Jesus will Protect His People

Dearest Ones,

Today I want to address the subject of the 3 1/2 years of the fifth trumpet which is now ending, and the sixth trumpet which is now beginning. Every trumpet must be heard around the world [Isa. 18:3], for each trumpet is a signal of what has ended and what is about to begin. Trumpets are my voice speaking to the people of the world, no matter what climate or language, race or creed. I am not satisfied to speak only to my people who love me and are listening to my still, small voice [Isa. 30:21]; no - I am the Lord of all the people of the world, and I am responsible for every person on the globe. I will not bring upon anyone the close of human probation until everyone has had an opportunity to hear and know me, for that would prove to those who hate me that I am an unfair, unloving God, and deserve to be hated and despised. This has ever been the accusation of Satan, even in the beginning of his rebellion, and he was so convincing that a third of the angels in heaven came to believe that he was right about me, my character, and my government. Then do you suppose that I am going to end the great controversy in a manner that would support his original lies about me? No, no, I will not bow to the imaginations of the evil one that he can make the people of the world so evil that I will at last abandon them and simply focus upon my chosen ones to the exclusion of those who ignore or hate me. Just as I made full provision for everyone to hear the message of Noah and have time to repent, so the people of the world must have sufficient evidence and time to hear my majestic voice [Isaiah 30:30, NIV] in the tragic events of nature and society, and know that man and evil angels are not in ultimate control of this earth, and that without me there is nothing left but darkness and coming doom. I will speak in the voice of thunder and in the tragedies that happen when my voice of love is rejected. [See 2 SM 315, 316; 5 T 136.] I love everyone, but if my love is not heeded, men choose for themselves to become heaps of refuse along with animals, and harvests that will never be reaped, and vegetation that will be swept away; for I am about to rise from my throne and do my strange act - one that I am loathe to do - of making the earth and its inhabitants groan under the accumulated weight of sin, and bind up the wicked in bundles, ready to be destroyed at my coming.

But you, my beloved ones, I will hide in my pavilion and protect you from the elements and disasters and wicked men possessed by Satan and his angels. This is war, my beloved ones - a cosmic war between my government and the government of Satan, and you are caught in the middle of this battle. But you will be as safe as the disciples were in the little boat on Galilee, because I was with them, and so I will be with you. I would rather stop up the ocean and melt the mountains in my righteous anger against sin than let a hair of your head perish at the hands of the wicked, both evil angels or evil men who follow him and do his bidding.

So take heart, my precious ones, as you see what I am doing in the earth and the society in which you must live for a little while longer. I assure you that there will be wars and rumors of wars, and disasters unheard of until now. But look to me, for I am the Commander in Chief of the armies of heaven, and I will keep you safe through the swelling of the Jordan. Go now to the activities of your day, but rest your heart and soul under the shadow of my wings, and together we will wage war against all the hosts of evil, and soon the battle will be over, and you will be safe forever in my kingdom as my bride and the reward for all my sufferings! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Love of Jesus for You

Dearest Ones,

My thoughts are with you today as you begin another day. You do not know what it will hold, but every moment is an open book for me. I have walked this path before you, and I know every bump in the road that you will travel, and I have smoothed the way for you. So do not worry about what you will encounter, for I will walk it with you and keep you safe from all harm and danger. Because I know the road that you will take, you do not need to worry about sudden fears or problems that I cannot solve, for I have already solved them for you, and I will share my secrets with you if you will come to me with all your fears and joys and all the thoughts of your heart. You can never worry me or surprise me or make me turn away from you, for I have the heart of a mother for her newborn child. She is alert to every whimper, and delights in every smile. Have you ever seen the wondrous connection between a mother and her baby? I put that connection there to show you how I feel about each one of you! You cannot weary me, you cannot make me turn away from you and forget you, for I have engraved you upon my heart. That is love in its most perfect state, and that is the love I have for you! So go to your day without fear of clouds on the horizon, for those clouds will disappear as we walk through them together. Moment by moment, day by day, we will face every trial, every fear, every problem which we will encounter in our journey together, and you will be kept safe under the shadow of my wings until I receive you unto myself and we live in my heavenly kingdom forever! Lovingly, Jesus.

