
Dearest one's, I am thinking today of the struggle you are going through each day, and wanting you to know that I am allowing you to go through only the experiences that are necessary for your cleansing and deliverance, and preparation for the times just ahead. I am with you every moment, just as I was with the three Hebrew men in the fiery furnace. I didn't stop the king from throwing them into the fire, but I walked with them through it, and as a result my name and my truth was honored and glorified, and only the ropes that bound them were burned away. So it is with you at this time. The trials that beset you now are for your release and my glory and honor and the fulfillment of my purposes and plans for you. Just move forward at my leading and command, and you will see the glory of my purposes for you.

Now for the topic of the day. The subject is submission. There are two sides to the subject of submission. The first is total submission to my ultimate plan and will for your life. In order to produce this kind of submission, you must stay in constant day-by-day connection with me, because only I know what is on the agenda for that day. Of course, you can and must have your plans for each day. But like me when I was upon earth, I submitted my plans to my Father, and he directed me moment-by-moment through the Holy Spirit as to how my plans would be carried out or given up as the day went on. My generalized plan for my life everyday was to mingle with the people and preach the good news and interact with them and meet their needs, whether for physical healing or for mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. They needed to know that I was their long-awaited Messiah, and by my life, correct the misconceptions about me that had been taught and believed over the centuries of waiting. They needed to get to know me personally as their Savior and Friend, and to choose on that basis whether they wanted to believe in me or not, and whether to become my disciples and accept my offer of eternal life, or reject it and cling to the traditions of the spiritual leaders at that time.

And so it is now. We have come to the time appointed for the latter rain, the cleansing and blotting out of sin, and the sealing of my true followers who love and serve me with their whole heart. And again, most people are as unaware of the time as if I had never spoken about it by my prophets and described what the signs would be of my coming. Therefore, I am choosing to once again manifest myself to my true followers to whom I can reveal my thoughts and instructions each day. And you can choose whether you want to believe them or not by the Spirit that speaks to your heart. You may and should test these messages by the word of God and the appropriateness of the messages to your life. If you choose to listen and believe, you will feel my call to get ready for my coming and cast all earthly treasures out of your life that would keep you from preparing your souls and hearts to be ready and to help others get ready.

And here is where the test is, just as it was at my first coming. Will you give up your cherished idols and opinions and let them go and make every effort that is necessary to get to know me and allow me to guide you safely through the days of peril that lie before you? If so, you will be blessed beyond measure, but you will also suffer trials along the journey home. This is the time of the shaking predicted by the prophets. This means that everything and everyone that can be shaken out will be shaken out. Loved ones and families may be separated, for you are not saved in groups, but by a personal love relationship with me. Some families will go together through the end, and some will not. Whatever the case, you must keep your focus upon me and my voice leading you onward and still onward in the narrow path to heaven. I will provide for all your legitimate needs for food, clothing, and shelter, as well as the companionship of others of like faith. Some will not bear up under these trials, and will fall off the pathway into the dark world below. But you must not lose your bearings or your faith in me and my eternal purposes and plans for you. Submission to my will for you moment-by-moment is the key to continual success, and persevering to the final end of the journey.

Today is a new day for each of you, and I have plans for you today. But I will not push my will or my presence upon you. You must seek for me with faith that I am right there beside you, loving you, guiding you, sustaining you and supporting you. Please don't look around at others who do not share the same faith relationship with me that you do. Keep your eyes upon me, and you will be safe. And the key to success is first seeking me until you know my will for you, and then submitting to my will and going forward by faith. Are you willing to do this today and every day until I come? If you are, then we will journey safely to the heavenly kingdom ~ you my loyal servants and precious friends, and I your strength, your way, your righteousness, and your security. Submission to me means safety and success in the perilous days ahead, and the joy of companionship with me both now and throughout eternity.

Now go to the duties of your day, but keep your heart open to my guidance and my quiet but sure presence with you. Never fear, never give way to panic or discouragement. If you do, that indicates that you are not looking to me to supply your needs. So drop your burdens at my feet and let me carry you in my strong arms. You cannot worry me, you cannot have any challenges for which I do not have solutions. The key is letting me have control of your life, and submitting to my will for you, and remembering that whatever happens, I am just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest one, my subject for today is tolerance. In all your activities and interactions with people, tolerance is an essential quality of faith and victory over the enemy. Everyone that you meet is at a different place in their walk and relationship with me; or - they don't have any relationship with me at all, and are acting and speaking out the ideas, feelings, and attitudes of the evil one who has control over their lives. In any case, it is the studied, determined, effort of the evil one to influence your mind with the thoughts and attitudes which he has placed in others. You may have started out your day with a positive attitude and connection with me in your worship, but you can be sure that the enemy cannot rest until he finds someone to bring darkness, trouble and doubt into your mind. Therefore I use the word tolerance, because you cannot keep yourself in a monastery where no one can reach you. You must be able to associate with other people without accessing their spirit, and yet mingle and be kind and thoughtful and helpful to all who cross your pathway.

When I was on earth I mingled with people all day long with a purpose of activating in them a desire to be uplifted and find a higher, holier way of life. But in so doing, I stayed in constant communion with my Father so that the devil could never reach me through the influence of others. I want to give you my same victory so that you, too, can be impervious to the devil's influence coming through other people. For example, suppose you are in the presence of or listening to someone who is pouring out thoughts of depression, doubt, anger, hopelessness, blame, resentment, despair, criticism, or any other of the kaleidoscope of emotions that inhabit the minds of people. The tendency is when hearing these things or feeling their influence, that you begin to access these emotions yourself, because the mind is like a sponge and soaks up thoughts and feelings from others in the Interchange between one person and another. That is why you sometimes see whole families who think and feel alike and share the same attitudes, and unfortunately the same demonic presences who dwell in their home. It takes enormous fortitude and determination to escape home influences and live in the light of my presence in the midst of turmoil. But I had to pass that test for you in my own home, and I can give you the victory if you look steadfastly to me and choose my still small voice over the howling voice of the enemy.

Now I want to describe in more detail why tolerance is so important. Suppose you live in a home environment where someone has an angry spirit. There is a demon or demons behind this evil spirit, and they want to get you to respond in like manner so they can find an entryway into your mind, also. Of course, the Bible says, resist the devil and he will flee from you. But how do you do this from a practical standpoint? Number 1: stay connected to me at all times, and I will protect and guide you safely through the experience. Number 2: do not connect with, agree with, or argue against anything that is being said or done. Remain calm in the face of fury, and patiently endure the attack or irritation without connecting with it in any way, or trying to refute it or verbally protecting yourself to the other person. Remember how I handled the devil in the wilderness. I did not engage in a verbal battle with him as he hoped I would do, for then his sentiments could have penetrated into my feelings and he would have had an entryway and an edge over me, especially in my weakened condition. But I tolerated his presence for a time, for I needed to gain the victory over him for every child of Adam by using not my words, but the Word of God. As I did so, it strengthened me and gave me a bulwark against any human weakness that would cause me to access his spirit. Thus you, too, must fall back upon the Word of God in every instance and every temptation. You may not be able to dismiss the person from your presence, but you can and must dismiss the thoughts of the evil one that are coming through the mouth of the person who is attacking or tempting you.

So again I ask, what does tolerance have to do with all of this? It is because you do not know the heart and soul needs of the person, and how your Christlike response will affect them. Call upon me and I will put mercy and grace and patience for them into your mind so that while you do not access the evil spirits that are acting out through them, you can think of the need of the person for help and deliverance. Do all you can to be kind without joining in or accessing their sinful words and behavior. Keep connected with me at all times and listen to my voice speaking to you and directing your thoughts and reactions and words.

But tolerance also has a limit. It is to be exercised to allow the transformation of my character to be lived out in your life, and also to give the other person a chance to be healed by the Holy Spirit's influence coming to them through you. But if the person is not susceptible to my Spirit, there is a limit to what I will allow you to be harassed and attacked senselessly by the evil one through that person. When you have passed the test, and the other person has completely displayed their evil intentions, I will release you from the fire in the way and timing that I choose. That is what happened to me in the wilderness when I successfully passed all the tests, and the evil one fully displayed his true intentions. I was allowed to dismiss him from my presence, and food and strength from heaven were supplied for me.

