“Follow on to Know the Lord”

Dearest Ones,

As you begin your busy week of activities, I want to extend my hand to you to walk with me through the unknown. I say this because no matter how many plans you have, you do not know what each day will bring. Therefore my topic for today is "follow on to know the Lord." [Hos. 6:3.]

Every day I take a personal interest in each of you and know everything that is happening to you, down to the slightest detail in your life. I know your trials, your experiences, your hopes and dreams, your accomplishments - in short, I am involved in the pulse of your life each moment of the day. Can you just imagine how important that makes you to me? And can you also imagine what it would be like if you were just as aware of my presence and love and care for you as I am of you? That would mean that we could have constant communion and instant access to each other every moment of the day or night. I would like for you to aim for this as your goal, for if you do, I will guide you through everything you experience each day, and for you, heaven will begin now.

Now I want to explain more clearly how to practice this type of experience. The first key to a successful daily journey with me is to speak to me about everything and keep your thoughts open to me each moment. This is how Enoch walked with me, and so it can be with you. [1 BC 1087.] In fact, if you expect to be translated as he was, you must have the same experience he had with me. He was an example for you. And this is not difficult when it has become your habit to refer all your thoughts and feelings and experiences to me as you go throughout your day. [6 T. 393.] You will be surprised how this will become second nature to do this, for this is how I created mankind to function. Only when Eve, and then Adam, ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil did the thoughts of fallen man become centered on self and consulting self instead of me.

But this condition can be completely healed now, because I have lived that perfect life of constant communion with my Father while on earth, and I never separated from Him for even one moment. So it can be with you! Then you will be my friend and know my voice and obey me just as Abraham did. This is why all my people who follow me will be spiritually the children of Abraham [Gal. 3:7-9] and heirs according to the promise [v. 29] that I gave to him. Not everyone who says, Lord! Lord! [Matt. 7:21] to me will be chosen as children of Abraham when I come to receive my inheritance. That is why I told the Pharisees that they were not children of Abraham, but the children of the devil [John 8:44], for their thoughts and deeds and intents of the heart [Heb. 4:12] were in harmony with him.

So it will be in the end when I come to get my people to take them home to live with me. Do you recall what I said to Abraham? "Walk before me, and be thou perfect [blameless - NIV]."

Gen. 17:1. This has always been my goal for my people. [Phil. 2:14, 15.] But this is especially true of those who live to see me come. [1Cor. 1:7, 8; 1 Thess. 3:13; 5:23; 2 Pet. 3:13, 14.] That is why I cannot come to receive my inheritance and the fruit of my sacrifice until the plan of salvation produces this finished product in my people. And I will have them in my 144,000 who will stand with me on Mount Zion as the firstfruits of all my labors from the beginning of the rebellion in heaven. [Rev. 14:1-5.]

Do you want to be among that number? You can if you follow me faithfully every day, every moment, and confer with me about everything as did Enoch. He was an example of the holiest of my people at the end of time who will live to see me come without seeing death, for they have followed me through the entire cleansing process of the Most Holy Place and blotting out of sin so that I can say, "It is finished!" and close probationary time for the world. This is what I am preparing my people for right now, and thus I am writing this to you to invite you to be among that number. You can if you will choose to walk with me just as I walked with my Father when I was upon earth. This is the supreme example of how holiness is acquired. It is a willing, eager connection with me every moment to receive my perfect life infused into you through my Spirit, and recognized and sealed in [Rev. 14:1; 22:3, 4] by the outpouring of the latter rain. [Hos. 6:1-3; Acts 3:19; 4 BC 1178.]

Does this help you to understand better what perfection is and how it is obtained? It is my perfection poured out into you through constant communion with me moment by moment. I invite you to experience this in your walk with me day by day until I come and take you home! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Second and Fourth Angel’ Messages

Dearest Ones,

Today I have a message that will bring you encouragement and hope for the days ahead. Much work was done at ASI that will bring souls to the kingdom of heaven. Most have not heard the light that is shining from your ministry from me, especially the study guides, which teach truth for this time for those who desire it. But now I want to turn your minds toward the next phase of present truth, which is the second and fourth angels' messages predicting the fall of Babylon. This is now present truth. Babylon represents the commingling of truth with error, which is a deadly combination, for it is Satan's lie that began in the Garden of Eden when he deceived Eve at the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Deception seems so pleasant and alluring at first because it patronizes the desire of the human heart to better themselves or to rise to a higher sphere of action or position. This is the root of the sin problem in Lucifer's heart, and continues to be the root of sin in every heart. There is a desire to be relieved of mental or emotional discomfort in thinking that one is deprived of something that is to be desired for advancement or pleasure. How can this arise in a sinless being? For every truth there is a counterfeit. The truth is that I have created everything with the desire and ability to continue to grow and develop endlessly throughout eternity, with increasing wisdom and understanding, learning forever from the fathomless resources which my Father and I possess and offer to every created being. Thus, growth and learning and advancement in wisdom and ability to perceive and accomplish is a gift from God and an attribute received from God's limitless resources.

But these gifts are always a result of obedience and relationship with God, never upon one's own perception of themselves, and ideas and plans apart from God. So when Lucifer's decided to establish his own kingdom apart from me, he had to war against me in order to establish his authority. Since my Father and I are the supreme source of all wisdom and truth, no one can set up his own kingdom without warring against us. Therefore when this goal is attempted, love ceases to exist, and hatred, animosity and loss of love, happiness, safety, and wisdom brings the death of everything good. In other words, good and evil cannot coexist without producing death, which is the result of eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The point of what I am saying is that there are many Christians who want to coexist with the product of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They are virtually saying, "Some of Christ and some of Belial." This I will not accept in any of my followers, for it is not of me, but of the devil. He thought he could rebel against me and still have heaven, too. No one knew about death when he began his journey. No one knew what would happen if they ceased to have access to the tree of life. But I have allowed this to play out to the fullest extent to show the results of choosing to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil instead of the tree of life.

Now my display is nearly at an end, because the full results of the man of sin is coming to a culmination. Only a little more time remains. And my question to each person is, what will you choose today? Will you tolerate sin in your life while claiming to be my followers? Will you refuse to imbibe in the things that come through the media which are not inspired by me? Will you listen to the false teachers who tell you that because of my sacrifice you can continue in sin until I come before you can have a complete character change? Will you choose when, what, and how much you eat and drink according to your uncleansed appetite, or will you, like Daniel and his three friends, say "no" to the appetites and lusts of the flesh? By living a life of acceptance of the standards of the world while claiming to be my disciples, you are as surely accepting the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil from the hand of the serpent as did Eve, and then Adam, who followed her enticements.

This is why I am so pleased with my faithful followers at this time who are steadfastly refusing to indulge in sinful practices, and are saying, "no" to the lusts of the world and the flesh, and the temptations of the evil one, and are cooperating with my final work in the heavenly Sanctuary of cleansing and blotting out their sins. This means that I can now go forward with my chosen and faithful ones to end the reign of sin and the devil's challenge to my kingdom of light, peace, joy, and love. Will you also choose to join us if you have not already, and be a part of the final display of light against darkness, perfection of character against sin, and eternal life against eternal death?

I love everyone -- every person who has received my life force to bring them into existence. But I cannot allow the fruit of darkness and rebellion to ever enter heaven again. So choose you this day whom you will serve, and to whose kingdom you will belong. For those who surrender to my love and accept the gift of eternal life that I have provided for you at such a cost, the doors of heaven will open, and you shall enter in, clothed with the white robe of my righteousness. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

As the time for my coming draws near, I am sending my Holy Spirit and angels to every soul who is honest in heart and longing for something better than what they presently have. I will leave no soul unwarned, no person without a chance to receive salvation before probation closes. I can do this because I have workers in the field all over the world who are rays of light shining in the darkness of error. To these I will send the souls who are hungering for truth and hope, and a refuge from the storm. Thus my subject for today is "Hope."

I created mankind with the capacity for endless joy and love, and a desire to reach the highest levels of achievement in every area. This capacity is the bedrock from which springs hope, because no matter how much you have of my bounties, there is an endless supply beyond that is waiting for you to discover and achieve. Thus it will be throughout eternity. Eternal life would become a burden if there would be no new things to learn, new heights to surmount, new and wonderful things to experience. So hope is not just desiring something that you don't have. Hope is the realization that there is an unknown and glorious future waiting for you to discover and enjoy as you reach out for it and walk with me in the process of discovery. I am infinite, and my gifts to you are infinite, for they come from me. All that your mind can conceive will be yours throughout eternity. In that sense, heaven begins even now, for you do not know what a day will bring. I have surprises and rewards for you each day that you cannot imagine, for you do not know the mind of God, nor can you perceive it beyond what our daily walk together reveals.