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I am Always with You

Dearest Ones,

I am in constant communication with you now because every moment is of vital importance as time is passing into eternity. The things that are happening in the world are for the express purpose of arousing my people to this moment of time until I close the door probation. I am pleased with your dedication and determination to follow me moment by moment and not to become lax in your devotion and fervor, and to continue the activities that are necessary to open the doors for further opportunities for the messages of truth that I have given you to go out quickly to the world. You do not need to worry about anything in your present and future, because I will provide all you need as you move forward in faith. But you do need to trust that I love you and that I am pleased with you, because it is sometimes easy to become discouraged when you feel that you have made mistakes or have lost your connection with me. As the clouds sometimes obscure the sun, so it may seem that you cannot see me beside you by faith, but I assure you that I am there. Your faith in my love and care for you must not waver in the days ahead, because faith is the victory that overcomes the world, and faith through darkness, weariness, and temptations to become discouraged is essential. Persevere through the trials of each day, and you will soon see my face again as you hold on to my hand and walk with me. Look past the trials and see me surrounding you with an atmosphere of heavenly love. Reach out and touch me through the words of scripture that are always there for you. It is just as verily me as if you could see me standing there beside you. So never look down at your challenges, but look up to your victories and to the joy of being my faithful disciples and friends through the most difficult days that lie ahead. Satan may try to discourage you, but never allow yourself to parley with the enemy for one moment. Do not talk to him, for he loves to get your attention by accusing you of some weakness or fault. But as you look up to me, your weaknesses will turn into strengths and your faults will turn into victories as you give them over to me for inspiration and healing. That is what it means to wear my robe of righteousness, for without me you can do nothing, but through connection with me, my perfect righteousness can flow through you and become your righteousness, and you will be cleansed of earthly thoughts, feelings and behaviors. What a joy it becomes to both you and me to have such a life of peace and oneness with each other!

Now go to the activities of your day, but give thought during the day to your walk with me and let me give you the love and guidance I have for you moment by moment, and you will be a vessel of honor forever in my kingdom! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Speaking the Truth Fearlessly

Dearest Ones,

You have come to a new era in your studies concerning end time events, and I am about to reveal to you hidden treasures that are meant to be understood only by inspiration from the Word of God. I am sending you my Holy Spirit to enlighten you about the things you need to know in order to preach the last warning messages to the world. The work of the third and fourth angels is about to begin as the devil moves forward with his plan to bring in the Sunday-Sabbath issue, because he sees you moving forward and he knows his time is short. Be not afraid to preach the messages that I am giving you that are the last messages that the world will hear before their probation closes forever and the door of mercy is shut. Be not afraid of their faces; be not afraid of church leaders and prelates; be not afraid to speak the truth fearlessly and clearly, for your soul depends upon your willingness to stand up and be counted for me and my truth for this time. This is what it means that you must go through the same thing that the martyrs did [Rev. 6:11], for they spoke the truth for their time against the enemy, even to the sacrifice of their lives. So you must be fearless and bold under the unction of the Spirit when I ask you to unveil what the devil is doing in your time. Your faith and obedience must equal and surpass the deeds of faith of those who have preceded you, for you are the children of the reformers, and you will walk in their footsteps to bring an end to the reign of sin by your testimony of the truth for your time, just as they did for their time. You must be bold and unyielding to the taunts, ridicule and threats of persecution and ostracism, no matter where it comes from, for it is I who will lead you to speak for me and unveil my truth for this time to the world. Go forward, my brave and loyal followers, and you shall receive the reward of your labors and your tears. I am on my way, and the gates of hell will not prevail against you. Band together, pray together, and work both singly and together, and you will see the wheels of progress move forward to the very end of probationary time, and then through the plagues until I come. You are with me now, and you shall be with me throughout eternity, for you have proved yourself to be faithful to my call, and worthy of a place on my throne of glory. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with your obedience and your prayers for the advancement of the work that I have given to you. I will be with you to the end, and you will see great things as you move forward in faith.

