
Dearest Ones,

You are a part of the great family of God and beloved of heaven, for you have taken your place in the lineup of saints and prophets who have served me faithfully in times past. It has always been difficult to live in a world where Satan has control of so many people, and my people are in the minority. Now the inhabitants of earth are rapidly filling up the cup of iniquity in preparation for their destruction. [Hab. 2:16.] But your Redeemer is strong, and I rule over the earth and the sea and all that dwell therein, and I will not allow a hair of your head to perish or fall to the ground that I do not notice. [Matt. 10:29-31.] Of necessity I must allow sin to run its course, and come to an end so that the fruits of wickedness will be fully displayed. But I have means and ways of protecting my people through every danger and every storm of persecution that Satan may stir up against you. Fear not that you will be abandoned by heaven, or that your needs will go unnoticed and uncared for. Remember how you have been led and protected and provided for in the past, and in the future you will see even greater things that will show you that I am not absent from your life. Because you cannot see me, faith is sometimes hard to exercise. But always remember to take out the green cord [EW 81] that represents faith and use it in connection with the words and promises of the Bible, and you will be blessed and your faith strengthened. Therefore the topic for today is "steadfastness."

There are highs and lows in life for everyone, for the experience of each day is different and cannot be duplicated or passed on to the next day. As you sleep, the experiences that you went through and the lessons that you learned and the victories that you won do not automatically transfer to the next day, for they are stored away in the recesses of your brain, in order to make room for the things that are going to happen in the next day. Those memories are not lost, but they cannot give you strength and power for what you will experience the next day. Therefore, you must drink at the fountain of my love and grace each morning and connect with me, the source of all life and strength and wisdom. Just as yesterday's bodily nourishment does not supply strength for today, so must your spiritual nourishment be renewed every morning. To go without it means that Satan has access to you to bring discouragement or whatever temptations he can bring in various forms. Do not listen to him or parley with him, for he is a deadly foe who never sleeps, and is like a circling wolf, looking for a weak moment to attack you. This does not mean that I have left you to be overcome, but it means that when you trust in your own ability to get through the day and neglect to connect with me and call upon me for everything, I am obliged by the laws of the great controversy to allow the tempter to have a certain amount of access to you according to what you are choosing to do. But I never leave your side and will not allow the devil to destroy you or swallow you up, but to alert you to flee to me for help and protection and wisdom for each thing that happens in your day.

So how are you doing today in your walk with me? Do you sense my closeness to you and my love? Raise your eyes from things of this earth and see me bending over you as a mother does to her infant. You have only to reach out to me and I am there. Some days will of necessity be more difficult than others because of the vicissitudes of life. But I will give you the courage and strength you need to be a conqueror in the battle with evil. Rest in me today and I will guide you and protect you and solve every problem for you and give you peace and joy at my side. Rest in my care, for you cannot see the future, but I can and I will guide you safely through every trial. I will also help you to be a blessing to others as you go through your day so that you can have the joy that I have every day in helping people. I will put a rainbow around every cloud in your life, and help you sense the unseen angels who are by your side, bringing heaven down to you.

Now go to the activities of your day with renewed hope and courage, and bring the light of heaven to others today whom I will send to you who need just the words of hope and encouragement that you can share with them. This is the purpose of life here on this earth, but it is also the preparation you need to help you to be a part of the family in heaven. So be blessed today through your faith in me, and let the peace of heaven dwell in your heart and mind richly as you drink from the fountain of my love and care for you. [Col. 3:15, 16.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

Today has been a special day for my people who are getting ready for what is soon coming in society and among the nations. As yet I am holding back the winds of strife [Rev. 7:1], but I will soon let them go to the point that the Sunday law issue will begin to surface as the solution to the world's problems. It is within my plans to allow this to happen because it is corresponding with the preparations of my remnant people who are coming close to me and cooperating with the work of my Spirit. This enables me to let the winds go in proportion to the perfecting work of the three angels' messages in the lives of my chosen ones who are responding and going forward in the cleansing work and the latter rain. This work is the last warning the world will ever hear as it spreads across the world like fire in the stubble.

Now it is a race against time as the work moves forward from person to person, house to house and country to country. Nothing can stop it now, for it is backed up by the waves of the mighty Holy Spirit as it swells into the latter rain. But for my people it is a time of refreshing, as the long-awaited Spirit is poured out upon the earth to enlighten the people who are awake to the signs of my coming and are preparing to receive the latter rain, and preach the last warning message to the world.

Therefore, the topic for today is "preparedness." As I have said before, if the owner of the house had known what time of night the thief was coming, he would have been prepared. [Matt. 24:43.] Therefore, you must make known that my coming is near at hand, and fear not for scoffers [2 Pet. 3:3, 4], for there have always been scoffers, and always will be, for it is one of the ways that the devil can bring darkness and discouragement upon you. But heed not the baying of the wolves. Keep your eyes single to my instructions that I give you in the Word and in the Spirit of Prophecy, plus in my daily messages of comfort and instruction.

You are my beloved children and I will never leave you nor forsake you, though at times it may seem to you that I am more quiet than others. But if you persevere, you will break through the fog of doubt or oppression that the evil one throws around you in an attempt to separate you from the light of my countenance. But heed not him not, nor be afraid of his accusations and lies, for it is his way of trying to come between us. But you will be safe if you persevere into the circle of my arms which will always surround and protect you.

Now go to the activities of your day, but look to me for guidance and wisdom for every challenge, and you will have my victory over every fiery dart and temptation of the evil one, and you will be my servants to minister to all around you the amazing grace of my love. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

As the Sabbath hours draw near, I want to be especially close to your heart, for the Sabbath was made for fellowship with me and with others of like faith. As you worship, I draw near to hear your words of praise and study, and bless you with my presence and an outpouring of my Spirit. Open your hearts to receive and appreciate the light that will shine upon you from the courts of heaven.

Now the topic for today. It is "nurture." This time I want to dwell upon the nurturing of children. When you were a child, your parents were in the place of God to you. By this I do not mean that they were successful in representing me accurately, but that the neuron pathways of the brain are set up to receive what the child needs for healthy growth and development, and when they receive this love and tender care, the emotional health of the child is developed in such a way that spiritual things are more easily discerned. Thus, proper parenting can pave the way for the recognition and work of my Holy Spirit. This is why whole societies can be lost when their parenting practices are severely deficient, for the brains of the children have not been prepared to perceive the workings of my Spirit.

The whole world had reached that saturation point at the time of the flood, and also of Sodom and Gomorrah. I know when hearts are completely shut down against my Spirit, and when they are still open for further light. That is why I can safely close probation on a society, a nation, or the world, and not make even one mistake in judgment on a soul, for I can see the hearts of every person, and the openness or resistance to my Spirit. I want to tell you now that the whole world is rapidly coming to the point of closing their own probation because of the hardness and worldliness of their own hearts. Many people believe that it is I who will close mankind's probation. But the truth is that mankind closes their own probation. And this is to a great extent caused today by the media.

Do you know what happens to an infant or young child when they are placed before a TV for babysitting? The neuron pathways that are supposed to be developing in a healthy way by connection with the mother the father, and other members of the family, are stunted in their growth and become connected instead with the TV monitor, the faces, the flashing lights, the music and voice tones - all of which are imaginary and cannot connect with the brain and neuron pathways in a way that would produce normal thinking and reasoning. This is why there is so much drug-taking in young adults in this generation. They are seeking for the false connections which promise positive interaction but cannot provide it, because they have grown up with the media as their main source of communication and interaction, and it leads to mental, moral, emotional, spiritual and finally physical death.