So trials do not last forever. My merciful heavenly Father will do no less for you that he did for me. Every trial well born will be removed when the purpose for the trial has been accomplished. So look to me day by day and do not become weary in well-doing. Whatever trials and temptations may come to you through circumstances or people, just know and have faith that I have not forsaken you, and you will be delivered from it to serve me as an even better instrument in my hands. So look to me today and trust me and keep connected with me at all times. No matter what others may say or do, I am always the same, and I am always beside you to whisper my thoughts and feelings to you and to give you my victory over the evil one that I have won for you. Be patient, be tolerant of the weaknesses of others around you, and as you look to me and cling to me, you will be able to see the trial of the moment as something to give you greater glory beyond this moment, and a closer bond with me as we walk the pathway of your life together. Blessed be the trials that bring you into a perfect unity and harmony with me. It is the preparation for heaven that will set your spirit free from all earthly entanglements, and give you the victory of the redeemed. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest ones, I am happy today that your group has now connected with Bill. As I have said before, when the men come in there will be a thrust forward with the messages of my soon coming, because I have given my godly men gifts and leadership akin to Adam before he fell, because he was created to be the king of this earth under my authority. He gave that authority over to Satan through his capitulation to Eve. But in the last days that kingship is to be restored, and the leadership qualities bequeathed to Eve were given to her to qualify her to stand by her husband's side as an equal, working together side by side to further the cause of righteousness. Equal respect is to be present between both, and thus my Spirit can flow between all my servants, and harmony and Christlike love will prevail.

Now my topic for today. I want to discuss with you the concept of humility. This is one of the hardest things for fallen human beings to really grasp, because sin is just the opposite. Sin is grasping for the highest personal good, at whatever cost to others that it may cause. The sinful mind is constantly comparing one's self with others around you and wondering where you fit into the framework of society, family, or groups within which you must function. God's way is to ask, what are my gifts which God has given to me, and how can I use them to honor Him and bless others. Of course, of yourself you cannot do this, but when connected with me, you will hear a word behind you saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it." Then I will guide you to use your gifts and talents for the purpose which they were given to you.

One word of caution here is to know deep in your heart that your gifts and talents do not make you superior to, or less than, someone else who seems to have higher or lower gifts than others. There is no limit to the success and usefulness of a person who humbly uses their gifts in my service. Anyone can climb to the pinnacle of success which has been assigned to them, and then reach beyond, because talents and abilities grow as they are used. So you set the standard of success for yourself by looking to me every day, and receiving from me your assignment for that day, and then letting me guide you and use you according to my good pleasure, and the needs of others in your pathway for that day.

Now go to the activities of your day, but remember that I am the Heavenly Counselor, and my highest pleasure is in guiding each of you to overcome all your weaknesses and achieve the highest goals that I have set for you, and seeing you grow and achieve all that your heart’s desire in service for others and for me. Let the desire of your heart each day be, "what can I do in your vineyard today, Lord? How can I serve acceptably so that others will be blessed?" In doing this, we can work together in loving fellowship, and every day will be a new experience and a taste of the joys of Heaven. Lovingly Jesus.

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The Blotting out of Sin

Dearest ones, I want to talk to you today about the blotting out of sin. This is a process that is taking place right now in the Most Holy Place as the lives of my people come up in review for the final decision in each case. The blotting out is entirely voluntary and must be a conscious process in your mind, not an automatic act that I do without your permission and cooperation. Remember that everything I do must preserve the free will of the person involved, for that is the law of my character and my government. The whole plan of salvation is based upon this premise, as I have explained before. So the blotting out of sin from your lives and from your records must be a cooperative, conscious, voluntary process on your part, and a response from me upon your request and readiness to let go of everything that sin and Satan has caused in your life, and the removal of any sympathy with Satan and agreement with his principles. This necessitates a close, conscious, purposeful connection with me that allows me to speak to you and guide you every moment, and a relationship of love and trust so deep and permanent that you will desire to let go of your negative memories and emotions.

For example, if you have been deeply hurt by someone in your life, the natural response is to protect yourself from further harm and hurt by being angry with them, holding grudges, fears and angers against them, and holding the memory in your heart of what they have done, or what you perceive that they have done to you. Satan is present of course, helping you to do this, because by these memories and fears and negative feelings, he has already gained control of your mind and emotions, and these become permanent within you because you have second-witnessed, or agreed with, what he has told you about the person and the situation. And because you are in agreement with him, it is a bond that cannot be broken unless you respond to my Spirit's call to you and repent and give these things over to me to be cleansed and removed.

But that necessitates such a deep personal relationship with me that your love for me and my love for you drives out the presence and power of the evil one in your soul, and only my thoughts and feelings - my law and my righteousness - remain in your heart. This experience is what is absolutely necessary for the blotting out to take place. No amount of focus upon behavior, or "court" experience with me, will produce the oneness with me that allows me to reveal and remove the roots of sin. Even a "first apartment" relationship which involves the emotions does not eradicate the stored memories of experiences of the past. In other words, a person can love me and serve me on a "court," or behavioral level, because they agree with my principles -- (do not curse or show disrespect for me or worship any other gods, keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath, show respect for your parents, don't hate your brother or harbor thoughts to cause bodily harm to anyone, remain sexually pure, don't take something that belongs to someone else, and so forth) -- without having a deep heart connection and a conscious loving relationship with me every moment. They live by principal rather than a conscious, intimate connection with me. These can be accepted into my kingdom because they are in agreement with my principles, and if they recognize the discrepancies of their hearts and feelings and confess these to me to be forgiven and covered by my righteousness in their behalf, they can be saved.

Then there are those whose whole hearts are involved in a conscious relationship with me on a daily basis, and they go as far as they can to love and serve me, and are grieved by sinful thoughts and behaviors and confess them heartily to me and strive to overcome anything that is in their lives that is out of harmony with my righteous principles. These also are forgiven and covered by my blood. But neither of these two categories reflect the finished product of my grace, because the sin problem still remains in the deepest levels of the heart and mind, below the conscious level, where the roots of sin begin. These must be removed by the blood of sprinkling from the memories of the experiences of childhood and from the generational roots of sin passed down, or else sin would never be eradicated and there could be no finishing of the sin problem in the human race. That is why you must go beyond what the people before you have experienced, for now we are in the judgement process where everything is brought up and cleansed away from the mind and heart that is in disagreement with my righteous principles.

This is perfectly prophesied in Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14 --"Fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." This is why there must be a final generation who will go all the way with me and allow me to cleanse everything that has been passed on to them, plus their own individual sins, so that I can bring the great controversy between good and evil to a close.

Those who are not going forward right now in the full cleansing experience, but are living up to the light they have, will in mercy be laid away as their forefathers have been, for they cannot live through the time of trouble without full cleansing when there is no longer a mediator to cover their shortfalls and discrepancies. But a far greater number of professing Christians will be lost, for I am now allowing their faults to come to the surface and be displayed in their lives so that they can see clearly the outcome of their cherished, harbored sins, and hopefully to change before it is too late. In other words, people will either make haste to come to me for help and cleansing because they see before their eyes the heinousness of their sins, or they will choose to resist the conviction of my Spirit, harden their hearts, and plunge on and know not that they are closing their own probation.

That is why you can help me at this time to raise the awareness of people who do not know what you know, to bring light and conviction and warning of what is happening. That is why you cannot be silent about these things, or you will have their blood on your hands because you did not speak out in warning. It might be difficult to be so open when you know that the vast majority in the world will be against you. But pay no attention to those who refuse to heed the light and the warnings, for there are those who are honest in heart who will hear you with joy, and join the ranks who will go forward to experience cleansing and salvation. It is time for present truth to be presented clearly to the people. If you refuse to speak, the very rocks will cry out, and children will be inspired to take the message.

But I know you will not refuse my call for service now, because you are already my leaders, and I am pleased with each one of you who are taking the message onward to its conclusion. Our best hours are just ahead of us, and we will do it together, for I will be with you every moment to help, inspire, and encourage you as you go forward.

Now go to your tasks for today but keep open to the slightest whisper of my voice inspiring and directing you, and you cannot fail to complete the task that I have assigned you. Lean upon me and stay connected with me, and your burdens will be light and your salvation sure. And never forget that I'm always beside you to help and strengthen you and solve every problem that you encounter each day. Ask me and I will give you wisdom and strength and deliverance from the enemy, for I am, and always will be, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.

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“The Year of the Lord’s Favor”

Dearest ones, today is a special day in the courts of heaven because we have come to "the year of the Lord's favor." [Isa.61:2, NIV] This is the year when the gospel of salvation by faith will be preached in all the world and then the end will come. Yes, it can and will be done in one year, because my chosen ones have the message, the means, and the understanding which will carry it to the ends of the earth. One theme should swallow up all others - "Victory in Christ is possible through faith." I know that there are many concepts of righteousness by faith, but only one is correct, and it is this: complete victory over every sin and every demon is not only possible, but imperative, because anything less than total victory in every area is not righteousness and it is not faith. Faith says, "anything less than total victory is unthinkable and unacceptable." Even in the public games of worldlings, anything less than all-out effort is not acceptable. Why would I, the God of heaven and earth, be satisfied with less? And because I have provided for complete success through connection with me, anything less than victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil is unacceptable. In fact, it is infidelity and treason, because it allows for cohabitation with sin.