The topic for today is "faith." Because of the removal of my Spirit from the earth in gradual stages, it will be harder to sense the general presence of the Spirit as you are accustomed to doing. There has been an atmosphere of grace around the world that people have become accustomed to without knowing that it was I who was providing this because of my sacrifice for the sins of the world. But now there will be a decided change, as I am responding to the choices of men and women and children to substitute the media for my Spirit and feed on that source for comfort instead of looking to me for the help that I alone can give for the health of mind and soul. Satan is largely in control of the media, except for Spirit-filled preachers of righteousness who are holding up candles of light in the darkness. But when people turn to the media and feed off of it as a pacifier against boredom, fear, loneliness and other human ills, they are going straight to the devil to help them through the day, and are virtually becoming possessed by demons. Do you see why I am withdrawing my Spirit? It is not because I am vindictive or punitive, but because I am consenting to the will of the people who no longer want what I have to offer - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, and godly wisdom. It is because of this that I must leave this world to its own devices and lusts and desires, and now focus only upon my chosen ones who love and serve me with their whole heart.

It will be hard for you to live in a world where Satan has almost total reign over people, and even the atmosphere that is in the air. But I will help you by giving you the atmosphere of heaven to surround you, and this atmosphere will be felt by those who come into your presence. Thus people will have one last chance to choose light instead of darkness, peace and holiness instead of the raucous noise of worldly pleasures and influences. But this will mean that you must be in connection with me at all times and have a faith that pierces through the darkness around you and keeps you steady through any trial or temptation that the devil may send to unsettle you or take your eyes off of your hold on me. Sometimes the waves of temptation and doubt may momentarily come between you and me and block me from your view, but in these times you must hold on by faith that I am still there beside you, and that my love and care and purpose for you have not changed. If you hold on by faith, you will soon see me again, and your faith will be even stronger and firmer than before you went through the trial. This builds up a faith that will be able to endure the time of trouble when I will no longer be in the most holy place mediating between you and the Father. Your sins will have gone beforehand to judgment and been blotted out, and there will be nothing in your lives to connect you with Satan's temptations and lies, and you will know that you are safe under the shadow of my wings.

But this will take a faith that endures until the end and comes forth triumphant, just as I did on the cross. This faith I will give you if you will look constantly to me and never doubt my love and care for you. Whether you feel my presence or not, I am there with you and for you. Do not doubt, my child; never allow yourself to doubt my love and care and provisions for you, for these I have won for you by my life, death, resurrection, and mediation for you, and they are yours as long as you accept them and live by faith in these provisions that I have wrought out for you by my blood, which is now applied for you. It is thus that my final remnant will have my faith as predicted in Revelation 14:12. And it is thus that you will be accounted worthy to be among the 144,000 who live through the end without seeing death, for by receiving the faith that saw me through the cross, you will have the faith to persevere and live through the time of trouble. So practice it now, my children, every moment of the day through the trials that come to you, and you will have the faith to persevere until I come to receive you as my own. Lovingly, Jesus.

Rev. 14:11, 12, KJV - "They have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."

NIV - "There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name. This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus."

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Prophecy of War

Good morning! I have a prophecy for you today from Jesus about what is soon to happen. cz

The final war will begin in Old Jerusalem and spread throughout the nation's to the ends of the earth. The probation of the nations is closing this spring, and the Spirit of God, which has been holding them back from each other, will now be withdrawn. The Islamic nations, especially Syria, will be at the head of the attack, but the papacy is really behind it, backed and inspired by Satan, of course, who wants to control the world through the Muslim nations from Jerusalem, and make it the capital of his kingdom on earth. It is a counterfeit of prophecies in scripture which say that God will rule from Jerusalem, and thus Satan will make it appear that this is predicted by scripture, so that even the Protestant world will be deceived and follow the papacy. Sunday-keeping will be enforced as the day of worship, and thus Satan will draw the whole world into the worship of the Beast and his Image. This will soon take place, for I am allowing it to happen. This is what it means for the winds to be let go at the river Euphrates, for this is the area of the earth which will be the focal point. But do not be afraid, for I am in full control of the events of the earth, and I will protect my people with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Please study the scriptures about this matter, and see that I have already predicted this. But my people are asleep for they do not anticipate a real war, and so are oblivious to the signs in the earth that are portentous. Armageddon is the battle for the mountain both physically and spiritually. Satan wants to sit on the utmost heights of the Holy Mountain. He wanted this in the beginning and he has not changed his goals. Although Jerusalem is not now holy, he knows that I will plant my bride, my Holy City, upon that ground, and he wants to preempt my coming down at the end of the thousand years, by setting up his own kingdom there. That is why I will allow him one more chance at the end to show his true heart and his true intentions against my kingdom and my people. Even after the 1000 years of punishment and the desolation of his power and his kingdom, he still is intent on winning the battle against me and my chosen ones. But as you know, I will be victorious against the enemy, and you, my bride, will be victorious with me, for you have already won the battle against sin and Satan by your righteous lives in perfect obedience to the laws of my kingdom. So look up and rejoice, for your redemption draws near! Do not fear the roar of the enemy or be frightened by anything he says or does. You are already safe under the shadow of my wings and nothing can harm you. Do not doubt; do not fear anything, but go steadily forward and I will keep you firm. Have a pleasant day and keep your heart uplifted to me, for I will be with you to the very end! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Praying for the Nations