When I was on earth, I lowered myself to the common level of humanity in order to experience just what you experience. I laid my omniscience aside and received each day only what the Father revealed to me. So it is to be with you. You can be sure and certain that I have good things and blessings in store for you if you will walk in the pathway that I have marked out for you. And I will give you grace for every trial, strength for every burden, and light upon your pathway from my throne in heaven. Do you desire to walk with me today in conscious agreement and companionship? That is my invitation to you and my gift for everyone who accepts me and listens to my voice. I can keep you from a thousand perils and help you avoid being deceived or overtaken by the temptations of the evil one. I have walked the pathway of life before you, and I know every step of the journey. So let me be your guide and companion today, and we will have the relationship together that I had with Enoch and Abraham, for we will walk together as friends!

Now go to the activities of your day, but don't forget that I am just waiting to pour out my richest blessings upon you and give you all the wisdom and strength and happiness and peace that will bring you into companionship with the family in heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Trumpets

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with your dedication to receive all the light that I have for you to learn and share about the trumpets. There will be continuing light on this important subject until the close of probation. It is an important part of the loud cry of Revelation 18, and the understanding of the second and third angels' messages as they apply to the final generation. I am now ready to open up the subject of the trumpets to the world, for it is my invitation and warning to come into the hiding place of my Sanctuary before it is too late. [Isa.26:20, 21.] Therefore the subject for today is "the trumpets." [Rev. Chapters 8-11.]

I have not addressed this before to any generation because it was not present truth for them. The seven trumpets of Revelation were given specifically for the final generation who would see me come in the clouds of heaven. This is because the seventh trumpet is the announcement of my coming in all my glory. [Matt. 24:30, 31.] It is also the battle cry against the nations of earth who have not served me, but have rejected the messages of warning which they will have heard in the three angels' messages, [Rev. 14:1-12] and the fourth angel of Revelation 18. These messages are due to be preached now, and will swell to the loud cry as my coming draws nearer. You will see the progression of events coming to pass that will require the full message of Revelation 18.

The light of these messages must go forward to counteract the darkness that is upon the people, [Isa. 60:1-3] even in my church. Those who do not want to hear or understand the necessity of the cleansing that is needed to be prepared for my coming will be your sharpest and most intense enemies, because they do not want to believe that their present condition will not be acceptable when I come, and that they must humble themselves and search their hearts and repent of every sin that remains upon their souls and upon their records in heaven.

I am now preparing to blot out the names of those who shall rise up against the light that I am giving on these subjects. They do not realize that they are rejecting the light of the latter rain, nor will they until it is too late, just as Satan only realized his error when he was cast out of heaven. They will then come to you and ask for the extra oil [Matt. 25:8], but you will have nothing to give them after the cleansing time has passed, and probation has closed. Then they will be cast into outer darkness, and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth as they realize their eternal loss. [Lu. 13:24-28.] At that time the devil will appear upon earth [LDE 162-9; GC 624] and encourage them that I have come at last, and they will be deceived because they will then be completely under his delusive power. They will be among the foremost in condemning you to death and urging the death decree.

It is then that I will appear in the clouds of heaven to route my enemies and save my people from death. And I will sound my trumpet call that will pierce the ears of the dead, and my sleeping saints will arise to life [1Cor. 15:51, 52] and live with me forever in my kingdom of light, love, peace, joy and safety. Never again will they be tempted, harassed, threatened or persecuted. Never again will they be tortured and murdered for my sake. My trumpet call is also a battle cry against my enemy, just as each trumpet that the seven angels blow is a warning to Satan and his evil host that I am in charge of the world that he claims as his citadel, and that I am about to bring him down to the pit for 1,000 years, just as I said I would do. [Rev. 20:1-3.] Each trumpet is an announcement that I am destroying his kingdom bit by bit and piece by piece. Each trumpet is an example of how the devil cannot keep his kingdom together - the elements, the animals of the sea, the land and the air, and the nations over which he claims it is his right to rule.

Therefore, be joyful my faithful ones, that you have chosen to follow me and know my plan and preach it fearlessly to the world. Satan will hate your victory over him in presenting this, because you are reminding him that his kingdom is being destroyed and mine is being built up in the person of my faithful followers. He has always been angry with my followers who have lived and served me even unto death. His hope has been that if he could prevent the development of a final cleansed remnant, he could still win the war against me. But now that he sees you moving forward, and he hears the truth that you are presenting, he is desperate to keep others from learning how to be set free from the power of sin in their lives. But do not be afraid to move forward, for I am your Captain, and I will go before you and lead you to victory over all the hosts of darkness.

You must not move aggressively in your own strength and ability and wisdom, for you are helpless on your own against the plans of the enemy. Without my leadership and protection, and the success of the final cleansing of my people, Satan would win the great controversy and would claim that his power to win the hearts and lives and obedience of people was greater than my power to save people from the effects of sin. But as he now sees my people moving forward in the cleansing during my second apartment work, he is determined to undermine the truth that you are presenting; and he is desperate to keep others from learning how to be set free from the power of sin in their lives. But do not be afraid, for as you go forward, I will cause the light will shine everywhere, and then the end will come. Look to me and trust in me and you cannot fail.

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep calm and keep connected with me, and I will fulfill my purpose through you. Trust and go forward, and you will see the salvation of the Lord. Lovingly, Jesus.

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"Well done, thou good and faithful servant”

Dearest Ones,

The time has arrived when I want every person to dedicate every moment to be in harmony and oneness with me in every area of their lives. This is the work of the Holy Spirit in its fullness in the time of the latter rain. Until now, there has been a great latitude extended to mankind, because of the natural needs of the flesh and the hereditary and cultivated sins coming down through the generations. But now that I am about to finish my work in the Most Holy Place, there must be perfect harmony of spirit between me and those who have chosen to go through the time of trouble such as never was in the history of mankind. [Dan. 12:1.]

The reason I can shelter my chosen ones during that time is because they are in complete harmony and oneness with me, and every avenue in the brain that would make them susceptible to the temptations of Satan has been cleansed by the blood of sprinkling. [Heb. 12:22-24.] In other words, if you are still in harmony with the mind of the evil one, to him you will belong, and he has access to you in the areas of thinking and feeling that agree with him. Although I have borne long with mankind, I will no longer do so after my final cleansing and blotting out of sin is finished and I close my intercessory work in the Most Holy Place. At that time every person will have made their final decision on every issue of life, and there will be no more work for me to do in interceding for my people, for all will have cooperated with me in the cleansing and will be sealed in their foreheads and filled by the latter rain.

That work is now almost finished, but there is yet a little time for the last warning message to be preached, and to have its full effect to gather in all who are honest in heart and desire a place in my kingdom. Then the door of salvation will close forever, and I will pronounce the solemn words, "It is done." No more prayers will be accepted from those who have turned away from the still small voice of my Spirit speaking to their hearts. No more words will be heard from my faithful ones who have preached the last messages of warning and appeal to the rejecters of my grace.

What a sad time for my Father and me and the loyal angels who have labored diligently in the harvest field to turn the hearts of people to the truths contained in the messages that were being preached by my faithful ones! I do not relish the death of the wicked, [Eze. 33:11] but grieve over the souls who will never see the light of my countenance or receive my approbation. Sin has been a terrible experience for the universe, and when I close probationary time, there will be a period of silence in heaven. [Rev. 8:1.] But then my heart and all my love and protection will be focused upon my lovely ones who have listened to my voice and followed my counsel and have come into full agreement with me on every subject and every point, and have loved not their lives to the death [Rev. 12:11] if I had required that of them.

But my martyrs of the past have proved their loyalty to me, and now my final people will prove to the universe that a fully cleansed people can stand through the time of trouble without a mediator and yet not sin against me even in their hearts. Thus the work of the plan of salvation will be finished, and a glorious, sin-free eternity will begin. Do you want to be among that number who stand before my throne on the sea of glass and sing the song of Moses and the lamb which no man can sing except the 144,000 [Rev. 14:3] who have a witness for me that no one else can do? My last generation of cleansed people will be the marvel of men and angels and inhabitants of other worlds, because every sin will have been cleansed by my blood at the worst time in history. May each of you who read this message be among that number when I make up my jewels in the last generation. [Mal. 3:16-18.]

Now go to the activities of your day, but remember me in all you do and in all your thoughts, and I will guide you in the most minute details of your life. Thus you will become filled by my Spirit and a finished product of my grace and salvation, and when I come you will hear me say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant...enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." [Matt. 25:21.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

Every day that you get up in the morning is a day closer to my coming. It is a day to rejoice in my love and care for you; and it is a day to walk with me in service.

Now for the topic of today. It is "restoration." This has been my plan since the defection of Lucifer in the courts of heaven. I do not make anything that is expendable. From the spheres and galaxies that circle the heavens to the tiniest plant that springs from the sod, I have a purpose. Some things are simply to fill the earth with beauty and song. But when I created lofty Adam and gave Eve to him to be his companion, I did so with the intention of elevating them to fill the empty places that were vacated by Lucifer and the fallen angels. [R&H 5/08/1894; ST 5/29/01.]

