearest Ones,

I want to talk to you today about the oil of the Holy Spirit. [Zech. 4:11-14; Ex. 30:22-25; Lev. 24:2.] There is a dangerous heresy that is gaining ground right now among Adventists, which purports to be a reaction against the doctrine of the trinity as is taught by the Catholic church, but is actually a satanic doctrine against the Holy Spirit. This is well calculated to spring into being at the very time when I am pouring out my Spirit upon my people and beginning the sealing process which is an act of the Holy Spirit. You see, the Spirit of God is the means by which I dwell in the hearts of men and women and live out my righteous character in them. [Rom. 8:1-17.] It is by the Spirit that I create and sustain life. [Gen. 1:1.] My power is exercised through the Spirit. [Rev. 5:6.] It is through the agency of the Spirit that I speak in the still, small voice [Isa. 30:21] that you know so well when I am not physically present. It is the Spirit that speaks through the prophets [Eph. 3:5; 2 Pet. 1:21] and inspires them to speak my words and write down the utterances of the Spirit for their generation and also for future generations.

When you read the Word of God, it is the Spirit who interprets it for you and applies it to your heart, and brings new light and insights from heaven. It is the Spirit who seals your mind into the character of God. [2 Cor. 1:21, 22; Eph. 1:13] during the time of the latter rain, and it is the Spirit who prays with your spirit and in your behalf with groans that cannot be uttered before the throne of God. [Rom. 8:26, 27.] The Spirit loves you and has an intimate involvement with you and interacts with your spirit as the Teacher [Lu. 12:12; John 14:26] and Comforter [John 14:16, 17, 26] who brings my teachings to your mind and applies them to you as you go through the challenges of each day. Without the Spirit of God, you have no power to protect yourself from the enemy of your souls, the devil.

You see, the devil is a spirit being and he can enter your mind and body and control you against your will if the Spirit of God is not dwelling within you. So when people say there is no Holy Spirit, they are opening themselves up to the indwelling of demons. [Matt. 12:25-28.] Satan is too wise to completely take over the lives of those who are teaching this dangerous doctrine, lest they would see the peril of their ways and repent. But the day will come when people who reject the doctrine of the Holy Spirit as it is revealed in the Scriptures, and the influence and work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, will be left to experience the results of resisting the work of the Holy Spirit and become fully possessed by the spirits of devils.

Remember the warning I gave while on earth that if a person who is cleansed of evil spirits leaves their soul temple empty of the presence of the Holy Spirit, the demons will return and bring others with it and the person will be in a worse condition than they were before! [Matt. 12:43-45.] So please take my warning seriously and have nothing to do with the doctrine of "no Holy Spirit," for it is a vicious doctrine of the devil to prepare the hearts of those who receive this to be permanently lost and be prepared to miss the sealing and the latter rain and take the mark of the beast. [Rev. 19:20.]

Go now to your labors, but keep your heart clean and uplifted and open for the slightest whisper of my Spirit speaking to you and wooing you to become a finished product of grace. Thus you will be fitted to live in the presence of God around the throne forever as an emblem of what my grace can do to restore fallen human beings back into the perfection of character that Adam had before he fell. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

Seventeen years ago I allowed the first of the events that will signal my coming to begin. During the intervening years you have seen the rise of the papacy and a subsequent descent of your nation as prophecy is being fulfilled. In spite of this, men, women, youth and children go on with their lives as though time will last forever, when probationary time is running out, and soon the plagues will begin to fall [Rev. 15]. Oh how many are on the verge of eternity and know it not! So the subject for today is "eternity."

The first thing I want to ask you to understand about eternity is that it has no beginning and no end. My Father and I are the only beings who have no beginning and no end. [Rev. 1:8; 22:13.] All other beings in the universe were created, so they have a beginning. But our purpose in creating beings after our likeness is that you, too, will have no end. Because you are finite and mortal, you cannot perceive this now, for in this fallen world, all things come to an end eventually. But those who go to heaven with me, will also possess eternity. [Eph. 3:21.] Stretching out ahead of you will be endless things to learn, endless things to accomplish, endless joys to experience. I am telling you about this because your time on this earth is short, and I want to encourage you to look up, not down at the challenges and problems that confront you daily. Never forget that you are citizens [Eph. 2:19] of a better world - a heavenly one - that fadeth not away. [1 Pet. 1:4.]

So how does this affect your life every day, moment by moment now? Your every thought can be an awareness of who you are in the stream of time. You are a citizen of heaven, not of this earth, just as I was in the world but not of the world. [John 17:14-16.] This can encourage you each day to keep positive and cheerful and full of faith, hope, and love, for you are my ambassadors to fallen humanity to exemplify my character and my law of love lived out in you. So think of this today and every day until I come. Don't let down your guard and cross-breed with those who know me not and do not want to be citizens of heaven, but of earth. Do not congregate with them, but keep yourself clear of their insolence, and concentrate on those who want to hear the truth of my soon coming and how to prepare.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep ever uppermost in your mind who you are - a citizen of the heavenly kingdom that will swallow up all others when time is no longer and eternity begins. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Sealing