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with your dedication to my Word, and for sharing its principles so thoroughly with others. This will reap great rewards for all of you, because using the Word in this way opens up all the treasures of heaven.

Each of the nations are under specific demons who are assigned by Satan to capture the nation and control the people to which they are assigned. If I should go in to take what these demons claim as theirs, I would be going against the will of the people who are following them, which are the vast majority. Only my people in each nation who are devoted to me and follow me are not in harmony with the will and purposes of the enemy, and they are few in comparison.

But in my Word I have placed secrets and instructions to use when praying for nations, and I want you to find these and use them. I will guide you as you search for these promises, for I want you to also use them when searching and praying for people in the nations who have open hearts to receive my truth, and thus accomplish the finishing of the work of the gospel quickly around the world. The power of the devil over the kingdoms of earth is truly great, but just as I used the Israelites to dispossess nations whose probation had closed, so I will now use my people to reach and bring out the honest in heart from the nations of the world whose probationary time has ended.

You see, probation closes when I completely remove my Spirit from a nation or from a person. This happens when they have completely resisted my Spirit and have chosen their idols, which is essentially the same as choosing Satan as their leader and their god. As I look out over the world today, I see that every nation has now done this, and the only light that now shines from the world is from my people who have chosen my precepts and my laws, and have rejected the wiles of the devil. Some of these are in other churches and still need to be enlightened about the truths that only my chosen ones know. These I will bring out with a mighty hand under the outpouring of the latter rain and the loud cry. I am sure you know that this will happen in its fullness as I allow the Sunday issue to take prominence as a result of the tragedies that I am allowing to happen in every country around the globe. I am doing this to arouse people to the nearness of the close of probation, which is already in progress, and of my coming. My true people are hearing my voice, and the others are binding in bundles to be burned.

You need to follow my instructions and the leading of my Spirit and my angels, and to cooperate with me in every detail as we move forward together in the power of the Spirit. My Father and I have all power, but we must work through human beings to accomplish our goals. So fear not, but look constantly to me for strength, power and directions, and you will be successful. Fear not for anything, for fear is of the devil. You must be like Gideon's 300 who cared for nothing except the battle, and had complete and total faith in me. Then you will have good success, and win the crown of life that awaits you when the battle is over. Have a pleasant day and have peace with me, for I am at peace with you! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am with you today as each of you begins the day in your worship time with me. These morning hours are very precious to me because they give me a chance to speak to you and fellowship with you and share my heart with you.

Now, my topic for today is "love." This is a subject that has endless varieties and ways of understanding the character of God, for as you know, God is love, and you cannot love God unless you love each other the way I do. Anything less than love means that you will have less ability to love and fellowship with me, for I am thinking constantly of how to reach the heart of each person and penetrate the darkness of the soul that Satan brings about which makes it difficult or even impossible for me to reach them. My Spirit is gentle and not intrusive, and thus will not force an entryway into the heart of even one person. Instead, I bring about or allow circumstances to disturb the calm tenor of life so that the person must begin to think about his destiny, and hopefully his soul's salvation.

Sometimes my intervention seems extreme and even life - threatening, but many times little else can rouse the person to look to me for help. For the wicked, however, even this does not turn their hearts toward me. Thus they go on to perdition without one desire to reach out to me and accept my invitation of life eternal. But there are many whose hearts are already yearning for some relief from the enslavement of sin, and to have the opportunity to accept my love and grasp the salvation that I have procured for them. It is here that I need you the most to reach out to troubled, hungry souls who are in the valley of decision, but do not have the strength or understanding that is needed to make the steps which are necessary to reach out to me, and the devil surrounds them with darkness to cause them to lose all hope.