Do you realize how devastating it was to lose one-third of the angels in heaven? There was much grieving by the Father and I and all the loyal angels. Before Lucifer's defection, every angel looked up to him as their chosen leader and beloved friend, for I had created him with many winsome gifts and talents of leadership that won the admiration and loyalty and trust of all the angels. After he and the disloyal angels who followed him were cast out of heaven, I immediately instated Gabriel in Lucifer's position, for he also was a covering cherub, possessing great stateliness and virtue of character, and his loyalty and love for me was unbounded. He was the leader of the loyal angels who did not defect, and influenced many who were wavering to return to their allegiance to me.

But no one can, or ever will, take the exact place of Lucifer, for I will never again place in the hands of one created being the power and glory that he had. But I will distribute these same gifts and qualities among my beloved and faithful ones who follow me through the final events of the battle with evil at the close of this earth's history. Then all the accusations of the devil will be refuted in the lives of those who are cleansed, sealed, and fully baptized with the latter rain. These are the 144000, and their victory over sin and the temptations of the evil one are, and will ever be, the full display of what I can do to deliver anyone from sin if they will choose with all their hearts to come into oneness with me. They will refute every argument and accusation of the devil against me, my love, my character, and my government.

Then the great controversy will be ended, and sin and sinners will be forever eradicated from the universe, never to rise again. But now it is time to put on the full armor of God [Eph. 6:10-17], for the war with sin is not yet over. The final battle with wicked men and the evil demons who lead and inspire them is approaching, and I want my faithful ones to be by my side as we enter into that battle. It will be short, but extremely intense. And in order to survive it, you must be cleansed of every sin, for sin is sympathy with the cause of the evil one and his accusations against me. Therefore you must diligently search your hearts under the leading of the Holy Spirit and see if there be any wicked way in you. As David said after falling to the temptation of lust:

"Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: . . . Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. . . . Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not from thy presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness." Ps. 51:2-14.

There must be nothing in your heart that responds to, or agrees with, the temptations of the evil one. Your heart must be pure, your trust in me unwavering, and your determination to have complete victory unshakable. Then you can be sealed for eternity, for your inner character will be exactly in tune with mine, and that which I displayed while I was on earth which saw me through the final battle with the devil in Gethsemane and on the cross. He was a beaten foe then, and now he will be a beaten foe for the last and final time through my people, my cleansed bride, who will be in complete harmony and agreement with me on everything. Thus I will display to the universe once and for all that my sacrifice and my blood can cleanse and restore mankind to the uttermost, and silence forever every accusation against me by the prince of darkness. Therefore, I can now move forward to the finishing of the work of the redemption of mankind, for I have a remnant of my people who are willing to sacrifice all to follow me through the cleansing, the sealing, the latter rain, the time of trouble, and the battle of Armageddon, which ends when I come to take my faithful people home.

Rise, my beloved one, and trust me in the days ahead. I have paved the way before you and I will strengthen and sustain you through any future hardships that you may experience. Do not fear that I will not provide everything that you will need to be successful and live in safety. Satan may threaten, but I will protect you from every plan of the evil one, for you are the apple of my eye, and the reward for all my sufferings.

Go now to the activities of your day, but remember who you are and the goal that is set before you, which is to persevere to the end and hold the banner of truth and salvation high for all the world to see. Satan and his angels cannot pass through this standard, because it is dipped in the blood of my sacrifice for you. Please keep your eyes upward to me and watch for my providences and listen to my guiding voice, and you cannot fail to please me. "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matt. 11:29, 30.

Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

You are on the pathway that I want you to be -- preparing to give the loud cry of the second and fourth angels' messages to the world. Do not hold back, but cry aloud, for the day of the Lord is near and hasteth greatly. [Zeph. 1:14.]

The topic for today is "alertness." The times demand a people who know the signs which I am sending and interpret them correctly. Of course, you must have the Spirit of the Lord in order to do this, and in order to have the Spirit you must have cleansed lives and hearts where the Spirit can dwell. At this time above all others, the whole focus must be upon preparation for my coming, for anything less leaves you at the mercy of the temptations and delusions of the evil one. Now the devil knows that his time is short, because he sees the preparations that are being made by my faithful people; so he will double his efforts to keep my people asleep and distracted by things that are happening in their lives and in society.

The media has a numbing effect on the mind, because you can watch the amazing things that are transpiring around the world, yet none of it really touches your lives or the lives of your friends and loved ones. This trains the mind to think that it will always be that way. But this is a deception. As the end draws near, you must make every effort to get into the hiding place of my protection:

"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain." Isa. 26:20, 21.

This is referring to the time of trouble and the plagues. But it is imperative to recognize that the preparation time is before this happens, for then the door of salvation will be closed. Now is the time to come into the hiding place of safety. What is this place of refuge? It is a perfect and complete relationship with me so that I can surround you with holy angels and fill you with my Holy Spirit, which is the sealing agent which stamps upon your foreheads the inscription, "Holiness to the Lord." [Ex. 28:36.] You will preach my final message to the world before its destruction. But in order to give the call to come out of Babylon, you must have come out of it yourself. There must be no love of the world and the things of the world, or your mind cannot be cleansed of the love of the world and its pleasures and attractions. Let no one be like Lot's wife whose heart was wedded to her treasures.

Now is the time to search your hearts with lamps [Zeph. 1:12] and put away everything from your lives that would prevent the Holy Spirit from cleansing every corner of your heart. Soon the scenes portrayed in both the Old and New Testaments concerning the end of time will be displayed and experienced by all who are upon the face of the earth. Only my people who love and serve me and have my name and my Father's name written in their foreheads [Rev. 14:1] will be protected. I know that this seems to be a severe message, but I am deeply concerned for the majority of my people who are thinking that they have many more years to prepare for my coming and the things that will happen at the end of time. The human mind cannot comprehend the end of life as they know it now. It has always been this way when my judgments were sent upon the earth for a people or a nation. It always takes the majority of people by surprise. Only those who are in tune with my Spirit and keeping their minds open to my guidance are hearing the trumpet and discerning the messages that I am sending. All others will suffer the fate of the wicked who fall in the general destruction.

Now I want to change the course of my message and focus entirely upon my people. These are they who are following the narrow path up the mountain side that Ellen White saw in vision. They are focused upon the journey upward, and are cherishing the light of the 1844 message, plus all the light that is being poured out now in the latter rain. It has taken six thousand years to prepare my people for this time; but now the harvest of the earth is ripe. The wicked have come to the same condition as was Lucifer and his angels when they were cast out of heaven. All the light was shining upon him, and yet he sinned in direct opposition to the maximum amount of light possible. When the latter rain is poured out, all the light possible will shine upon this generation, for no one will have to choose their eternal destiny without having a chance to see and respond to the accumulated light of history.

So do you see why I can close up probationary time so soon? It is because my signs in the earth, combined with the preaching of the fullness of the latter rain by my cleansed people, will leave nothing more that can be done for the wicked. My deepest concern is for my people who are half-hearted and feel they are safe just because they profess to believe and do not realize that a profession is not enough. A perfect description of this condition is found in Zephaniah 1:4, 5:

"I will stretch out my hand against Judah and against all who live in Jerusalem. I will destroy every remnant of Baal worship in this place, the very names of the idolatrous priests - those who bow down on the roofs to worship the starry hosts, those who bow down and swear by the Lord and who also swear by Molek. . . ." NIV.

These are Christians in name only and cannot receive my seal of my approval in their foreheads. But you, my chosen ones, are the joy of my heart as I see you laboring to be free from every sin and constantly seeking to be in harmony with the advancing light that you are receiving. And I tell you, you will not be disappointed on the day that the overwhelming scourge passes through and sweeps away all the wicked and those who do wickedly and leaves only the humble remnant of my people who love and serve me with their whole hearts. [Isa. 28:15-18; Zeph. 3:12-20.]

Now go to the activities of your day, but let nothing discourage you, for these light afflictions [2 Cor. 4:17] are the cleansing agents by which I purify your souls to be grounded upon the Rock [Matt. 7:24, 25; 1 Cor. 10:4] where nothing can harm you or separate you from me. When the wicked receive their just reward upon the earth that they have chosen instead of my kingdom of righteousness and holiness, you will be safe inside the covert of my protection.

Be blessed today, my precious ones, and look for the tokens of my love and care for you throughout the day, and rejoice that you are among the saved of the earth when the storm passes by. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am pleased this morning to tell you that the revival that I have promised concerning the time of the latter rain has begun and is spreading around the world just as I have promised that it would. Because you have spread my present truth and messages to the best of your ability, following my instructions, you are leaders in the revival. But there are others who have been longing for light and truth that you know nothing of, and they will come to the brightness of your rising, just as I have promised in Isaiah 60:1-3:

"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising."

