Overcoming Criticism

This morning I was confessing the sin of being tempted to think critical thoughts about others, so I asked the Lord what is the root of criticism. These are the thoughts that came to my mind which I wrote down, and I thought it might be helpful to share it with anyone who is interested in reading it.

The root of criticism is when we feel blamed ourselves, and then relieve our feelings by criticizing someone else. This fear of being blamed usually starts in childhood in our original family relationships, and continues throughout life as a way of self-protection. This practice started back in the Garden of Eden. This is why Jesus has taken the blame and shame of the world, and will at the close of the great controversy put it back on the head of the scapegoat. 

But the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins does not give us the right to consciously continue in our sins, and expect His free grace to make up the difference. If we truly love God and want freedom from guilt and shame ourselves, we must be willing to forgive others just as we are forgiven our sins, trespasses and shortfalls. "Judge not that ye be not judged," the Bible says. If we judge others, it shows that we believe we have to work our way into favor with God and others [like the older brother of the prodigal son] in order to be loved and safe from condemnation, rejection, and/or punishment. When we truly accept God's love, mercy, and forgiveness, we will not judge and condemn others. 

This doesn't mean that when we receive mercy and forgiveness we can feel free to continue sinning and live under the umbrella of grace. Grace includes the power to overcome because we now have a relationship with God that provides for victory over sin. When we are sinning we are not plugged into the power of God to stop sinning. When we receive God's forgiveness, mercy, acceptance, and love, we are plugged into His power to stop sinning and return His love, and agree with His hatred of sin, for it separates us from Him. But if, after we have been forgiven and restored to God's favor we criticize others, we show that we are not sorry for the sin itself, but only for the uncomfortable results we experienced a result of sin. True love is the only answer, which brings us the fruit of righteousness, holiness, and love for God and mercy for our brothers and sisters.

Rom. 15:1-3: "We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: 'The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me' (Ps. 69:9)."

Verses 5-7: "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Jesus Christ, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God."

"We must learn to bear with the peculiarities of those around us." TD 262.

"It is the love of self that destroys our peace. While self is all alive, we stand ready to continually guard it from mortification and insult; but when we are dead, and our life is hid with Christ in God, we shall not take neglects or slights to heart. We shall be deaf to reproach and blind to scorn and insult.... The meekness of Christ, manifested in the home, will make the inmates happy; it provokes no quarrel, gives back no angry answer, but soothes the irritated temper and defuses a gentleness that is felt by all in its charmed circle. Wherever cherished, it makes the families of earth a part of the one great family above." MB 16, 17.

Looking to Jesus

Circumstance: I was allowing myself to feel discouraged and access darkness as I was waking up in the morning.

Dearest One,

I love you with an everlasting love, and I do not want you to ever doubt that. But I have counsel for you today to never allow yourself to become depressed or discouraged, because this gives the enemy access to your mind, as you have experienced today. If you listen to him, you will become even more discouraged and depressed and this makes it more difficult for me to reach you with my beams of light and love. I know you are going through some difficult things right now, but you are not to allow this to get your eyes off of me onto your trials.

I love you so much and I don't want anything to cause you to take your eyes off of me, for the Devil is constantly on your track, and he is always look for ways to discourage you and take you down. But I am always by your side and you need never be discouraged. You are so precious to me, and I am hurt when you turn from my love and feed off of the husks of the evil one. But I can only rescue you when you refuse to succumb to his wiles and lies and look steadily to me. There is nothing I will not do for you if you trust me and call upon me. Be strong and full of faith and you will see what I can and will do to preserve your life and provide everything for you that you need for life and godliness until I come. Lovingly, Jesus.

Restoration for Male and Female Relationships

Background for this message: I was counseling someone who had given away her virginity as a teen, and now wants to be cleansed in that area of her life. Her presenting symptoms were to be easily hurt by any perceived rejection by men. I asked Jesus for advice to understand how to relate to this problem, and He said, "She let someone else into the sacred place where only I belong -- the husband place."

I asked Jesus, "How can she get her virginity back?" His answer: "Give it back to me and I will cleanse her from every stain of sin, and even the memory of it. Then she will be a pure virgin to me and me alone so that no man can possess her spirit again."