It is these that I especially sought out when I was upon earth. The Holy Spirit would impress and lead me to them every day, and I was blessed in my spirit as I was able to minister to them and bring life and healing to them. And now you can have the same experience every day. I was an example of what you can be. Minister first to those around you - your family, your friends and acquaintances, your loved ones - anyone that is within the circle of your influence. Let the Spirit of God breathe through you the very atmosphere of heaven, and you will reap rich rewards, both from them and from me.

Then there are others that I will send you to if you are listening to my still, small voice. I know where they are, and I hear their cries for help and I see their suffering. If I were there in person, I would go to them and bring comfort and healing of soul and body. But I now cannot go in person, but you can! You are my ambassadors in this dark world that is soon to go into perdition! You can go in my stead, not only in person, but through the media as I will provide for you to do. Already many have been blessed that you will not know until you get to the kingdom of heaven and sit

down at my table as we rejoice together that the devil is no longer able to touch you or bring darkness and misery and death. Oh, that that day were already here! But there is yet a little space of time where I must battle with the enemy; and with you by my side we will conquer every foe, and I will bring my children home - my faithful ones who have fought valiantly together with me every step of the long journey from Eden to Eden.

Now go to the activities of this preparation day, but keep the sweet perfume of my love for you ever in your heart and mind, and share it with everyone around you and everyone to whom I will send you in my stead. Walk with me today and every day, and I will walk beside you, unseen, but ever present, to make your life a reflection of my love and a conduit of my grace to a dying world and a perishing society. You will be a savor of life unto life, and a stream of living water to those who are thirsty for something better than they now have. And in so doing, you will yourself be blessed with the dew of heaven, and the privilege of working together with me and receiving the sweet fellowship of our being together, which is actually the beginning of eternity. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Calmness of Spirit

Dearest Ones,

My heart is with you today because there is so much for you to do to keep abreast of the fast pace of things that must be done to prepare for my coming. But I do not want you to worry, but look to me for strength, wisdom, energy, understanding, and everything that you will need each day before I come. I will carry your burdens, and counsel you and guide you with unerring accuracy, and no amount of worry on your part can match the need for the calmness of spirit under duress that comes from communion with me.

Now go to the activities of your day, but remember that underneath are the everlasting arms of my love and my purpose for each one of you, and I desire you to practice each day calmness of spirit and trust in me to prepare you for the days ahead. These traits of character cannot be learned in a moment - they are the result of a lifetime of relationship with me, beginning from the moment you accepted me as your Savior and Lord and extending throughout eternity. This is my legacy of love to you - my promise that I will never leave you nor forsake you. But in order to perceive my presence and watchcare over you, you must extend the arm of faith until you touch the hem of my garment, and in that touch is all the help and healing and blessings and wisdom you will ever need until we are face to face at my coming, and then throughout eternity. So drink as much as you need at the fountain of my love and care for you, and you shall see the wonders of blessings that I have in store for you each day as we walk together. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My message for you today is about "cooperation." I am building up the work on earth, in which you are participants, to prepare a people quickly for my coming. As you know, I have been planning for this moment in time for generations - yes, centuries - and now it is time to execute my plans. You are a vital part of my mission, for you have the truth for the end-time people who will finish the work. As you already have perceived, the judgment of the living is the missing part of the vital truths that will propel the work forward. I have kept it in reserve for this time so that no one could go forward unless they go through the cleansing of mind and heart that is necessary to be ready to be sealed, receive the latter rain, and give the loud cry. This process is now open for all to understand. Oh, that my people would open their hearts to this message! But I am moving forward, and my true sheep who hear my voice are following me. So my command is: Go forward! And I shall open the way before you. Although you may stumble, yet you cannot fail if you listen to my still, small voice and obey me at every turn in the road. I have trod this way before you, and nothing can stop the process except if you refuse to follow me, and I know you will not do that because you have already proved yourself to be loyal and faithful.