There is nothing that pleases me more than the spirit of joyful obedience that is displayed in my true followers who search for light and truth as a man who seeks for hidden treasure, and will not stop until he finds it. So it has always been throughout history with my chosen ones who found light amidst the darkness of their age, just as the disciples and my followers did when I came to earth the first time. But you have a distinct advantage because you are recipients of all the light of all the ages which has come down to you.

So my subject today is "light." I want to encourage those of you who hold to the testimony that I have written through Ellen White. [Rev. 19:10.] As I prophesied through her, these writings will be made of none effect just before the close of probation. This is where we are now. Satan hates the Remnant, because they have the treasure of clearer light than any other generation has ever had concerning the efficacy of the plan of salvation. I had to give these messages which are contained in the Spirit of Prophecy in order to produce a Remnant. It is not because the light is not all contained in the Scriptures, for I carefully designed that the prophets of old received everything that is necessary for salvation to the end of time. But the light of truth was given over the centuries by many different authors from different cultures and they were seeing what they wrote as through a glass darkly [1 Cor. 13:12] because it was not present truth for their time.

However, the testimonies and light that I have given for the Remnant church who will produce the 144,000, must have all the truth gathered together in clear language and understandable form so that the truth is unmistakable for those who are guided by the Spirit of God to see all the light that has been collecting through the ages to produce the 144,000 in the last generation. The whole plan of salvation is focused upon the reception of truth for the perfection of my people at the end of time. All other generations have been accepted in the beloved [Eph. 1:6, 7] because they accepted and lived up to all the light they had for their generation, and they were accounted worthy of salvation because they came into agreement with me on everything they knew about me, my character, and my truth. But sin is of such a heinous character that it has taken centuries to let it play out in all its facets so that the man of sin could be completely revealed [2 Thess. 2:1-4] in stark contrast to the supreme holiness of God that is required to live in His presence and reflect his character completely.

So the Spirit of Prophecy at the end of time is absolutely necessary to collect all the gems of light from all the ages and apply it perfectly to the last generation of my people. Otherwise people can take some light here and some light there from the Scriptures, but without a body of collected truth for the final generation. That is why I must have a prophet through whom I can speak and reveal all the gems of light throughout Scripture which are necessary to produce the perfected people at the end of time who are the finished product of the plan of salvation. Without this my work is not complete.

Do you recall the tragedy of the Challenger that was launched with a cargo of seven people, and malfunctioned soon after takeoff because of a missing O-ring? Because of that one small part, the launch was a failure, and all seven of the persons on board the rocket died in the crash. So also it will be for those who feel they can choose their own course for eternal life. To be alive and saved at my coming you must have all the light that I have revealed to you in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. I did not include anything that you do not need to know to be among the finished product of the 144,000 who will live to see me come. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth [John 16:13-15], not just partial truth. If it takes perfection to have a successful rocket mission, what do you think it takes to get off of this earth alive? Yes, my shed blood saves every person who has ever lived who has accepted me and loved and followed me with their whole heart with as much light as they had. But all the light is now shining on this generation, and those who think they can do without the light that I have given in the Spirit of Prophecy are rebels at heart, and do not want to be restricted to anything that makes them feel uncomfortable. When light shines upon the secret areas of the heart where sin is cherished or tolerated, the obdurate heart will rebel and reject the light.

I am not saying that every person who is being influenced to refrain from using the Spirit of Prophecy to uphold doctrine is in rebellion, because many at this time who are honest in heart are being influenced by the subtle arguments of those who want to downplay the writings of Ellen White and use only Scripture. But as I have already stated, the Spirit of Prophecy was given specifically to bring out the truths of the Bible that are vital for this generation, and make them plain. The Spirit of Prophecy is not to be used in place of the Scriptures, but as a light shining upon the Scriptures that specifically points out the vital truths that are necessary to prepare a people to go through the end of time and the time of trouble, and to preach the last warning message to the world.

So rejoice and be glad that you have come to this time in history! Use all the light that is now shining through the Scriptures and augmented and second-witnessed [Deut. 19:15; 2 Cor. 13:1, 2] by the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy to apply the writings in Scripture to your day and time. Always remember how much I love you, and fear not, for the time is short and I will be with you through the perilous times that lie ahead. You will be as safe and secure through these times as if you were already in the safety of my heavenly kingdom. Nothing can harm you as long as you walk with me and follow my guidance.

Now go to the activities of your day, but listen to my still small voice [Isa. 30:21], and do not let the pressures of the day overwhelm or dishearten you. Just look to me and trust me and nothing will be too hard for you or take you out of my hands. Be joyful and rejoice, little children, for your redemption draweth nigh! [Lu. 21:28.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

The days hasten on toward my coming, and yet so few are aware that life as you know it now will soon be only a memory. Of course, I will preserve the lives of my chosen ones through the time of trouble that is coming, but the world will be involved in bloodshed, famine, pestilence, and great loss of life for those who are not sheltered under my wings of protection. I do not want to focus on things that are depressing, but I just want to tell you that the present era of prosperity for the world will soon come to an abrupt end. These things have been prophesied for many years, but most are slumbering on, only to awaken when it is too late to prepare for my coming.

So my topic for today is "watchfulness." I realize that I have talked about this before, but it is a topic of vital and utmost importance. Without watchfulness at this time in history you would be lost. But you are not of that tribe, but instead are diligently preparing for my coming, and warning and helping others in any way that you can. Therefore I am opening doors of opportunity for you that will not be shut until probation closes. So speed the word to everyone who will listen. Hold not back because of fear or hesitancy. When a door opens, walk through it. When you find an interested person, speak the words of truth and warning. You do not know which will prosper, this or that. I will be with you and guide you as you go into the harvest field of labor, and you will be successful. Many will be saved by your witness who would have otherwise been lost. These will thank you throughout eternity for saving their souls from eternal death.

But there is another side to watchfulness that I want to bring to your attention. It is freedom from fear. It takes holy boldness to always be alert for souls. It is not easy to do something out of the ordinary and out of your comfort zone. Some are more suited for this than others, and I will not require you to push yourself beyond your comfort zone, because it would then be a burden to you and deteriorate into works. But what I do ask is to keep your mind open to the leading and direction of my Spirit, and anything I ask you to do, I will also give you the desire to respond willingly to everything that my Spirit will impress you. [Rom. 14:15-17.] That is why the Bible cautions against resisting the Spirit, for the impressions of the Spirit are clear if you will keep your heart open to hear.

If you resist or fail to respond, eventually the Spirit will cease to impress you, and your heart will become cold and hardened, and the things of the world will take the place of my Spirit, and you will be impervious to any further light. [Heb. 6:4-6; OHC 160.] This is already the case of the majority of people in the world. But there are yet honest hearted people in the world, and we must bring the light to everyone. I will guide you and I will help you in every way that I can, but the human contact is essential. That is your part in the link from heaven to earth. I hand-picked each of you for this time in history, not because of your superior education and talents, although you do have these benefits, but because you are completely dedicated to me, and your highest joy is to serve me and bless others by your gifts and talents and means. What a joy it is for me to work together with you and fellowship with you as we spend each day in the harvest fields of labor!

Now go to your rest this evening, but keep me in your heart. Soon the morning sun will awaken you and we can spend another day working together. In spite of the lengthening shadows of night that is coming upon the world, there is light, peace, and love in every heart and every home where I am welcomed as a treasured Guest. May your spiritual eyes be open to receiving the blessings that I bring with me when I visit you each day, whether I come in the person of my Spirit, my angels, or by my personal presence, for you are the sheep of my pasture, and I am interested in everything that concerns you. Never fear, never be dismayed, for nothing can take you out of my hand as long as you keep your hearts with all diligence and watchfulness, and surrender your lives to the plan I have had for you from the foundation of the world. [Eph. 1:4.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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My Father

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with the dedication of each of you in staying on the pathway of cleansing and holiness of character. The goal of all life is to reflect the character of the Father who is high and lifted up, but is full of mercy and grace, patience and long suffering, and unbounded love for all He has created. Because you cannot see Him until you are fully cleansed of all sin and glorified at my coming, I was sent to earth as His representative, clothed in human flesh, and yet the express image of His person. Through me He can reach out to all who desire to know Him, and through me you can approach Him without fear. I came to reconcile man to God and represent God to man. But someday you will see Him face to face without a veil between, and I want you to know that He is longing for that day more than you can realize, because you cannot comprehend the great heart of love for you that is in the heart of my Father.

We have known and loved you even before you were born - yes even from the foundation of the world. The love that parents have for their children is but a faint reflection of the Father's love for you. Please remember this when you feel disheartened and alone, when you are tempted to feel discouraged and that no one cares for you or understands you. Whether you perceive it or not, the Spirit of God, which is sent from the bosom of the father, is present and available for you at any time at a moment's notice to hear your cry for help and wrap heaven's arms of love about you and deliver you from the presence and power of the evil one. With such a heavenly host that the Father has provided for each of you, how can you yield to the temptation of the evil one to become discouraged, fearful, or despondent?