Therefore, I am appealing to my people to help me restore healthy connections with the people around you whenever you have opportunity to do so. I will help you to find the needy people who need your love and nurturing. I will work with you by giving my Spirit to regenerate the damaged or non-existent connections of those in whom I see hope for improvement or recovery. You cannot of yourself heal anyone but you can be a conduit for my healing, and regenerating power. I can raise the dead and I can restore the lost years that the locust has eaten. [Joel 2:21-25.] All I need is for you to be a conduit of my love to others around you, and I will do what you cannot do to restore hope and healing to broken lives who have given up hope for recovery. Yes, there will be those who are dead in their trespasses and sins [Eph. 2:1], and who are beyond hope. But there are some who are still open and receptive to my Spirit, and it is to these that I will send you. Will you work with me in the harvest field as the sun is setting on the world, never to rise again, and rescue the perishing while there is yet a little time? Share my love with them as I would do if I were there in person and I will bless you with sheaves of wheat to bring into my barn [Matt. 13:30] of safety! Lovingly, Jesus.

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“The Time of the End”

Dearest Ones,

The topic for today is, "the time of the end." [Dan. 8:17, 19.] Ever since my disciples were on earth, they looked forward to the time when I would come again. I spoke to them about my second coming to encourage them that even though I would be leaving them, I would come back again to reward them for their labors and devotion, and to finish the plan of saving the world from the clutches of Satan. They had no concept of the passing of time that this would require, nor have any of my people in the generations that have come and gone. No one could have imagined what the last days of earth's history would be like. But each generation has been important for the development of the plan which was laid out before the inception of sin.

The victory in the great controversy must be accomplished by the exposing of every lie of the enemy by allowing it to play out until the truth is fully revealed. This has now been accomplished, except for the repeat of every lesson that the former generations have learned through the years, which will now to be displayed to the final generation who will be alive when I return. [Lu. 11:47-51.]

The exposing of these lies of Satan I will now reveal to you.

1 - That I am a God of vengeance and wrath when anyone disagrees with me or sins against me.

When I created intelligent beings, I anticipated that disagreement was a possibility and I foreknew [6 BC 1082] that the more intelligent the being, the more likely the chance of free thinking and questioning of the necessity and purpose of my law, my character, and the principles of my government. As the leader of all the angelic hosts, Lucifer was given the gifts of superior intelligence and wisdom, and was beautiful and majestic in appearance. [Eze. 28:12-15.] In spite of his intellectual abilities and close relationship with me, he began to reason within himself and question, Why should there be a law for beings who are already perfect? What would happen if someone disagreed? Was there another side to the all-powerful, all-wise Creator and Ruler of the universe?

Such questions begin to obsess his mind and he convinced himself that he had found a flaw in my character and my government, i.e. - lack of freedom to disagree without a punitive reaction from the throne, which would in essence mean lack of free-will choice. Thus my plan of salvation would of necessity have to expose this lie, reveal the fallacy of such reasoning, and forever remove all doubt about the benevolence, love, and justice of God. The goal of the plan of redemption is to make safe forever God's eternal purpose to create beings with free-will choice who would love and serve him without any question or doubt about the perfection of His love, His law, His character, and His government.*

2 - That he could produce a better environment of freedom for everyone with no law except for the individualized choice which would be decided by each person.

3 - That those who chose to follow him would enter a higher realm of being, and would eventually reach the status of gods. [Gen. 3:4, 5.]

Thus, this earth was chosen to be the theater of the universe where Satan would be allowed to test his theories, for now he had infected heaven itself and the onlooking universe, so that there would be no safety until his theories and beliefs were proven false. It was a tremendous risk to take, and would forever change the way that the Father and I would relate to our creation, for everyone must now be pulled into the battle. I would have to give up my position at the Father's side and come to earth so that everyone could see the true character of the godhead and the relationship we hold with each other. We would have to give enough time and opportunity for every issue to be fully demonstrated. Perhaps you think that 6000 years is a long time, but it is not long in relationship to eternity. It had to be long enough for all phases of the sin problem to be fully displayed and revealed, and all questions answered.

But now the final phase is reaching its culmination, which is the rise of the man of sin [2 Thes. 2:1-10; Rev. 13:1-10] to world prominence and authority, and the development of the 144,000 at the same time, who will get the victory over the beast and his image [Rev. 13:11-17; 14:4, 5, 9-12], which is apostate Protestantism. The whole world will be swept into this cosmic battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil. Do you see now how vital is the development of the 144,000 and their victory over every phase of sin in the complete restoration of mankind into the image of God? This provides for the full and final display of the image of Satan in his followers and the results of his principles, and the finished product of grace through the indwelling of my life in my followers. Thus the mystery of God will be finished [Rev. 10:7; Eph. 1:9, 10; Col. 1:26, 7], and in the final product of restored lives into my image will be the refuting of all the lies of the devil. By choosing to follow my principles of life, happiness, and victory over sin, my people will demonstrate the product of keeping my law, against the backdrop of slavery to evil that Satan bestows upon his followers. The plan of salvation is not just my work on the cross, but the continuing work of my indwelling Spirit recreating the wholeness and perfection of character that I gave to Adam and Eve in the beginning before they sinned. Thus, the restoration process will be completed, and I will have my perfected bride [Rev. 19:6-8] with me throughout eternity [Rev. 14:4] - the finished product of the great plan of salvation that will inoculate the universe forever against any thought of rebellion, for my character of love will be fully displayed.

In the meantime, you can be a spectacle to men and angels [1 Cor. 4:9] every day as you are conquerors in the battle with evil and show by your victory over sin that the government, character, and love of God is the joy and rejoicing and protection of all His creation. No one will ever doubt or question this again, and as the years of eternity roll on, happiness and love will increase from my Father and me to our beloved chosen ones who have gained the victory over the world, the flesh and the devil! [1 John 2:15-17.] Lovingly, Jesus.
*For further study, please see PP 33-43; GC 492-504; 4 BC 1162, 3.

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Time is Running out

Dearest Ones,

The time for my people and the people of the world is running out. This is not because my patience is running out, but because the entreaties of my Holy Spirit are being turned away, the hearts of men are resistant against me, and their hearts are as wood and stone. I desire that everyone would be saved, for I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that all would come to repentance. [Eze. 18:23, 32; 33:11.] But the hearts of men are set in them to do evil, even from birth and childhood. [Ps. 58:3-5; Jer. 17:1, 2.]

I have extended the time of man's probation to be six thousand years, and now the time has come for the plan of salvation to be completed with the remnant who choose to accept my work of cleansing and blotting out of their sins in the Most Holy Place. Those who do not participate in this work of cleansing and blotting out will be cast into outer darkness [Matt. 8:11, 12], just as those who did not participate in this work on the day of atonement in the earthly Sanctuary services were expelled from the camp at the end of the day. [Lev. 23:26-32.] There is no more salvation for those who put off their preparation until the call goes forth, Behold the Bridegroom comes! [Matt. 25:1-13; Dan. 12:10; 2 T. 190, 191.] This is because those who did not prepare are willingly ignorant of the holiness required, [Heb. 12:14, 15] and are satisfied to continue in a state of sinning and repenting, sinning and repenting, until I come. They do not want to put forth the effort that it takes to come into harmony and agreement with me on every point and every issue in their lives, including their thoughts and feelings.