Dearest Ones,

I love you with an everlasting love from eternity, for I have chosen you from the foundation of the world [Eph. 1:4] to be my disciples at the end of time when holiness and wickedness would culminate in the last generation. The fruit of the earth is ripe for the tares to be burned and the precious wheat to be gathered into my barn. I have seen the last struggle between good and evil forces from the beginning of the great controversy in heaven, and I have borne long with perversity and sin. Now sin has been fully displayed and has run its course, and there is no more reason to delay my coming. Therefore I'm about to put in the sickle and reap the harvest of the earth. [Joel 3:9-16] Come my beloved ones, hide yourselves [Ps.31:20; 32:7] under the shadow of my wings [Ps. 91:1] until the disaster passes by. [Ps. 57:1.] Only with your eyes will you behold the reward of the wicked. [Ps. 91:8.] I will soon let the winds go [Rev. 7:3; 9:13-15], and the results in the earth no pen can describe. [Ed. 179, 80.] That is why I am calling my people to holiness and oneness with me. My angels will protect every person who bears my sign - my seal - in their foreheads. [Eze. 9:6.] Not one will be lost or destroyed. Just like the children of Israel in Egypt, the sign of deliverance was to be placed upon the doorpost of every home to protect every occupant in that home [Ex. 12:7-13], so I want to save every member of the family of those who have the seal of God on their foreheads. It is my will and purpose to do this. But you must not wait in idle expectation for me to do this. No, you must pray diligently for your children and confess your sins and weaknesses which have acted upon them and have been passed on down to them to the third and fourth generation. [Ex. 20:5; Lev. 26:39-42.] If you do this, I will see this as I did the blood on the doorpost, and I will save the members of your family, and the destroying angel will pass by. This is the seal that guarantees your fitness for heaven when you have been cleansed of all sin during the shaking time which is going on right now. [EW 269-273.]

Awake, my sleeping bride, and dress yourself in clean white robes which I have provided for you at the cost of my life. My blood is sufficient for your cleansing [Rev. 7:13, 14; 19:6-8], and I am eager to help you through this vital preparation time before probation closes. Please open your hearts and let me come in and cleanse you of every defect and heal your souls from the damage that Satan has done to you and your children. [Isa. 49:22-25.] I will not forsake you or disappoint you [v. 23] if you participate with me in this work of cleansing. It is the work that I prophesied about in Malachi 3:1-4, and 4:5, 6. This cleansing work is the only thing that stands between me and my coming. I am waiting for a perfected people. Even now it is going on with those who are willing. Soon the numbers of my kingdom will be made up, and the ministry of wrath [Rev. 15:1, 7:16:1] against the transgressors of my law - my Covenant of Love [Deut. 7:9, 12] - will begin.

So I lift up my voice like a trumpet [Zech. 9:14] as the day of final judgment draws near, while the door of probation is still open for everyone who wants to come and be healed of everything the devil has done to wound you through the years of your life. Now is the day of salvation [2 Cor. 6:2], but the hours grow short. Make haste and join those who are pressing into my temple [1 T. 27] and finding life!

Now go to the activities of your day, but look to me and connect with me, and I will guide you safely through whatever the day holds, and keep you safe in the bosom of my wings. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am happy today to tell you that I am now speeding up the progress of the message of truth around the world so that the finishing of the work will no longer be left to men, but angels will take the field and finish what would be otherwise impossible for men to do with their limited abilities and resources. Even though I have allowed this generation to have miraculous possibilities with the media and ways of travel which were unheard of in other generations, yet the question still remains, how can the masses be reached, especially in third world countries? It can only be accomplished by employing the use of supernatural forces sent from the courts of glory endowed with splendor and laden with the truth that must be preached to all the world before I come. [Matt. 24:14.] But your mind must be pure and clean of selfishness and sin to hear these angels' voices as you go throughout the earth to enlighten the world of my soon coming, and what changes must be made in order to be ready. Many are waiting and longing for the light, and are ready to hear the messages of truth that you will bring. So let your light shine [Matt. 5:16] in every way possible, and angels that you cannot see will go before you and open up doors and hearts to the message of truth for this generation.

The topic for today is "light." I have spoken of this before in various ways, but today I want to emphasize the quality of light that can penetrate the darkness of men's minds and hearts and reach the areas of the mind that have been closed off for years to anything different than they have been accustomed to hearing and believing. I will give you light that will penetrate into the darkest corners of the soul and arouse the dormant thought processes to see where nothing else can do. Everyone has a background of experiences that have wounded the soul and heart in some way. Living in the land of the enemy guarantees that some things are less than perfect in the formative years of one's life. These hidden pockets of emotion are sometimes long-forgotten, or else they have been covered over with years of clay which has been hardened in the heat of the trials that life holds for everyone.

But underneath all this is a divine blueprint [Ps. 139:15, 16] that I have given to every soul, and I strive by my Spirit to awaken to life the palsied limbs and the broken and stony hearts by your loving ministry to them, and the light that you will bring from the courts of heaven to arouse their dormant faculties to life. So they will say to you, as did the people who responded to the preaching of the early rain, Brothers, what must we do to inherit eternal life? [Acts 2:37.] It is light in the darkness of error that produces this response in people who have long ago given up hope, or who have lived in self-satisfied ways that blind their eyes to their spiritual, mental, and emotional needs. So, "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee" [Isa. 60:1]; for I have many souls who must be reached before I close probation's door forever.

Now go to the activities of the day, but look for evidences of my calling to you to be light bearers in a world where darkness abounds, and people are groping for something to give them a reason to live, and to have the strength for just one more day. I have given you so much, and some people have so little. But you are chosen and faithful because you have not succumbed to the darkness, but have followed the light, and have not turned back nor stopped along the journey, but are continuing to press on to victory in every area of your life. Therefore you will have the privilege of ushering in my kingdom and bringing sheaves with a you to offer as a gift to my Father, which will shine [Dan. 12:3] like the brilliance of the sun throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My eyes are upon my beloved ones around the world who are meeting together to worship me this morning. I am not absent from my people on Sabbath, for I visit them both in person and also through my Spirit and my angels. It is a day for re-creation and fellowship with me, and all of heaven is involved in bestowing blessings upon those who obey me and keep my commandments from a heart of love. So my subject today is "fellowship." As I explained yesterday, the Sabbath is a day for re-creation and special intimacy with me, but it is also a day for refreshment and bonding with each other in a deeper way than any other day. Adam and Eve were personally blessed in their relationship with each other on that first Sabbath as they worshipped me together, which set the tone for their loving relationship and bonding through the rest of the week and the rest of their lives. So it should be with you. Each day should be a day for love to be passed on to each other in the family and to others, and the weekly Sabbath is a time for rebuilding that relationship with me, and then to flow out to everyone within the sphere of your influence. However, if the Sabbath experience deteriorates into a form only, then the power of my love which I give as a gift to each one who worships me in spirit and in truth is lost, and the Sabbath becomes a ritual or duty and loses its power to transform.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your hearts open to the special blessings that I want to give you today to refresh and fill you with spiritual energy for the rest of the week which you can share with everyone you meet that will make them say: When I was with that person, I felt the presence of God! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