Could your eyes be opened you would see hosts of angels by your side, ascending and descending from heaven to help you. Do you remember the story of Jacob when he was fleeing from his brother Esau? His heart was burdened with fear and anxiety and the guilt of what he had done at the suggestion of his mother, Rebecca. And although there were consequences, he was not forsaken or rejected. And although you may have sinned or gotten off the pathway of your life's journey, you are just as beloved of the Father as before you sinned, and He wants you to see by faith the angels he is sending to support, comfort, help, and protect you from the snares of the enemy, and restore you to emotional, mental, physical and spiritual healing and give you hope and a future of dedicated service for Him.

I am speaking mainly for and about my Father this morning because you may be tempted to forget that the Father and I are one, and we are working together for your restoration and healing, and while I am grateful and rewarded by your love for me, I want you to always keep in your mind that whatever I do, the Father is working in and through me with the same love and mercy and grace and interest in your happiness and salvation that I have for you.

Now go on your way with rejoicing today that you are children of the heavenly Father, sons and daughters of God, and accepted in the beloved, and let not one temptation of the evil one bring a cloud of discouragement to your mind. Remember who you are and who loves and cares for you, and resist the devil and he will flee from you just as he did when I was victorious over him in the wilderness and on the cross. My death on the cross and my resurrection and ministry for you constantly in the heavenly Sanctuary is assurance that you can be victorious over every temptation of the evil one, and enjoy the favor of God every day, and even every moment, for there is not a moment where you are forgotten by all of heaven. If we are cognizant of every sparrow that falls, how much more is the welfare of our earthly family upon our hearts? So go in peace and joy now and enjoy your Sabbath together with each other, but never forget that you are beloved and safe in the arms of God. Lovingly, Jesus.

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“Well done”

Dearest Ones,

As the Sabbath approaches, I want to welcome you into its sacred hours. I will be with you in spirit and truth [John 4:24], and will send a message of love for you to share together. The subject of the message is, "well done." As I see you all moving forward in the work I have called you to do, I want to assure you that your work is accepted in heaven. The study guides are fully representative of my kingdom and full of truth for this hour. All of you are putting forth every effort to represent me so that I am not ashamed of the product of your labors. So I would like for you to consider the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30.

When I give gifts to each person, I give of my bounties and see what each person will do with what they have been given. Gifts are given in accordance with the effort put forth in the smallest duties of life. There is no limit to what a person may receive from me according to the use of the gifts and opportunities one already possesses. In other words, I gave five talents to the man who was using his time, thought, and energy to the best of his capacity to serve me. Therefore, the talents which I gave to each one was in exact measure with what they were presently doing in my service.

You see, they were already my servants, so I had time to observe the character of each one prior to distributing my gifts to them. And when I returned, I received back from them the exact proportion of increase that I had given them, except for the slothful servant who gave me back nothing for a return on my investment. Therefore, his talent was given to the one who attained the most. Now let me expand your thinking on this subject. The first thing I want you to observe is that there is no limit to the achievement of a worker in my kingdom. There is a bottom line, but the top is open to grow and produce fruit throughout eternity. Your brain has the capacity for unlimited growth, learning, and development, and you will always be able to learn more and achieve the desires of your heart throughout eternity. It will always be up to each person to use the measure of light he already has and then continue to acquire more. That is why I have a limitless universe for you to discover and explore.

Another thing that will expand forever will be your capacity for love. Since I am love and I am limitless, so your capacity for love, joy, and happiness will increase throughout eternity. I know that this is hard for you to imagine or understand now, but these are just some of the joys of heaven that will be your reward. Another blessing that awaits you is the privilege of reigning with me throughout eternity. [Rev. 3:21; 22:3-5.] This is what Lucifer was privileged to do, for I gave him a throne [Isa. 14:12, 14; 7 BC 973] next to mine, and he, too, would have progressed in wisdom and ability as he learned from me and my Father. But he gave up this privilege, and now I am giving it to you, just as I gave the one unused talent to the servant with the highest gifts who had been completely faithful with what he had been given.

At first glance, it may seem that I have favoritism in the distribution of gifts, but please remember that there is no limit to the achievement of anyone, but each chooses his course and his reward by the measure of his own faithfulness, and the effort put forth. So do you desire to be a fruitful branch in my vineyard? Then follow me faithfully each day in your labors, and you will not fail to receive my blessings, and your reward will exceed your highest expectations in the kingdom of heaven.

Go now to the activities of your day, and I will meet with you and bless you on the sacred Sabbath hours. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Three Angels’ Messages

Dearest Ones,

This morning I want to talk to you about the three angels' messages [Rev. 14: 6-12] as they apply to today. As you know, these messages, as they were preached at the inception of the Advent movement, were a clear call to understand and follow me by faith as I moved from my first apartment work in the heavenly Sanctuary to the beginning of my ministry in the second apartment. This work of judgment, which includes cleansing and blotting out the sins of penitent believers [Lev. 16:29 30; Acts 3:19], also prepared the way for me to display more clearly the work and character of the man of sin. [2 Thess. 2:1-12.] It was also a reinstatement of my Sabbath truth and the recovery of the damage done by the papacy to the law of God.

You see, the Sanctuary truth had been cast down to the ground by the papacy, my true followers had been trampled underfoot [Dan. 8:11-13], and my law was abrogated by the changing of my Sabbath day to Sunday. [Dan. 7:25.] Since I commanded Sunday to be a common work day [Ex. 20:9], this will naturally lead to a religion of works, for you cannot keep a day holy which I have not commanded you to keep, so the only way it can be kept is through the works of man. When people accept the lie of the devil to replace Sunday as the day of rest rather than my Sabbath, Satan takes my place in the Sanctuary of the mind, and stands where only I should be. On the other hand, Sabbath keeping, which acknowledges and worships me as Creator [Ex. 20:11], gives me access to the control center of the brain which I created to be able to sense the presence of the Holy Spirit, and to bring the true worshipper into direct connection with me.

Likewise, when people choose to worship on Sunday, they are giving Satan rights to the control center of their brain and brings them into connection with him. Augmented by the types of music that is now being used in worship services, which also bypasses the control center of the brain and goes straight to the emotions, Satan basically has set himself up as a god, just as he wanted to do in heaven. [Isa. 14:13, 14.] That is why I brought a people out in 1844 to reestablish the understanding of the Sanctuary and of the importance of hallowing the seventh-day Sabbath in opposition to Sunday.

Now it is time for a repeat of the importance of these two foundational truths for the final generation to make their decisions about these matters, because the majority of the world has broken the everlasting covenant [Isa.24:1-5] and are following the doctrines of demons. [1 Tim. 4:1; Matt. 15:9.] Therefore, the final battle between truth and error will center around the primacy of my authority, versus Satan's claims to have authority over the minds and wills of the people who serve him, which will culminate in the Sabbath-Sunday issue.

Do you see how the whole great controversy is about who will have access to the control center of your brain? It is not just about a day; it is about which God you worship, and thereby surrender access to your mind. This explains why those who are now worshiping upon the Sabbath but doing it from a works motive, will easily slide over to Sunday keeping, for the attitude in the heart will be the same. But those who are now participating in the cleansing and sealing and have an intimate connection with me, would rather die than break this connection. Those who understand, experience, and apply the first angel's message to their lives will then be ready to preach the second angel's message with power as it joins with the loud cry of the fourth angel of Revelation 18:

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached into heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." Rev. 18:4, 5.

The sin of Babylon is connecting with the evil one instead of me and choosing another god instead of their Creator and Redeemer. Therefore, I must have a cleansed people, fully filled by my Spirit, to preach this message, for I will not sanction the preaching of those who have continuing sin in their own lives. By so doing, I would be sanctioning the very essence of Babylon,* which is a combination of good and evil, thus producing confusion of allegiance. This is why only the 144,000 will be commissioned to preach the combined messages of the three angels of Revelation 14, and the fourth angel's message of Revelation 18, to the world at the end of time, for they are fully cleansed of the doctrines of devils in the other churches and stand blameless before me. [Rev. 14:1-5.]

Now the final battle between the forces of good and evil has begun, and I am only asking you to be faithful to the end, and you will receive the reward of eternal life. Continue preaching the truths that are found in the first angel's message, and combine them with the truths of the second and fourth angels. The power of these messages will enrage the devil and cause him to precipitate the Sunday-Sabbath issue to bring all of his people under one head through which he can wage war against my favored ones who refuse to come under his banner. [Rev. 12:17.]