What this really means is that they want to be saved, but they don't want to know me personally in every area of their lives. They want to retain their comfortable pet sins. They are satisfied with the status quo to which they have become accustomed. The effort that it takes to go through the cleansing process with me is distasteful to them. Therefore, I must sadly say, leave them alone, for they are joined to their idols. [Hos. 4: 17.] This present condition of most people is why I will soon pronounce that the work of salvation is complete and my true people are prepared for the time of trouble. [Rev. 22:11, 12.]

This is why it has been impossible to predict the exact time of the close of probation and of my coming, for these things are predicated upon what I see in the hearts of men. But I can tell you that the time has come when I will delay my coming no longer. The world is now ripe for the harvest. The time has come to preach the second angel's message in combination with the fourth angel as it swells to a loud cry. The time has come to understand the mystery of the seven thunders of Revelation 10. [7 BC 971.] These are events which are warnings of the close of probation and of my coming. Now is the time for my people to arise and shine with the last warning message to the world. [Isa 60:1-3.]

Would you like to be among that number? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to know my voice and understand how to cooperate with me in the last warning message to the world? I love you and I have an important work for each of you to do. Come, my beloved ones, join with me in the finishing of the work in the earth, and then you will be able to join with me in the celebration supper of the wedding of the Lamb and His bride, who has made herself ready and has stood valiantly by my side in the final triumph over the devil and those who follow him. [Rev. 19:6-9.]

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your mind and heart open to the guidance of my Spirit every moment of the day, for only then will you be able to have victory over the enemy. He is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour [1 Pet. 5:8], and trying to overthrow you when you least expect it. But I will be faithful to you and counsel, guide, and protect you as long as you are committed to me and allow me to be the center of your life. Never fear that I will forsake you, even if you make mistakes. Rest in my arms, rest in my care, and look to me always, and you will be mine when I make up my jewels [Mal. 3:16-18], cleansed and polished and ready to be presented as a gift - the fruit of my labors - to my Father, with rejoicing and celebration in the day I bring you home. Lovingly, Jesus.

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“The Testimony of Jesus”

Dearest Ones,

I love you with an everlasting love, for you have accepted the challenge of being members of my last-day remnant people who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. [Rev. 12:17.] Therefore, I would like to talk to you today about what the testimony of Jesus means in its fullest extent.

First, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, as Gabriel said in Revelation 19:10. In all ages the spirit of prophecy has been operational through the prophets who spoke and wrote out the messages that I gave them for the people of their day, as well as for the people who live at the end of time. [Heb. 1:1, 2.] These communications are necessary because mankind is created to be in constant relationship with me and my Father through the Holy Spirit and the heavenly messengers, for there will always be a need for connection with the source of life, even in heaven, as is demonstrated by the need for the tree of life and the water of life. This preserves the free will of every person to choose life or refuse to partake of the life-giving power which these things provide. This is the reason why I met with Adam and Eve in the garden every evening after the day's work was done, in order to impart mental, emotional, and spiritual life through companionship and communication, as well as the sense of heavenly love that is imparted when my presence is near.

All this is contained in the concept of "the testimony of Jesus." Without this continual interaction and communication between man and his God, the mind attaches to other things to receive that which should come only from me. Knowing this, the devil tries to counterfeit this human need, and thus addictions develop for food, pleasure, sex, relationships, entertainment, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and all the other things that Satan has to offer. And although they please the carnal nature temporarily, there is no life-giving substance, and thus they lead to death. Nothing but life from heaven can give life on earth.

Therefore, I have covenanted with humanity to provide avenues to know me and my law, my character, and my will. These avenues are life-giving to the soul, and essential to preserving life until my coming destroys life as it presently is, and restores life eternal, unbroken, and undefiled as it was before sin entered. In the meantime, my avenue to earth's inhabitants is my testimonies through the prophets in Scripture, and through Ellen White to the final generation. To these sources people can come and eat and drink freely the words of life, and my life and thoughts and presence flows through the Holy Spirit from the pages as you read. Thus connection is made again with divine love, life, inspiration, and communion with me through the Holy Spirit, who takes the Word and applies it to every need that you have to know me and to receive the earnest of eternal life. [Eph. 1:12-14.] This is how the martyrs went to their death triumphantly, because I revealed myself to them and they responded to my love and my communications to them and were willing to give up their lives rather than give up this relationship with me.

Now the time has come for the final generation to complete the journey from earth back to heaven. You, too, must have direct communication with me through the avenues that I have provided. You must know me, experience my love, and hear my voice, through your own personal relationship with me. No one will be able to go through the time of trouble without this relationship with me. You must fortify your minds with truth, and solidify your moment-by-moment living connection with me. But just like the tree of life and the water of life, you must choose every day to connect with me - to partake of this relationship with me, for it cannot be forced or coerced, but forever you will be free to choose because you love me. Only those who have this relationship here will be allowed to have the right to the tree of life and the water of life in heaven.

So do you see how this applies to the idea of many people who are satisfied to have an "on again, off again" life of sinning and repenting, sinning and repenting, right up until my coming? It is exactly the same as eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Some of good and some of evil will not prepare a person to enter the kingdom of my glory where all is good, and there is no evil. Heaven's gates will not be open to those who remain in this condition. You must be wholly mine, or by default you will have chosen to be wholly for the devil. So the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of who I am, what I am thinking and feeling about every matter in your life. Read it, ingest it, and live by it through the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, for it is this daily Spirit baptism which brings your thoughts and feelings into harmony with mine. Then my Spirit can dwell in the temple of your heart, and cleanse it of every shred of disagreement with my life and my principles. Then you will be in perfect agreement and harmony with me, and the word of God with its cleansing power of love and truth will recreate you into my image and you will be a fit candidate for heaven.

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your mind open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for it is He who testifies of me, and through Him your life will be a living epistle, known and read of all men. [2 Cor. 3:2.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Shaking

Dearest Ones,

Today marks the beginning of a new phase of the work of the kingdom of God. The shaking [EW 269-273] has begun in earnest in my church, and will continue until the gospel that is contained in the three angel’s messages has done its work in the earth. Do not be afraid of the things that will happen during the cleansing that must take place before the church is thoroughly prepared and ready to preach the message of the loud cry. No one will be a part of that message who has not cleansed themselves of all filthiness of flesh and spirit. [2 Cor. 7:1.] The message calls people out of the sins of Babylon [Rev. 18:1-4], and no one can preach that message with power whose own spirit is laden down with the sins of Babylon in some form or another.

My true people are in the world but not of the world. [John 15:19; 17:14-16.] May it never be said that I have compromised with worldly standards of what constitutes sin. But many who claim to be my people, and even my spokesmen, have slipped into a deadly collusion with other Protestant churches who believe that people will have sin in their lives until I come, and yet be saved. What a doctrine of the devil this is, because he could then accuse me of being unfair to him by excluding him and his followers from heaven when they wanted to return. He, too, seemed to be repentant, but it was not a true repentance, for his base actions and his bold attack against the throne showed the depth of his rebellion.