Having said this, I want to go back to the topic of today -- the year of the Lord's favor. This means, the year when the power of the Gospel is finished in the human race. Until now, there has always been a certain amount of darkness and missed understanding over the concept of the requirement and possibility of total victory over every sin. That is because no previous generation has had all the light on the subconscious or unconscious mind and the storage of the records of memories of sin and sinful tendencies in the amygdala. But now the light is shining and there is no more excuse for sin to be tolerated in my people, because total victory is now possible through a relationship with me in the cleansing of the records of sin that are stored in the subconscious mind.

As I explained yesterday, the law that is enshrined in the Ark of the Covenant is symbolic of the law of life and happiness that is enshrined in my heart. As I said when coming to earth, "Lo I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, oh my God: yea, thy law is in my heart." Psalms 40:7, 8. This indicates that when I came to earth, I came from the Most Holy Place where I was in perfect agreement with my Father, and the law was enshrined in my heart, just as the law of God, which is the transcript of his character, was transcribed on stone and enshrined in the Ark of the Covenant. That covenant of agreement between my Father and I stands firm forever, and is an everlasting promise that all who desire to come into fellowship and agreement with us will be cleansed of everything that is in disagreement with this covenant of love, and will be brought into total agreement with us in every aspect, and thus are also able to have the law enshrined in their hearts and dwell forever with us in the Most Holy Place, fully restored from the effects of sin. All selfishness and sin will be washed away by the application of my blood, which is symbolic of the application of my life, and we will be one with each other and in total agreement and oneness of heart and mind forever. This is the completion of the plan of salvation, and thus sin and sinners will be eradicated forever from the universe.

Now, this is the work that I am doing right now in the sanctuary. I am revealing to you each sin or disagreement with me, even back to your earliest childhood, and inviting you to give it to me to be healed and removed from your life's record and blotted out forever from your memories, so that your heart will beat in unison with mine, and you, too, will be able to say, "Lo I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, oh my God: yea, thy law is within my heart." Remember that I have said in Psalms 139:17, "all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." So when your books are completely cleansed from all the records of the damage that Satan and sin has done to you, the finished product is that your book will be in perfect harmony with my perfect original plan for you, and my goal for your life will be accomplished. Then Isaiah 26:12 -14 will be fulfilled: "Lord you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us. Oh Lord, our God, other lords besides you have ruled over us, but your name alone do we honor. They are now dead, they live no more; those departed spirits do not rise. You punished them and brought them to ruin; you wiped out all memory of them."

So this is the year of the Lord's favor, because this is the year that I am going to accomplish and finish it for my people. This is the year of the final cleansing and blotting out of sins in the records of heaven, and of the sealing of my people, which means that every disagreement with me has been cleansed and removed, and we are now in perfect agreement with each other forever. Then the latter rain will be poured out and its fullness, because there will be nothing hindering my Holy Spirit from taking full possession of my cleansed ones - no dross, no misunderstanding, or disagreement between us, so that the Holy Spirit can be poured out without measure because there are no obstructions in the way. I have been looking forward to this for so long and now that the time is here, you can see why I call this the year of my favor.

And then probation will close forever on the human race. My sheaves will have been gathered safely into my barn, and the tares will be bound in bundles to be burned. That, too, you must preach, for that is the day of vengeance which is spoken about in Isaiah 61:2, 34:8, and Revelation 18:8, and the world must be warned of it's coming doom. Never have I closed probation on a people or a nation that I did not send warnings. Noah, Moses, Lot, and Jonah are examples of this. So you, too, must give warnings to the people of your generation. Actually, you will be the voices that I use to speak the words of warning that are contained in the Three Angels Messages, and the fourth angel of Revelation 18. So gird up the loins of your mind, and listen to the call of my Holy Spirit to sound these messages throughout the earth, and then the end will come.

Now go to the duties and privileges of your day, but keep listening for my still, small, voice to guide and encourage you, for you are never alone. Through my Holy Spirit and my angels I will be right beside you to give you courage, wisdom and strength equal to the challenges of your day. And remember that I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Covering

Dearest ones, my subject today is "The Covering." As you know, there are covering cherubs in the most holy place over the ark. These mighty angels protect what is inside the ark, which is my law. But why would there need to be angels covering my law before sin entered? It is because I created beings who have free wills and could choose to question my laws and break them if they chose to disagree with me. Therefore, the covering cherubs were to be so close to me and my Father, and know us so well, that if any question should ever arise concerning us and our character, the angels that were created and chosen to be in this high position of leadership and authority, could explain to others what our true character and motives were in having standards and laws for our created beings, although all were perfect at their creation. The covering angels could explain that my law was protective of anything ever coming into my kingdom that would lead to anarchy and ruin, for all created beings have a free will, therefore they could choose to disagree with my law and the principles by which I run the universe, and foment rebellion against me and try to take over my authority and my throne. The covering angels were to explain to anyone who questioned, why my laws were for the good of everyone to preserve unity and harmony and safety and love and freedom within the safety of the boundaries of behavior and thinking that I had established which would ever preserve the greatest happiness and freedom.

Of course, you know what happened when Lucifer, the highest of my created beings and the leader of the angels, rebelled against me and fomented rebellion among the other angels. It is still a mystery and will always be how his mind and thinking could become so twisted that he would bring about such chaos and destruction. But that is the risk I had to take to preserve free will for all my created beings. The experiment into sin has been long, excruciatingly painful, and disastrous for so many, and even for me because of my eternal sacrifice that was needed to end the sin problem while continuing to preserve free will.

But I rejoice that my Father and I had already planned for such a situation, and we knew that peace and harmony would eventually be restored through the plan of salvation. So my creation was fully covered by this plan, which accomplished the desired end. So you see, the covering was meant to be established and preserved through understanding my character and the perfection of my laws for the greatest good of all my created beings. But because Lucifer doubted me and left his position to challenge me about my character and my laws, his rebellion has eventually caused the very outcome that he refused to do, which was to fully reveal my character and the righteousness of my laws. And now rebellion will never rise again because all questions have been fully answered and the display of the purpose and perfection of my laws for the good of everyone has answered every question. It is now fully seen that the purpose of my laws are to preserve love and harmony, and protect everyone from the danger of rebellion against my law, which is the heart and soul of my character and my government. This perfect divine law must also be in the heart and soul of each member of my kingdom, and thus sin shall not rise a second time. So the complete understanding of the purpose for my law is that it is a covering to prevent sin from ever rising again.

Now I want to talk to you about the necessity of having this covering in your own life. You, too, have been created with a free will. And when I designed your inner being and your special blueprint, it was as perfect as my blueprint for Adam and Eve when I created them. I also planted within you a desire for me and a covering of purity which, if you preserved it, would be a hedge of protection to keep you from self-destructing. Without this, there would have been no hope for you to choose me and be saved from the effects of sin and from the presence and power of the devil who claims every person that is born into this world, because the seeds of sin are present in every child since Adam and Eve fell, and these are passed on to their progeny. Since the choice is now up to each individual, I try to throw around each person an atmosphere of grace to call them to choose me and not Satan. That atmosphere is a covering of grace which I have extended during probationary time. But now I am withdrawing that atmosphere because nearly all have chosen against me and have made the choice to follow Satan. Therefore, I am accepting their choice to spurn my love and the opportunity to be transformed that I have provided by my sacrifice on Calvary for each person.

For those who choose me, the door is still open for full recovery and salvation. But the requirements are the same as they have been from the beginning. You must know me and my truth and the perfection of my laws, and agree with them in all areas and aspects, because they are the laws of happiness, peace, joy, love, safety and eternal life in heaven with me. But as the Bible says, all have sinned and come short of the glory, or character, of God. To the extent that you have sinned against me and my laws, to that extent there must be a cleansing of your mind and heart in order for you to have my protection through the time of trouble that is just ahead of us. Every sin is a breach in the covering that I provide. Until now, I have had the automatic covering of grace that I have provided for everyone who has accepted me as their personal Savior. But now I am removing that automatic covering, to show who are my chosen ones and who are not. Make haste to avail yourself of this privilege while the door of probation remains open, for soon it will close forever upon those who have spurned my invitation of love and mercy which is available for everyone. You will know when this transaction has taken place, for you will sense the complete peace of my covering of grace in every area of your mind, heart, and soul, and you will be able to hear the still small voice of my Holy Spirit constantly with you and helping you to go through anything that the devil may invent to harass you and try to get you off track. But it will be impossible for him to seduce you, for you will be a finished product of my grace and my intercession to restore you into my full image, and you will be impervious to the attempts of the devil to take you down.