Additional insights: The sacred place for Jesus to have in a man's life is their "king." Women need Jesus as their husband and protector, men need Jesus as their king, father and friend.

In addition, I went through an experience with my husband where he was irritated with something I said, and my feelings were hurt. As a result, the Lord gave me this message to counsel and encourage me.

Dearest one,

I am sorry to have had to allow you to go through this experience with your husband, but it was to teach you an important lesson about self-protection. I am your husband and you are to lean wholly upon me for your protection, and as long as you do, you will be kept safe. But if you try to protect yourself, you will find yourself in a position where demons can have access to you. So always look to me in every situation and don't look to people for your protection, for unless they are fully cleansed themselves, they will have demons who will try to use them to get to you.

Have a good day and stay close to me, for I will always be there to protect you. I will not leave you to struggle with your daily problems alone. I already have a plan for every circumstance you go through, and so all you have to do is ask me to help you and I will. That is what a husband is for! Lovingly, Jesus.

Being alert for any Surprise Attacks from the Enemy

Note: This message was given to me after a surprise attack from the enemy because I was allowing depressing thoughts into my mind, and forgetting to keep close to Jesus.

Dearest One,

I have permitted you to go through this distressing experience today because I wanted you to see the seriousness of allowing the Devil to have access to your mind and emotions to the slightest degree, because he wants to take you down, and lies in wait looking for an opportunity to seize upon you to bring you into discouragement. Of course this is not my will and I will protect you at all times and when the Devil comes in like a flood, I will raise up a standard against him. But you must be always on guard that you do not allow any doors open for him to enter and take advantage of you in any area of weakness, for he is always on the prowl like a lion looking for prey. Always remember that I love you with an everlasting love, and you mean more to me than you can realize or imagine, for your capacity to comprehend my love and watchcare over you is limited by your humanity. Please look constantly to me for everything you need and delight yourself in the ministry of my presence with you through the Holy Spirit. Your angel also loves you and takes joy in ministering to you throughout your life and watching you grow into a strong woman of faith. Never fear that I have forsaken you or ever will forsake you to the wiles of the enemy. In my earthly life I also had to be constantly on the alert for any surprise attacks from the enemy, so I will help you to be successful moment by moment in my strength.

Thank you for being willing to go through my Gethsemane experience and my subsequent journey to the cross. [Earlier that morning in my worship, I had traced the pathway Jesus had to walk from Gethsemane to the cross, and wept for the abandonment He experienced by His disciples.] The willingness on your part means much to me, for had you been there, you would have done for me what my disciples were unable to do. But it was all in my Father's plan for my life journey, because I had to experience the depths of woe from the feelings of separation from God that comes to everyone who will be lost, as well as the suffering of every human being who goes through this dark world of sin and suffering. Only the light that I have brought to this world by becoming one with the human race can ease the pain and loneliness of being in a world where Satan has so much control. This is why people turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, fantasy, entertainment, food, money, socialization, or busyness to stave off the fears of being alone in a world of emotional darkness. This is why I am the light of the world, for only through me and a love relationship with me can you be shielded from a life of despair, hopelessness, and eventually death.

But you must cooperate with me by faith in order to connect with me and receive my life and the benefits which I have given to provide for you a life of love, peace and joy. May you ever take advantage of this pathway of heavenly light through a constant faith relationship with me. I assure you that as long as you are connected with me you need never fear the dark assaults of the enemy of your soul, for I will hear your cry and save you just as I did for Peter when he took his eyes off of me for a moment on the waters of the lake.

Now go on with your day with courage, joy, and faith, for I love you with an everlasting love, and you can trust in my love and care for you until the heavens part and you see my face in the glory of my Father. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The True Meaning of Righteousness by Faith

Dearest One (for everyone who reads this message),

I want to give you an encouraging message this morning, because I know you have been going through some strong trials from the enemy, and you have endured well through them. But I want you to know that I have a purpose for each trial, just as everything I experienced on earth was for a specific purpose in the plan of salvation. You do not need to know all the reasons for your trials, because it is not necessary for your salvation to know all the eternal purposes for what you go through. These will be completely revealed in eternity. But what I want you to know is that these trials, if well borne, will draw you closer in fellowship with me, for I had to go through every trial possible for mankind, so I know how to guide you through each trial that I allow to come to you. You will only be allowed to suffer according to your capacity, your age, and your strength, and the Holy Spirit will place in you the exact victory over that trial that I was given by my Father when I went through the same trial while I was on earth. This is the plan of salvation which was worked out between my Father and me in the councils of heaven concerning the solution to sin should it arise. This is the true meaning of righteousness by faith, for it is my righteousness placed in you by the avenue of your faith in me.