Now go to the activities of your day with joy in your hearts, for I am with you and I will bring you safely to the promised land! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Sensing the presence of Jesus

Dearest Ones,

You cannot imagine how pleased and happy I am because of your devotion and willingness to go forward in spite of opposition and hardships from those who oppose you and want to stop you from going forward in the pathway that I have assigned you. I know that going against the popular current of thinking is difficult and at times very painful, but I have trod the way before you and I walk with you as you go forward at my bidding and for my name's honor and glory. I have much yet to disclose to you, but I shall reveal only what you can understand and accomplish in the short period of time that we have left to get the work done, and as you move forward, the light will increase according to your need. I want you to sense my presence and guidance constantly, but in order to do this, you will need to keep your spiritual eyes and ears open and be sensitive to my slightest whisper. Thus you will grow in your ability to hear my voice and be in constant communication with me. You cannot get through the end of time unless you know my voice and have cleansed hearts that hear and respond and understand. Thus you will be my instruments for the finishing of the work! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Our only Safety

Dearest Ones,

As we move forward together, please be aware that the devil is walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, and you are a target of his wrath because he sees you moving forward, and he knows that your message is a death knell to his cause. He is asking for permission to slay you because you are not completely cleansed in every aspect, yet you are carrying the final message of truth to the world as I am asking you to do. But be not afraid, for I am with you to protect and guard you as you go forward at my command. You are soldiers in the Lord's army, and as such you are under my constant guardianship. However do not become careless and complacent, or bold in your own strength, but lie humbly at my feet and trust in me and not in yourself, and I will protect and guide you in the days ahead. I am never absent from you for one moment. But as you enter into the final battle with the evil one, your only safety is in looking constantly to me and following my instructions. Be alert, be watchful, be bold in speaking the truth and entering new horizons for the glory of my Father, and I will be with you to lead, Inspire, and protect you.

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your ear tuned to the still small voice of my Spirit. I love and value your devotion and willingness to do anything I ask you to do, and together we will triumph over the enemy and win the victory over the hosts of darkness. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Catastrophes—the result of wickedness and rebellion

Dearest Ones,

I want to inform you that you are correct when you see the signs and catastrophes around the world, especially in California, that there is a direct cause and effect concerning the wickedness of society and the sad condition of my chosen people. I am not pleased with the rebellion of the NAD president, and the deleterious effect this is having upon my church and all those who are in agreement and support of this rebellion. It is not that I am in harmony with all that is going on in the decisions that have been made, but a rebellious attitude of such magnitude is never from me. As is always the case, rebellion is like a disease that spreads from one person to another of like mind, and this will cause the loss of many people who become sympathizers who could have been influenced in the opposite direction if proper leadership had been displayed. The ramifications of this attitude will be far-reaching and give Satan access to many people who look to leaders instead of directly to me.

But I have a remnant who are loyal to me and to the principles of my government, who are thinkers and not simply responders to other people's ideas. These I can work with, and they hear my voice and follow my leadership. Therefore I will have enough to go forward to my goals of having a people with whom I can finish the work quickly and bring an end to sin and sinners at last. Thank you for being among that number who follow my leading at all cost to themselves. Your reward will be great in the kingdom of heaven, and the power of your leadership and example will influence many to be saved.

Now go to your well-deserved rest, but keep in mind that every day brings you one day closer to the climax of history and to everlasting peace and glory in the kingdom of heaven with my Father and me and all the holy angels, and the nations of the saved. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Praying for the Children

Dearest Ones,

I was happy to attend your services today through the Holy Spirit and the angels. I always enjoy being with my beloved ones on earth who are serving me faithfully and thinking upon my love and care and my mercies and leading in their lives throughout the week. As you can see in the world, the time before my coming is short, and the catastrophes are signs to awaken the world that I am withdrawing my Spirit from the earth in preparation for the close of probation. But what concerns me the most is my chosen people. There is a hardness of heart toward the nearness of my coming and the preparation necessary that will ensure their salvation and the salvation of their families. Almost always the next generation is less prepared than the last, and if I should allow probationary time to go on, no one would be left. That is why I must cut short the time, and take this generation home to be with me, because the next generation is so filled with the world and the media that many are barely human, but have become just an extension of the thoughts and ideas that are in the media, which are largely from the devil, who has almost complete control of the hearts and thoughts of men, women, and children. This is why I want you to pray for your children, for they are of this generation, and without your prayers and influence and example, most would be lost to the kingdom of heaven. However, I have been watching over them since their conception, and I have a plan to save them if you will cooperate with me. Therefore my message for you today is: "How to pray for your children."