So take heart! The days grow short, and my work is almost done. I am now drawing a covering over everyone who loves me supremely above every earthly attraction and every device of the devil, and whose mind has been cleansed of everything that the devil has done in their lives. Oh, that everyone would avail themselves of this privilege while probationary time still lasts! But I am encouraged and rejoicing that I have a small remnant who are moving forward at my last call to get into the ark of safety before it is too late. My true people are moving into line and being cleansed of all sin, no matter what the cost to themselves. In return, I am covering and sealing each of you for eternity, nevermore to be the sport of the enemy. So continue to look to me. I will never leave you nor forsake you - ever - even for one moment. You must believe and accept this truth about me or you will never have the strength to recover from the damage the devil has done to you. He has taken away from you the covering that I have provided for you and you must have faith in me and my love for you and reject the lies that the enemy has told you about me and about yourself as being hopeless and rejected. I will restore your covering that Satan has taken from you the moment that you believe in my eternal love and care for you. Will you accept this now and be healed? I will not force you, but I will free your will to choose if you will look to me and believe in me with your whole heart like a little baby in its mother's arms. Come to me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest! Trust in me and I will replace your tears and sorrow and fears with my peace, which is the constant assurance of my love.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep me in your heart at all times, and I will give you peace and rest and eternal assurance, for my law of love will be enshrined in your heart, and my wings of love will cover and protect you forever! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Loving the Unlovable

Dearest ones, I always look forward to the morning when you are awake and I can commune with you again at the beginning of each day. Your hearts are so eager to connect with me and hear my voice speaking to you in the quietness of your soul. Perhaps it is hard for you to imagine that I can enjoy the fellowship with you that we have each day, when I have my Father at my side, and myriads of angels around me at all times, but just remember that I created you to be a part of my kingdom, and for the loving relationship that we can share. No two people are alike, and just as you love each of your children uniquely, so I love each of you uniquely and look forward to our fellowship together.

Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk with you about loving the unlovable. Of all the things that you encounter in your daily journey through life, this is one of the hardest. That is because you were created to love and be loved by my Father and I and all the hosts of heaven, as well as your family and friends, and to be respected by even those who are not a part of your inner circle. So when this is not the case, it produces anxiety, emotional pain and distress, sadness, and darkness of mind. Since you were never created to experience rejection, criticism, anger from others, and all the other emotions that are a result of the sin condition, you have no natural defense for it. So this is where arguing and fighting and negative emotions come into the picture as people try to defend themselves against the pain of not feeling loved and secure.

The whole problem of sin is about lack of love for me, and lack of love for each other. That is why my law addresses these two categories in more detail then I am doing here. But I want to focus this morning upon what to do when you do not feel loved, understood, and appreciated. Of course, I experienced a great deal of that when I was upon Earth, because I had to go through to the fullest extent what every human being must suffer. Until the cross I always felt my Father's love and acceptance and guidance. But although this was the mainstay which kept me strong, I still keenly felt the rejection of people, especially of those who were my closest friends and loved ones. So I have trod the pathway before you and I want to help you to have my victory over rejection and abuse.

The key to remember is that such things come from the Devil through the person to you. Never forget that you have an enemy who hates you if you follow me, and wants to destroy your happiness and usefulness in any way possible. So he will stir up others to attack, reject, misunderstand, and abuse you in every way he can. But I want you to learn to keep an even keel and not be drawn into the negative emotions that are normal to feel under these experiences. But you can only do this if you are having a calm close walk with me and are able to perceive my love for you and my instructions and counsel as you go through the experience. You are no match for the enemy without me, and you will fall prey to him without my help and strength. You know that the scriptures say, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way of escape, that ye may be able to bear it." [1 Cor. 10:13.]

So with every temptation and trial that I allow to come to you, I also have a remedy - a ram in the thicket, so to speak. And just as I gave a release from the trial that I brought to Abraham and Isaac when they had passed the test, so I have a remedy for every trial that I allow to come to you, which I will make clear to you at the proper time. It Is by passing The daily tests that you grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, for no one starts out a finished product when they are born. The carnal nature is in the ascendancy when a child is born, and through life it must learn and grow to be a successfully functioning adult. So also it is in the spiritual life. You must learn to walk with me through every trial that I allow to come to you. When you walk with me, I measure every trial before I allow it to come to you, and if you walk with me through it, you will come forth as gold, with a character which has been tried in the fire and freed of all dross and tin. So look up, for your redemption draweth nigh, and the waiting time for my coming is almost over.

In the meantime, walk with me through every trial and I will give you my victory. When you are tested by the rejection, disapproval, and scorn of others, focus upon my love and acceptance for you, and I will give you pity for the poor souls who are being tortured by the enemy, and buying his wares and thinking his thoughts and doing his bidding. When you have me in your heart and life, you need never feel alone or unloved, for I am always beside you, and I love you with an everlasting love.

So walk securely with me today and every day, and let your thoughts capture the songs of angels who are rejoicing about your victory over the enemy. Soon you will join them around my throne. But even now I want you to rejoice that you are loved and accepted by God, and that your salvation and your reward is secure, both in heaven, and in your earthly life as well. Have a blessed Sabbath, for we will be with you to bring the fellowship and love of all of heaven to you as you open your heart and mind to connect with us in blessed fellowship together. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest ones, today is preparation day for my Sabbath, and I want you to see this day as an example of preparation for my coming. All throughout the day you will be keeping in mind the hour of sunset when my Sabbath begins. So it should be concerning my coming. Normal things have to be done, but there should be nothing that supersedes the preparation for my coming. Keep in mind that without me you can do nothing to prepare your heart for both my Sabbath nor My coming, because works do not count for righteousness. Anyone for any reason can prepare for a deadline. But what I want is heart preparation, which you cannot do without my indwelling Spirit who cleanses your hearts of all sin and disagreement with me. So keep your hearts in tune with me today, and I will guide and prepare you for a special outpouring of my Spirit on Sabbath.

Now my topic for today is holiness. I know that this is a common topic for you, and you understand it to be complete and total agreement with me on any level and about anything. This is true, but do you realize that this is impossible if you are not hearing my voice at all times and about everything? That is quite logical, isn't it, because how can you be in agreement with me if you don't hear my voice and know just what I am thinking at any given moment? Of course, that necessitates a constant relationship with me such as Enoch had, and such as I had and have with my Father. And that is why the cleansing is absolutely imperative for those who live through without seeing death. My glory - the power of my character - destroys anything that is not in harmony with my thoughts and feelings and mind on everything. That is why I had to clothe my glory with humanity when I came to Earth. The power of my thoughts are creative and healing and restorative to anything or anyone that is submissive and in harmony with me, but destructive to anything that is out of harmony with me. But because I am loving, I veil and control my power down to the level of the smallest child, and submit to reasoning with my created beings, rather than using force to bring anyone into harmony with me. As the scripture says, "your thoughts are not my thoughts nor are your ways my ways." That is why I call out to each person, "Come now, let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

Were I to force my way into your mind, you would lose your individuality and your power of choice. So I plead with you and implore you to come to me in everything you go through to learn my thoughts on the matter. Don't just assume that you already know because you study the scriptures on any given topic. Of course I want you to study the scriptures diligently because I can speak to you through them, which prepares your heart to be open to my council. But as you already know by your experience, the scriptures can be applied in various ways for specific situations, and that is where my Spirit must be the interpreter for every situation, for my wisdom is infinite, and only I know which scriptural principle applies in each situation. So you can see now that without a constant relationship with me it is impossible for you to have the necessary discernment to be in agreement and harmony with me in every situation.

But that is the joy of our relationship isn't it? The human mind can know truth without knowing how to apply it. For example, the Pharisees and leaders during my days on Earth explained the scriptures down to the smallest detail and were satisfied that they knew truth. But I am the Truth and they didn't know me or my thoughts or ways at all. So without a constant, living relationship with me you can't know truth either, because truth is a revelation of what I am thinking and feeling on every situation. But isn't it enjoyable to have such a relationship with me? I bring to you things that you cannot know in any other way. I bring you love and joy and peace and knowledge and wisdom and understanding about everything that you must face every day. I resolve problems for you that you could never do for yourself. I am your Friend and Companion in every situation and through every trial that you must endure. Just think about people who don't have that relationship! Are they happy and fulfilled? As I withdraw my Spirit from the earth and from anyone who is not actively seeking me, the world is going into chaos because my sweet Spirit is no longer an automatic gift, but is now only available to those who seek me. This is because probation is already closing, and only those who love and serve me with all their hearts and desire a relationship with me will find me.

This is why I especially am focusing upon my beloved chosen ones in whom is all my delight. I am leaving those who spurn and reject me and do not value my Spirit, but look to themselves and their own devices to be their guides. Therefore, I am focusing upon those who have already chosen to be my friends, and also those who long to be, and are not satisfied with the things that the world has to offer. It is for these that I am holding open the door of salvation a little longer, and holding back the winds of strife so that all who choose me can enter and be safe when I close the door and let the winds go.