So look to me as we go forward, and I will give you all the power of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain. I will also give you more light on the third angel's message as we get closer to the time when it will be the present reality of the condition of the fallen churches.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep in mind that we are entering into the last phases of the battle between good and evil and you are my witnesses for truth; thus you will preach the light which encircles the earth and enlightens it with my glory [Rev. 18:1], and you will see the fulfillment of all the prophecies concerning the last hours of earth's history. Be calm and trustful, my precious flock, and you will be safe under the protection of my wings. [Ps. 91; 32:1, 2, 6, 7.] Be afraid of nothing, because you will only see the destruction of the wicked and the citadel of lies which they believe and trust in for their hope and security. Their towers will come down and their kingdom destroyed before your eyes [Eze. 26:4; Zeph. 3:6], and then I will come and claim my faithful followers who have served me through the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. [Dan. 12:1.] Consider what it has cost to overcome the evil that Satan began in heaven! Therefore, rejoice O heavens and be glad, O earth that the great controversy is coming to an end, never to rise again. [Joel 2:21-25; Zeph. 3:13-20.]

Now peace will be reestablished and reign forever and ever, and my faithful followers will triumph with me. As the Red Sea covered the Egyptians, so will the overflowing scourge devour my enemies [Isa. 28:15-19] and the final battle on earth will usher in my triumph over the powers of darkness. Be patient then, for your redemption draws near [Js.5:7, 8] and there will be no more delay. [Rev. 10:5-7.] I am coming when I said I would come, and the powers of heaven and earth will be shaken [Matt. 24:29-31] at the tread of my footsteps when I come to take my faithful people home to be with me throughout eternity! Lovingly, Jesus.

*Babylon means "confusion; mix, mingle." Strong's Concordance.

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Dearest Ones,

My message today is concerning the subject of "translation." Many are questioning about the requirements to be among those who will be alive until I come. The first characteristic of all who are translated will be that they are in complete harmony with me on every issue of their lives, which is the result of going through the process of the judgment of the living, which is best described in Early Writings, in the chapter called, "The Shaking." I placed this prominently in Ellen White's early visions because I was willing to begin this process for my people even in the days of the pioneers. Of course, I knew that they were not yet ready to go through this process because there was much more light and understanding about the judgment experience to reveal. But I always offer my highest and best gifts to my people and let them choose the position they will occupy in my kingdom, just as I did for the Israelites at Sinai when I gave them the opportunity to become a kingdom of priests to represent me to the whole world. [Ex. 19:5, 6.] I give my highest offer and then let people choose. Otherwise, they would feel that I am a respecter of persons, which I am not. Each person chooses his own destiny and the position he will fulfill in my kingdom.

The same is true of the 144,000. Those who are not willing to go through the rigors of the soul cleansing which is necessary to be in this number run the risk of losing their eternal salvation, for refusing to reach my highest goals and calling for you may mean that there is no secondary plan which will fit you to live without sin before my presence. Often people who want to be excused from the wedding banquet [Lu. 14:16-20] do not really know me, and are choosing to be exempt because they have the mistaken opinion that they must be cleansed from sin by their own efforts. But no amount of human efforts can produce perfection of character. It is entirely a total commitment to me and a reception of my righteous character lived out in you as you establish and grow in a relationship with me that allows me to reproduce my character in you. The similarity between the 144,000 and the saved of all ages is that the saved in every age have lived up to all the light they knew. But there are many who want to be Christians and reap the benefits of all my bounties, but refuse to make a full commitment in every area of their lives which I reveal to them, and thus they lose the opportunity to become members of my kingdom. Many are the lost who have turned away as the Rich Young Ruler did when I opened his heart to him and let him see the cherished sin in his life!

But the 144,000 are those who heartily accept my call to them and my invitation to be among that number. They will not yield under pressure to the temptations of the devil. They hear and respond to my call to them, and will not turn back from their commitment to me, no matter how difficult the trials they must endure. In this they display my character to the world and to the universe. They draw warmth from the coldness of others, and in their dark times they persevere by faith until the light breaks forth and shines upon their souls. They search for light and understanding as for hidden treasure, and because of their determination and faith, they are rewarded by my Father with additional light and understanding which those who are less persevering cannot comprehend. Their persistence knows no boundaries and no limits. Even through disagreements, persecutions, and battles, they continue to seek me, and those who seek me will not be disappointed. [Isa. 49:23, NIV.]

So who are the 144,000? These are those who make me their leader in all things large and small and they shall be rewarded by a seat on my throne [Rev. 3:21] and an exalted place of leadership in my kingdom, for in the last generation of people upon the earth, they represent the saved of the whole human race who have won the battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil. From these I will choose my leaders to represent me and show what my sacrifice can do to redeem mankind from the hand of my enemy.

Now do you see why the 144,000 will hold an exalted position in the kingdom of heaven? It is because without these, I would fail in my mission to save the children of earth and produce a finished product of my grace. Through the 144,000, I will reveal the efficacy of my applied blood. Through the 144,000, I will present the wave sheaf - the first fruits [Rev. 14:4] of the harvest - to my Father. And there will be rejoicing in heaven and earth and throughout the universe that the great controversy is over, the plan of salvation is finished, and the dragon and his followers are cast down, nevermore to tempt and destroy and mar my beautiful plan and purpose for this earth. [Rev. 19:1-9; 20:1-3.] Do you want to be among those whom I use to finish the great controversy? You can be if you persevere until the end. [Matt. 24:13.] Some will of necessity be laid away before I come to spare them [Isa. 57:1, 2], but they must also have the same spirit of perseverance, just as my martyrs and faithful ones have always had throughout history.

So put on the whole armor of God, my beloved children, and stagger not at the temptations and trials caused by the enemy of your souls. Always remember that he is a beaten foe, and that nothing can harm you or defeat you, for you are on the winning side, and all the armies of heaven are enlisted to help you in every battle. While you are looking to me for assistance, you cannot fail.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never forget that I am with you and you are more precious to me than all the gold, silver, and precious stones in the whole world. The Father greets you and sends His love to you also, for He is pleased with your unfailing devotion and faithfulness to me and the cause of truth. Soon the battle will be over and you will be safe in the kingdom of light. In the meantime, never give up the battle for righteousness, and you will soon receive your reward in heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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“Be ye also ready”

Dearest Ones,

The work of the latter rain is going forward in the earth, and even though the droplets have just begun, there is a change in the amount and concentration of the Holy Spirit around each of my chosen ones who are willing to hear my voice calling them to prepare for my coming. Therefore, the topic for today is, "Be ye also ready." As you know, the rest of the verse continues, "for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh." [ Matt. 24:44.] To some this text may seem to be contradictory, for it asks you to be ready at a time when you are not expecting my coming. But I want you to know that if you are following my instructions to be prepared for my coming, I will reveal to you when it is near, even at the door. [Matt. 24:33.] I do not want anyone to be surprised when I come, for this would indicate that they were like the slothful servants who say, "My Lord delayeth His coming." [Vs. 38.] Therefore, when I am admonishing you to be ready, I am saying, walk and talk with me and listen to my quiet voice in your heart [Isa. 30:21], as well as my voice in the fire and the flood and the rolling thunder [vs. 30]; for these are the ways that I am announcing my coming to those who are listening. [See 2 SM 315, 316.]

I am already speaking to the world of my soon coming through the things that are happening in nature to awaken people to know the seriousness of the times. I am also letting go of the winds of strife to arouse people to make their eternal destiny secure. But as it was before the flood, most people go on eating and drinking and busying themselves with daily tasks and entertainment, and will only awaken to the seriousness of the times when it is too late to get ready. Although I cannot be blamed for the decision of those who will be lost, I am still grieved that I cannot reach the hearts of the majority of people in any age in history before tragedy strikes and judgments come. Therefore, I am looking for my chosen ones who are awake and preparing for my coming to use every means that I provide for you to speak out to anyone who will listen. As you can see, I am now providing materials and means for you to use to do this. Now that you are equipped, share the good news of my soon coming and how to prepare for it through the materials that you have and the resources that I will continue to provide for you.

Now back to my original topic, "Be ye also ready." Readiness has always been a character quality of those who love me and are faithful to me. Every angel in heaven is ready at an instant's notice to obey my every request and do whatever I ask them to do. This is because they love and honor me, just as I love and honor them. My kingdom is not run by power, although I have infinite power, but on love and respect and freedom of choice. This produces the greatest happiness, joy, and peace and willing obedience from a response of love. Such are the dynamics of my kingdom. So when I say to you, "Be ye also ready," it is not a command, but an invitation - a privilege - an invitation to a banquet where you are the guests of honor. And truly you are, for you are my Bride, and I have waited long for my love to be requited at the banquet of celebration in heaven. But you must respond to my invitation by being ready and waiting now, even before you know the day or hour, because being ready and staying ready is the character that is needed to be among the saved, for it shows that I am living in your heart and you are one with me in spirit and truth. [John 4:23.]