Do you see how cleverly Satan has devised a plan to distort the true meaning of righteousness by faith to mean that my righteousness covers your unrighteousness so you can go on sinning if you have faith? I don't mean to say that people believe they can sin with a rebellious spirit and expect me to cover them just because they claim to be Christians. But what is widely believed is that my righteousness covers for their unrighteousness as long as they live their lives as Christians and call upon my name and do good deeds in my name. This kind of life will not stand in the judgment, and many will find this out too late, and great will be the weeping and suffering of souls who accept this heresy.

The teachers and pastors who have promulgated this view of righteousness by faith upon their unsuspecting, trusting parishioners and students will be held accountable to me for the loss of souls that might have been saved if they had been taught the truth instead of error. This is why I want my remnant people to make this truth as clear as possible, for if you do your part, my angels can take it to the people around the world who are open and longing for truth. I will inspire and bless you as you respond to my Spirit and go forward as I shall lead you.

Take courage, my beloved ones, for you bear good tidings of great joy to many who are suffering with a load of guilt upon their hearts because they know not how to overcome and are obliged to rely upon my forgiveness and covering grace, when what they need is the blessed hope of my victory over sin imparted and imputed into their hearts and minds so that sin and Satan have no more power over them. Let the words of truth ring out across the nations, and the Holy Spirit will bring it to the hungry souls who are sitting in darkness and despair and being taunted by the enemy for the sins he has caused them to commit. I love these precious souls, and I have raised you up for such a time as this to bring the message of hope and cleansing from every sin, and victory over the devil that is the message for today. And when it has done its work, the end will come and I will return to take my people home. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Process of Cleansing

Dearest One,

I am pleased with your progress in hearing and responding to my voice, and I want you to teach this skill to others, for this is essential to the process of cleansing. If a person hears not my still small voice of guidance through the Holy Spirit and the Word, it is impossible to attain perfection and the sealing and latter rain, for in order to receive these, there must be perfect agreement with me and obedience to my heart of love for you. You see, I don't want anything in your life that is not essential for your spiritual growth, and the development of the Christian virtues that are necessary for holiness, which is perfect agreement with me in everything that is necessary for entrance into my kingdom. So please teach everyone who will come to your meetings, or counsel with you, how to hear my voice and learn to love to speak with me. This is the essence of the latter rain, and necessary for the seal of God in your forehead. And now is the time for the outpouring of the latter rain to begin.

Now go to your well-earned rest, but keep your heart open to me, for I have much to share from here to the end of probationary time. The end is near and there is much yet to do for all, so keep in step with the Spirit every moment of each day and, and you cannot fail to be prepared for the end of the judgment of the living, and the beginning of the judgment of the wicked in the seven last plagues. That time will be short, but intense and rapid fire around the world. But I will shield you under the protection of angels' wings until the disasters have passed, and then I will return to earth in triumph over the wicked, both men and angels, and take my beloved ones home to live with me forever. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Your Message is for Those already walking in the Light

Dearest One,

I have some important instructions to give you this morning, for time is marching forward toward the end. I want you to gird up the loins of your mind and keep close to me as we move into the era when the mark of the beast will be the increasing subject as the papacy moves stealthily forward under a cloak of religiosity and saving the planet. Satan has been working silently and steadily toward his aim of getting the whole world under his control, and his aim is almost complete, except for my little band of followers who are loyal to me and would rather die than disobey me. These I love with an unalterable love that will never permit my beloved ones to pass under the control and hatred of the evil one against them. His rage is fueled by his fear of defeat and the consequences that he knows will follow. That is why he does not want to allow anyone to move here and join my army of workers who are spreading the last warning message to the world.