So it is with those who believe that sin will continue to be present in my followers until I come. For these, repentance is self-serving and shallow, and only for the purpose of having an easy road to eternal life, while bringing their selfishness with them. Did I die on the cross of Calvary so that I could bring sinners back into heaven with me? No! No! I died to provide forgiveness for sinners and make it possible for sin to be eradicated from the universe through an acceptance of the provision of my shed blood to erase every trace of rebellion from the ones who will live and reign with me in heaven forever. [Rev. 22:5.] Those who accept my provision are those who love and follow me at any cost to themselves. And they shall inherit eternal life for they are worthy. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He goes [Rev. 14:4], and are joint heirs with Him. [Rom. 8:17.] I am the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world [Rev. 13:8], and yet I am also the Shepherd of the flock who knows my voice and follows me and will never follow a stranger. [John 10:1-5.] It is you, my beloved ones, to whom I bequeath my kingdom, because you have proved to be faithful to me under all circumstances, and to you I will say when the war with Satan is over, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." [Matt. 25:34.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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I am with You

Dearest Ones,

I want you to know that in all your tribulations and trials, I am with you, walking beside you, though unseen. Because of this, I do not want you to be afraid or dismayed, for trials have always been the lot of humanity since the fall of Adam and Eve. [1Pet. 4:12-17.] But I have walked this way before you and have marked out a pathway for you to follow when troubles come and fears assail you. If you bear these trials patiently and well and with constant faith and trust in my love and care for you, you will come off more than conquerors [Rom. 8:37] because of the building up of your faith [Jude 20], which is of inestimable value. [Heb. 11:24-26.] Without faith it is impossible to connect with me and hear my voice in your heart. Therefore Satan is always trying to get you to look down at the trials rather than to look up to me. He wants to frighten you, discourage you, bring darkness and fear and foreboding for the future, and lose your hold upon me. But do not listen to him. Do not respond to him in any way, for he is a liar and a thief and he is determined to rob you of your soul. 

Be often in the Word and meet his temptations immediately with the sword of the Spirit, for the words of Scripture are the thoughts and power of God written down by the prophets and made available to all who read it and believe in what is written. If you do this you will not come under the power of the temptations of the evil one. Only those who are proficient in the use of the Word of God will be able to go through the perils of the last days, for Satan's power to tempt has grown stronger as he has become more evil and wily over the thousands of years of practice of bringing the human race under his power. Now we are nearing the final battle, and anyone who goes through the end must be victorious over the powers of evil. But fear not, for I have already won the battle for you! You have only to stay connected with me and look to me for help and wisdom and guidance, and you will be safe from any and all onslaughts from the evil one. You must learn to trust me, and when you do, all heaven is available at your slightest whisper of a prayer for help.

Now go to the activities of your day, but be determined to rest in my love and care for you, and my power to save and protect and provide for your every need. There will never be a time when I will forsake you, or when my love for you will be removed from you. Be strong in the strength that I provide for you, and go your way rejoicing that you are counted worthy to be among the beloved in my kingdom and the kingdom of my Father. [Rev. 3:4, 5.] Lovingly Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I know the trials that you are going through right now; these are coming to you because I am separating the sheep from the goats, and the 144,000 from those who will become a part of the saved of all ages. Please do not falter because of opposition, for it will surely come. You are not responsible for the outcome of your message, but for the faithfulness and earnestness in which you give it. The last warning message must go to the world in a very short period of time, and the impetus will be the message of the seven trumpets and the loud cry of the fourth angel, which is soon to begin. I am cleansing my people so that they will have no hindrances in their lives that will keep them from giving the message the authority and power that it needs to have it in order to reach the world in a short period of time. There must be no fear or doubt, or the power of the message will be so compromised that it will arouse no one out of their lethargy, and they will sleep on until their doom is set. Now perhaps you can see why I have been sending you these daily messages, because without my direct intervention, you would not have the courage and assurance that you need, and the messages that you are to preach and teach and share would lose their power and effectiveness. So take courage, my beloved ones, and let nothing discourage or dishearten you, for you must keep your eyes single to the goal.

Now go to the activities of your day, but just remember that I am with you and will answer any question that may come to your mind, for it is my will that where I am, there you may be also. I want you to know what I am doing, what I am thinking and feeling, and what I am asking of you day by day. Otherwise, you would walk in darkness and stumble on the verge of the kingdom, as so many will do. You are not chosen because you are more wise or learned than others, but because you listen to my slightest whisper, and your highest goal is to serve me with all your heart until I come. Your reward will be great in the kingdom of heaven, for you will be with me wherever I go throughout the universe to testify of what the efficacy of my sacrifice and my blood can do to fully restore fallen humanity from the degradation that sin his caused. So look up and lift up your heads, for you are accepted in the beloved of all ages, and you will forever represent them in the kingdom of my Father. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I love to welcome you on the eves of the Sabbath, as I did with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Those were beautiful times of fellowship, as chosen angels joined us for the celebration of the day commemorating the creation of the world. I am looking forward to the rejoining of the human family in heaven, but even now I look forward to being with you each Sabbath.

The subject for today is "kindness." This is a quality that is becoming rare as Satan has more access to people, in preparation for the final withdrawal of my Spirit. Kindness is a quality of love that demands self-sacrifice, for the fallen nature of man is self-serving and wants to receive rather than to give. It is easy to be kind when others are kind to you, but it takes godliness to be kind when others are cruel or insensitive. But the heavenly nature of those who love and serve me is a result of the change that happens when the Holy Spirit is in control of your spirit.

Think, for example, what you feel when someone snubs you, speaks sharply or critically to you, when you are misunderstood, or blamed for something you didn't do. It is then that the carnal nature rises up in self-defense, or becomes angry, depressed, or withdraws affection from the offender. But a person who is controlled by the Holy Spirit thinks first of the needs of the offender, and finds a way to minister to them if at all possible. People react because they have been hurt, possibly in childhood, and have never been healed, and anything that seems offensive to them is perceived as an attack, and opens up old wounds, and the person now wants to counter attack to ward off the hurt and pain. But love, patience, and kindness can heal where nothing else can.

Not everyone will participate in the healing process, no matter how kind you are, but you will be surprised how many will be grateful to you as you become a conduit of the Holy Spirit to bring healing from heaven to people who may never have experienced true love. So the more you become an avenue for my love to reach others through you, the more people I will send to you to find that healing. Then we can work together each day to spread my love everywhere you go!

Now go to the activities of your day, but carry my love with you in your heart so that you will be an ever-flowing fountain of love, happiness, joy, and kindness, fed from the water of life that flows from the throne of God! [Rev. 22:1, 2.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

There is rejoicing in heaven today because of the speed with which the gospel is going forward in the earth. Angels are belting the world, keeping the forces of evil at bay until every soul is warned of the coming destruction. Thus, the work that is assigned to each of you as my servants is vitally important as you do your part to reach the hearts of people with the truth. So many people, both outside and inside of the churches, have already come to a decision about their salvation. Hearts have been hardened through years of error, abuse, turmoil, and suffering. But I have preserved my 7,000 in Israel whose hearts are true to me and who love me and look to me every day for help and guidance. It is to these that you must go and tell them how to prepare for my soon coming.

The comparative peace and prosperity that you see now is but the lull before the storm. I am holding up the structure of society until the final warning has been given, and then I will let it go, and the forces of evil will take the field, and you will see the collapse of the nations in the final struggle of evil against good. There will be war and bloodshed such as the world has never seen. It is the time of trouble predicted in Jeremiah 30; but my people will be protected through the storm. Only those who have followed me faithfully through the time of preparation will be hidden under the shadow of my wings when I let the winds go. So the topic for today is "safety."

The people of earth, and my people as well, do not comprehend what supernatural efforts must be put forth to keep the world on course until the work of the gospel is finished. My angels are constantly on guard, protecting, guiding, instructing, pushing the forces of evil back until the work is accomplished. You cannot see this battle, because you must be tested on truth alone. But by faith you can know that you have angels that excel in strength protecting you every moment, or the evil one would have an advantage over you. Sometimes when you sin, the devil claims rights over you, but I protect the sanctity of every person's conscience as long as there is hope. But when I see that a final decision has been made against light, I must allow the devil to have his way. You can see that he does not destroy everyone who has chosen to follow him, because he would then destroy his own army. But he especially desires to kill those whom he fears might turn back to me and be saved.