As the Sabbath hours are approaching, I want to talk to you about "rest." This is a much broader topic than many suppose it to be. First is physical rest, and restoration of body, mind and spirit. Taxing your physical, mental, and emotional powers deplete the life forces, just as it does to anything in nature that is overused beyond the purpose for which it was created. I have put natural cycles in everything that lives by which the energy put forth can be restored. Even in a perfect world, cycles of restoration are part of my plan. Life-giving food and water is necessary, even in heaven. There is giving out and taking in, just as happens in the act of breathing.

So rest is an important part of restoration. But it need not be just physical rest, although that is, of course, important. Rest from labor is necessary for optimum health and happiness, even though one may enjoy and get satisfaction from their work. The organs of the body all need release from activity to allow for restoration. Have you ever noticed what happens when you get a cut and the blood flows for a few minutes and then stops? That recovery took much mobilization of the body cells, and activity that you cannot see from the outside of the body. All of that took energy. Just think what happens in your body every day as you use your muscles, your eyes, and all your body functions to dispose of the toxins that are produced, and keep you energized and efficient all day! Even eating, although it is necessary to replace the body's energy, also takes energy in the digestive process, especially if you consume too much at one meal, or too much variety, which burdens the digestive system.

So do you see why I want you to listen to my still, small, voice guiding you in your daily activities [Isa. 30:21] as to how you should use your time and energy, what, when and how much you eat, and the amount and timing of your exercise, work, and bedtime hours? It is not because I want to be controlling or arbitrary, but I know what is going on inside your body at any given time, and how to best manage your daily activities for intake and output in all areas of your life for optimum health, happiness, and productivity.

Now I want to discuss the Seventh -day Sabbath, not only because it is a part of my eternal, unchanging law, but also because I have set the 7-day weekly cycle in the DNA of mankind at creation, just as all the details of your body were created to begin functioning correctly at the moment I breathed into the lifeless forms of Adam and Eve and they became living beings. I deliberately created them a short time before sunset on Friday evening so that the beginning of their lives would be in worshipping their Creator and rejoicing in their relationship with me. Thus, praise and worship on the Sabbath was at the beginning of human life on Earth! And just as the gates of my Sanctuary are called Praise [Isa. 60:18], so this is the way to begin your connection with me the first thing every day. I created Adam and Eve to recognize their Creator and connect with me at the beginning of their lives, and thus this need is in the DNA of every son and daughter of Adam. So you see, Sabbath worship is a vital part of mental, emotional, and spiritual health and happiness as you connect with me, the eternal source of your life. To choose any other way is to choose death.

Now that you are pondering these things, consider the impossibility of changing the Sabbath, for it was written on your DNA at creation, just as all your bodily functions are a part of your creation and are essential for your life and health in every area of your being. That is why the Sabbath is the sealing and sign of the perfecting of my people at the end of time, because they have reached the point of being willing to give up their lives rather than give up the Sabbath, the crowning work of creation and the sign of their connection with me as their Creator.

So now you can see that the Sabbath issue is more than a day. It is the sign of whom you will worship, and who has authority in your life. If you want to have both worlds, Sunday, or any other day of the week would suffice, for Satan doesn't care which day you worship, or whether you worship at all, as long as it is not my Sabbath, which is the sign of allegiance to, and connection with, your Creator. Thus, Sunday-keeping will become the sign that Satan chooses to rally the whole world against me and my people. This is why I am allowing calamities to come upon the world to show that Satan, the usurper, cannot keep anything together when I allow his dynasty and his kingdom to fall apart. So the question that must be answered by the people of this world today is: Whom will you worship? The Creator? Or the deceiver of the nations as he goes forth to prepare the whole world for the last battle against my kingdom, my people, and my sovereignty.

Take heart, my beloved ones, for the war against evil is almost over. Do not be disheartened or discouraged, for with my faithful people by my side I will win the battle once and for all, and peace will once again reign in the universe. In the meantime, take heart and be encouraged, for the time of your redemption draweth nigh! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Fear of the Lord

Dearest Ones,

I am delighted today to share a new topic with you - "the fear of the Lord." [Isa. 11:2, 3.] This subject is all throughout Scripture, but do you really know what this means? It certainly is not to fear me as one fears the lash of a slave master, for my thoughts toward you are thoughts of peace and not of evil. [Jer. 29:11.] But the kind of fear that I am referring to is the highest form of respect, for it means to revere me as your Creator and Lord. It is the basis of a relationship with me that transcends all human relationships, and means that when this attitude is in your heart, you are ready to connect with me in such a deep bond of unity and love that nothing can break us apart. You need me for life and happiness, and health of body, mind, and spirit; and I need you with the devotion of a mother who loves the child of her womb and would give her life for that child. Because I created you, you are a part of me, and an essential part of my joy. I have so much to offer you every day to complete your happiness, and when I hear your sincere prayers and requests I delight to answer them.

I want to be your friend just as I was with Abraham, Moses, and Daniel. These were outstanding men of God because they knew me as their friend, and looked to me for everything. And so may you. I am interested in everything you go through in your walk each day, and I would love to be able to whisper my secret wisdom and guidance to you throughout the day. I counsel you to strengthen the powers of your mind to hear my voice through saturating your mind with a portion of Scripture each day. This enables you to become acquainted with the way I speak, and how I feel about every aspect of your life. I especially like to speak through Psalms and Isaiah, because David and Isaiah knew me and heard my voice in ways that speak to the heart of every person, and especially in these last days.