It may seem that you are but a little light, but my angels are commissioned to get this light to every soul who is responding to the call of my Spirit. Your message does not need to reach every person on earth, for it is a reaping message, and will only be perceived as such by those who are already walking in the light they have, and are longing and praying for greater light. Many will be laid away to save them. Others will be tested and tried until they make their decision to go all the way, or stumble at some stumbling-stone that blocks their minds to truth, and the light they have now will go out and they will join the ranks of the opposition and take their stand against you; for to accept your message would mean that they would have to give up their cherished ideas that please them more than the truth which calls them to repentance.

So do not be surprised at the coldness of others who will reject and hate you, because to surrender to the truth you have would mean that they have been wrong in the past, and to them, this would be worse than death. This is why so many will choose death rather than to surrender their opinions, which are really a cover-up for their sins and wounded pride. Do not let this sway you from your allegiance to me and the truth that I have given to you, for your reward for standing firm now will be a place with me in my eternal kingdom forever, and a throne of glory by my side.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never doubt my love for you and the importance of your work. Soon the task will be over, and eternity with me will begin. I am your great reward, for there is nothing that can take the place of my love for you and the joy of living forever with me in my kingdom.

Lovingly, Jesus.

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The time is at Hand

Dearest One,

I accept your decision to stay in loving communion with me at all times, for I have been waiting for this in order to go forward in greater power in your ministry. I am moving forward in the earth to reap the harvest, both of the wicked and the righteous. Not many are choosing to follow me, but there is a solid core of my chosen ones who have dedicated themselves to me and to follow me to the end at all cost to themselves. I am so rewarded by these faithful ones for my sacrifice and the patience that my Father and I have had for the culmination of the great controversy between good and evil.

The time is now at hand for all those who love me to arise and shine, for the darkness of the wickedness of earth's inhabitants is beyond description. For most, there is not one ray of light that is penetrating the black despair in which they live every moment of every day. Thus Satan can have his way with them, for they feel they are doing something of value when they attach themselves to a cause that seems to have the promise to change the world and make it better. So it will be with the Sunday law movement which is soon to begin. The papacy can have full reign because the darkness is so deep that his propositions will seem like a ray of hope to the dwellers of earth, and they will grab hold of it like a drowning man grabs hold of a straw. The whole world will see in this movement a way of saving the planet from hurtling to destruction.

Satan has planned this strategy very carefully and orchestrated events as I have pulled back my Spirit and allowed him more room to act with catastrophes that frighten people to the edge of terror. It is in this climate that the pope will seem like a benefactor to save the world from destruction and appease me and bring about a time of peace and prosperity once again. When this does not happen, the great deceiver will tell his followers that it is the Sabbath-keepers who are holding up the blessings that they seek, and as you know, the devil will push them on to make a decree to rid the earth of all the dissenters. I am only telling you this to let you know that these scenes of which you are already aware, are soon to take place, and you, my faithful ones, will be those that Ellen White beheld in prophetic vision. But you must not fear these things, for I have angels that excel in strength to protect you, and you will be in the center of my arms throughout the days ahead until I come. You see, I must allow these things to happen to erase forever in the minds of the universe the last shred of sympathy for Satan and the accusations that he made against me, my Father, and our government. This exoneration process must include allowing everyone to see not only what he did to me while I was on earth, but also what he will attempt to do to my faithful followers who have come to perfection of character through my sacrifice and intercessory work in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary.

I have nothing to hide, but Satan deals constantly in subterfuge and accusing. When he comes as an angel of light, as he will when he counterfeits my coming, he will profess to be the benefactor of the people who believe in him and follow him, and he will disparage my faithful people as a small, ignorant group who have been deceived by a woman [Ellen White] who claimed to have prophetic visions and dreams, and that led a group of people into a deadly deception which, if they do not change their beliefs, must be exterminated to save society and the earth from an angry God who will not tolerate dissenters who insist upon following cunningly devised fables. They will set a date to kill you, and when they prove their allegiance to Satan by rushing forward to kill you, their fate will be sealed, and the great controversy will have been revealed in its true dimensions. But fear not the rage of Satan and his followers, for they will be killed by the brightness of my coming when I come down from heaven to rescue my beloved ones all over the earth who would rather die than turn against me to save themselves from death.

There have been millions of martyrs who have died for me through the centuries, and these are precious jewels in my crown, and they will be raised to life eternal. But I must have a group of people at the culmination of history who have perfected their lives through the full truth of the cleansing and blotting out of sin which I am now doing to eradicate sin, and this will bring the great controversy to a close. Are you willing to go through this final vindication of my government, my laws, and my character, my beloved ones?