It is not my purpose today to speak of the plans and purposes of the evil one to frighten or depress you, but only to draw aside the curtain and allow you to see a little bit of the struggle between light and darkness as we near the close of probation. But you need not dwell on these things, for your names are written in heaven, and my heavenly Father has placed His seal of protection upon you and counted you as worthy of a place in His kingdom. Thus, I am your protector and provider and you have only to follow my guidance each day and I will be your shield and rampart [Ps. 91:4, NIV] in the days ahead until I come.

Go now to the activities of your day, but do not allow a shred of doubt or fear to come into your heart as you see the signs of my coming around the world. I am allowing these things to arouse the people of earth to their peril if they slumber on until there is no more time to prepare. But you, my beloved ones, are as safe as were the disciples in the storm, for I am with you and will exercise my power for you to calm the storms of life when your faith and loyalty to me has been tested. So do not look at trial as your enemy, but see it as a part of the cleansing of dross in your character, and I promise that blessings are sure to come when you have passed the test. And remember that no matter what your experience is at the moment, just call to me for help, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

As the time grows closer to the end of all things, it is imperative that you hold firmly to the faith and do not be swayed by the coldness or apathy of others, for doubt is like a small seed implanted in the heart, but if it is allowed to sprout and grow, it becomes a mighty Oak of unrighteousness. You know the faith chapter in Hebrews 11, with the long list of heroes of faith. They had just as many reasons to doubt as you do, and yet they put their hope in me and my promises to them, and so persevered unto the end of their lives, still looking forward to the blessed hope.

So it must be with you. Though difficulties, infirmities, opposition, weariness, or delay be your portion from time to time, yet you can be assured that I have not left you, nor will I ever leave you to struggle alone with the powers of darkness. There is an eternal purpose in whatever I allow to come to you, and a glory beyond that you cannot perceive now. So it is by faith, then, that you must persevere, and your faith will have its reward. It is by faith that you perceive light through darkness, healing through pain, and victory through apparent setbacks; for truth must, and will, conquer where error has become accepted and believed, and love will win the battle where argumentation will fail to win the heart.

So the topic for today is "love." First, the things that love is not: love is not sentimentalism and display, with overtures that are calculated to dazzle the senses. If this would win love, I would have used my glory instead of my humility when I came to earth as a man. But my life on earth modeled the power of unselfish love, which is so much needed to bring healing for the sin-sick soul of every person. Satan has found and practiced ways of damaging every person who is born into the world so that he can gain a foothold into their thoughts and feelings, and then use them to damage others. There is very little happiness to be found in human families except those who live by the Word of God and are controlled by the Holy Spirit. The deterioration of the human race morally and emotionally has been very rapid since the media has taken so much control. But all the inventions that I have allowed to take place are necessary to effectively and rapidly bring the last warning message to the world.

I love every person on earth, for they are all my children. But only those who love me and reject Satan's lies and claims upon them will be saved. Sin must not and will not rise again; therefore only those who love my law and reflect my character will be accepted into heaven. The earth is languishing under the weight of sin and the degradation that it causes, and I will do a quick work to finish the final events of history and bring about everlasting righteousness. Be encouraged, my faithful ones, for I will not delay my coming. The harvest is ripe, and all that is needed now are the reapers who will bring in the golden grain. Go through every door that opens before you, and speak to every soul that I send across your pathway. Some will accept your message and some will not. But be assured that I will never leave you until the work is done and you are safe at home with me.

Go now to the labors of your day, but look for the evidences of my presence with you. Commune with me and I will commune with you in precious fellowship. You cannot worry me, and nothing is too small for me to notice. Angels from on high are assigned to you to guide your footsteps and protect you from the enemy. All of heaven is focused upon my remnant people who love and serve me with their whole heart. So take courage and trust me every moment of every day, and soon your mind will become trained to become sensitive to my slightest whisper. And let the Word of God dwell in you richly as you live altogether in the unity of the Spirit! [Col. 3:16; Ps.133:1.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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“Let not Your Heart be Troubled”

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased today with your devotion and obedience. As the Commander of the armies of heaven, I am looking for my followers on earth to be alert and in earnest about the work that must be accomplished before I let the winds of strife descend in full force upon the inhabitants of earth. [Rev. 7:1-4; Ed. 179, 180.] Every soul must be warned; every honest-hearted person must be garnered into the hiding place of my protection [Isa. 26:20, 21; Ps. 91] before it is too late to escape the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture [Rev. 14:10] upon those who have rejected His provisions of mercy through the sacrifice of His Son. The Father is long-suffering and merciful and gracious and loath to remove His protection. The death and destruction that will follow brings no pleasure to His heart; but His eye is on those who are his chosen ones who are suffering along with the wicked. Just as the first three plagues in Egypt were suffered in the camp of Israel, so my people are now suffering the result of living in a sinful world. But just as Israel was spared in the seven last plagues of Egypt, so I will spare my remnant people during the seven last plagues which are poured out upon the wicked. Only with your eyes will you behold the devastation that I will bring about in the earth to the despisers of my grace. This is not a retributive act, but a final demonstration of the results of sin, unmixed with mercy. Then the wicked will see how much I have been providing protection for them even while they were sinning with impunity before my face. It is in mercy that I have withheld the close of probationary time when my protection will be completely removed from the earth, with the exception of my own people who will be safe under the shadow of my wings. Howbeit, it will still be a time of trouble and anguish of soul, for no one has ever lived in this world when divine mercy has been withdrawn, and the effects upon the world and its inhabitants will cause a time of anguish for every person on the globe. But the needs of my people will be provided for, and their protection will be sure, for I will station holy angels around them to guide and care for them as I did with Noah and his family in the ark.

Therefore, I do not want you to look with fear and dread upon this time because fear accomplishes nothing but a drain upon your emotions which is not productive of anything positive. That is why I want you to fortify your minds now with Scriptures that are full of faith and power to calm your heart and keep your minds directed toward my promises to provide for your every need. Fear not, for I will not abandon you during that time. I am simply saying that it will be a time of distress for everyone, but you will be delivered out of it [Jer. 30:7], even while you are going through it. Though your hearts will be distressed, you will be encouraged by the provisions that I will bestow upon you at that time. So practice now, every day, the admonition found in John 14:1-4, 27, 29:

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. . . .

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. . . .

"And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, you might believe."

When you use appropriate Scriptures to meet your needs, the Holy Spirit uses my Father's name to seal your minds into truth and write it on your heart until it becomes the language of your soul. Then you, my people, will be one with me and with all who dwell in heaven, and thus you will be ready to join us as cleansed and accepted members of our family.

Now go to the activities of your day and rejoice that your names are written in heaven and you have escaped the imprint of the world upon your minds, but have received the seal of God and have my name and my Father's name written on your foreheads. [Rev. 3:12; 14; 1; 22:4.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I will give you the message for today. It is "duty." To some this may sound like a harsh word that calls to mind works instead of spirit. But you have been given two sides to your nature: spirit -- or thoughts and feelings -- and flesh, meaning the ability to accomplish whatever your mind and your spirit calls upon you to do. Your spirit is the driving force, and your body, or flesh, is the vehicle by which you carry out your plans. Before sin came into the world, these two were in harmony, for they were both empowered by my Spirit. But after sin, the thoughts and feelings could function in opposition to the bodily needs and requirements, and thus cause disharmony, disease, and eventually death. This is the result of coming out from under the control of the Holy Spirit and trying to function apart from God, your Maker, and His plans for you each moment of the day. Therefore, the purpose of the plan of salvation is to restore harmony to the daily moment-by-moment functioning of soul, body, and spirit.