So prime your mind to hear my voice in your heart by reading Scripture until you connect with me and feel your soul being fed and nurtured and instructed and delighted by what you are reading. Then share it during the day with others, and as you pour out your vessel to other needy souls, I will refill it to overflowing each day as you seek me and find me. Thus, you will become accustomed to my voice speaking to you all day, and will not be susceptible to the wiles of the devil. Your mind will become a fortified palace to dwell in and to live and move at the unction of my Spirit. Thus you will become in these last hours and days of earth's history, instruments of righteousness [Rom. 6:13] like Paul and Peter and Philip, and all the prophets of old who spoke for me to their generations and stayed true to the end.

Now go to the activities of your day with rejoicing in your friendship with me and understanding of my love for you and my purpose for your life, and I will be your Companion and Guide, and protect you through every temptation the devil may bring against you. I already know what he plans to bring against you, and I am prepared to save you from the fowler's snare [Ps. 124:7] if you look to me and trust in me. I will be faithful to you if you are faithful to me, and save you from a thousand snares [Ps. 38:12; 91:7] that you know nothing of. And I will bring you safely through the days ordained [Ps. 139:16 NIV] for you, and I will bring you home. Lovingly, Jesus.

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No Delay

Dearest Ones,

You are all progressing in your walk with me and learning to hear my voice [Isa. 30:21] in the stillness and quietness of your hearts, and I am pleased. But now I want to share with you the meaning and purpose of my majestic voice [Isa. 30:30, NIV; 2 SM 315, 16; 5 T 136; PP 109] as it will be displayed in the earth more as time goes on. I do not want one soul to be lost who could have been saved if they had heard the good news of my coming in time to get ready. So when the daily activities of people are so engrossing that they have no time to think of higher things, I speak in extraordinary ways to get their attention. This can be in the increase of calamities around the world, or personal calamities that interrupt the smooth-running current of daily life. I do not want to allow these hardships to come, but my higher goal is the salvation of the person or family. I know the hearts of those who will be positively affected by these occurrences, and I have a remedy, for there is always a balm in Gilead [Jer. 8:22; 1 BC 1102] whereby their souls can be saved if they turn to me for help and healing.

This is where you, my beloved ones, come into the picture, for you can be hands that help and voices that speak peace, forgiveness, and healing to people that so desperately need it. Under trial, people's hearts are often more open to hear truth than when they were satisfied with their present condition. So read behind the scenes as you see the winds loosening around the world. I have a dual purpose for this and it is all a part of my overall plan for the salvation of every honest-hearted soul on earth. Many people will be saved who otherwise would have been lost because they were asleep on the borders of the kingdom.

But even though I am blowing trumpets around the world [Amos 3:6-8] and will continue to do so, nothing will be gained if the watchmen are asleep, or too busy, or reticent to put the trumpet to their lips and sound the warning of the approaching doom of the human race. When I let the winds go, there will be nowhere to run, no place to hide from the storm of my righteous indignation and wrath against sin and those who love it and cling to it. So put the trumpet to your lips [Hos. 8:1] and sound the warning throughout the land! Spare not and do not be afraid to speak boldly and with confidence and assurance [GC 609, 10] that I am coming soon, and those who are comfortable with sin will be destroyed.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep uppermost in your mind that from this day forward there will be no delay of my coming and of the events that precede it. Only hold on to your confidence and speak the truth as I reveal it to you day by day and moment by moment through the Word and through the Spirit. The call now is to get ready, get ready, get ready! For the time is at hand. Let all the inhabitants of earth know that I am coming with power and great glory to redeem those who love and follow me and have wrought out [2 Cor. 7:11] my righteous requirements in their lives. Never forget how much I love each of you, and how precious you are in my sight, for even though I am speaking of my wrath being poured out upon the wicked, I will tenderly care for you until the storm passes by. Lovingly, Jesus.

"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising." Isa. 60:1-3.

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The Battle of Armageddon

Dearest Ones,

Today I want to talk to you about "the battle of Armageddon." There are many concepts about this that are believed in the Christian world, and although many have a little truth, there is also a mixture with error. Therefore, I want to clarify what the concept of Armageddon means in the great scheme of time. The key to this battle began in heaven when Satan set himself to attack the throne of God and take over the government of the universe. [Isa. 14:12-14.] The word, "Armageddon,"* symbolizes the purposes of Satan to possess the Holy Mount of God's supreme position and government. [Eze. 28:14-17.] Satan's position on this matter has never changed, nor will it until he is destroyed in the lake of fire at the end of the thousand years. It is his obsession to be the ruler of the universe, and to this end he and his followers fight with the energy and purpose derived from madness.

So you see in the story of the great controversy which he began in heaven, the same thread running through the whole Bible. When he was cast out of heaven for attacking the Holy Mountain and the position of God's throne [Rev. 12:7-9], he then carried his purpose into Eden and deceived your first parents, and when they fell, he became the prince of this world. [John 14:30; 16:11.] In the wilderness as the second Adam, I withstood his attempts to get me to bow down to him in exchange for the things the world has to offer. [Matt. 4:8-11.] I recognized him to be the deceiver, and his purposes were the same as they had been in heaven.

And so it has always been in the long history of this earth in its fallen condition. Every person who is born is tested as I was tested in the wilderness. Will they succumb to Satan's lies and deceptions and accept his promises of worldly rewards, or will they turn from him and accept the pathway of the cross and death to self in exchange for eternal life and happiness in heaven with me? Those who accept the cross will receive the very things that Satan wanted - a seat upon my throne [Rev. 3:21], and an eternity to live and reign with me [Rev. 20:6; 22:4, 5] because they have been tested and tried and passed the test of humility and discipleship.