As you know, many will fall away when the testing time comes. Do not be discouraged by this, for I have warned you ahead of time. Instead, let it make your faith stronger and your devotion to me and my cause in the earth more firmly embedded in your heart and mind, for you must not waver or become discouraged, as the devil will tempt you to do. His whole effort will be to try to discourage my favored ones and get them to take their eyes off of me and lose heart in my faithfulness in protecting them. But if you continue to look to me and trust me until the end, you will be successful and earn the crown of life. Always remember that I will never, never leave you nor forsake you, for you are the apple of my eye and the reward for all my sufferings, and you will soon walk with me in my kingdom, for I am coming to rescue my bride who has been faithful to me until the controversy with Satan has been completed.

Lovingly, Jesus.

Seeing Jesus as the Source of Everything You Need

Dearest One, Good morning, and a happy preparation day for the Sabbath! I am looking forward to this Sabbath with you and all the church family because the days are swiftly passing between now the day of my coming. As you can see, I am letting the winds go, and the things that have been prophesied for so long are about to take place. No, you are not just imagining this, but it is really now that the time for the reign of terror that Satan began in heaven so long ago will come to an end. I and my armies are preparing for the last great battle with Satan, and my people are the prize! Therefore you will see the last moments of history and preach the last warning message of truth that the world will ever hear. So gird up the loins of your mind toward one focus – preparation for the great battle that I will fight to wrest my people forever from the hands of the devil.

In the meantime, do not fear anything, large or small, for fear is not from me, but from the devil. From me comes peace and security, love and trust, for everything that is secure in this world will be taken from you until only your faith remains. This does not mean that your homes will be taken from you, or that you will have no food or water. These necessities I will provide. But your trust will not be in them, for the world as you know it now will pass away and as it does, your security must be solely in me and my provisions for you. But rejoice that while the wicked are languishing, my people will be secure in their homes, for my angels will cover them and provide for them a place of safety and security. But you must begin now seeing me as the source of everything you need. It is your faith that brings security of mind, not what you see happening all around you. Always remember to ask me for what you need, and I will provide it for you.

Go now to the necessary activities of your day, but constantly practice faith, love, peace and joy, no matter what your circumstances. This is what distinguishes my people from the world, for the things of this world will pass away, but those who live by and through a constant love–faith relationship with me will live and endure forever. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Keep your eyes upward

Dearest One,

I know you have so many burdens upon your heart and mind, and it filters into your sleep. I advise you to keep your mind and thoughts upward so I can flow my joy, peace and love into your heart and mind. It is not my will that you become burdened by the things that are happening in the world, or in your life or family. I have all in my control, so roll your burdens upon me and I will carry them for you. You must learn to do this, for as time goes by, things on the earth will be increasingly difficult; but I already have every day outlined for you, and for everyone else who is a part of my kingdom of love and light. Now go to the responsibilities of your day, but let me carry your burdens and give you peace and joy. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Praying Together for Divine Protection

Note: In the morning the Lord asked me to find texts that we can study and claim through the days ahead to give us courage. Here are some examples: Ps. 1:6; Ps. 3:3-8; Ps. 5:11, 12; Isa. 27:2, 3; Ps. 138:7, 8. Also Matt. 16:19, and Matt. 18:18-20. Then He gave me this message:

Dearest One,

I want to second-witness the study which you have just completed, for I want you to share it. Especially emphasize the necessity of praying together for safety in the days ahead. You will soon see more clearly the meaning and importance of being under the shadow of my wings, for this is only the beginning of sorrows upon the earth. You must pray often and look to me for guidance to be shielded from the plagues and catastrophes that I'm about to send upon the earth. How else can I awaken my people and warn the world of its coming destruction? I am truly loath to do this, for I do not relish the punishment of the wicked, for at the same time my chosen ones are placed in difficulty and apparent peril. I say "apparent," for when all around you is breaking up, the threat of danger, disease and death seems continually imminent. But I will hold back the winds of strife until my message has circled the globe and my people are secured under the protection of my wings. But pray as often as you can together by twos, threes, or groups for continuing protection and ability to get the light of my soon coming out to the world.