In order to do this, each person must submit to the original plan for your creation, and learn to reside under the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit. At times this will necessitate the surrender of your own plans and ideas, and this is where duty comes into the equation. Because of the fallen nature, you cannot always fathom or understand the thoughts, plans and purposes of God's plan for you, and what may seem good to you may be in opposition to what He may see is best. But by faith you can go in the direction where God is leading the way, in spite of what you might think is reasonable or best from a human point of view. You cannot see the future, but you can follow the unction of the Holy Spirit, trusting in divine guidance and wisdom, and doing your duty in faith so that the outcome will be to the glory of God and for your best good. So trust in God and go forward as I lead the way, and you cannot fail to carry out the plan that I have outlined for each of you. Let your light shine! Set it on the top of a high mountain and let all who want to come to the light choose to hear what I have to say to the churches! Lovingly, Jesus.

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A Message of Encouragement

Dearest Ones,

I have a message of encouragement today for my valiant warriors who are following the path I have marked out for them and lagging not behind in the work I have called them to do. To you I say, Well done, good and faithful servants; enter into the joy of your Lord! [Matt. 25:21.] Perhaps now you are beginning to see the storm clouds gathering on the horizon, and from the written Word and the Spirit of Prophecy, you know that Satan will stir up the hosts of darkness to oppose your message of preparation for my coming. You will be surprised to see that many of your former brethren will be in opposition to your straight testimony of repentance and cleansing from sin. Most want to hold onto the comfort of believing that they can keep on as they presently are, and still be ready for my appearing. This is certainly not present truth, considering the imminence of my coming and the close of probation, which comes before it. This is what will take most of my people by surprise, for it will be unannounced and sudden, and not perceived by those who are settled on their lees [Zeph. 1:12] expecting many more years of prosperity. There is no way that I can arouse people to warn them if they are content to sleep on until it is too late.

But I do have a remnant who are looking to me for guidance, and to these I am bringing the truth about the nearness of the end, and the preparation necessary to be ready. The fact that I do have a remnant of faithful ones who are catching the first light of my coming and sharing it with others, enrages the devil and his host, for they fear and tremble when they consider the Day of Judgment. But I have looked forward to this time when the great controversy will be over, and sin and sinners will be no more. The time that I have allotted for this experiment is nearly over, because nothing more can be said that has not already been said. The only thing that remains now is the additional light of the second angel's message joined with the fourth angel of Revelation 18 and finally joined with the third angel of Revelation 14. These messages will be given as a result of the development of the beast and his image, i.e., the papacy, and the fall of the Protestant churches in combination with the change of the lamb-like beast of Revelation 13 as it comes into agreement with the principles of the dragon. This coalition is the result of leaders who listen to the impressions of the devil and act out their pride and desire for control, just as Lucifer did in the courts of heaven. But this coalition will be brought down by my coming, and the kingdoms will fall, never to rise again.

I am looking forward to that time when I can end the reign of sin and establish my kingdom of peace and righteousness for my people who have followed me faithfully throughout history. They come from the hovels and garret’s and caves of the earth to meet me with shouts of triumphant songs of joy, and join with the choirs of angels who lead the joyful celebration of victory over the beast and his image. So do not become discouraged as you see the troubles of the end descending upon you. Remember that these things have been prophesied throughout the Bible and must take place before I come and free you from the earth as you see it now.

Great will be your reward as you see the day of my coming approaching, for you will know that your redemption and deliverance is near at hand.

Go now to the activities of your day, but trust in me for protection and guidance, for I am holding you in the hollow of my hand and will provide for you everything that you need for eternal life and godliness. Learn to trust me on every level of your life, for my promises to you are sure, and my love is eternal and unending. Keep your heart with all diligence and listen not to the counsel the evil one. May your day be bright with my presence, and listen to my still small voice, for it is the assurance of your connection with me. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

The Sabbath is a delight to all of heaven because we can visit with our people around the world and bring beams of glory to earth to share with all who are looking to us to receive a blessing. On other days, everyone is busy with necessary tasks, and only the morning and evening worships are dedicated solely to communicate with me. But on Sabbath all my people are open to me and seeking for a refreshing and infilling of my Spirit. That is, those who are my true followers. There are many who come only for fellowship with each other and for a day of relaxation to do something interesting and different from their weekday activities. These are not true Sabbath keepers, and would be satisfied to worship on any day of the week. But my true followers rejoice to seek me on the day that I have set aside to remember the birth of the world and to commune with my people and share our love together. So come into my presence today with rejoicing and praise and receive the bounties of my love that I have in store for you.

Now the message for today is "restoration." When I created mankind in the beginning, I created them with a holy glow of light about them for beauty and for a covering. It indicated a holiness that was a reflection of the glory around my throne. It was the signature of their holiness of character, and oneness of spirit with my law and my character. Satan could have no access to them as long as they continued in the pathway of obedience and agreement with me. But when they sinned, their holy character was defiled and their thoughts and feelings darkened, and the devil could place his thoughts and feelings in their hearts and minds to bring them into harmony with him.

But now I want to restore fully to the original state of perfection all who come to me for healing and for the infilling of my Holy Spirit so that the glory of God can be seen once again in the faces and demeanor of my people. This holiness can be seen by others in the form of an atmosphere of grace which will bless them and bring them light and love from the courts of heaven. But there will be others who are possessed by darkness and influenced or controlled by Satan, who will resist and be repelled by the light that is within you, and they will be among those who hate the light and will persecute you for it and see you as an enemy and dangerous to their flocks.

So it has always been. Those who are following Satan will have his spirit and animosity against anything or anyone who has truth and light for the last days, and will try to stop you from sharing the good news of my soon coming. But fear them not nor listen to their arguments and accusations, but keep steadily on your course with your eyes upon me, for I will see you safely through whatever lies ahead, for I already have a plan for your life every day until I come. Keep your eyes on the light that I send you, and keep in step with me, and your accusers will have no power over you, for I am your shield and protection, and you are safe in my arms.

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your connection with me secure, and you cannot fail to receive the blessings that I have in store for you. Let this be a day of rejoicing and victory over the darkness in the world, but light in every company of the saints, for where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of you! [Matt. 18:19, 20.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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The True Message of Righteousness by Faith

Dearest Ones,

I am thinking of you today and sending my Spirit to you to guide and strengthen you for any attacks of the evil one to discourage and dishearten you. Always remember that those who are at the forefront of the battle receive the heaviest onslaughts of the enemy. On the other hand, those are chosen to be on the front lines are those who are the most valiant, skillful, and trusted warriors for the cause of the King. And so it is with you. You are in the final battle against the enemy of the King of heaven and earth. He is looking with favor upon you as you follow His instructions and fight for the cause of truth and righteousness. Continue to hold high the standard that was given to your forefathers, which will grow brighter and clearer as the time of my coming draws near.

Before I close probation, everyone must hear the true message of righteousness by faith so they can choose between light and darkness, truth and error. There are many who are running with messages that they think contain the truth for this time, but the only ones I will put my stamp of approval upon are those who understand and preach the 1844 message of the cleansing of the Sanctuary, combined with the finishing of the gospel, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. [Col. 1:27.] This was the message that I gave to A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner, with the support of Ellen White for their timely messages. Through their messages I gave that generation an opportunity to finish the work and be translated at my coming.