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your hearts uplifted and listening for my guidance and direction and counsel in everything you go through. You cannot wear out my patience, for even if you make missteps, I want to comfort and help you to not grieve, but to take it to me like a little child and allow me to heal the wounds and hurts that Satan wants to bring into your life. He hates you because you love and trust me and serve me with your whole heart. He is afraid of your devotion to me because he knows that if he cannot stop the purification and cleansing of the remnant of my people, his cause is lost, and he will face the terrors of a thousand years in the dungeon of this dark world without anyone to tempt, and then eternal extinction in the fires of hell. I never wanted sin to enter the universe, because I saw the pain and devastation it would cause. But now it is almost over, and the experiment in sin will soon be ended. So look up and rejoice that the accuser of the brethren [Rev. 12:10] will be cast down and lose the position and power that he has had for so long. Then peace, joy, and love will reign forever. In the meantime, let the peace that passes understanding [Phil. 4:7] fill your hearts and minds as you trust in me and prepare for my soon coming kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My message for today is "fortitude." As the world and society is disintegrating before your eyes, so let your gaze be heavenward to connect with the real source of light, strength, and power to endure until the end. I have covenanted with you to never leave you nor forsake you [Heb. 13:5], and I will keep my Covenant promises to you as long as you keep the terms of my law, which is my Covenant of love with you. [Deut. 7:9, 12.] This does not mean that I will desert you if you make mistakes along the pathway of life, but if you repent and continue to be in agreement and harmony with my principles, you will be safe under the shadow of my wings. [Ps. 91; 32; 46.] But for those who are in disagreement with me and forsake my law and my principles, there will be only wrath and stumbling in the darkness of the wilderness of sin. This dichotomy between life and death will become more apparent in the days ahead, for to the measure that I withdraw my spirit, so the devils move into the places where I have left, and the hearts of men respond to the effects of the leader they have chosen.

So what does fortitude have to do with this? Fortitude is a character quality that I must have in those who will go through the end with me. I am never going to transform you into valiant soldiers of the Cross if you are languishing in Laodicea. There must be an alertness and the strong character quality of endurance in order to be among those who will go through the end of time. There will be no timid hearts who give in easily when the going is hard that will be among my final cleansed remnant. Only those who would rather die than sin will be among that number. By this you can see that I am not a respecter of persons, choosing favorites and leaving others behind. Those who go through will be those who pushed forward at all or any cost to themselves, or fear of the unknown future. They persevere because they know me and trust me and believe my promises and go by faith in my goodness and mercy and watchcare over them.

So it must be with you. You have been with me from the beginning of your lives, whether you realize it or not, because you have character qualities which, if refined, will fit you for a place in my kingdom and in the leadership of my people at the end of time. So now you can see that easy living will not prepare you for what is ahead. It is those who have had hard trials and persevered through them that will be among the called, chosen, and faithful who go with me wherever I go. [Rev. 17:14.]

So do you find yourself going through trials right now? Then look to me and ask me for the strength and perseverance to endure until the trial is past and the sunshine of my presence shines through the clouds. I promise you that if you persevere with me, you will see my glory and the perfect plan that I have for your life.

Now, go in peace; but fear not obstacles or discouragements of any kind that may come to you. You can go through nothing that I have not prepared you for. Trials are God's workman to burnish and polish your character to be a hewn and precious stone of great value in the casket of my jewels when I make up my kingdom. Ask me and I will show you great and mighty things of which you do not know yet [Jer.33:3], but you will understand as you walk with me to the kingdom of my Father. Look on each trial as a blessing, for it gives me a greater opportunity to reveal myself to you and my love and care for you, so that your character will grow into the similitude of a palace [Ps. 144:12], adorned to be a fit dwelling-place for the fullness of the outpouring of my Holy Spirit. This is the outcome of everyone who will go through the end of time and maintain the fortitude to persevere until my ministry in the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary is finished. Then you will receive the prize of victory over every sin and weakness of the flesh, and wear the white robe of my perfect righteousness, and be a fit citizen for heaven. And I will give you the right to sit with me on my throne just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. [Rev. 3:21.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I am pleased with the fervor of your devotion to me and the cause in which we are now engaged to spread the last warning message to the world. Everything now is in agitation, and the players in the final drama are aligning themselves with the leaders they have chosen. I too, have my chosen ones who are loyal to me and determined with all their hearts to follow me to the end and fight for the cause of victory at all costs. This enables me to go forward into the battle against the enemy and win the victory, because I have my faithful ones at my side.

The topic for today is "elementary." There are many ways of studying Scripture, and as long as a person is honest in heart, and seeking truth through the Spirit and not the flesh, this is acceptable. But the truth in the last hours of earth's history, must be brought down to its most elementary level so that people may hear and comprehend it very quickly.

"Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." Hab. 2:2, 3.

The time has come when people will not listen to sound doctrine [2 Tim. 4:3, 4] but heap to themselves teachers who say to them what they want to hear. The media also has trained people to have short attention spans and make decisions very quickly, sometimes in just a few moments of time. But I will help you to reach even the modern day people with the words of the Scriptures, and sometimes backed up by the writings of my testimony through Ellen White. Because of the shortness of time, there is not enough time to belabor every subject to its depths, but I screen the people by giving pointed present truth, and then follow up with additional truths that build the foundation even stronger for those who want to go further.

Remember the story of the sower [Matt. 13:3-23]. The point of the parable was that the sower was not responsible for what happened after he sowed the seed, but it was the ground on which the seeds fell that determined the outcome of the harvest. The farmer was responsible for sowing the seed "beside all waters" [Isa. 32:20], and leaving the outcome to the Lord.

So what are some of the elementary and pertinent truths that I want you to present?

The first priority is to teach them about the law of God, for it is the foundation of all truth; and breaking the law is the root of all sin. Teach the people that my law is my character, and the foundation of my government, and the principles upon which my kingdom is founded. Tell them that my law is my Covenant of Love [Deut. 7:9, 12], and the marriage contract by which I promise to love and protect and provide for everything that is needed for my Bride, who agrees with my Covenant. Teach them about the reasonableness of my Covenant, and the benefits of being in a covenant relationship with me. And then teach them how the breaking of the law necessitated my death in order to win back the fallen race from the clutches of the evil one, and how I can now give each person who surrenders to me the application of the blood that was shed for them. I offer my perfect life to everyone who gives their lives to me, and the acceptance of my righteousness in their hearts qualifies them to be a citizen of my kingdom.

Number two: Teach them the principles of the great controversy, and invite them to be on the winning side, because I have already won the victory in their behalf if they will accept it and live by it.

Number three: Teach them where we are in time, and that I am about to close probation upon the world and pour out the seven last plagues.

Teach them about the Sanctuary, and the meaning of my intercession there and the blotting out of sin which prepares the way for the refreshing of the latter rain [Acts 3:19 - 21].

At any point where the listener does not want to hear these truths, you may shake the dust off of your feet [Matt. 10:14], and continue your journey through the harvest field to find those who are open to your message. I assure you that those who refuse to hear and respond to the truths of your message will be saddened in the day of judgment to find that they turned away a messenger of the Most High God, who was sent to save their souls.

So as I sent the disciples out two by two in the beginning of the harvest, so send I you [John 17:18] as the shadows lengthen into the sunset of the work on earth. Fear not, my beloved faithful ones, for I will not leave you nor forsake you, because you have accepted my Covenant of Love, and you are the ambassadors for my kingdom until I come and take you home to live with me forever. There you will reap the eternal joys of associating with the saved of all ages, and especially those who are there because of your witness for me in the closing hours of earth's history. Always remember that you are never alone, for I will be beside you every step of the way, guiding, protecting, and inspiring you with just the right words to say, and giving you the second witness [Matt. 18:16] of my Holy Spirit, for I am now, and will always be, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with your plans today to have a special time of corporate prayer and anointing for service in my vineyard. I need workers who are filled with the Holy Spirit and power from the courts of heaven. Today is the beginning of my last thrust forward to finish the gospel presentation to the world that will swell into the loud cry of Revelation 18. I can do this now because I have a core group who are willing to sacrifice all to be by my side in the last battle with the evil one and his forces. The power of the latter rain will fall upon you as you go forward at my command and leadership. Never fear failure and disappointment, because you cannot fail when you are following the directions of the Holy Spirit. Remember that when I speak it is done, and when I command it stands firm. [Ps. 33:9.] This means that whatever I command you to do, there is no possibility of failure if you cooperate with me fully, for I stand behind my commands and my promises. You are not responsible for the success of what I ask of you, but you are responsible for keeping open the lines of communication between us and exercising faith and a joyful, loving response of obedience. Thus, we are in partnership in the great plan of salvation, and there is no possibility of failure as long as we are working together, for I will carry the heaviest part of a load [5 BC 1090], and be responsible for its success. [Matt. 6:24; DA 313.]