First, take an inventory of their entire lives. What was going on throughout their lives until now? Pray and confess the discrepancies of your own and others' influence upon them, and the bent toward good or evil that you see in their lives, as well as yours which you have passed on to them, or that they have inherited from you and your forebears to the 3rd and 4th generation. I will bless you as you do this, and reveal things to you that you have not thought of before that need to be confessed. I will hear your prayers and answer you as you obey my instruction, and the leading of my Spirit. The tragedies that are going on around the world are being allowed by me to arouse the people of the world, my church, and your children of the reality of my soon coming. Take advantage of this while there is yet time! Start today and I will bless you as you do, for my presence will be with you and guide you.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep in mind my instructions and leading, and trust in me that I will answer you as you pray to me, not only today, but every day until probation closes. I will open up the hearts of your children to you, and I will fulfill my promises in Scripture for the salvation of your children. Search for these and use them as I shall lead you to do so, and I will answer you. Remember that your children are my children, too, and I love them even more than you do! So cooperate with me and I will answer you even more than you can ask or think! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Safe by looking to Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I have not given a message of any length for some time, but today I want to express my appreciation to all of you who are working so diligently for me and maintaining a positive spirit and keeping in constant communication with me, for this is imperative to the success of the work that is before us. You have no idea how much joy it gives to my Father and me and all the holy angels to be able to go forward for the culmination of the reign of sin. The defection of Lucifer and third of the angels who followed him, and then the fall of Adam and Eve and the whole human race, has been a source untold pain for the universe. But with joy we now enter into the final phase of the plan of salvation, and we want you to experience that joy with us. Yes, there are troubles ahead to go through, but you will never be left alone through it all. Angel guards will be stationed around you to protect and guide you, and your part is to cooperate with them and never do anything on your own without consulting me for guidance and instructions. You do not have to be filled with trepidation lest you should make a mistake, for I have calculated everything that lies before you. But beware of listening to the howling of the wolves who want to take away your faith and confidence in the way I have led and how I will continue to lead you. Satan is baffled by your faith and confidence and connection with me, but it only stirs him up to be more on the offensive against you. But you will be safe as long as you look to me and turn away from anything that would distract you from constant connection with me.

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep uppermost in your mind that I am only a prayer away, and you can seek me and find me whenever you need me, and for any reason. You never have to languish in feelings of fear or doubt, because these emotions cut off the flow of faith that is essential to your well-being and connection with me. Faith is the connecting link between your heart and mine, and keeps you steadfast when the stormy winds blow. So take up your positions today and every day, and advance against the enemy in full confidence and assurance that I am with you until the end. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Working Together in Love and Divine Unity

Dearest Ones,

I want to be with you today in a special way because you are growing so much in your love for me and your membership is growing and I want to give you courage and support in the direction that you are going. The future is unknown to you, but it is known to me, and there will be a need for you to stay close and in tune with me, because as the membership grows there is a tendency to rely more on each other for support and programming. But let each of you be subject one to another under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and avoid all wrangling and criticism, suspicion or backbiting, as tends to happen as membership grows, which of course is my goal for you. If there are problems, pray together and singly until you know my will and come into harmony in the Spirit as did my disciples in the early years after Pentecost. The latter rain is now falling, and will continue to fall to prepare you for what is ahead, but that does not negate the need for oneness of mind and spirit between you. I will help you if you will look to me and follow my directions, and blessings will be upon all as we work together in love and divine unity.

Now go to the activities of the day, but keep your heart and mind in tune with my Spirit and you cannot help but receive the blessings I have for you today. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Share the advanced light with the world

Dearest Ones,

I just have a short message for you today to instruct you to go forward as quickly as I open the way for you. Try all doors and I will open the ones that will guide you on the correct pathway. I am touching many hearts around the world to be open for the messages of hope and instruction in righteousness that I am giving to you. You are the ones with the most light, but I am giving others the same light and they, too, are moving forward. But the advanced light on the trumpets and the deep experiential meaning of the Sanctuary belongs to you because you have asked for and received the body of truth that you now possess. But it is to be shared with the world, for it is a saving message for these last days to prepare a people to be cleansed and ready when I come.