This has been the test from the beginning of time. But there is a final conflict at the end of time that is yet ahead of you, and through which you must pass. The forces of evil are now consolidating for that battle, for Satan knows that he must win this battle over me in the person of my saints, or he will forever lose the war against heaven and the government of God. This battle is both physical and spiritual, just as it was in heaven. There was the spiritual battle for the allegiance of the angels, and there was the physical battle for the throne. So it will be again at the end of time. When I lose the four winds of strife, there will be such a scene of chaos and bloodshed as the world has never seen. [Rev. 7:1; 9:14-16.]* This is purposeful on the part of Satan, for he wants to bring the world to the point where they will be willing to listen to his lies that the people of God are the cause of the problem. Then in their fear and rage, they will make laws around the world to annihilate my people in a single 24-hour period just as in the days of Esther. [Esther 9:1.] I will permit it to come to this point to display to the universe the final malignity of Satan against my government, my throne, and my inheritance - the people who love and serve me even at the threat of death. But do not fear this, for not a hair of your head will perish [Lu. 21:14-19], for at that time I will come down from heaven to rescue you, and in my righteous fury [Isa. 63:3-6], I will destroy all sinners and the things in the world that they have claimed as their own, and I will save my people, my righteous ones, who would rather die than forsake my law and my truth. These will shine like the stars forever and ever [Dan. 12:3] to display the product of my sacrifice on Calvary. This will be the death knell to the kingdom of Satan, the would-be usurper of the Holy Mountain, and the government and throne of God.

In summary, the battle of Armageddon is the last and final effort of Satan against my kingdom and my people. The scene at the end of the thousand years [Rev. 20:7-10] is not the battle of Armageddon, because it is not a battle at all, for my people are already safe within the walls of the New Jerusalem, and I allow this only to show the universe that even after Satan and all the hosts of darkness have seen and acknowledged that they have been wrong and that my handling of the great controversy has been without a flaw, their hearts are unchanged, and therefore, they receive eternal death when they march upon the New Jerusalem.

The battle of Armageddon is the final battle between good and evil, beginning at the close of probation with the whole world convulsed in war and bloodshed in what they will consider to be a holy war surrounding the land of Israel [Dan. 11:45-12:1]; but the real purpose of Satan will be to destroy my people. As you can see right now, Satan is determined to precipitate this war to preempt the sealing of my people and the loud cry. But I will hold back the purposes of Satan until my people are sealed [Rev. 7:2, 3], and the message of the Three Angels, joined by the fourth angel, have done their work. Then I will hide my people under the shadow of my wings and let the winds go.

Now you know what is just ahead of you, but do not be afraid, for just as I have prophesied about the battle of Armageddon, so I have prophesied concerning the protection and triumph of my people. [Rev. 15:1-3.] So rest in my care and love for you, and leave the consequences of the battle to me, for not a hair of your head will perish, for you are and will be kept safe under the shadow of my wings. Lovingly, Jesus.

*"Heb. 2022 - har; a mountain, or range of hills.
4023 - Megiddo; from 1413; rendezvous
1413 - to crowd; also to gash (as if by pressing into): assemble (selves by troops), gather (selves together, self in troops), cut selves." Strong's Concord.

*"Four mighty angels hold back the powers of this earth till the servants of God are sealed in their foreheads. The nations of the world are eager for conflict; but they are held in check by the angels. When this restraining power is removed, there will come a time of trouble and anguish. Deadly instruments of warfare will be invented.... All who have not the spirit of truth will be united under the leadership of satanic agencies. But they are to be kept under control until the time shall come for the great battle of Armageddon. Angels are belting the world, refusing Satan his claims to supremacy... keeping the armies of Satan at bay till the sealing of God's people shall be accomplished.... The Lord is a refuge for all who put their trust in Him. He bids them hide in Him for a little moment, until the indignation be over past. He is soon to come out of His place to punish the world for its iniquity." 7 BC p. 967.

"In the last scenes of this earth's history, war will rage. The powers of evil will not give up the conflict without a struggle. But Providence has a part to act in the battle of Armageddon. The Captain of the Lord's host will stand at the head of the angels of heaven to direct the battle." Maranatha, p. 297.

"Angels are now restraining the winds of strife, that they may not blow until the world shall be warned of its coming doom; but a storm is gathering, ready to burst upon the earth; and when God shall bid His angels loose the winds, there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture." Ed. pp. 179, 80.

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Much to be Accomplished

Dearest Ones,

As the days hasten on to my coming, there is so much that is yet to be accomplished for my people. At this time the majority of them are asleep on the borders of the kingdom, and most are looking forward to the visible approach of the Sunday law, even though so many signs are already happening around the world. In trumpet tones I am warning of the coming events that will happen with such rapidity that only those who have been preparing will be saved and ready to go through the end with me. My people are satisfied with the amount of light that they already have, and resistant to new light because it would take additional effort to study it out carefully and perform the duties that would be required. They desire to hear smooth things that will assure them that all is well [Rom. 16:18], and that they can continue to live their lives as they have always done, and ignore the warning signs of the coming storm that is about to break upon the world with a fury that the world has never seen.

This is why I am sending you out to the far-flung corners of the globe to spread the message of my soon coming by pen and voice and through the media, or in person as I shall call you to speak for me. Be not afraid of their faces or any opposition [Eze. 2:6-8], for not everyone will hear my voice speaking through you. Some who hear you will be frightened and angry, and in their fear they will perceive your message to be dangerous and a threat to their desire to go on as they are and not be aroused to their danger until it is too late. They will resist and attack you with satanic zeal, and it is actually Satan in his anger who is opposing you to stop the light from shining into the hearts of those he considers his own.