So please do not be surprised that some are refusing to enter through the narrow gate and have a relationship with me. This is the shaking time, and those who to choose some other way will be shaken out. In the meantime, do not try to carry the weight of the world upon your shoulders. Just stay by my side as I lead you step by step, moment by moment, and if you do this I will see you safely through every trial that Satan throws against you. Do not look down and focus upon the works of the devil, for you will be tempted above that which you are able to bear. Turn to me, run to me, and focus upon me and you will be victorious over every trial and temptation.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep in mind that I am walking right beside you and will see you through. The Sabbath hours are coming, and we can spend them together if you keep your heart open to my Spirit and my love for you. In so doing, you will hear a word behind you saying, this is the way, walk ye in it, and your heart will be at peace. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest ones, the sun is shining brightly through your window this morning, and it is a symbol of my love for you and my care which is unceasing and as bountiful as the oceans, for you have followed me faithfully day by day throughout your lives, no matter what the trials have been, and you have never lost faith in me and my care for you and the purpose that I have for your life. I am rewarding you for this by sending you messages of love and instruction every day to keep your mind fresh and open to my leading and instructions, for if I did not do this, time would go by and you would not be ready for what is coming so soon upon the world. Those who are expecting things to go on as usual, and are living normal lives of activity, will be taken by surprise when the things that have been prophesied for so long begin to happen. There will be no time to get ready then - no time to prepare, no time to get to know me intimately. I must be the center of your life now, guiding and instructing you moment by moment in order for you to be ready when the curtain of normal life comes down forever upon the world and its inhabitants. In the meantime, those, like you, who are following my Spirit's guidance, will be prepared to go through the end without seeing death.

Now For the topic of the day. I want to talk about alertness. You know the story of the ten virgins. The sad fact is that they were ALL asleep. It is not my will that anyone should be asleep right now when my coming is so soon. But unfortunately, it is true. It reminds me of that night in the Garden of Gethsemane when all my disciples went to sleep and left me alone to endure the agony of preparing for the cross. I am not blaming them for it, I am just saying that if they had stayed awake as I asked them to do, everything would have been different for them, because I would have been able to prepare them for the events that would follow. And so it is now. Even though many are beginning to see that my coming is near, almost everyone is assuming that they will be ready, and are basically asleep to the fact that there is an essential preparation that is necessary to be ready. You know that preparation to be the removal of sin from the sanctuary through the blood of sprinkling, or in other words, going through the cleansing of the roots of sin and having my perfect life, personified by my blood, imparted and imputed into the life in place of the presence of sin in any form and to any degree. Most think that righteousness by faith means that I cover their sins and mistakes that they have if they by faith believe that. But this belief is not faith at all but presumption. Why would I give my precious life so that people could go on sinning with my permission? I gave my life's blood to recover mankind from both the power and presence of sin in any form and to any degree! You, my beloved ones, must tell people this, because so many people are leaning upon this false premise and understanding of righteousness by faith which is preached and believed by most Christians today. Where does this false belief come from? It comes from an obdurate heart of unbelief and a desire to go on with life feeling satisfied with their own behavior until probation closes and the terrible realization comes that they have been duped by false teachers, and that it is now forever too late to turn around and be saved.

But I don't want to end on this depressing note. I am rejoicing today and every day that I have a remnant of my people who are not asleep, but who are awake and listening to my voice and following me to perfection of character. You are not even among the sleeping virgins. You are among the Watchmen who are awake and make the call that the bridegroom is coming. Fortunately, there is a significant number of my people who are true to me as much as they know and with the light they have, that will awaken when they hear the truth that you are preaching about cleansing, and they will quickly trim their lamps and join you in the generalized proclamation of truth. To these you must go, and my spirit will guide you in reaching these. So Rejoice that you are not among those who are sleeping, but you are Watchmen on the walls of Zion, sounding the message of truth that will gather in every honest hearted person who is waiting for the clarion call to prepare for my coming. These will join you in spreading this message around the world, and then the end will come.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep me in your heart and mind at all times and you cannot fail to please me and accomplish all that this day brings. Just keep the watchword and pass it on down the line that I love each person with an everlasting, personal love like no earthly lover, but as the divine Son of the Father who also loves you and is pleased with your devotion and service. Keep us in your heart and mind today, and you will be blessed and honored both now and in the kingdom of heaven! Lovingly, Jesus.

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“Go Forward”

Dearest ones, today my subject is titled, "Go Forward." All of you have been working diligently to overcome every obstacle and gain every victory over everything that the devil has thrown into your pathway. I have been right there beside you to strengthen you for the battles and give you courage and wisdom to see your way through each time the devil invented new things to stand against you. But you have looked steadily to me, never wavering in your faith and connection with me. Therefore, I am announcing to you that I feel I have a honed army of soldiers who will follow my instructions and stay connected with me as we move forward toward the end. I have responsibilities for each of you to do that can be done by no other person. Each of you is pivotal in the place where you have been assigned. So look to me for my leadership and instructions for each day, and for encouragement and love and strength from me, because it is my highest joy to work together with you for the accomplishment of the goals for each day.

Now I want to caution you to be careful not to assume that every door that opens, or opportunity that presents itself is from me. You only have 24 hours a day to accomplish the goals that I have for you, and the devil would like to bring counterfeit opportunities and have you chasing his rabbits and lists of apparently good things that you could be doing. I know it seems strange that the devil would have you doing good things, but his purpose would be to deceive you and get you off track. Remember - every day ordained for you was written in my book before one of them came to be. And that perfect pattern is what I will reveal to you every day. When I was on Earth I could have been healing whole cities, doing miracles of every kind, preaching to the masses of gentiles, and many spectacular things that would have spread my fame around the world. But I followed my Father's plan for me specifically in every detail. The mind and heart of man is so deceptive that without my guidance, the blueprint plan that I have for each of you singly, and also collectively as a team, will not be accomplished, for you cannot see as I do the complete master plan that I have in mind. But trusting me day by day and moment-by-moment takes the burden off of you, and keeps it on my shoulders where it belongs.

One of the things that I want you to do frequently and whenever needed is to encourage each other and pray and counsel with each other as I did with my disciples. No two of you are alike, but as a whole, you make up the kaleidoscope of gifts and personalities that are needed to accomplish the entirety of the work. Do not be turned aside to argue or spend time reasoning with those who do not see your work and calling and want to keep you busy defending yourself and the message and work that I have given you to do. Remember how Satan sent enemies to hinder the work on building the wall [Neh. 4, 6]. I want you to say the same thing. "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down to argue with you." So your eyes should be single to your calling and to my voice daily guiding you each day. Your greatest joy will be in hearing my voice and following me moment by moment and enjoying the fellowship of love and service that we have together. And in addition, I have given you compatible friends with whom you can find companionship and sacred fellowship in serving me together.

Now go to the activities of your day, but always keep in mind that I am with you, even to the end of the world. And that end is coming rapidly upon us like a speeding train. In the meantime, make every day count for the activities of that day, and you cannot fail to reach the final goal of being ready for the close of probation and the end of the world. Then the work that I have assigned you will be finished, and heaven will begin when I come to take you home. Until then, heaven begins here with your day by day experience with me. So look to me today for my guidance, and you will be blessed by our loving fellowship together, no matter what is transpiring around you, for with me beside you, you will be kept and surrounded in an area of peace. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Faith through the Darkness

My dear ones, I am so pleased with your progress in holiness every day as you go through the various trials that I permit you to experience. These trials are not to consume you or discourage you, but to refine you and polish and purify you of all the dross in your life that Satan has caused. But as you look to me for help, miracles of healing can happen because you are looking away from what Satan has done in your life and focusing upon what I can do and want to do in your life as you cooperate with me. I have great plans for each of you to represent me as you walk in the light against the backdrop of darkness and gross darkness that is upon the people of Earth. They need to see one last blaze of truth before probation closes forever, and no light will shine again except in the camp of my saints. And I want you to know that we are on schedule, and there will be no delay.

Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you about faith through the darkness. As you know, I am withdrawing my Spirit from the earth in stages according to the light revealed and rejected by the majority of people on Earth and their leaders. If you focus upon what is happening in the Earth you will lose heart and lose connection with me and fall down into the dark world below. It is all right to notice briefly what is happening so that you can speak to the issues that people are dealing with. But like Enoch, your focus must be upon me and following my direction for your personal lives and your witness. As you look out upon the world, there is very little that is worthwhile thinking about. But as you look to me, I will guide you to focus upon the light that I am shining upon you, and be able to disseminate that to others who know and understand much less then you, but whose hearts are looking to me and longing for something to make sense of what is happening in their own lives and in the world where there is much turmoil in homes, marriages, families, and society in general. But this turmoil is preparing people for the great divide that will happen when the greatest light shines from the heavenly sanctuary under the latter rain and loud cry to "come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins," nor "receive any of her plagues" [Rev. 18:4]. At that time family members will be separated, since some who are honest in heart will follow the light, while others will not. This is already beginning to happen, though not visibly to you at this time. But I see the ripening of the grain, and I know who are mine and who are not. So your duty is not to try to carry the weight of the world upon your shoulders, but only to go through the doors that I open for you, and carry only the burdens that I lay upon you, for my burdens are light because I always carry the heaviest part of the load for you.

So rejoice today that you are accounted worthy to be among my chosen ones at this time in history. You will get to see what all of my faithful ones through the ages wanted to see - the end of the reign of sin, and my coming in the clouds of glory. That is what you will see with your own eyes and experience in the near future. But this is possible for you because of the faithful labors of all my saints through the ages, and you are standing upon their shoulders, and reaping the results of their faith and labor's for me. Every generation has had its purpose and calling, and now the end has come and the work is accomplished. Only the last dregs of the cup remain, and we will walk the last mile of the journey together. That is why I send you messages every day, because I want you to look constantly to me and keep your faith and courage brightly shining through the darkness of error which covers the earth and gross darkness the people. But the light of my truth is shining brightly in the hearts and homes of my chosen ones, and my heart is satisfied that I now have a remnant who will follow and obey me through the end.

Go now to the activities of your day, but don't let go of connection with me for one moment, for the devil goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour and so much the more as he sees the end approaching. So cling to me today and I will inspire and strengthen you for every battle and temptation of the evil one, for I am your strong support, and I will never let you down. I love you with an everlasting love, and you can safely lean upon me in the days ahead. Today is a new day to walk together to the kingdom - let us rejoice and be glad in it! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest ones, my topic today is light. While I was on Earth, I tried to help people to understand how to be constantly walking in light from Heaven by following me and my teachings. It is not my will that anyone should ever be in darkness, for that means they are listening to the prince of darkness, Satan. There are only two sources of light in this world and these are from me and from the evil one. I am the True Light that lightens everyone who will turn to me and receive me. And then there is the deceiver who purports to have light but has only darkness and lies to offer. Everyone must learn to perceive what is the true light from me, and detect any error and darkness from the evil one and expel it at once. That is why I said, as recorded in the scriptures, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" [John 8:12]. And as the Apostle John wrote, "God is light. In him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin" [1John 1:5-7]. Now these are strong statements but I want you to become very familiar with the truth that is presented here. It is natural for the fallen human nature to go in and out of darkness and light according to the experience of each day. Some days seem smooth and profitable, but other days are perplexing and possibly depressing according to what happens that day. But when depression or discouragement sets in, I want you to realize that I am never in those feelings. In other words, I am never depressed or discouraged, so if you are experiencing these feelings, it means that you are not connected with me at that moment, and are walking in the darkness brought on by the evil one. Now, I do not mean to be hard on you, because I completely understand the human condition, and the experiences that come as a result of being in the flesh and not in the Spirit. But I think you can see that my Spirit never brings feelings of depression, hopelessness, despair, or any negative emotion. Now let me say right here that I do not leave people when they experience these emotions, because they need me even more to give them hope and bring them out into the light through communion with me. But I am simply pointing out that you can and should educate your mind to be on the alert for dark thoughts and feelings that come not from me but from the enemy, and connect quickly with me so that I can help you to stay positive and full of faith.

Now I want to address the part of the text that says, "The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." This indicates that the final generation will understand and experience this more fully than any other generation, for it is the final remnant that will experience the cleansing of the amygdala memories and the blotting out of all the sins of the past. Feelings of depression and darkness often come from unresolved issues from the past, and bring darkness of spirit and mind. Therefore when these have been fully cleansed, the light of my love, mercy, and forgiveness can shine brightly in the heart and mind and reproduce my righteous character in your mind and soul, for the things of the past are cleansed away, making way for my holy thoughts and feelings to be implanted in the soul. So when you read about my people in the past who became discouraged or experienced times of depression, do not think that is an acceptable template for my final cleansed remnant, for they will be fully filled by the latter rain power of the Holy Spirit and connected with my mind in all areas. They will walk in the light proceeding from the throne of God and will grow up quickly into my image. So take heart! Your light afflictions now are preparing you to receive the latter rain and the full cleansing that precedes it. Journey forward with full faith, and you will receive the crown of life that is given to every overcomer.

Now go to the activities of your day, but remember to look to me for help and strength and counsel and direction in all things. I am right by your side, and if you reach out to me you will find me, for I am, as ever, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Jesus, the Light of our Lives

Dearest ones, as the light of the sun streams in your window this morning, so I want to be the light of your life today. When you are in connection with me, there is no darkness at all. Do you realize that as I look down upon the earth I see only a few little lights blinking in the darkness of error that is as black as night? My greatest pleasure is my church who has my truth for these last hours of Earth's history, and I will pour out my glory upon them as my coming draws near to give the last warning for the people of Earth, where darkness is upon the people and gross darkness upon the leaders and statesmen of the world. So my church is the center of my attention and through it I will give the last rays of light before probation closes.

But even among my people there is much darkness and error, for many do not sense the reality of the nearness of my coming and the close of probation. "Near" to them means 5, 10, 20, or 50 years or even longer, for they build great edifices as though there are many more years to build and to plant and to use these expensive edifices. But no, they will soon waste in the rubble of the destruction that I will bring upon the Earth even before my coming. And their hopes and dreams of greatness will be dashed to the ground. My people do not ask me what I want them to do, but do what they think I want them to do for my honor. It would honor me more to have hearts and lives that I can use for the proclamation of truth than great luxurious buildings that actually say, "My Lord delays His coming." Then there is the proliferation of activities without the heart knowledge of my present truth for this time. I do appreciate all that is done to help people to get to know me and prepare for my coming. But much of the activity that is done does not uphold or exemplify anything that will help the participants to prepare for my coming. Then I will mention one more thing - the lame sermons that do not alert people of my soon-coming, or help them prepare for it.

And that is how you come into the picture. I have given you a message that stands against the ignorance concerning what must take place in a person's life in order to be ready for my coming, or even what is necessary to be saved. So all my mind is now focused upon helping you to get the light out quickly and efficiently to the world. I will guide you every day about how to use your time and energies and gifts for that day. Make every day count to do something that will help to advance the messages of hope of recovery which prepares people for my coming. I will help you by opening up avenues for you to serve.

Now go to your activities of the day and keep open for my providential leading, and you cannot fail to please me and accomplish all that I am expecting you to do. I do not want you to be burdened by the goals I have for you, because I am taking the full responsibility for leading and guiding you each moment of the day to accomplish what is on the agenda for that day. Just look to me and listen to my Spirit's guidance, and watch for my providential leading, and you will not fail of accomplishing all my will for you. Today and every day is already out lined in your book of life. And I will be with you and help you to accomplish it. Be of good cheer, for I am with you to guide and sustain you, and every new day is another opportunity to see the glory of my purpose for you. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Etiology of Love Freedom from Fear

Dearest ones, on this Sabbath day, the blessed of all days of the week, I want to talk about the topic of freedom from fear. Fear is a natural result of living in a world of sin, but it goes back to the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned and immediately felt terror and fear because they had disobeyed me. People live with fear all the time whether they are aware of it or not. Fear causes all the evil which is displayed in this sinful world, because fear is the natural result of being disconnected from me. Man was made to be in constant connection with me at all times. When this is the case, fear cannot exist because I am love and there is no fear in love. Love brings with it all the positive aspects of a healthy mind and a healthy relationship with others. Love and fear cannot exist together, for love casts out fear.

Let's examine more closely the etiology of love. When you feel loved, you feel safe, valued, valuable in the eyes and heart of the lover, and then all your gifts and personality characteristics are pleasing and important to the lover. But when you do not feel loved, you feel insecure, devalued, unimportant, and fearful, for you do not know at what moment you may be cast out, attacked and criticized, or abandoned and exchanged for another. When children grow up in an insecure home environment they do not learn about love, because there is no security, and parental discipline is capricious and based upon behavior, or the mood of the parent at the moment. Such children grow up with constant fear and insecurity, and place a high value on behavior, both for themselves and for others around them. Thus relationships are fear-based and performance-based, and the tender plant of love is not allowed to sprout and grow. The world is full of such people, and most of them are no longer reachable by my Spirit because their minds have become so seared that there is no entryway to listen to my calls to them. If there is any hope for people like this it is through the loving ministry of my servants who show them love in action. But even that is becoming more difficult because people's minds have become so seared by the current dependence on the media that no natural thoughts and feelings are allowed to grow whereby I may reach them. Rather, this is the time when I am sending out my angels to reap the harvest of the earth and bind the wicked into bundles to be burned. But there is still a harvest to be gathered of people who are sensitive to my Spirit and who love me and respond to my love and these are the ones I want you to reach. First, drink deeply of my love yourself, and be sure that your connection with me is strong and secure. Then bring the message of my love to people who are reaching out for it and are susceptible to the wooing of my Spirit through you.