But the opposing forces were strong, and they failed to receive the further light which I would have given them to support their cause. They wandered in other pastures and lost the light that would have guided them to the finishing of the work of the gospel in their day. Nevertheless, they preached the message that I gave them with clarity and power, and I am now commissioning all who would see and accept their message to begin where they left off and preach with clarity the experience that is necessary to cooperate with my cleansing work in the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary in preparation for my second coming.

This work will not be understood by scholarship alone, for it must be combined with the individual experience of cleansing which enlightens the mind and supports and makes clear the need for the cleansing and blotting out of sin for the final generation. Those who do not cooperate with this cleansing will not be able to sing the song of Moses and the Lamb with the 144,000, for it is a song of their experience, just as surely as the song that was sung by Moses at the deliverance of the people of Israel at the Red Sea [Ex. 15:1-19]. So it will be for my people at the end of time who will be cleansed and ready for my appearing. They will sing the song which no one else can sing, for it is a song of their deliverance from the power and presence of sin in their lives, and victory over the devil and his temptations through my closing ministry in the second apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary.

"Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written in their foreheads. . . . And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth." Rev. 14:1, 3. NIV

"And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways thou King of saints." Rev. 15:3. KJV

[See also GC 648, 649.]

So do not grieve, my beloved ones, when men oppose your message of the necessity of cleansing from all sin in the life before I come. Some will be laid away to preserve their reward for the work they have accomplished for me [Isa. 57:1, 2]; others will be among the foolish virgins who neglected to stay connected to my advancing light which is necessary to be prepared for the suddenness of my coming. [Dan. 12:9, 10.] Either way, do not be discouraged or deterred from preaching the truth that I have given you for the finishing of the harvest, for you will surely reap your reward, both now and in my eternal Kingdom.

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your faith and connection with me strong, and always remember that I am right by your side, protecting you from any and all attacks or plans of the evil one, and strengthening you for the battle that is yet ahead. Call upon me anytime day or night, for I am your unfailing support, and I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Total Abstinence

Dearest Ones,

Today is a new day to allow the sunshine of my love and grace to shine into your hearts, to prepare you for the challenges that each day brings. My love for you is like the sun when it comes up in the morning and shines its beams upon the earth with all its brilliance and glory. It warms the earth and sustains it; it brings life to the plants and animals, and joy and productivity to mankind. So it is with my love and care for you each day. You may feel the dark clouds of fear and anxiety or sadness because of something that has happened in your life. But look up! For above the clouds the sun is shining, and if you look up to me, I will dispel the clouds and bring the radiance of my strength and healing to you today!

Now for the subject of today. It is "total abstinence." You may think this to be a strange subject. But as I look out upon the world today, I see a world full of addicted people. Without me the heart of man is full of unrest, and the soul is empty of peace. This began as soon as Adam and Eve sinned. What many people do not realize is that because I made man in the image of God, there can be no true peace without a living and vital connection with me, the source of life, joy, wisdom, and happiness. Mankind seeks constantly every day for something to fill the void in their lives, such as relationships, entertainment, work, food, acquirements, or whatever satisfies the soul's needs temporarily. But nothing truly satisfies the deep needs of the heart except a love/trust relationship with me, your Creator. Therefore, this is the foundation for addictions. They promise to deliver love, peace, happiness and satisfaction; but in fact, they make people into slaves of the lusts and passions of the body, soul, and spirit.

Are there some things in your life that could come under the category of an addiction? Do you feel empty and unhappy unless you have people around you? Do you crave certain foods that are eaten for taste only, or for an emotional lift? Do you use the media to combat loneliness or depression? Do you get angry, fearful, nervous, depressed or sad when troubles and trials assail you? These and other common feelings act as a barometer to tell you that there is some area of your life that needs to be cleansed and healed and filled by the Holy Spirit, and then kept clean by continual communion with me.

I walked the pathway of earthly life for you, and I know the needs of the human soul. Every felt need that you have is based upon something that I placed in you to draw you to me to find real happiness and satisfaction. But the great usurper has many ways of short-circuiting or circumventing your pure desires for a loving, trusting relationship with me, and replacing it with substitutes from his arsenal of lies which he has practiced over the centuries to capture the hearts and minds of people and fasten them in deception. Almost the whole world has now been taken captive by him. But I have a precious remnant who are refusing to be in disagreement with a law that never errs, and a love that never ends or ceases to satisfy the deepest needs of mankind.

This is where the goal of total abstinence comes in. If you love and crave the things of the world and try to be a child of mine at the same time, can you see how this confuses the mind and the emotions and keeps the love for your addictions alive? Just as in any other addictions, you must completely abstain from them to gain the victory and be free from the cravings they cause. I will not be taking anyone to heaven who retains addictions from earth, for they would be unhappy there without the things they crave. This is why the one test in the Garden of Eden was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because the combination of these two opposites is the root of all addictions. It is the mixture of good and evil that opens the door of the mind to the access of the evil one, and once he gains an access to your mind or emotions, he works to have full control of you, body, mind, and soul.

Can you see this by the history of the 6000 years of sin? Everyone who is saved will have overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil, and the lusts of the flesh by which the devil has gained access. It is so clear, and yet many of my people who claim to be my followers want to be excused for their addictions now, and hope that the pleasures of heaven will erase the need or desire for their addictions. If that were true, Satan and a third of the angels would not have fallen, for they had everything, and yet they were still unsatisfied and wanted more to fill their lust for power.

So you see, only the pure, the humble, the patient, the self-sacrificing hearts who love me supremely and their neighbor as themselves will be happy in heaven, for that is the essence of unselfish love. So anyone who is addicted to the world and its pleasures and desires of the flesh would be in supreme agony among the happy inhabitants of my heavenly kingdom. That is why total abstinence from the lusts for what this world has to offer its citizens is the preparation that is needed to be happy in heaven.

"And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are those that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. And the Spirit and the bride say, come. And let him that heareth say, come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Rev. 22:12-17. Lovingly, Jesus.

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“Go Forward”

Dearest Ones,

Today is a special day of rejoicing in the courts of heaven, because my people are responding to my call to prepare for my coming, and are moving forward with the light that I am sending through my angels and Holy Spirit, and my chosen vessels on earth who have received a commission from me to spread my word and my present truth for this time.

The topic for today is, "go forward." All throughout history, I have had chosen ones to whom I could speak and give my messages for the hour in which they lived. The numbers were comparatively few, but they loved me and saw the light and shared it with those around them. These faithful ones were as lights amidst the darkness of error and superstition. I planted within the heart of man the need to worship a higher being and to honor and trust the true God, the Creator of the universe. But when man fell, this need to worship was transferred to anyone or anything that satisfied the need to worship a higher being in return for protection and personal favors. Of course Satan took advantage of this need to worship, and so you can see the development of heathen worship, or paganism, in its various forms around the world. Eventually when Christianity amalgamated with heathenism, Satan's crowning counterfeit, the papacy, was the result. This institution of the devil is the vehicle through which he will attempt to rule the whole world at the end of time. Already the secret power of lawlessness [2 Thess. 2:7, NIV], as Paul called it, is at work to bring about the fall of America and the loss of freedom of worship. The dragon and the lamb-like beast [Rev. 10] will be joined and go forward with Satan at the head, and persecute my people who keep my commandments and honor my Sabbath. This will signal heaven that the final battle between good and evil and between Satan's forces and my forces has begun and will soon end in victory for the armies of heaven, just as it did in heaven when he attempted to take my throne. This battle is soon to take place, for the powers of evil are ripening for the harvest of the earth. That is why I need to be in constant communication with my faithful followers on earth, because without me you will be overcome and perish with the wicked in the battle of Armageddon, which is the final battle between good and evil forces.