Now be blessed today as you prepare for the Sabbath, and trust completely in my love for you and my provisions for your every need. Rejoice and be glad, for you are a citizen of my heavenly kingdom! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My heart is longing to share some things with you that will give you courage for the days ahead. A storm is coming, relentless in its fury [Ev. 199; 8 T 315], and we are now headed for that storm. As Captain of the Lord's host, I will protect, guide, and guard you, but you must look to me constantly, and swerve neither to the right nor to the left, or your footsteps will lead you into ways of peril. You must be completely dependent upon me for guidance, or you will surely fall into darkness and error. But as long as you look to me and trust in my guidance and protection, you will be safe from the plans of the evil one to destroy you.

Now for the topic of today. It is "harmlessness." You may think this to be a strange topic, but you recall that I was said to be "holy, harmless, and undefiled." [Heb. 7:26.] I also said that my followers must be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. [Matt. 10:16. See also Phil. 2:15.] The word "harm" indicates a state of danger, aggression, violence, anger and retribution towards someone in reaction to a real or perceived threat. This is the state in which the whole world lives, for danger of some kind is always possible, and self-protection and self-preservation is believed to be a constant necessity for one's safety and happiness. Therefore the world is full of crime and violence, abuse and argumentation, for the fear of harm or loss of safety or possessions is an ever-present state of mind in a dangerous world. This is why drug abuse is at an all-time high because I am withdrawing my Holy Spirit from the earth, preparatory to the close of probation.

So you can expect to see more fear, anxiety, anger, violence, crime, and various types of abuse throughout society. I have been loath to let go of the winds of strife because of the effect it will have upon my own people. But now the time has come to do all that I have said that I would do. Now the final thrust toward the end has begun, and although you will see the effects upon the earth and society, I will keep you in the covert of my protection [Ps. 61;1-4] as long as you follow me carefully and obey my directions in your life. So fear not the roar of the lion [1 Pet. 5:8] and the convulsions of nature and in society [Lu. 21:25, 26]. I am with you and will protect and guard you as the apple of my eye [Ps. 17:8]. This means that as long as you follow me and obey my guidance and instructions, you will walk in safety through the storm.

But what does this have to do with harmlessness? Those who are accusatory, self-protective, critical, and physically, mentally, emotionally, and verbally abusive to those around them will take on the character of Satan, the accuser, and will share his fate. But for those of you who look to and follow me, I will take away your fears, anxieties, and stresses, and give you a peaceful spirit which will enable you to be a blessing to everyone around you so that when you are present, they will feel the influence of my Spirit as you become a channel of blessings to them. That is what it means to be harmless, for when my Spirit is flowing through you to others, the creative energy of the whole godhead is made available to create an atmosphere of love, joy, and peace, and all the gifts and fruits of the Spirit.

Now keep the peace of heaven in your heart, for every promise in the Scriptures belongs to my children who love me and follow me with joy, and trust in my leading in their lives. To these I give my all, just as I did on the cross of Calvary, and nothing will ever separate them from me, for they are my sheep and I am their Shepherd. Follow me today and I will give you my peace -- not as the world gives [John 14:27; 16:33], but as I only can give from the fountain of my blood that flows from Calvary, and was shed for you to take you from the captivity of the devil's lies and harassment. Enjoy your day today as you serve in my vineyard, and watch for the gifts that I will give you each day, before the day is over and the night begins. [John 9:4; 12:35.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

As you can see, I am opening doors of opportunity for you to go forward and spread the good news of my soon coming. Ask me for whatever you need, and I will answer you, and I will show you great and mighty things that are yet to come! [Jer. 33:3.]

The message for today is "opportunity." You see, since I force no one to follow me or do my will, I give opportunities for growth and development and for stepping into a higher sphere of service for me, and then allow the person to decide whether they will step across the threshold of the opportunity and find the treasure that I have waiting for them. I must say that the greater majority of people never take the opportunity that I offer to them, but this is the way I cull out the goats from the sheep. The opportunity to receive salvation is open for everyone, but few want to take the narrow road that leads to the prize. The wide road looks easier and safer and more pleasant. But that road leads to death and eternal ruin. And even if a person later decides to come back, there is a difficult path through the forest to return to the pathway upward that leads to the city of light. [Matt. 7:13, 14.]

For those who have taken this difficult journey, do not be discouraged, because I will welcome you with open arms and take you back into the fold of safety and forgive all your mistakes. [Lu. 15:18-24.] Then during the time of the latter rain, I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten. [Joel 2:25.] But for those who have consistently followed the light to the best of their ability and understanding, there is a gift of leadership and a crown laden with stars to show you my gratitude for your perseverance, faithfulness, and your steadfastness when the journey was difficult.

Now go to the activities of your day, but look for those opportunities to serve me in the way that I open up for you. Let no crumb of light drop to the ground, for that may be the very key that will open the door of opportunity for greater service. Let nothing discourage you; nothing pass you by and leave you on the outside of my highest goals for you and my greatest opportunities for success and spiritual growth.

Now take my hand and see what I will do for you today to bless you for being willing to forsake all for my kingdom. When you give your all to me, I give my all to you, and enable you to stand on the heights [Ps. 18:33] with me constantly beside you. Do you want to be where progression and growth knows no end? Then take every opportunity for service that I offer you each day, and you will see that the road I take you leads to paradise! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My heart is very tender today as I see you responding to my love and my will as I have expressed it to you. I can count on you to respond to my slightest whisper and go forward at my request. Therefore I am pouring out my Spirit to inspire and help you to take my last warning message to the people of earth who are hungry for the light and truth that will help them to find the safety of my pavilion before it is too late.

Now the subject for today. It is "fruitfulness." Just as you can tell a tree by its fruit [Matt. 12:33], so can you know the god that people serve by the fruit of their lives. Every good tree bears good fruit, and a bad tree bears bad fruit. However, I am not asking you to judge others by the fruit that you see. I am the only one who can do that, because I know the true heart of each person. For example, I know a certain behavior, such as temper or irritability, is because that has been developed by the person for self-protective reasons, or rather, that the person has learned to react a certain way to stimuli because of poor training, neglect, or abuse in childhood.

Nevertheless, I treat each person with deference and respect whatever their background, and labor to woo them in a way that I can to give them an opportunity to become a changed person and a fruit-bearing tree in my kingdom. If they do not respond and listen to my calls to them, I must accept their decision and leave them to reap the results of their choices. This grieves me, for every being and every creature that I have made lives by my life, and I am grieved to see anyone choose death instead of life. But on the other side is my joy when I see the response of my beloved chosen ones who return my love and follow me through every experience of life, and never resent my counsel nor my corrections, for they know that my reproofs come from my love, and are for their best good. Therefore, they can help others to know my true character, and learn to walk the straight and narrow pathway of obedience and service.

I have always had a small remnant throughout history, and these are the joy of my heart and the reward of my suffering, and my death on Calvary. Satan hated my victory, for he knew that others would follow me, and escape from his kingdom. But he still hopes to win the battle by overcoming my remnant church and bring in errors that will destroy the knowledge and understanding of the cleansing and perfection that is necessary to show the complete efficacy of my righteous life and victory over every sin and temptation of the evil one. This victory over sin and the devil is the theme and goal of all the Scriptures, but is brought out even more clearly and pointedly in the writings of the Testimonies, for no other generation has been held responsible for all the light that has now accumulated over the entire history of the human race since the inception of sin in heaven, and now the culmination of the plan of salvation. This generation has a high privilege and a higher calling than any other generation because of the additional light shining throughout all the ages. At the same time, this final generation also has the accumulated hereditary burden of all the sins of mankind since the fall of your first parents in Eden.

As a result of this inherited burden of sin passed on to you, you will also receive all the light and all the rewards that have accumulated for the final remnant who represent the saved of all ages and overcome where others did not overcome because they lacked the complete understanding in every area concerning the mystery of iniquity. But because they loved and served me and followed me fully for their time in history, I have borne their sins of ignorance. Nevertheless, there has always been one standard that is the same for every generation, and that is fruit-bearing. Whether a person has been blessed with only one talent or with ten, or with a little knowledge or much, the reward is to work with me on earth, and to live eternally with me in heaven and the earth made new.

So what are the gifts and responsibilities that you have been given at birth that you have cultivated throughout your life? As long as you labor in my vineyard, these gifts will expand and grow, for I place no limit to the usefulness of anyone who is fully dedicated to me. And the joy that we share as we labor together for the Father who is over all and in all, and wants to live in your heart and life as He does in mine, is the greatest reward of all!

Now go to the activities of your day. But keep the awareness of the joy of your connection with me, and you will be surprised at the doors of opportunity for service that I will open for you today and every day until I come; for service and fruit-bearing are the essence of happiness, both here in this life and the life to come! Lovingly, Jesus.

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