But although the prophets of old were also opposed, and some were even killed, I will sustain and strengthen and protect you from all harm and danger, for it is not my plan or to my glory for my final remnant to be martyred, for these are my representatives throughout eternity of what my grace can do to eradicate sin in the final generation. The faithful of all ages have shown what my truth and my love can do for those who have followed me through every age in history. But there must be a final product who are my representatives and stand firm for my truth when the door of mercy closes and there is no more intercession before my Father through my blood. My final people will have all the light that has been accumulating throughout history, and this they will share in latter rain power as they proclaim the loud cry of the fourth angel of Revelation 18.

But for those of my people who have waited for the Sunday law to awaken them and motivate them to seek me with all their heart, it will be too late, for the motivation will not be from love of me and my truth, but for self-preservation; and because they come to me with this motivation, they will eventually turn to the opposition in the last attempt to preserve their lives. So be awake and alert, my faithful ones, and listen to my voice and seek my face every day for the instruction and guidance that you will need for the day, and you can be assured of a place with me in my kingdom, and a special place on earth where you are to work for me to garner in those who are searching for life and hope in the darkness.

Go now to the activities of your day, but look not upon the trials and pressures and light afflictions of earth [2 Cor. 4:17], but upon your eternal reward, both in heaven and upon earth now as you work for me in my vineyard. There is light ahead, and if you focus upon the light, you will see me, for I am the light [John 8:12] that is shining upon your pathway every day to protect and guide you safely all the way to the kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Necessity of Prayer

Dearest Ones,

I want to talk to you today about "the necessity of prayer." All of you are mighty in prayer and seek me and find me every day. But for the sake of those who are seeking to know me more intimately and have more success in praying for your family and others, I am going to share some insights to inspire you and help you to know what happens when you pray and why it is a necessity.

The first principal to understand about prayer is the reality of the great controversy. All unseen to you, there are principalities and powers of darkness around you, seeking to entice you and destroy your faith, your connection with me, and eventually your life. I, on the other hand, have legions of angels who are belting the world, and holding back the powers of evil until the work is finished, and every honest soul has been gathered into the safety of my pavilion, which is the hiding place spoken of in Psalms 91 and 32. The function of my Sanctuary is to serve as a place of refuge for those who have given their lives to me. The whole Old Testament Sanctuary was a visible demonstration of how to connect successfully with me in the heavenly Sanctuary, so that you can know how to escape the fowler's snare and be safe in my arms of protection. So the following is a review for proper prayer.

First, an attitude of praise is essential [Ps. 100:4], for the devil desires to speak to your mind in words and feelings of depression, anger, fear, guilt, passions of all kinds, and all other negative ways common to mankind. I don't need to have you praise me in order to respond to you, but you need to have an attitude of praise in order for your mind to connect with me and hear my still small voice [Isa. 30:19-21] speaking the impressions of my heart to you through the Scriptures. It is true that I do speak in thunder tones in nature to arouse those who are not listening to my voice any other way. [Isa. 30:30; 5 T. 136.] But I want to have my people respond to my slightest whisper and have nothing between your spirit and mine.

Of course, it is necessary to confess your sins as I reveal them to you, but only as you have already connected with me through praise. The wicked will also confess their sins in burning words of anguish after the close of probation when the door of salvation is shut. But they have no love for me or desire to know me, therefore their prayers go unanswered. But my people will have their prayers and petitions answered, for they have connected with me through praise, confession, and cleansing their minds through the Word of God, and are filled by the Holy Spirit in a personal experience with me and an internalization of my character and my perfection applied to their lives. Then their prayers are heard by my Father, and He connects them with Himself and loves them just as He loves me, because through prayer you have become one with me.

Cleansed, Spirit-filled lives produce prayers that are in harmony with heaven and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Thus you can be sure that these kinds of prayers will be answered abundantly above all that you can ask or think. I need these kinds of prayers to finish the great controversy, for the efficacy of my sacrifice and the indwelling of my perfect life in my people must be displayed as a second witness of the success of the Plan of Salvation before I can destroy the wicked, for no one is to be put to death without a second witness. [Deut. 17:6; 19:15.]

Are you willing to be second witnesses to the efficacy of my plan of salvation and my sacrifice and my intercessory work in the heavenly Sanctuary by living the Sanctuary way [Ps. 77:13] every day by faith? Those who reign with me in heaven will have first reigned with me on earth through their obedience to me and their connection with me as we finish the work in the final phases of the cleansing and blotting out of sin. If you walk experientially with me through this closing part of my ministry, you will be hidden under the shadow of my wings when I go out of the Sanctuary to lay all the sins of my people on the head of Satan, the scapegoat [Lev. 16:20-22], and pour out the vials of my wrath [Rev. 16:1] against sin upon the earth and its inhabitants who have rejected my salvation and threatened my chosen ones with death. Then the great controversy will end, and peace will reign in the universe once more.

Come my beloved ones, enter with me into the ark of safety - the Most Holy Place experience with me - and I will hide you from all harm when my wrath passes by. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Faithfulness under Trial

Dearest Ones,

Today my topic is "faithfulness under trial." As the days grow shorter until my coming, the efforts of the evil one to overcome you will become stronger. As he sees you having victory over his temptations, his attempts to discourage you and win the battle over you will become more determined and intense, because he knows that if he cannot overcome you, he will lose the war against the government of God. His anger, fear, and rage know no bounds, for his very life is at stake. So his plan of attack is to either seduce or destroy my people so that there will be no living saints when I come. Of course, that will never happen, because I will miraculously protect my people through the time of trouble, but Satan feels that he has no other recourse as he sees his days of opportunity running out. He will also try to deceive even the very elect by appearing upon earth as the long-awaited Messiah [LDE 162-166; GC 624], and although I will not permit him to counterfeit the manner of my coming, the people on earth who have accepted his lies will be deceived, and welcome him as their lord. But my people will not be deceived, for they have studied my Word and the Spirit of Prophecy, and will know him to be the deceiver.