Now I have a word of caution concerning people that you meet or are in your lives who are unacquainted with love from childhood, and either spurn it completely, or believe that it is obtained by works. Those who are in this condition are rarely able to understand and accept true love, for their minds have been molded under the lash and the whip, under the capricious demanding will of parents or a parent, and under fear of retribution and punishment. When this is the case their only feeling of safety comes from behavior and earning salvation.

Do not worry overmuch about this, because I am their judge and I know their heart and their capacity for knowing me and I will judge them fairly considering their background. But you do what you can to be kind and a model of love yourself, and then just leave their destiny up to me, for I know their hearts. But I appreciate everything that each of you are doing to represent me and my truth, and learn my ways and my character so that you can bring the light to others. I will use you to further my gospel of love until every soul has had a chance to make their final decision, and then I will close probationary time and do what I must do to finish transgression and make an end of sin and sinners. Stay closely by my side and we will go through the end together, for I will never leave you nor forsake you, for you are my beloved ones in whom is all my delight.

Go now to your Sabbath day with rejoicing, for I am and will continue to be with you until I come. You are never alone, and never will be, for my presence will go with you until I come to take you home. Never fear, never be dismayed, but look to me and trust in me until the journey ends in the glory of my coming. Don't you long for that day? I do too, for then I will have my beloved ones with me where there is no more fear, no more distress, no more anxiety or anxious hearts. The great experiment into sin will be over, and all will be rolled back onto Satan, the instigator of it all, never more to plague or frighten my people or disturb the peace of my beloved ones and my universe where all is peace and love and joy. Until that day, look to me and trust in me and enjoy the bounties of my love for you. Have a blessed Sabbath, for it is a foretaste of heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest ones, today I am going to discuss the topic of boundaries. I am not a God who allows my created beings to set the boundaries within which either I or they are supposed to function. Some people believe that if they claim my promises and live a good life according to their standards that they can force my hand to give them whatever they demand of me. In other words, I become their servant to give them what they want if they meet certain criteria set up by themselves. This is really the goal of heathens with their gods of wood and stone. This is a satanic principle, and really goes back to his rebellion in heaven, because he thought that if he could point out something in me that wasn't fair, or in compliance with what he thought I should be, that he could gain control and bring others into agreement with himself and his cause, and ultimately bring me down.

Of course the aftermath of this is history, and is soon to come to a close because he has had six thousand years to prove his point, and soon he will be bound for a thousand years to contemplate the accuracy of his theory and the effect it has had upon himself, his followers, and the whole universe. Therefore, I want to discuss the concept of boundaries in your own lives. As you deal with people every day, you will meet some who will use you to get something they want from you, but have no real appreciation of your goals and your calling. You can certainly be polite and kind and respectful, but you must look to me for your guidance on even the most minute details of your life. A whole life can be spent chasing the rabbits of other people, and even worse yet, of the devil, and time and energy is taken that should be under my direction so that the most is accomplished that needs to be for your life to render service for me. I am not saying this in a selfish way because, every goal I have for you is for your highest good and the accomplishment and fulfillment of the blueprint plan for your life. Remember that every day ordained for you was written in your book of life before one of them came to be, and if you look to me I will help you to fulfill these just as I always looked to my Father who constantly guided me day by day and moment by moment.

Now what does this have to do with boundaries? Well, as I have said, Satan's major goal is to get you off track and keep you from fulfilling my blueprint plan for you. So he invents numerous ways to sidetrack you every day if he can. And here is where you must stay in touch with me constantly so that I can guide you. Remember in my life on Earth I did not do everything people asked me to do, but only what my Father asked me to do, and thus I perfectly fulfilled the blueprint plan for my life. So you, too, must consult me in all things that you go through. "Is this the way I should go?" should be your daily question. If it is not my will for you, then boundaries must be made. Remember when Paul gave in to the Judaizers, and as a result cut short his ministry. People can be very persuasive, but allowing people to run your life instead of my Spirit's guidance can be disastrous. I am not trying to frighten or discourage you, but just to point out that the closer we get to the end of time, the more the devil will try to derail you and get you off the plan I have for you. So by the leading and prompting of my Spirit, take stock every day of all the subtle works of the devil to get you sidetracked. When this is the case, you must be willing to set boundaries against the encroachment of the devil into your life through other people who are used by him. Look to me and I will guide you in how to do this. I do not expect you to do this on your own, but only through my Spirit and my guidance, for I will help you and reward you for following my counsel to you.

Now go to the activities of the day. But keep open to new ideas and new thoughts from me that will help you to be an able soldier of the cross. I submitted to the ignominy and embarrassment of the cross to set a permanent boundary against the devil forever for you, because he cannot pass that boundary to destroy your life and your blueprint unless you allow it. So walk with me today and every day and you cannot fail to please me and together we will walk the last mile of the journey for this Earth history, and you will be my loyal servants whom I use to finish the plan of salvation. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Divine Love

Dearest ones, today I am wanting to share with you my plans for the near future that will give your witness for me more coverage. The opportunity to be on the radio that Denetra has been offered is from me, and is one of the doors that I promised that I would open for you. Step through those doors, and you will soon see other doors open as well. You have a message of hope that no one else has, as I have mentioned before, and that is being recognized by those who are hearing these truths.

Now for the topic of today. I have on my heart to expand the meaning of divine love and how I want you not only to receive it but spread it to others. For far too long the conception of me has been that I am capricious in my feelings toward mankind, depending on the behavior of the person. From this point of view, if people are good and love and follow me, I am loving and kind to them. But if they make mistakes or forsake me and rebel against me, I am angry, wrathful, vindictive, and punitive in my response to their behavior toward me. If this were to be an accurate picture of my character, I would be at the mercy of my created beings, and reactive according to their behavior. In other words, I would always be in a reactive state according to the changeableness of my created beings. As you can see, this is totally untrue, and is exactly what the devil wants people to think. It is, in fact, a picture of himself and all who follow him. On the other hand, as the scriptures say, I am love not just part of the time, or under certain circumstances when my will is met, but all the time in all places and all circumstances. Therefore in order to really get to know me, you must learn to know what true love is, for otherwise you will not be able to have my character implanted into you. I will not in this message try to describe the height and breadth and depth of this subject, for it is eternal truth that goes beyond human understanding. But what I want to focus on is that Divine love is constant, consistent, and never failing. It is not reactive against another's behavior. It seeks the good of the other person, even if that means letting them go if they are choosing to do so. That is the difficult part because true love always wants to save the other person. But that cannot always be because true love also allows choice and accepts the consequences that this causes without anger and retribution . I have to endure this process all the time, because many more people reject me then accept me. But my joy is in my beloved chosen ones, in whom is all my delight! They continue to love and serve me no matter what their trials and hardships may be. These will walk with me in white and have a place on my throne throughout endless ages.

But back to the subject of love. I want you to look to me in all your relationships and I will give you the constant gift of my enduring love for the people around you. Any impatience, self-pity, agitation, retaliation, and criticism, are not the fruit of love. Look to me and I will give you my Divine love. But that includes letting people choose to reject you, leave you, and do all manner of evil against you because you are following me. In that case I will rescue you and set you free to serve me without that hindrance of the devil who wants to keep you bound up in reacting to persecution. So look to me everyday and drink at the fountain of my love and protection for you and when you have been tried and passed the test of love under rejection and abuse, you will come forth an even more effective servant for me through whom I can display my character of love.

Go now to your day's activities but keep your face turned upward toward the sunshine of my constant never failing love for you, and you will be rewarded both now and in eternity. Look to me and I will give you strength, energy, and wisdom for each day. And may our walk together today be sweet with the perfume of our love for each other. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Your Daily Activities Until I Come

Dearest ones, today is another day closer to the culmination of all things Earthly. The nations are angry and wanting to clash with each other because of the influence of demons upon them. But I have assigned mighty angels to hold back the winds of strife until my work is done upon Earth and then I will bid them let the winds go and the nations of earth will reap the whirlwind of the god they have chosen. In the meantime I am preparing my people to be safe in the hiding-place of my protection under the shadow of my wings, which describes the protection of the Heavenly angels that I have assigned to each of you.

Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you about the day's activities until I come. Right now the priority is getting out the light that I have given you for the world to hear and understand. The timing of my coming is of great importance, and the events that lead up to it. I do not mean that you should emphasize a set date. That you cannot and should not try to do. The secret of timing is in my hands. But the nearness as it relates to the timing of the trumpet countdown, and the relevance of the present and ongoing Judgment of the Living and the finishing of my work in the Heavenly Sanctuary is present truth that people can identify. I have always had present truth messages when the time came for a prophecy to be fulfilled, and that is what I want you to emphasize now.

Present truth messages are always powerful, for I send my spirit and my angels to impress it upon the hearts of the listeners, and those who are honest in heart will recognize it as truth and come out and be among those who go forward with the truth. So keep in step each day with the things that should be accomplished, and there will be no time lag in the messages that must get out to the people in my church and in the world.

Now go to the activities of the day, but listen carefully for my still small voice directing you each moment of the day and you cannot fail to please me and to accomplish what is necessary for each day. I am with you and you can talk to me anytime and consult with me in your heart and I will answer your questions and meet all your needs. I want you to get used to consulting with me throughout the day, because otherwise the day goes by without guidance from me. So avail yourselves of the privilege of hearing my guiding voice throughout the day.

Now go to your day with rejoicing, for you are the apple of my eye and the focus of my attention, for we are partners in the great work of giving the last warning message that the world will hear before the close of probation. So rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I have found you faithful under all circumstances, and able to endure trials without breaking down in your love for me and trust in me. For this I am grateful, because many who fall away do so because of trials of various kinds and blame me for the trials and feel that I have forsaken them and have not kept my promises, and therefore that I cannot be trusted. Anyone who does this is because their love for me has been self-serving, wanting to have my highest blessings without having unselfish devotion to me and trust in me in spite of trials. These will not receive the reward of the righteous, who know my character and my ways and trust and love me through everything that I permit to come to them, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love me and keep my commandments. All of you are certainly among that number, and you will not fail to receive your reward, both here and in the life to come.

The subject today is generosity. I am loathe to talk about this subject, because all of you are so eager to share of your time, energies, and money wherever it is needed, and I don't want you to feel guilty about needing to do more than you are already doing. But I want to talk about generosity from a different perspective than you normally think of. The word means a heart of giving love that is always open to the felt needs of every person in their environment, and feels a desire to meet that need in the best way available to you. Sometimes the need can be met by your own resources, sometimes it is wiser to be a go-between and guide them to a source of help that you are unable to give. And of course, always bring them to me to receive help from the Source. This takes a lot of wisdom through prayer and consulting me to see how I am leading you to help in the cases that come into your life. You are my servants and I care for your health and daily needs just as I do for others, and I want you to consult me about how to use your time and resources for every person who comes to you for help. I will guide you in just the way it should go, and you will be a blessing to them and in return, receive a blessing from me.

Now go about your day and sense my love for you and my Holy Spirit's guidance in everything you do and say. Let your words be tinged with gold and silver from the Sanctuary in heaven, both to the person in need and also when you are speaking about them to others. Thus you will preserve the unity of spirit that is the bond of love that exists in heaven and should be reflected on earth by my people. With me at your side you cannot fail to bring heavenly joy and love and peace wherever you go, and spread it around to others, just as my disciples did when I was on earth. And the blessings are even greater now because it is the time of the latter rain and more light and peace and love is flowing from the courts of heaven upon all who will receive it and go forth and follow me to the end.

So do not be afraid to be generous in your attitudes and associations with each other because I will not allow you to be used up if you always look to me for help, strength, and guidance. Together we will finish the work on earth, and usher in my kingdom of light and life and peace and joy and holiness, and never will there be any more wars or fighting, or anger, but only peace and love. And I promise, you will be there when I make up my jewels, and take you home to be with me forever.

In the meantime, walk with me moment by moment, and you cannot fail to please me. If you need anything, just ask me, for I am, as always, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Tolerance indicates Indifference

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with your steadfastness and purpose to follow my guidance every day as we go forward to the end. I have much for each person to do in the scheme of things that yet have to be accomplished. But I am not asking for more than you can do, but just keep a steady pace and an eye single to my glory, and then you will not lag behind in any good works.

Now to the topic of the day. It is the character quality that was needed by the church of Thyatira. This church represents the era of history during the development of the rise of the papacy, which is characterized by the woman Jezebel. In times of apostasy, it is difficult to maintain one's spiritual integrity against the sway of the majority who want to go on with their lives as though nothing is happening around them in the church and in society. That's why the text says, "You tolerate that woman Jezebel" (Revelation 2:20). Tolerate indicates indifference, and a desire to go on with life undisturbed by the growing noose that Satan is preparing to spring upon the world with lightning speed. He is an experienced hunter, and he studies his prey. He knows that if he allows the Sabbath-Sunday issue to arise too quickly, the attention of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church would be riveted upon the imminent danger of a Sunday law. So he allows it to go underground, and be focused upon Family Day, family rights, climate control, etc., and all the while he is definitely gaining ground in the minds of people around the world. But let a crisis come that affects the well-being of countries and people, and the Sunday law will be touted as a way to meet the challenge, and earn the favor of God. I tell you sincerely, the battle is just ahead of you.

But in the meantime, my church is asleep on the borders of Canaan. Yes, some are seeing the warning signs, but it appears to be farther in the distance than it really is. Business as usual is the tune of the day. People are making religious movies and songs and palliative sermons and activities as though my coming was yet a long way off and they must occupy until I come. While at the same time, my judgments are about to fall upon the world. I am not angry at my people because being angry doesn't do any good, and only makes people fear me and run from a true relationship with me. But in the short time that we have left I want my true Watchmen on the walls of Zion to preach a clear message that it is time for my army to be ready and waiting for all to advance against the enemy, because it is time to cross the Jordan into the promised land. I want every soldier in my army to be awake and alert and ready to move forward at the slightest notice. Don't be afraid to unveil the sins of Babylon so that people can see where we are in time and prophecy. Many are longing to understand what is happening and will respond and join the ranks if they hear the true message. So take courage, my beloved ones. Do not sink down into lethargy and self-serving. Look to me and I will provide for all your needs. But do not forget your calling as Watchmen on the walls of Zion and preach the truth boldly with clarity and winsomeness and you will not fail to receive your reward.

Now go to your activities for today but stay close to me and listen to my still small voice guiding and inspiring you moment by moment, and look to me for everything you need, and you will not fail to please and honor me in your daily activities and the plan for your life. Please do not permit anything to discourage or dishearten you, because I have an answer for everything, and I am, as always, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

Today is a day of serious contemplation about the days ahead. There is no time to waste, since the climate of the world is open for the last battle between good and evil. I am still holding the winds of strife until the work is done, but it will take full concentration on the work at hand and the focus upon getting out the message of my soon coming. I am not asking you to accomplish more than is possible, but just to keep your eye single to the spreading of the last warning message to earth's inhabitants.

Now for the topic of today I want to talk to you about charity. That is an old-fashioned word for love, but it is not exactly the same in its meaning. Love encompasses all of your feelings toward God and others in the greatest degree possible and should be the spring of all your emotions and motivations, and be the bedrock of your character, for that is what comprises all my motivations and all my joy in creating beings in my image, as well as the lesser creatures. But charity carries with it the concept of caring for the creatures that I have made with loving kindness and attentiveness to their every need, both emotionally and physically. In other words, you don't just have a baby, but you also care for it and nurture it and provide for it throughout life. A new mother is sensitive to the slightest whisper of her little one, and is willing to spend herself for the needs of her child. So I am with you. Not a sigh is breathed or a tear falls that I am unaware of, or that I do not put in motion ways and means to bring relief. Of course, if people do not know me or look to me for help, I am seriously curtailed in my ability to reach them. But I still look for ways to bring them to a knowledge of me so that they can enjoy my favors.

And that is where you come into the picture. You are my ambassadors to bring help and healing to the people around you who are seeking for answers to their pain and confusion and suffering. There is not much time left to do this work of benevolence, but I will guide and help you to do what I'm expecting of you. Start with your own family members, and then go outward to whomever I bring into your path way. Remember, love includes charity, which means that love expresses itself in good deeds and reaching out to meet the felt needs of others. That is how people feel loved, not just in words, but in acts of service with a heart full of love for them. Watch for my providences by which I bring people into your life that need my love through you. And do not allow any of their idiosyncrasies to cause you to withhold your love and charity for them, for everyone needs the transforming grace that I have to offer them through you. You do not know which will prosper, this or that, or what will touch their hearts in a special way. And as you give, you will receive, pressed down and running over as a reward for your efforts and your obedience.

Now go to the activities of your day. But keep your heart open for my love and charity to you and through you to others. And you will grow into the full stature of my character and being able to communicate with me on the highest levels of service. Lovingly, Jesus.

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