In the meantime, I will continue flashing the light of truth around the world to warn and prepare every honest soul who is looking to me to lead, guide, and protect them through the time of trouble. Some who claim to be my people are looking to external preparations to go through the time of the end. They are trusting in safe locations, stockpiling provisions, and rigid perfectionism of clothing, food, and outward behavior. All such preparations are of the flesh and not the Spirit. I will guide you to safe havens when the time comes for such things, and I will provide you with ample food for your sustenance. You are not to focus upon these things at this time, for whatever men do to protect themselves without my guidance and supernatural protection will be swept away like matchsticks in a raging storm. But those who trust in me will be guided and protected as a hen protects her chicks under the shelter of her wings.

Now as we are entering the final phase of this world's history, look to me for the light of truth that is to be proclaimed to the inhabitants of earth as rapidly as possible. This is the light of the second and fourth angels' messages as they combine with the truth in the first angel’s message. These will swell into the loud cry when the third angel’s message becomes present truth during the Sunday law movement which is yet ahead. Therefore, the command to go forward is emphasizing the rapid movements that will now take place as the four angels are loosening their hold upon the winds of strife. Don't let a day go by when you are out of harmony with my will for your life that day. Step quickly and keep alert for my guidance. Do not look back as did Lot's wife, and do not be afraid or loath to leave behind earthly treasures. Many a life has been lost by holding on to worldly possessions. But the eternal goal is before you - hold on to its treasures as gold and silver and precious stones, for with these resources from my word you will be alive when I come to rescue my faithful ones who have followed me until the battle is won. Lovingly Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

The days hasten on until my coming, and I want you to know that I am visiting my people around the world, preparing hearts to be awake and listening for my voice, calling them to repent and be cleansed from all sin and disagreement with me on any level, for without holiness no one will see the Lord. [Heb.12:14.] Therefore, my topic for today is, "agreement."

I hear the false shepherds who are calming the fears of their congregations by telling them that as long as they have accepted me as their Savior and substitute, they are safe to continue in their present condition and be assured of their salvation. Woe to these false shepherds [Jer. 50:6; Isa. 5:20], for the blood of my lost sheep who listen to them and believe what they say, will be upon their own hands. At this time I am sending my Holy Spirit and my angels to people everywhere to warn them of coming destruction. In their uneasiness they go to their pastors and spiritual leaders and find comfort and solace and permission to quiet their consciences of my warnings. The strongest and most sincere are not satisfied with these palliative answers and continue to seek until they find me. But the weak and wavering are easily led astray because it is really what they want to hear, and second-witnesses the desires of their own hearts to be free from a troubled conscience and still be saved.

I, too, want my people to be free from a troubled conscience, and I have provided for this by forgiveness and remission of sin. [Acts 2:38.] But now at the close of my intercessory work in the heavenly Sanctuary, I am calling upon all my people to enter into the work symbolized by the day of atonement ceremony in the earthly sanctuary [Lev. 16:29, 30, 34; 23:29.] to be cleansed from all sin and disagreement with me and come into harmony with me on every point. [2 Cor. 6:14-7:1.] It is the nature of fallen man to want to combine good and evil and still be saved. This is why heathens bring offerings to their gods to appease the wrath they feel inside their hearts when they are separated from me and have only the voices of demons in the darkness of their deluded minds. The wrath and fear they feel is not from me but is a natural consequence of being separated from my Spirit which brings love, peace and emotional security; thus they become empty vessels for the demonic spirits to inhabit and control them at their will. At this time most of the world is in this condition, and the numbers are few who look to me and are fully cleansed and sealed for my kingdom. But I know everyone by name who has given their hearts to me and who resist the darkness around them, and I send my Spirit and my angels to minister to them and protect them and send them further light to guide them forward into a deepening relationship with me. You, my beloved children, are among that number, and I am pleased and rewarded by your unfailing devotion to me and to truth.

When people accept a combination of truth and error, it is because they want a religion that matches their experience. But my people who love and serve me want unvarnished truth, and they strive to keep a constant connection with me no matter what the cost or sacrifice. These are receiving my blessings daily, and are preparing to be ready for my coming. They are beacons of light, peace, joy, and happiness to all around them, and they are conduits of my love. I can share anything with them and they readily accept the light that is shining upon them and share it with others who are hungry for a deeper relationship with me.

This is reminiscent of the power and experience of the early rain, but greater in the amount of light that is needed to prepare a people for the close of probation and my subsequent appearing. My early disciples came into harmony and agreement with me on all they knew. But my intercessory work in the heavenly Sanctuary was just beginning, and there was much more to reveal and experience. But now my intercessory work is closing forever, and all the light is now shining from the second apartment which is needed to bring a people to perfection of character, which is perfect agreement with me on every issue of life. This is completely attainable if you have a close unbroken walk with me, but totally impossible if you try to reach this condition in your own efforts apart from me. When you are separated from me you don't even know what righteousness is. Attempting to become perfected by a focus on works is like taking a trip without a road map. My righteous life is the road map, and my Spirit is the revealer of how to understand and appropriate my life into yours. This brings you into harmony with me on every point in your life, and then applies my righteousness to you. Can you do this by your own efforts? Never, never! This is why so many are giving up and accepting the lower road doctrine of retaining their sins until I come and hoping that I will do for them then what can only be done during my mediation in the heavenly Sanctuary, especially during the cleansing and blotting out time which is happening right now [Acts 3:19-21; 7 BC 1178] for those who are yielding their lives to me and coming into agreement with me on every point.

How can I blot out your sins while you are still sinning? This would mean that because of my sacrifice on Calvary, I can now accept the works of the devil in you and nullify my command to Adam and Eve which forbade them to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or they would die. It is true that I have given the human race 6000 years of grace to accept the plan of salvation which I provided, but that is now coming to an end, and I am about to make the pronouncement:

"He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22:11, 12.

There is no grace to cover any sins after that pronouncement. That is why I am personally intervening to try to reach everyone in every way possible, including by these messages. I don't want anyone to be lost who could have been saved if they had heard and accepted the pure truth for these last hours while mercy still lingers.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your heart open to me and I will guide you safely through the challenges and temptations that Satan will try to bring to you. I will stand between him and you as long as you look to me and trust in me and obey me. But in order for you to do this, you must be in agreement with me, for I will never force you to see things my way. Follow the unctions of the Spirit and the engrafted Word, which will keep your minds and hearts open to my voice. Then simply trust and obey and walk in the light of my presence and my guidance and protection and provision for your every need. Does that sound too hard for you? Just remember what I have told you, that my way is easy and my burden is light [Matt. 11:30], for I carry the heaviest part of the load. [5 BC 1090.] If you will give all your burdens to me and listen to my voice and come into agreement with me on each point, this gives me permission to guide and protect you and provide for you. But the way of the transgressor is hard [Pr. 13:15] because by indulging in sin, they become playthings of the devil. So choose you this day whom ye will serve [Josh. 24:15], and if you choose to walk in companionship with me you will receive the reward of all the righteous men and women who have gone before you. I love you so much, and I am looking forward to walking together with you today and every day until I come! Lovingly, Jesus.

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