As a last resort he will inflame the wicked to put my people to death, but their evil plans will be interrupted by the events surrounding my coming in the upheaval of the earth and its destruction as you see it now. Then sin and sinners will be no more until the last confrontation between good and evil at the end of the 1000 years when I raise the wicked to stand before me for their judgment. Then the eternal fire which precedes from the throne of God will come down upon them and consume them, along with Satan and his angels. [Rev. 20:9.] At last the world and the universe will be forever cleansed of the terrible blight of sin and its consequences, and a new earth will I create for the eternal joy and pleasure of my saints. [Rev. 21:1-4.]

Why have I reiterated these things to you this morning for your consideration? Because I want to keep bright before your minds the events that are just before you as we move into the final phases of the great controversy, and remind you of what you are about to experience. These will be trying times for my people, but your faith in me and my protection, guidance and provisions for you must remain strong, or you will falter and fail in the day of adversity. [Prov. 24:10.] I have mapped out every moment of your future already, so nothing that you go through will be a surprise to me. Therefore, if you keep your eyes upon me and exercise faith in my protection and guidance, you will walk securely through the days ahead.

So gird up the loins of your mind [1 Pet. 1:13] and prepare for the battle ahead which we must go through together. Practice now in your trust as you go through any adversity large or small, and go through it successfully by faith. You will certainly see my presence in your daily life and battle with evil that will strengthen and encourage you for the future. The latter rain has begun, but it will swell as the loud cry approaches. Do not let anything discourage you, but keep looking to me to provide for you anything you need, whether physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional. I will never fail to meet your needs if you look to me and trust quietly and confidently, knowing that help is sure.

Go now to the activities of your day, but let your faith and courage be strong as you press onward in the pathway set before you. Enjoy your Sabbath hours together with me and your friends and family, and the blessings of the light that I am sending you, especially upon the Sabbath. Never let darkness or despondency discourage your heart, but keep your cup of faith uplifted, and I will fill it to overflowing with my love! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I want to talk to you today about "cleansing." Without holiness no one will see God [Heb. 12:14], and holiness is agreement with God [5T 743]. Therefore, you and I must be in agreement on everything in order for you to see me in the person of my holiness and glory when I come. When I walked upon earth, my glory was veiled with humanity. But that will not be so when I come again to receive you unto myself. There will then be no veil between. So now is the preparation time for that event, which is so soon to come. This is what the Investigative Judgment is all about. When I come, the character of every person will have been fixed forever. Probation closes when the case of every soul has been investigated and found either guilty or perfected. The perfection process is the Investigative Judgment of the living, which takes place after the Judgment of the dead has been completed. The Judgment of the living is in progress now, which will prepare my people to stand through the time of trouble without sin. During this time I will reveal to each person the secrets of their heart [1 Cor. 4:3-5] that have accumulated on the records in heaven, and as they cooperate with me daily, I will blot out those sins that are repented of, confessed and forgiven. [Acts 3:19-21.] Then the seal of God can be placed upon the foreheads of those who have fully and completely participated with me in this process [John 6:27; Rev. 7:2], and the latter rain will be poured out upon them as the sign of my approval. Their cleansed minds and characters will then be an exact duplicate of mine, for I will have placed my perfect righteousness in their hearts and minds in place of the sins which they have confessed and forsaken [Eph. 1:9-14; Col. 1:27, 28], and they will be pure and holy for eternity.

You see, sin erupted in heaven when Satan began to doubt my character, my precepts, and my intentions. He thought he saw a way that was better. Thus, the root of sin is disagreement with me and my principles on some issue. But when these questions and disagreements are seen for what they are and repented of, light shines into the soul of the sinner, and agreement and holiness takes place. I cannot and will not ever tolerate sin and sinners into heaven again. All who go there will have all their questions answered about my law and my character while on this earth. Not that there will be no questions which will be answered in heaven, but the questions will be from a desire to learn, not from a rebellious spirit.

Those who wish to go through the end without seeing death can do so on one condition. You must be willing to go through whatever I allow to come to you which will bring up uncleansed areas in your character which I see that are still in disagreement with my principles and my character -- or thoughts and feelings [5 T. 310] -- about every issue in your life. In the experiences that I allow you to go through, I will reveal these defects to you; and if you bring these to me for forgiveness and cleansing, and come into full agreement with me over every point, I will forgive and cleanse you and give you my thoughts and feelings and my victory. Then I will blot out the record of your sins from the books of record in heaven. Then you will be clean before me, and in perfect harmony with me, for you will have my righteous character stamped upon your mind forever.

Does this sound like something you are willing to go through in order to be prepared for my coming? If so, I will not cease until you are a finished product of my righteousness. But for those who refuse and rebel, their names will be blotted out of the book of life and put into the register of those who will be lost. This may seem arbitrary to some, but eternal salvation is the reward of those only who are willing to be cleansed of every idol and every sin that has sullied their soul temple. I am being clear with you today on these things because I see you coming into line with me on every issue that I have revealed to you, and I am very pleased with the beauty of your characters as they are being formed into my image through the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the engrafted Word.

Go now to the activities of your day, but watch for the leading of my Spirit in even the smallest detail, for the voice of my Spirit is still and small, and can easily be overlooked in the hustle and bustle of your daily life. I love you with all the love I had for you on Calvary, and now the love of a bridegroom for his bride as he sees the approach of the day of the wedding. I am yearning for the reign of sin to be over so that peace can be restored in the universe, and that I can have my precious ones by my side forever. That day is coming soon; so look up and lift up your heads, for the day of redemption is in my heart, and I will make a short work in the earth, and then come to claim my inheritance. My people who have loved and followed me and have overcome are all my joy! Lovingly, Jesus.