Now go to the activities of your day, and do not allow fear of death, disease, or destruction engulf you in any way, for not a hair of your head will perish. Remember that I am the God of the winds and the waves, and the most secure place on earth is under the shadow of my wings. Lovingly, Jesus.

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God will Open Doors For You to Warn the World

Dearest Ones,

Today I want to make an announcement that I am coming soon -- sooner than anyone thinks. I know you have anticipated this for a long time, but now I am loosening the winds so that everyone around the world can see it for themselves. This is to prepare the way for the takeover of the papacy, for fear of death is gripping the people of the world, and they will look to a higher power to assure themselves of safety, and the devil will promise them this if they will worship him through his medium, the pope. He will inspire the people to look to the huge, worldwide system of the papacy as God on earth, and Satan will go out through this belief to take the world captive. As you know, this will lead to the Sunday law and persecution of my people, and then I will come back to this earth to rescue my chosen and faithful ones. This is the time when you must warn the world of what is about to take place. I will help you. I will open doors for you to preach this message around the world, and it will swell to a loud cry as people see the very things taking place that have been prophesied. You may think that your voice is small and your opportunities meager, but I will take your loaves and fishes and feed the world.

Now go to the activities of your day, but let this message that I am sending you ring in your hearts at all times so that I can guide you and direct your steps to fulfill the commission, "Go ye into all nations and preach the gospel of my soon coming to every man, woman, and child, and then shall the end come." Lovingly, Jesus.

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Interceding for Those Being Attacked by the Evil One

I have some instructions for you this morning on the importance of interceding for a family member who may be in danger of coming under the influence of demons working through his/her spouse to destroy their partner. The demons can work through a marriage partner to affect the other party. Do not think that their deliverance will be automatic without specific intercession, for demons never leave a person without special warfare prayer for oneself when attacked, or for another person who is being attacked by controlling demons. They can come under the demons of the other partner because the devil has direct access to him/her because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the beginning. The woman contains the larger part of the right hemisphere of the brain of a man, and so I designed it to be, so that emotions of love could flow freely and powerfully between the two, thus bonding them together with an unbreakable union such as I have with my Father through the Holy Spirit which dwells in us both equally. This is a great blessing when no sin is present. But because Eve accessed the presence and power of the devil, that union can be a controlling curse, for the devil can now flow between the man and his spouse, and only the power of God through the medium of the Holy Spirit can release the man/woman from its hold upon the partner’s emotions. This is a great mystery, but I am revealing it to you so that you can understand better about the battle and be energized and motivated to plead with me for your loved one’s deliverance. I assure you, that a person has the power of the devil to hold him/her captive, like a bird is captive to the snake who is about to devour it. He/she is my chosen instrument to carry the truth for this time to the world, and the devil knows this and is determined to destroy them through their partner. Please spend some time each day as I direct and inspire you in praying for the individual until they are set free.

Now go to the activities of your busy day, but don't forget to pray for my loved one. Lovingly, Jesus.

Note: Use Psalms 81 for intercessory prayer today.

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Dearest Ones,

I have happiness in my heart for each of you because you are traveling so faithfully on the narrow road to the kingdom of glory. Each day you cherish the beams of light that I am sending you from my throne, and you rejoice at my slightest whisper. What a delight to me is you're willing spirit and eagerness to please me.

Now the topic for today is "readiness." By this I mean, stand up and be ready for the rapidity in which events of momentous importance will transpire this year. I am looking forward to speeding my work forward in the earth and the closing up of history, and with you at my side, my angels can do the work of harvesting the earth. You have the message and I have the power.

Now go to the activities of your day, but watch for my providences and listen to my still, small voice in your heart guiding you every day. Always remember that I will never leave you nor forsake you, no matter what appearances or feelings may whisper to you. Times ahead will be difficult, but your faith in me and my power to deliver you from temptation and trial must never waiver. Do not allow yourself to become discouraged or faithless, for I have an answer to every problem, and I will be a faithful husband to you in every emergency. Just remember that I am by your side and together we will conquer every difficulty. Look to me today and every day and keep your faith strong and your eyes upon me, and the days will go by triumphantly over every obstacle the devil may place in your pathway. Now keep hold of my hand, for I am your sure guide until the clouds of heaven part and you look up and see me coming in the glory of my Father. Lovingly, Jesus.

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