Now go to the activities of your day, and I will be with you by my Spirit and the angels whom I have assigned to attend you. Therefore you are never alone, and the inspiration I have for you will be multiplied as you share it with others. Be of good cheer, for you are the last of the remnant that I will use to call all the faithful and honest in heart to the banquet of my love for the entire human race. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Look to me for everything

Dearest Ones,

All of you are very busy doing the things that I have asked you to do, as well as the tasks that fall to you each day. I do not want to burden you above what you are able to bear. But I want you to know that I am ever near you to strengthen and guide and sustain you on the pilgrim pathway to heaven in the days ahead. If you need anything, just ask, seek, and you will find. My heart is ever with you and you are never alone. Angels attend you moment by moment, and my Holy Spirit is your constant companion to guide and direct you and give you joy, peace, and holiness.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never fear anything that Satan may throw into your pathway, or evil suggestions that he may try to put into your mind. I will never leave nor forsake you, and if you immediately resist the temptations of the devil, you will have my power to overcome anything the devil may throw to thwart your pathway. Look to me for everything, and I assure you, you will not be disappointed. Now rest in me, watch for my providences, and listen to my still small voice speaking to your heart. For if you seek me with all your heart, you will surely find me. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I want you to know that when persecution happens, I have allowed it in order to spread the truth that I have given you to share with the world. Never think that you are alone and that you have caused this in some way, or that there is no divine purpose in what you are experiencing. No, it is all for my glory and for the spread of the present truth that I have given you. In due time it will be more understood and accepted by the honest in heart.

Now for the topic of today. It is "endurance." Not more surely is there a place prepared for you in heaven than there is the place for you to labor on earth. If you should abdicate your place, there are those who would be lost as a result of your absence. That may seem harsh, but it is true, nevertheless, for I must abide by the laws of cause and effect and personal choice. Otherwise, Satan could truthfully say that I set up kings and tear down kings and individuals according to my whims, desires, or preferences. So individual choice has to be preserved, regardless of the outcome.

However, I have the power to regulate the final outcome by working with my people who choose me and my truth, and answering their prayers and guiding them to be victorious over the evil one and his purpose; for truth and righteousness will ultimately prevail against lies and darkness. So never fear for the outcome of your labors of love for me, for I can turn darkness into light, and I can overturn every plan of the evil one to overthrow my people who love and serve me.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep a calm, trusting spirit within your heart, and watch for my providences and pray for the triumph of the last phase of the work of the gospel to reach every honest soul around the globe, for I will answer your prayers of faith and you will see the triumph of your labors.

Lovingly, Jesus.

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Light for the final Generation

Dearest Ones,

You are being tempted by the evil one to become negatively affected in your spirit by the rejection of your messages from me and the light that I am giving you on the trumpets. But I want to encourage you today not to look down at these things and allow the devil to discourage or hurt you in any way. Remember that this has always been the experience of those who bring new light to a people or generation, for Satan wants to hold people to a certain acceptable way of thinking and believing, and not allow for the light to shine from heaven for each generation, as I have promised to do.

Light and knowledge from me is always progressive [Prov. 4:18]; therefore Satan sets himself to oppose it and keep people in darkness and error in order to control their minds. He is well aware that if people cling to their traditions, the light of the truth will be extinguished by the development of traditions. Therefore, he holds people to whatever they already have in order to oppose advancing truth. God is not stagnant, and light is always advancing, even in heaven. This does not mean that truth will change, for truth is dynamic, and new light has always be based upon the solid foundation of the truth that has already been given. So new light is never in opposition to what God has already established.

For example, the current study of the trumpets. The foundation for the study has been laid down in Numbers 10:1-10. Then throughout the rest of Scripture you can search and understand what the expanding truth about the use and meaning of trumpets has been for every generation, including your own until I come. There is an application for your time as you know, and I want you to search diligently for the gems of truth about the trumpets that I have scattered throughout Scripture and history to find the hidden gems of light for the final generation. Those who refuse to do this, or oppose your work on this subject, will be left in darkness about the final events of earth's history. I never have given something in Scripture that is not vital, and especially for the last generation. Therefore, I am making the whole Bible come alive for you to seek and find the gems of truth scattered through it and find the continuity of all Scripture, and I will guide you by my Spirit to find just what you need to be able to preach the last warning message with power and grace.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your mind open to the impulses of the Holy Spirit guiding and directing you and leading you into all the truth that is necessary to finish the work. Lovingly, Jesus.

For further study on advancing light: COL 78; 127; EV 198; 296, 7.

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