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All Mysteries to be made Known

Dearest Ones,

The time is near when all mysteries will be made known to my people. As the years have gone by, each generation has had a part in the development of the light which was necessary for them to fulfill the purpose of their calling in the stream of time. Each generation looked through a glass darkly at the future when more light would be revealed. But all generations were looking forward to the culmination of the ages and the fulfillment of all prophecies which would take place in the final remnant just before my second coming. This is where we have now come, and those who overcome all sin and go through the cleansing necessary to be among the finished product of the entire plan of salvation will live to see me come in the clouds of heaven.

Now the full light of the ages will shine upon this generation to give them understanding of the secrets which have been hidden from those who did not live in this time in history. So you have a sacred responsibility to preach the things that I am sharing with you, and not to hold back until everything is made clear, but to share what you can understand and you will receive more light and understanding as the scroll unrolls. I will be by your side through the presence of the Holy Spirit and the angels who are assigned to help you and guide you as you study the Word and seek for light from its pages every day.

Everyone in every age has had to face the persecution of unbelievers and scoffers, and remain steadfast through a connection with me. So do not be surprised when you meet the same spirits that come from beneath, for Satan is deathly afraid of your messages on the trumpets and the cleansing from sin. These things open the door of hope to people who are laboring to face every new day, not understanding how to overcome their besetting sins and to have victory and hope and peace in their lives. Never succumb to discouragement because the way is hard and the devil puts stumbling blocks in your way to make you doubt your calling and the reward that awaits you. You will yet see success as you battle against opposition, and win the victories that come through perseverance.

Now go to the activities of your day, but look to me for assurance and courage, for when you become discouraged, your mind cannot connect with me to receive the strength and healing that you need in order to be strong in the strength of the Lord. But always remember that no matter what you are feeling in a given moment, I am still with you whether you can sense my presence or not. All of heaven is on your side, and my Father is bending over the battlements of heaven to hear your praises and your cries for help, and to send you encouragement.

Never yield to discouragement, but strengthen the avenues of your brain by exercising faith under all circumstances, and the windows of heaven will open to bring you light and hope and courage for every battle. If you remember these things you will come off more than conquerors in the war against the world, the flesh, and the devil, and you will be able to assist your fellow travelers along the pathway to glory! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Trumpets are Blowing

Dearest Ones,

I am about to speed up the blowing of trumpets around the world to warn the world of its coming doom. [Amos 3:6.] There is to be a short time while I am yet holding the winds of strife, but the inhabitants of the earth will soon know what it means to break my covenant of peace and throw righteousness in the streets. Trumpets have always been warnings of coming war and disaster, and both of these will soon burst upon the world as a last warning to come into the hiding place of safety. [Isa. 26: 20, 21.] I am loath to do this, for my heart of love and mercy has not changed. But for every day that I wait, souls are being swept into perdition. You do not see this as I do, because you cannot see the whole world and the hearts of the masses of humanity. So I am telling you as my bride what I see and what I am about to do.

The world has never seen what is about to happen when I remove my protecting hand and let the winds go. But I cannot permit wickedness to prosper and my people to remain in the land of the enemy much longer. There is no purpose for it now, when sin has reached its zenith and Satan has almost full control. All that remains now is the final work of reaping that will be done under the power and the glory of the latter rain. Then probation will close and the end will come.

Do you realize that I can do this now because of your response to my advice to the Laodiceans? [Rev. 3:14-22.] Lukewarm and self-satisfied, my people have gone about their daily lives as though my coming was far off, not seeing the gathering storm on the horizon, like children playing in the sand on the seashore, oblivious of the towering wave sweeping in upon them. By this I do not mean that the many good things that are being done are not pleasing to me, where souls are being reached daily around the world, and the gospel of salvation is heard by many who have never before given their lives to me. This work is necessary, and is blessed by me.

But the nearness of my coming and how to participate in the cleansing that precedes my coming is vital, for this is what I am doing now in my work in the heavenly Sanctuary. Since I do nothing without your knowledge, understanding, and cooperation, this work is being hindered by a lack of knowledge among my people. Instead, the gospel is being preached in its simplest form, and therefore people are not being prepared for the great day of God and the close of probation which is so soon to come.

So now you may be asking, what is the solution to this dilemma? First, I need people who are fully armed and equipped to understand and guide people into all the light of truth for this time. No half-hearted efforts will suffice. Preaching the Three Angels Messages with the light that the pioneers had in the 1844 movement is not adequate now, for then I was just beginning my work in the Most Holy Place. Now I am ending my work with the additional light, truth, and understanding of the judgment of the living, and how to be cleansed from every sin and lie of the devil. This should not come as a surprise, for it is clearly taught in the Scriptures and the writings of Ellen White. [GC 424, 5.]

Unfortunately, most people are not studying to find out what is really hindering my coming, and so are believing that I cannot come until every soul has heard the unique doctrines of the Seventh day Adventist church. While it is true that the messages of the three angels, combined with the fourth, will be heard around the world before probation closes, you cannot see how many people have already chosen their leader and have shut the door of their hearts against me. The light of the fourth angel will only madden them to a frenzy and a desire to kill my messengers, because they are already possessed by demons.

So please leave to me the judgment of how many people are yet to hear the gospel message and are willing to receive it. What I am asking of you is to preach the message of the cleansing and blotting out of the sins of my people, and the closeness of the close of probation. Thus the sleeping virgins will be aroused before it is too late. [Joel 2:1, 15-17; Zeph. 2:1-3.]

Come, my beloved ones -- you who are alert and watching through the discernment of my Holy Spirit, do not be afraid of what you may be called upon to suffer [Rev. 2:10], for I will guide you through the perilous days ahead and not a hair of your head shall perish. [Lu. 21:18.] I am your Leader and you can safely trust in me. Only be faithful to your calling, and preach the message of my coming, and how to cooperate with me in my work of cleansing and blotting out of every sin, and I will take the responsibility of seeing that it gets to every soul who is seeking for the light on these matters. Be faithful to me and I will be faithful to you, and before you are finished going through the cities and towns of Israel, I will come and take you home. [Matt. 10:23.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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